diff --git a/helpers/DATA/sugar-toolkit-gtk3/git-20201017.patch b/helpers/DATA/sugar-toolkit-gtk3/git-20201017.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..8ecfad1e9d5e481ce53dbb939f45325e4a6809d5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/helpers/DATA/sugar-toolkit-gtk3/git-20201017.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,5017 @@
+diff --git b/.flake8 a/.flake8
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..0146a5f
+--- /dev/null
++++ a/.flake8
+@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
++# E402 module level import not at top of file
++# gi.require_version() is required before later imports
++ignore = E402
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..d9dcae7
+--- /dev/null
+@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
++Daniel Drake dsd@laptop.org
++Simon Schampijer simon@laptop.org
+diff --git b/README.md a/README.md
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..c074e93
+--- /dev/null
++++ a/README.md
+@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
++Sugar Toolkit
++Sugar Toolkit provides services and a set of GTK+ widgets to build
++activities and other Sugar components on Linux based computers.
++This is the GTK+ 3 binding of the Sugar Toolkit.
++Installing on Debian or Ubuntu
++Automatically done when you install [Sugar
++To install Sugar Toolkit alone without Sugar desktop,
++sudo apt install python-sugar3
++Installing on Fedora
++Automatically done when you install [Sugar
++To install Sugar Toolkit alone without Sugar desktop,
++sudo dnf install sugar-toolkit-gtk3
++Sugar Toolkit follows the [GNU Coding
++Install all dependencies, especially sugar-artwork and
++Clone the repository, run `autogen.sh`, then `make` and `make
+diff --git b/autogen.sh a/autogen.sh
+new file mode 100755
+index 0000000..dac7bf4
+--- /dev/null
++++ a/autogen.sh
+@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
++test -n "${srcdir}" || srcdir=`dirname "$0"`
++test -n "${srcdir}" || srcdir="$(pwd)"
++cd "$srcdir"
++mkdir -p m4
++autoreconf -i
++cd "$olddir"
++"$srcdir/configure" --enable-maintainer-mode "$@"
+diff --git b/bin/sugar-activity-web a/bin/sugar-activity-web
+index 8fd7a59..d1db3fd 100644
+--- b/bin/sugar-activity-web
++++ a/bin/sugar-activity-web
+@@ -17,8 +17,4 @@
+ # Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
+ # Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+-if [ "$SUGAR_USE_WEBKIT1" = "yes" ]; then
+-    exec sugar-activity3 sugar3.activity.webkit1.WebActivity $@
+-    exec sugar-activity3 sugar3.activity.webactivity.WebActivity $@
++exec sugar-activity3 sugar3.activity.webactivity.WebActivity $@
+diff --git b/doc/Makefile a/doc/Makefile
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..60e9ad5
+--- /dev/null
++++ a/doc/Makefile
+@@ -0,0 +1,193 @@
++# Makefile for Sphinx documentation
++# You can set these variables from the command line.
++SPHINXBUILD   = sphinx-build
++PAPER         =
++BUILDDIR      = _build
++# User-friendly check for sphinx-build
++ifeq ($(shell which $(SPHINXBUILD) >/dev/null 2>&1; echo $$?), 1)
++$(error The '$(SPHINXBUILD)' command was not found. Make sure you have Sphinx installed, then set the SPHINXBUILD environment variable to point to the full path of the '$(SPHINXBUILD)' executable. Alternatively you can add the directory with the executable to your PATH. If you don't have Sphinx installed, grab it from http://sphinx-doc.org/)
++# Internal variables.
++PAPEROPT_a4     = -D latex_paper_size=a4
++PAPEROPT_letter = -D latex_paper_size=letter
++# the i18n builder cannot share the environment and doctrees with the others
++.PHONY: help clean html dirhtml singlehtml pickle json htmlhelp qthelp devhelp epub latex latexpdf text man changes linkcheck doctest coverage gettext
++	@echo "Please use \`make <target>' where <target> is one of"
++	@echo "  html       to make standalone HTML files"
++	@echo "  dirhtml    to make HTML files named index.html in directories"
++	@echo "  singlehtml to make a single large HTML file"
++	@echo "  pickle     to make pickle files"
++	@echo "  json       to make JSON files"
++	@echo "  htmlhelp   to make HTML files and a HTML help project"
++	@echo "  qthelp     to make HTML files and a qthelp project"
++	@echo "  applehelp  to make an Apple Help Book"
++	@echo "  devhelp    to make HTML files and a Devhelp project"
++	@echo "  epub       to make an epub"
++	@echo "  latex      to make LaTeX files, you can set PAPER=a4 or PAPER=letter"
++	@echo "  latexpdf   to make LaTeX files and run them through pdflatex"
++	@echo "  latexpdfja to make LaTeX files and run them through platex/dvipdfmx"
++	@echo "  text       to make text files"
++	@echo "  man        to make manual pages"
++	@echo "  texinfo    to make Texinfo files"
++	@echo "  info       to make Texinfo files and run them through makeinfo"
++	@echo "  gettext    to make PO message catalogs"
++	@echo "  changes    to make an overview of all changed/added/deprecated items"
++	@echo "  xml        to make Docutils-native XML files"
++	@echo "  pseudoxml  to make pseudoxml-XML files for display purposes"
++	@echo "  linkcheck  to check all external links for integrity"
++	@echo "  doctest    to run all doctests embedded in the documentation (if enabled)"
++	@echo "  coverage   to run coverage check of the documentation (if enabled)"
++	rm -rf $(BUILDDIR)/*
++	@echo
++	@echo "Build finished. The HTML pages are in $(BUILDDIR)/html."
++	$(SPHINXBUILD) -b dirhtml $(ALLSPHINXOPTS) $(BUILDDIR)/dirhtml
++	@echo
++	@echo "Build finished. The HTML pages are in $(BUILDDIR)/dirhtml."
++	$(SPHINXBUILD) -b singlehtml $(ALLSPHINXOPTS) $(BUILDDIR)/singlehtml
++	@echo
++	@echo "Build finished. The HTML page is in $(BUILDDIR)/singlehtml."
++	@echo
++	@echo "Build finished; now you can process the pickle files."
++	@echo
++	@echo "Build finished; now you can process the JSON files."
++	$(SPHINXBUILD) -b htmlhelp $(ALLSPHINXOPTS) $(BUILDDIR)/htmlhelp
++	@echo
++	@echo "Build finished; now you can run HTML Help Workshop with the" \
++	      ".hhp project file in $(BUILDDIR)/htmlhelp."
++	@echo
++	@echo "Build finished; now you can run "qcollectiongenerator" with the" \
++	      ".qhcp project file in $(BUILDDIR)/qthelp, like this:"
++	@echo "# qcollectiongenerator $(BUILDDIR)/qthelp/SugarToolkitGTK3.qhcp"
++	@echo "To view the help file:"
++	@echo "# assistant -collectionFile $(BUILDDIR)/qthelp/SugarToolkitGTK3.qhc"
++	$(SPHINXBUILD) -b applehelp $(ALLSPHINXOPTS) $(BUILDDIR)/applehelp
++	@echo
++	@echo "Build finished. The help book is in $(BUILDDIR)/applehelp."
++	@echo "N.B. You won't be able to view it unless you put it in" \
++	      "~/Library/Documentation/Help or install it in your application" \
++	      "bundle."
++	$(SPHINXBUILD) -b devhelp $(ALLSPHINXOPTS) $(BUILDDIR)/devhelp
++	@echo
++	@echo "Build finished."
++	@echo "To view the help file:"
++	@echo "# mkdir -p $$HOME/.local/share/devhelp/SugarToolkitGTK3"
++	@echo "# ln -s $(BUILDDIR)/devhelp $$HOME/.local/share/devhelp/SugarToolkitGTK3"
++	@echo "# devhelp"
++	@echo
++	@echo "Build finished. The epub file is in $(BUILDDIR)/epub."
++	@echo
++	@echo "Build finished; the LaTeX files are in $(BUILDDIR)/latex."
++	@echo "Run \`make' in that directory to run these through (pdf)latex" \
++	      "(use \`make latexpdf' here to do that automatically)."
++	@echo "Running LaTeX files through pdflatex..."
++	$(MAKE) -C $(BUILDDIR)/latex all-pdf
++	@echo "pdflatex finished; the PDF files are in $(BUILDDIR)/latex."
++	@echo "Running LaTeX files through platex and dvipdfmx..."
++	$(MAKE) -C $(BUILDDIR)/latex all-pdf-ja
++	@echo "pdflatex finished; the PDF files are in $(BUILDDIR)/latex."
++	@echo
++	@echo "Build finished. The text files are in $(BUILDDIR)/text."
++	@echo
++	@echo "Build finished. The manual pages are in $(BUILDDIR)/man."
++	$(SPHINXBUILD) -b texinfo $(ALLSPHINXOPTS) $(BUILDDIR)/texinfo
++	@echo
++	@echo "Build finished. The Texinfo files are in $(BUILDDIR)/texinfo."
++	@echo "Run \`make' in that directory to run these through makeinfo" \
++	      "(use \`make info' here to do that automatically)."
++	$(SPHINXBUILD) -b texinfo $(ALLSPHINXOPTS) $(BUILDDIR)/texinfo
++	@echo "Running Texinfo files through makeinfo..."
++	make -C $(BUILDDIR)/texinfo info
++	@echo "makeinfo finished; the Info files are in $(BUILDDIR)/texinfo."
++	$(SPHINXBUILD) -b gettext $(I18NSPHINXOPTS) $(BUILDDIR)/locale
++	@echo
++	@echo "Build finished. The message catalogs are in $(BUILDDIR)/locale."
++	$(SPHINXBUILD) -b changes $(ALLSPHINXOPTS) $(BUILDDIR)/changes
++	@echo
++	@echo "The overview file is in $(BUILDDIR)/changes."
++	$(SPHINXBUILD) -b linkcheck $(ALLSPHINXOPTS) $(BUILDDIR)/linkcheck
++	@echo
++	@echo "Link check complete; look for any errors in the above output " \
++	      "or in $(BUILDDIR)/linkcheck/output.txt."
++	$(SPHINXBUILD) -b doctest $(ALLSPHINXOPTS) $(BUILDDIR)/doctest
++	@echo "Testing of doctests in the sources finished, look at the " \
++	      "results in $(BUILDDIR)/doctest/output.txt."
++	$(SPHINXBUILD) -b coverage $(ALLSPHINXOPTS) $(BUILDDIR)/coverage
++	@echo "Testing of coverage in the sources finished, look at the " \
++	      "results in $(BUILDDIR)/coverage/python.txt."
++	@echo
++	@echo "Build finished. The XML files are in $(BUILDDIR)/xml."
++	$(SPHINXBUILD) -b pseudoxml $(ALLSPHINXOPTS) $(BUILDDIR)/pseudoxml
++	@echo
++	@echo "Build finished. The pseudo-XML files are in $(BUILDDIR)/pseudoxml."
+diff --git b/doc/conf.py a/doc/conf.py
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..26a811e
+--- /dev/null
++++ a/doc/conf.py
+@@ -0,0 +1,305 @@
++# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
++# Sugar Toolkit GTK3 documentation build configuration file, created by
++# sphinx-quickstart on Sat Aug  1 21:36:44 2015.
++# This file is execfile()d with the current directory set to its
++# containing dir.
++# Note that not all possible configuration values are present in this
++# autogenerated file.
++# All configuration values have a default; values that are commented out
++# serve to show the default.
++import sys
++import os
++from sphinx import version_info
++major, minor, patch, label, label_number = version_info
++# If extensions (or modules to document with autodoc) are in another directory,
++# add these directories to sys.path here. If the directory is relative to the
++# documentation root, use os.path.abspath to make it absolute, like shown here.
++sys.path.insert(0, os.path.abspath('../src'))
++# -- General configuration ------------------------------------------------
++# If your documentation needs a minimal Sphinx version, state it here.
++#needs_sphinx = '1.0'
++# Add any Sphinx extension module names here, as strings. They can be
++# extensions coming with Sphinx (named 'sphinx.ext.*') or your custom
++# ones.
++extensions = [
++    'sphinx.ext.autodoc',
++    'sphinx.ext.intersphinx'
++if major >= 1 and minor >= 3:
++    # Included in Sphinx 1.3
++    extensions.append('sphinx.ext.napoleon')
++    extensions.append('sphinxcontrib.napoleon')
++intersphinx_mapping = {
++    'glib': ('http://lazka.github.io/pgi-docs/GLib-2.0', None),
++    'gobject': ('http://lazka.github.io/pgi-docs/GObject-2.0', None),
++    'gio': ('http://lazka.github.io/pgi-docs/Gio-2.0', None),
++    'gtk': ('http://lazka.github.io/pgi-docs/Gtk-3.0', None)
++primary_domain = "py"
++# Add any paths that contain templates here, relative to this directory.
++templates_path = ['_templates']
++# The suffix(es) of source filenames.
++# You can specify multiple suffix as a list of string:
++# source_suffix = ['.rst', '.md']
++source_suffix = '.rst'
++# The encoding of source files.
++#source_encoding = 'utf-8-sig'
++# The master toctree document.
++master_doc = 'index'
++# General information about the project.
++project = u'Sugar Toolkit GTK3'
++copyright = u'2017, Sugar Labs'
++author = u'Sugar Labs'
++# The version info for the project you're documenting, acts as replacement for
++# |version| and |release|, also used in various other places throughout the
++# built documents.
++# The short X.Y version.
++version = '0.117'
++# The full version, including alpha/beta/rc tags.
++release = '0.117'
++# The language for content autogenerated by Sphinx. Refer to documentation
++# for a list of supported languages.
++# This is also used if you do content translation via gettext catalogs.
++# Usually you set "language" from the command line for these cases.
++language = None
++# There are two options for replacing |today|: either, you set today to some
++# non-false value, then it is used:
++#today = ''
++# Else, today_fmt is used as the format for a strftime call.
++#today_fmt = '%B %d, %Y'
++# List of patterns, relative to source directory, that match files and
++# directories to ignore when looking for source files.
++exclude_patterns = ['_build']
++# The reST default role (used for this markup: `text`) to use for all
++# documents.
++#default_role = None
++# If true, '()' will be appended to :func: etc. cross-reference text.
++#add_function_parentheses = True
++# If true, the current module name will be prepended to all description
++# unit titles (such as .. function::).
++#add_module_names = True
++# If true, sectionauthor and moduleauthor directives will be shown in the
++# output. They are ignored by default.
++#show_authors = False
++# The name of the Pygments (syntax highlighting) style to use.
++pygments_style = 'sphinx'
++# A list of ignored prefixes for module index sorting.
++#modindex_common_prefix = []
++# If true, keep warnings as "system message" paragraphs in the built documents.
++#keep_warnings = False
++# If true, `todo` and `todoList` produce output, else they produce nothing.
++todo_include_todos = False
++# -- Options for HTML output ----------------------------------------------
++# The theme to use for HTML and HTML Help pages.  See the documentation for
++# a list of builtin themes.
++if major >= 1 and minor >= 3:
++    # Added in Sphinx 1.3
++    html_theme = 'alabaster'
++# Theme options are theme-specific and customize the look and feel of a theme
++# further.  For a list of options available for each theme, see the
++# documentation.
++#html_theme_options = {}
++# Add any paths that contain custom themes here, relative to this directory.
++#html_theme_path = []
++# The name for this set of Sphinx documents.  If None, it defaults to
++# "<project> v<release> documentation".
++#html_title = None
++# A shorter title for the navigation bar.  Default is the same as html_title.
++#html_short_title = None
++# The name of an image file (relative to this directory) to place at the top
++# of the sidebar.
++#html_logo = None
++# The name of an image file (within the static path) to use as favicon of the
++# docs.  This file should be a Windows icon file (.ico) being 16x16 or 32x32
++# pixels large.
++#html_favicon = None
++# Add any paths that contain custom static files (such as style sheets) here,
++# relative to this directory. They are copied after the builtin static files,
++# so a file named "default.css" will overwrite the builtin "default.css".
++html_static_path = ['_static']
++# Add any extra paths that contain custom files (such as robots.txt or
++# .htaccess) here, relative to this directory. These files are copied
++# directly to the root of the documentation.
++#html_extra_path = []
++# If not '', a 'Last updated on:' timestamp is inserted at every page bottom,
++# using the given strftime format.
++#html_last_updated_fmt = '%b %d, %Y'
++# If true, SmartyPants will be used to convert quotes and dashes to
++# typographically correct entities.
++#html_use_smartypants = True
++# Custom sidebar templates, maps document names to template names.
++#html_sidebars = {}
++# Additional templates that should be rendered to pages, maps page names to
++# template names.
++#html_additional_pages = {}
++# If false, no module index is generated.
++#html_domain_indices = True
++# If false, no index is generated.
++#html_use_index = True
++# If true, the index is split into individual pages for each letter.
++#html_split_index = False
++# If true, links to the reST sources are added to the pages.
++#html_show_sourcelink = True
++# If true, "Created using Sphinx" is shown in the HTML footer. Default is True.
++#html_show_sphinx = True
++# If true, "(C) Copyright ..." is shown in the HTML footer. Default is True.
++#html_show_copyright = True
++# If true, an OpenSearch description file will be output, and all pages will
++# contain a <link> tag referring to it.  The value of this option must be the
++# base URL from which the finished HTML is served.
++#html_use_opensearch = ''
++# This is the file name suffix for HTML files (e.g. ".xhtml").
++#html_file_suffix = None
++# Language to be used for generating the HTML full-text search index.
++# Sphinx supports the following languages:
++#   'da', 'de', 'en', 'es', 'fi', 'fr', 'hu', 'it', 'ja'
++#   'nl', 'no', 'pt', 'ro', 'ru', 'sv', 'tr'
++#html_search_language = 'en'
++# A dictionary with options for the search language support, empty by default.
++# Now only 'ja' uses this config value
++#html_search_options = {'type': 'default'}
++# The name of a javascript file (relative to the configuration directory) that
++# implements a search results scorer. If empty, the default will be used.
++#html_search_scorer = 'scorer.js'
++# Output file base name for HTML help builder.
++htmlhelp_basename = 'SugarToolkitGTK3doc'
++# -- Options for LaTeX output ---------------------------------------------
++latex_elements = {
++    # The paper size ('letterpaper' or 'a4paper').
++    #'papersize': 'letterpaper',
++    # The font size ('10pt', '11pt' or '12pt').
++    #'pointsize': '10pt',
++    # Additional stuff for the LaTeX preamble.
++    #'preamble': '',
++    # Latex figure (float) alignment
++    #'figure_align': 'htbp',
++# Grouping the document tree into LaTeX files. List of tuples
++# (source start file, target name, title,
++#  author, documentclass [howto, manual, or own class]).
++latex_documents = [
++    (master_doc, 'SugarToolkitGTK3.tex', u'Sugar Toolkit GTK3 Documentation',
++     u'Sugar Labs', 'manual'),
++# The name of an image file (relative to this directory) to place at the top of
++# the title page.
++#latex_logo = None
++# For "manual" documents, if this is true, then toplevel headings are parts,
++# not chapters.
++#latex_use_parts = False
++# If true, show page references after internal links.
++#latex_show_pagerefs = False
++# If true, show URL addresses after external links.
++#latex_show_urls = False
++# Documents to append as an appendix to all manuals.
++#latex_appendices = []
++# If false, no module index is generated.
++#latex_domain_indices = True
++# -- Options for manual page output ---------------------------------------
++# One entry per manual page. List of tuples
++# (source start file, name, description, authors, manual section).
++man_pages = [
++    (master_doc, 'sugartoolkitgtk3', u'Sugar Toolkit GTK3 Documentation',
++     [author], 1)
++# If true, show URL addresses after external links.
++#man_show_urls = False
++# -- Options for Texinfo output -------------------------------------------
++# Grouping the document tree into Texinfo files. List of tuples
++# (source start file, target name, title, author,
++#  dir menu entry, description, category)
++texinfo_documents = [
++    (master_doc, 'SugarToolkitGTK3', u'Sugar Toolkit GTK3 Documentation',
++     author, 'SugarToolkitGTK3', 'One line description of project.',
++     'Miscellaneous'),
++# Documents to append as an appendix to all manuals.
++#texinfo_appendices = []
++# If false, no module index is generated.
++#texinfo_domain_indices = True
++# How to display URL addresses: 'footnote', 'no', or 'inline'.
++#texinfo_show_urls = 'footnote'
++# If true, do not generate a @detailmenu in the "Top" node's menu.
++#texinfo_no_detailmenu = False
+diff --git b/doc/index.rst a/doc/index.rst
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..ba28b9f
+--- /dev/null
++++ a/doc/index.rst
+@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
++Sugar Toolkit GTK3
++Sugar Toolkit GTK3, or `sugar3`, is a toolkit for writing Sugar
++activities in Python:
++* write a `setup.py` which calls :class:`~sugar3.activity.bundlebuilder`,
++* write an `activity/activity.info` file with metadata, see :class:`~sugar3.bundle`,
++* write a class derived from :class:`~sugar3.activity.activity.Activity`,
++* use the :class:`~sugar3.graphics` module classes to build a user interface.
++Optional modules include:
++* use the :class:`~sugar3.profile` module to fetch user profile information,
++* use the :class:`~sugar3.presence` module classes to implement sharing,
++* use the :class:`~sugar3.logger` module for debug logging,
++* use the :class:`~sugar3.network` module for downloading data,
++* use the :class:`~sugar3.speech` module for speech synthesis.
++Indices and tables
++* :ref:`Functions and classes <genindex>`
++* :ref:`Modules <modindex>`
++* :ref:`search`
++Table of Contents
++.. toctree::
++   :maxdepth: 5
++   sugar3
+diff --git b/doc/modules.rst a/doc/modules.rst
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..126de53
+--- /dev/null
++++ a/doc/modules.rst
+@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
++.. toctree::
++   :maxdepth: 4
++   sugar3
+diff --git b/examples/alert.py a/examples/alert.py
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..f0425cb
+--- /dev/null
++++ a/examples/alert.py
+@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
++from gi.repository import Gtk
++from sugar3.graphics.alert import TimeoutAlert
++from common import set_theme
++w = Gtk.Window()
++w.connect("delete-event", Gtk.main_quit)
++box = Gtk.Box(orientation=Gtk.Orientation.VERTICAL)
++# Create a TimeoutAlert Object
++alert = TimeoutAlert(5)
++alert.props.title = '<Alert Title>'
++alert.props.msg = '<Alert Message>'
++# Add Timeout Object to the box
++box.pack_start(alert, False, False, 0)
++# Called when an alert object throws a response event.
++def __alert_response_cb(alert, response_id):
++    if response_id is Gtk.ResponseType.OK:
++        print('Continue Button was clicked.')
++    elif response_id is Gtk.ResponseType.CANCEL:
++        print('Cancel Button was clicked.')
++    elif response_id == -1:
++        print('Timeout occurred')
++alert.connect('response', __alert_response_cb)
+diff --git b/examples/animator.py a/examples/animator.py
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..c6ede6f
+--- /dev/null
++++ a/examples/animator.py
+@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
++from gi.repository import Gtk
++from sugar3.graphics import animator
++from sugar3.graphics.icon import Icon
++from sugar3.graphics import style
++from common import set_theme
++class _Animation(animator.Animation):
++    def __init__(self, icon, start_size, end_size):
++        animator.Animation.__init__(self, 0.0, 1.0)
++        self._icon = icon
++        self.start_size = start_size
++        self.end_size = end_size
++    def next_frame(self, current):
++        d = (self.end_size - self.start_size) * current
++        self._icon.props.pixel_size = int(self.start_size + d)
++def __animation_completed_cb(anim):
++    print('Animation completed')
++w = Gtk.Window()
++w.connect('delete-event', Gtk.main_quit)
++box = Gtk.Box(orientation=Gtk.Orientation.VERTICAL)
++anim = animator.Animator(5)
++anim.connect('completed', __animation_completed_cb)
++my_icon = Icon(icon_name='go-next')
++box.pack_start(my_icon, False, False, 0)
++anim.add(_Animation(my_icon, style.STANDARD_ICON_SIZE, style.XLARGE_ICON_SIZE))
+diff --git b/examples/buttons.py a/examples/buttons.py
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..5c679c2
+--- /dev/null
++++ a/examples/buttons.py
+@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
++from gi.repository import Gtk
++import common
++test = common.Test()
++box = Gtk.Box(orientation=Gtk.Orientation.VERTICAL)
++test.pack_start(box, True, True, 0)
++# test Gtk.SpinButton:
++adj = Gtk.Adjustment(0, 0, 10, 1, 32, 0)
++spin = Gtk.SpinButton()
++box.pack_start(spin, False, False, 1)
++# test Gtk.RadioButton:
++radio_1 = Gtk.RadioButton.new_with_label_from_widget(None, 'Radio 1')
++box.pack_start(radio_1, False, False, 1)
++radio_2 = Gtk.RadioButton.new_with_label_from_widget(radio_1, 'Radio 2')
++box.pack_start(radio_2, False, False, 1)
++radio_3 = Gtk.RadioButton.new_with_label_from_widget(radio_1, 'Radio 3')
++box.pack_start(radio_3, False, False, 1)
++# test Gtk.CheckButton:
++check_1 = Gtk.CheckButton('Check 1')
++box.pack_start(check_1, False, False, 1)
++check_2 = Gtk.CheckButton('Check 2')
++box.pack_start(check_2, False, False, 1)
++# test Gtk.Button:
++button = Gtk.Button('Button')
++box.pack_start(button, False, False, 1)
++# test Gtk.Button insensitive:
++insensitive_button = Gtk.Button('Insensitive Button')
++box.pack_start(insensitive_button, False, False, 1)
++insensitive_button.props.sensitive = False
++# test Gtk.ToggleButton:
++toggle_button = Gtk.ToggleButton('ToggleButton')
++box.pack_start(toggle_button, False, False, 1)
++if __name__ == '__main__':
++    common.main(test)
+diff --git b/examples/cellrenderericon.py a/examples/cellrenderericon.py
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..e280204
+--- /dev/null
++++ a/examples/cellrenderericon.py
+@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
++from gi.repository import Gtk
++from sugar3.graphics import style
++from sugar3.graphics.icon import CellRendererIcon
++import common
++test = common.Test()
++model = Gtk.ListStore(str)
++for icon in ['one', 'two', 'three']:
++    model.append([icon])
++treeview = Gtk.TreeView()
++test.pack_start(treeview, True, True, 0)
++col = Gtk.TreeViewColumn()
++cell_icon = CellRendererIcon()
++cell_icon.props.width = style.GRID_CELL_SIZE
++cell_icon.props.height = style.GRID_CELL_SIZE
++cell_icon.props.size = style.SMALL_ICON_SIZE
++cell_icon.props.icon_name = 'emblem-favorite'
++col.pack_start(cell_icon, expand=False)
++cell_text = Gtk.CellRendererText()
++col.pack_start(cell_text, expand=True)
++col.add_attribute(cell_text, 'text', 0)
++if __name__ == '__main__':
++    common.main(test)
+diff --git b/examples/colorbutton.py a/examples/colorbutton.py
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..09db068
+--- /dev/null
++++ a/examples/colorbutton.py
+@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
++from gi.repository import Gtk
++from sugar3.graphics.toolbarbox import ToolbarBox
++from sugar3.graphics.colorbutton import ColorToolButton
++import common
++test = common.Test()
++box = Gtk.Box(orientation=Gtk.Orientation.VERTICAL)
++test.pack_start(box, True, True, 0)
++toolbar_box = ToolbarBox()
++box.pack_start(toolbar_box, False, False, 0)
++separator = Gtk.SeparatorToolItem()
++toolbar_box.toolbar.insert(separator, -1)
++def color_changed_cb(button, pspec):
++    print(button.get_color())
++color_button = ColorToolButton()
++color_button.connect("notify::color", color_changed_cb)
++toolbar_box.toolbar.insert(color_button, -1)
++if __name__ == '__main__':
++    common.main(test)
+diff --git b/examples/combobox.py a/examples/combobox.py
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..6d1c1a0
+--- /dev/null
++++ a/examples/combobox.py
+@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
++from gi.repository import Gtk
++from sugar3.graphics.combobox import ComboBox
++from common import set_theme
++def __combo_changed_cb(combo):
++    print('Combo changed to %r' % combo.get_value())
++w = Gtk.Window()
++w.connect("delete-event", Gtk.main_quit)
++combo = ComboBox()
++combo.append_item(True, 'one')
++combo.append_item(2, 'two', 'go-next')
++combo.append_item('3', 'three')
++# This will make 'two' active (zero indexed)
++combo.connect('changed', __combo_changed_cb)
+diff --git b/examples/common.py a/examples/common.py
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..906eb50
+--- /dev/null
++++ a/examples/common.py
+@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
++# Copyright (C) 2007, Red Hat, Inc.
++# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
++# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
++# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
++# version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
++# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++# Lesser General Public License for more details.
++# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
++# License along with this library; if not, write to the
++# Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
++# Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
++from gi.repository import Gtk
++from gi.repository import GObject
++from sugar3.graphics.toolbutton import ToolButton
++import os
++def set_theme():
++    settings = Gtk.Settings.get_default()
++    sugar_theme = 'sugar-72'
++    if 'SUGAR_SCALING' in os.environ:
++        if os.environ['SUGAR_SCALING'] == '100':
++            sugar_theme = 'sugar-100'
++    settings.set_property('gtk-theme-name', sugar_theme)
++    settings.set_property('gtk-icon-theme-name', 'sugar')
++class Test(Gtk.Box):
++    def __init__(self):
++        GObject.GObject.__init__(self, orientation=Gtk.Orientation.VERTICAL)
++        set_theme()
++class TestPalette(Test):
++    def __init__(self):
++        Test.__init__(self)
++        toolbar = Gtk.Toolbar()
++        self._invoker = ToolButton('go-previous')
++        toolbar.insert(self._invoker, -1)
++        self._invoker.show()
++        self.pack_start(toolbar, False, False, 0)
++        toolbar.show()
++    def set_palette(self, palette):
++        self._invoker.set_palette(palette)
++class TestRunner(object):
++    def run(self, test):
++        window = Gtk.Window()
++        window.connect('delete-event', Gtk.main_quit)
++        window.add(test)
++        test.show()
++        window.show()
++def main(test):
++    runner = TestRunner()
++    runner.run(test)
++    Gtk.main()
+diff --git b/examples/customdestroy.py a/examples/customdestroy.py
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..fc33eb9
+--- /dev/null
++++ a/examples/customdestroy.py
+@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
++from gi.repository import Gtk
++Since GTK+3 Gtk.CellRenderer doesn't have a destroy signal anymore.
++We can do the cleanup in the python destructor method instead.
++class MyCellRenderer(Gtk.CellRenderer):
++    def __init__(self):
++        Gtk.CellRenderer.__init__(self)
++    def __del__(self):
++        print("cellrenderer destroy")
++    def do_render(self, cairo_t, widget, background_area, cell_area, flags):
++        pass
++def window_destroy_cb(*kwargs):
++    print("window destroy")
++    Gtk.main_quit()
++window = Gtk.Window(Gtk.WindowType.TOPLEVEL)
++window.connect("destroy", window_destroy_cb)
++def treeview_destroy_cb(*kwargs):
++    print("treeview destroy")
++treeview = Gtk.TreeView()
++treeview.connect("destroy", treeview_destroy_cb)
++col = Gtk.TreeViewColumn()
++cel = MyCellRenderer()
++col.pack_start(cel, expand=True)
+diff --git b/examples/gtktreesensitive.py a/examples/gtktreesensitive.py
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..58fea99
+--- /dev/null
++++ a/examples/gtktreesensitive.py
+@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
++from gi.repository import Gtk
++import common
++test = common.Test()
++class MyBox(Gtk.Box):
++    def __init__(self):
++        Gtk.Box.__init__(self, orientation=Gtk.Orientation.VERTICAL)
++        scrolled = Gtk.ScrolledWindow()
++        scrolled.set_policy(Gtk.PolicyType.AUTOMATIC,
++                            Gtk.PolicyType.AUTOMATIC)
++        store = Gtk.ListStore(str, str)
++        for i in range(5):
++            store.append([str(i), 'Item %s' % i])
++        treeview = Gtk.TreeView(store)
++        renderer_no_sens = Gtk.CellRendererText()
++        # set 'sensitive' property
++        renderer_no_sens.set_property('sensitive', False)
++        renderer = Gtk.CellRendererText()
++        column = Gtk.TreeViewColumn('\'sensitive\' False',
++                                    renderer_no_sens, text=0)
++        treeview.append_column(column)
++        column = Gtk.TreeViewColumn('\'sensitive\' True',
++                                    renderer, text=1)
++        treeview.append_column(column)
++        scrolled.add(treeview)
++        self.pack_start(scrolled, True, True, 0)
++        self.show_all()
++box = MyBox()
++test.pack_start(box, True, True, 0)
++if __name__ == '__main__':
++    common.main(test)
+diff --git b/examples/iconbadges.py a/examples/iconbadges.py
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..545f0d0
+--- /dev/null
++++ a/examples/iconbadges.py
+@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
++from gi.repository import Gtk
++from sugar3.graphics.icon import EventIcon
++from sugar3.graphics.icon import Icon
++from sugar3.graphics import style
++from sugar3.graphics.xocolor import XoColor
++from sugar3.graphics.palette import Palette
++import common
++test = common.Test()
++box = Gtk.Box(orientation=Gtk.Orientation.VERTICAL)
++test.pack_start(box, True, True, 0)
++# An XO Icon, normal size, setting the color via the XoColor object
++icon = Icon(icon_name='computer-xo',
++            pixel_size=style.STANDARD_ICON_SIZE,
++            xo_color=XoColor('#00BEFF,#FF7800'))
++box.pack_start(icon, False, False, 0)
++# You can mix constructor keyword argument and setting
++# properties after creation
++icon = EventIcon(icon_name='network-wireless-080',
++                 pixel_size=style.STANDARD_ICON_SIZE)
++# Badges are little icons displayed
++icon.props.badge_name = 'emblem-favorite'
++# Instead of using the XoColor, you can use any SVG color specifier:
++icon.props.fill_color = 'rgb(230, 0, 10)'
++icon.props.stroke_color = '#78E600'
++# Unlike normal icons, EventIcons support palettes:
++icon.props.palette = Palette('Hello World')
++box.pack_start(icon, False, False, 0)
++if __name__ == '__main__':
++    common.main(test)
+diff --git b/examples/iconcache.py a/examples/iconcache.py
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..a766a37
+--- /dev/null
++++ a/examples/iconcache.py
+@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
++# Copyright (C) 2007, Red Hat, Inc.
++# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
++# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
++# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
++# version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
++# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++# Lesser General Public License for more details.
++# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
++# License along with this library; if not, write to the
++# Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
++# Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
++Test the sugar3.graphics.icon.* cache.
++from gi.repository import Gtk
++from sugar3.graphics.icon import Icon
++from sugar3.graphics.xocolor import XoColor
++from sugar3.graphics import style
++import common
++test = common.Test()
++data = [
++    ['battery-000', '#FF8F00,#FF2B34'],
++    ['battery-010', '#D1A3FF,#00A0FF'],
++    ['battery-020', '#FF8F00,#FF2B34'],
++    ['battery-030', '#00A0FF,#D1A3FF'],
++    ['battery-040', '#AC32FF,#FF2B34'],
++    ['battery-050', '#D1A3FF,#00A0FF'],
++    ['battery-060', '#AC32FF,#FF2B34'],
++    ['battery-070', '#00A0FF,#D1A3FF'],
++    ['battery-080', '#FF8F00,#FF2B34'],
++    ['battery-090', '#D1A3FF,#00A0FF'],
++    ['battery-100', '#AC32FF,#FF2B34']]
++def _button_activated_cb(button):
++    import random
++    global data
++    random.shuffle(data)
++    for i in range(0, len(test.get_children()) - 1):
++        test.get_children()[i].props.icon_name = data[i][0]
++        test.get_children()[i].props.xo_color = XoColor(data[i][1])
++for d in data:
++    icon = Icon(icon_name=d[0],
++                pixel_size=style.STANDARD_ICON_SIZE,
++                xo_color=XoColor(d[1]))
++    test.pack_start(icon, True, True, 0)
++    icon.show()
++button = Gtk.Button('mec mac')
++test.pack_start(button, True, True, 0)
++button.connect('activate', _button_activated_cb)
++if __name__ == '__main__':
++    common.main(test)
+diff --git b/examples/iconentry.py a/examples/iconentry.py
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..e35c601
+--- /dev/null
++++ a/examples/iconentry.py
+@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
++from gi.repository import Gtk
++from sugar3.graphics import iconentry
++from common import set_theme
++def __go_next_cb(entry, icon_pos, data=None):
++    print('Go next')
++def __entry_activate_cb(widget, data=None):
++    print('Entry activate')
++w = Gtk.Window()
++w.connect("delete-event", Gtk.main_quit)
++box = Gtk.Box(orientation=Gtk.Orientation.VERTICAL)
++entry = iconentry.IconEntry()
++                         'go-next')
++entry.connect('icon-press', __go_next_cb)
++entry.connect('activate', __entry_activate_cb)
++box.pack_start(entry, False, False, 0)
+diff --git b/examples/iconwidget.py a/examples/iconwidget.py
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..2854b4c
+--- /dev/null
++++ a/examples/iconwidget.py
+@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
++# Copyright (C) 2007, Red Hat, Inc.
++# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
++# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
++# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
++# version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
++# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++# Lesser General Public License for more details.
++# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
++# License along with this library; if not, write to the
++# Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
++# Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
++Test the sugar3.graphics.icon.Icon widget.
++from gi.repository import Gtk
++from sugar3.graphics.icon import Icon
++from sugar3.graphics.xocolor import XoColor
++from sugar3.graphics import style
++import common
++test = common.Test()
++box = Gtk.Box(orientation=Gtk.Orientation.HORIZONTAL)
++test.pack_start(box, True, True, 0)
++sensitive_box = Gtk.Box(orientation=Gtk.Orientation.VERTICAL)
++insensitive_box = Gtk.Box(orientation=Gtk.Orientation.VERTICAL)
++box.pack_start(sensitive_box, True, True, 0)
++box.pack_start(insensitive_box, True, True, 0)
++def create_icon_widgets(box, sensitive=True):
++    icon = Icon(icon_name='go-previous')
++    icon.props.pixel_size = style.STANDARD_ICON_SIZE
++    box.pack_start(icon, True, True, 0)
++    icon.set_sensitive(sensitive)
++    icon.show()
++    icon = Icon(icon_name='computer-xo',
++                pixel_size=style.STANDARD_ICON_SIZE,
++                xo_color=XoColor())
++    box.pack_start(icon, True, True, 0)
++    icon.set_sensitive(sensitive)
++    icon.show()
++    icon = Icon(icon_name='battery-000',
++                pixel_size=style.STANDARD_ICON_SIZE,
++                badge_name='emblem-busy')
++    box.pack_start(icon, True, True, 0)
++    icon.set_sensitive(sensitive)
++    icon.show()
++    icon = Icon(icon_name='gtk-new',
++                pixel_size=style.STANDARD_ICON_SIZE,
++                badge_name='gtk-cancel')
++    box.pack_start(icon, True, True, 0)
++    icon.set_sensitive(sensitive)
++    icon.show()
++create_icon_widgets(sensitive_box, True)
++create_icon_widgets(insensitive_box, False)
++# This can be used to test for leaks by setting the LRU cache size
++# in icon.py to 1.
++# def idle_cb():
++#     import gc
++#     gc.collect()
++#     test.queue_draw()
++#     return True
++# from gi.repository import GLib
++# GLib.idle_add(idle_cb)
++if __name__ == '__main__':
++    common.main(test)
+diff --git b/examples/notebook.py a/examples/notebook.py
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..7462e0d
+--- /dev/null
++++ a/examples/notebook.py
+@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
++from gi.repository import Gtk
++from sugar3.graphics.notebook import Notebook
++from common import set_theme
++w = Gtk.Window()
++w.connect("delete-event", Gtk.main_quit)
++box = Gtk.Box(orientation=Gtk.Orientation.VERTICAL)
++nb = Notebook(can_close_tabs=True)
++box.pack_start(nb, False, False, 0)
++for i in range(5):
++    bufferf = "Prepend Frame %d" % (i + 1)
++    bufferl = "PPage %d" % (i + 1)
++    frame = Gtk.Frame()
++    frame.set_border_width(10)
++    frame.set_size_request(100, 75)
++    label = Gtk.Label(bufferf)
++    frame.add(label)
++    label.show()
++    nb.add_page(bufferl, frame)
++    frame.show()
+diff --git b/examples/progress.py a/examples/progress.py
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..62a9313
+--- /dev/null
++++ a/examples/progress.py
+@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
++from gi.repository import Gtk
++import common
++test = common.Test()
++box = Gtk.Box(orientation=Gtk.Orientation.HORIZONTAL)
++test.pack_start(box, True, False, 10)
++bar = Gtk.ProgressBar()
++box.pack_start(bar, True, True, 10)
++if __name__ == '__main__':
++    common.main(test)
+diff --git b/examples/progressicon.py a/examples/progressicon.py
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..4bf3d99
+--- /dev/null
++++ a/examples/progressicon.py
+@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
++from gi.repository import Gtk
++from gi.repository import GLib
++from sugar3.graphics.toolbarbox import ToolbarBox
++from sugar3.graphics.progressicon import ProgressIcon
++from sugar3.graphics import style
++import common
++test = common.Test()
++box = Gtk.Box(orientation=Gtk.Orientation.VERTICAL)
++test.pack_start(box, True, True, 0)
++toolbar_box = ToolbarBox()
++box.pack_start(toolbar_box, False, False, 0)
++separator = Gtk.SeparatorToolItem()
++toolbar_box.toolbar.insert(separator, -1)
++icon = ProgressIcon(
++    pixel_size=style.LARGE_ICON_SIZE,
++    icon_name='computer-xo',
++    stroke_color=style.COLOR_BUTTON_GREY.get_svg(),
++    fill_color=style.COLOR_WHITE.get_svg())
++test.pack_start(icon, True, True, 0)
++icon2 = ProgressIcon(
++    pixel_size=style.LARGE_ICON_SIZE,
++    icon_name='computer-xo',
++    stroke_color=style.COLOR_BUTTON_GREY.get_svg(),
++    fill_color=style.COLOR_WHITE.get_svg(),
++    direction='horizontal')
++test.pack_start(icon2, True, True, 0)
++progress = 0
++def timeout_cb():
++    global progress
++    progress += 0.05
++    icon.update(progress)
++    icon2.update(progress)
++    if progress >= 1:
++        return False
++    return True
++GLib.timeout_add(50, timeout_cb)
++if __name__ == '__main__':
++    common.main(test)
+diff --git b/examples/radiopalette.py a/examples/radiopalette.py
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..8537144
+--- /dev/null
++++ a/examples/radiopalette.py
+@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
++from gi.repository import Gtk
++from sugar3.graphics.radiopalette import RadioPalette, RadioMenuButton, \
++    RadioToolsButton
++from sugar3.graphics.radiotoolbutton import RadioToolButton
++from common import set_theme
++window = Gtk.Window()
++box = Gtk.Box(orientation=Gtk.Orientation.VERTICAL)
++toolbar = Gtk.Toolbar()
++box.pack_start(toolbar, False, False, 0)
++text_view = Gtk.TextView()
++box.pack_start(text_view, True, True, 0)
++def echo(button, label):
++    if not button.props.active:
++        return
++    text_view.props.buffer.props.text += '\n' + label
++# RadioMenuButton
++palette = RadioPalette()
++group = RadioToolButton(
++    icon_name='document-open')
++group.connect('clicked', lambda button: echo(button, 'document-open'))
++palette.append(group, 'menu.document-open')
++button = RadioToolButton(
++    icon_name='document-save',
++    group=group)
++button.connect('clicked', lambda button: echo(button, 'document-save'))
++palette.append(button, 'menu.document-save')
++button = RadioToolButton(
++    icon_name='document-send',
++    group=group)
++button.connect('clicked', lambda button: echo(button, 'document-send'))
++palette.append(button, 'menu.document-send')
++button = RadioMenuButton(palette=palette)
++toolbar.insert(button, -1)
++# RadioToolsButton
++palette = RadioPalette()
++group = RadioToolButton(
++    icon_name='document-open')
++group.connect('clicked', lambda button: echo(button, 'document-open'))
++palette.append(group, 'menu.document-open')
++button = RadioToolButton(
++    icon_name='document-save',
++    group=group)
++button.connect('clicked', lambda button: echo(button, 'document-save'))
++palette.append(button, 'menu.document-save')
++button = RadioToolButton(
++    icon_name='document-send',
++    group=group)
++button.connect('clicked', lambda button: echo(button, 'document-send'))
++palette.append(button, 'menu.document-send')
++button = RadioToolsButton(palette=palette)
++toolbar.insert(button, -1)
++window.connect('delete-event', Gtk.main_quit)
+diff --git b/examples/radiotoolbutton.py a/examples/radiotoolbutton.py
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..5d0b547
+--- /dev/null
++++ a/examples/radiotoolbutton.py
+@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
++from gi.repository import Gtk
++from sugar3.graphics.radiotoolbutton import RadioToolButton
++from sugar3.graphics.radiopalette import RadioPalette, RadioMenuButton
++from sugar3.graphics.xocolor import XoColor
++from common import set_theme
++window = Gtk.Window()
++window.connect("delete-event", Gtk.main_quit)
++box = Gtk.Box(orientation=Gtk.Orientation.HORIZONTAL)
++def echo(button, label):
++    if not button.props.active:
++        return
++    print(label)
++palette = RadioPalette()
++# Adding 3 RadioToolButtons to a palette
++button1 = RadioToolButton(icon_name='document-save', accelerator="<ctrl>S",
++                          xo_color=XoColor("white"))
++button1.connect('toggled', lambda button: echo(button, 'document-save'))
++palette.append(button1, 'menu.document-save')
++button2 = RadioToolButton(icon_name='document-open', accelerator="<ctrl>O",
++                          xo_color=XoColor("white"), group=button1)
++button2.connect('toggled', lambda button: echo(button, 'document-open'))
++palette.append(button2, 'menu.document-open')
++button3 = RadioToolButton(icon_name='document-send', accelerator="<ctrl>F",
++                          xo_color=XoColor("white"), group=button1)
++button3.connect('toggled', lambda button: echo(button, 'document-send'))
++palette.append(button3, 'menu.document-send')
++button = RadioMenuButton(palette=palette)
++box.pack_start(button, False, False, 1)
++if __name__ == '__main__':
++    Gtk.main()
+diff --git b/examples/scrollingdetector.py a/examples/scrollingdetector.py
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..df0c70a
+--- /dev/null
++++ a/examples/scrollingdetector.py
+@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
++import os
++import time
++from gi.repository import Gtk
++from sugar3.graphics import style
++from sugar3.graphics.icon import CellRendererIcon
++from sugar3.graphics.xocolor import XoColor
++from sugar3.graphics.scrollingdetector import ScrollingDetector
++from sugar3.graphics.palettewindow import TreeViewInvoker
++import common
++def _scroll_start_cb(event, treeview, invoker):
++    print("Scroll starts")
++    invoker.detach()
++def _scroll_end_cb(event, treeview, invoker):
++    print("Scroll ends")
++    invoker.attach_treeview(treeview)
++test = common.Test()
++model = Gtk.ListStore(str)
++data_dir = os.getenv('GTK_DATA_PREFIX', '/usr/')
++iconlist = os.listdir(os.path.join(data_dir,
++                                   'share/icons/sugar/scalable/actions/'))
++print("Displaying %s icons" % len(iconlist))
++for icon in iconlist:
++    icon = os.path.basename(icon)
++    icon = icon[:icon.find('.')]
++    model.append([icon])
++scrolled = Gtk.ScrolledWindow()
++scrolled.set_size_request(800, 800)
++treeview = Gtk.TreeView()
++test.pack_start(scrolled, True, True, 0)
++col = Gtk.TreeViewColumn()
++xo_color = XoColor('#FF0000,#00FF00')
++cell_icon = CellRendererIcon()
++cell_icon.props.width = style.GRID_CELL_SIZE
++cell_icon.props.height = style.GRID_CELL_SIZE
++cell_icon.props.size = style.STANDARD_ICON_SIZE
++cell_icon.props.xo_color = xo_color
++col.pack_start(cell_icon, expand=False)
++col.add_attribute(cell_icon, 'icon-name', 0)
++cell_text = Gtk.CellRendererText()
++col.pack_start(cell_text, expand=True)
++col.add_attribute(cell_text, 'text', 0)
++invoker = TreeViewInvoker()
++detector = ScrollingDetector(scrolled)
++detector.connect('scroll-start', _scroll_start_cb, treeview, invoker)
++detector.connect('scroll-end', _scroll_end_cb, treeview, invoker)
++if __name__ == '__main__':
++    time_ini = time.time()
++    common.main(test)
+diff --git b/examples/tabs.py a/examples/tabs.py
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..7a8b52f
+--- /dev/null
++++ a/examples/tabs.py
+@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
++from gi.repository import Gtk
++from sugar3.graphics.icon import Icon
++import common
++test = common.Test()
++box = Gtk.Box(orientation=Gtk.Orientation.HORIZONTAL)
++test.pack_start(box, True, True, 0)
++# notebook without button
++notebook = Gtk.Notebook()
++box.pack_start(notebook, True, True, 0)
++for i in range(3):
++    hbox = Gtk.Box(orientation=Gtk.Orientation.HORIZONTAL)
++    notebook.append_page(hbox, Gtk.Label('Page %d' % (i + 1)))
++    hbox.show()
++# notebook with buttons
++notebook = Gtk.Notebook()
++box.pack_start(notebook, True, True, 0)
++add_icon = Icon(icon_name='add')
++button = Gtk.Button()
++button.props.focus_on_click = False
++notebook.set_action_widget(button, Gtk.PackType.END)
++for i in range(3):
++    hbox = Gtk.Box(orientation=Gtk.Orientation.HORIZONTAL)
++    notebook.append_page(hbox, Gtk.Label('Page %d' % (i + 1)))
++    hbox.show()
++if __name__ == '__main__':
++    common.main(test)
+diff --git b/examples/ticket2855.py a/examples/ticket2855.py
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..59a2917
+--- /dev/null
++++ a/examples/ticket2855.py
+@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
++# Copyright (C) 2007, Red Hat, Inc.
++# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
++# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
++# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
++# version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
++# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++# Lesser General Public License for more details.
++# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
++# License along with this library; if not, write to the
++# Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
++# Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
++Test the style of toggle and radio buttons inside a palette. The buttons
++contains only an icon and should be rendered similarly to the toolbar
++controls. Ticket #2855.
++from gi.repository import Gtk
++from sugar3.graphics.palette import Palette
++from sugar3.graphics.icon import Icon
++from sugar3.graphics import style
++import common
++test = common.TestPalette()
++palette = Palette('Test radio and toggle')
++box = Gtk.Box(orientation=Gtk.Orientation.HORIZONTAL)
++toggle = Gtk.ToggleButton()
++icon = Icon(icon_name='go-previous', pixel_size=style.STANDARD_ICON_SIZE)
++box.pack_start(toggle, False, False, 0)
++radio = Gtk.RadioButton()
++icon = Icon(icon_name='go-next', pixel_size=style.STANDARD_ICON_SIZE)
++box.pack_start(radio, False, False, 0)
++if __name__ == '__main__':
++    common.main(test)
+diff --git b/bin/sugar-activity-web a/examples/ticket2999.py
+similarity index 66%
+copy from bin/sugar-activity-web
+copy to examples/ticket2999.py
+index 8fd7a59..0d42297 100644
+--- b/bin/sugar-activity-web
++++ a/examples/ticket2999.py
+@@ -1,6 +1,4 @@
+-# Copyright (C) 2013 Daniel Narvaez
++# Copyright (C) 2007, One Laptop Per Child
+ #
+ # This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ # modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+@@ -17,8 +15,21 @@
+ # Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
+ # Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+-if [ "$SUGAR_USE_WEBKIT1" = "yes" ]; then
+-    exec sugar-activity3 sugar3.activity.webkit1.WebActivity $@
+-    exec sugar-activity3 sugar3.activity.webactivity.WebActivity $@
++Spec in ticket #2999.
++from gi.repository import Gtk
++import common
++test = common.Test()
++text_view = Gtk.TextView()
++text_view.props.buffer.props.text = 'Blah blah blah, blah blah blah.'
++test.pack_start(text_view, True, True, 0)
++if __name__ == '__main__':
++    common.main(test)
+diff --git b/bin/sugar-activity-web a/examples/ticket3000.py
+similarity index 56%
+copy from bin/sugar-activity-web
+copy to examples/ticket3000.py
+index 8fd7a59..488985e 100644
+--- b/bin/sugar-activity-web
++++ a/examples/ticket3000.py
+@@ -1,6 +1,4 @@
+-# Copyright (C) 2013 Daniel Narvaez
++# Copyright (C) 2007, One Laptop Per Child
+ #
+ # This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ # modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+@@ -17,8 +15,34 @@
+ # Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
+ # Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+-if [ "$SUGAR_USE_WEBKIT1" = "yes" ]; then
+-    exec sugar-activity3 sugar3.activity.webkit1.WebActivity $@
+-    exec sugar-activity3 sugar3.activity.webactivity.WebActivity $@
++Spec in ticket #3000.
++from gi.repository import Gtk
++from sugar3.graphics.toolbutton import ToolButton
++import common
++test = common.Test()
++toolbar = Gtk.Toolbar()
++test.pack_start(toolbar, False, False, 0)
++button = ToolButton('go-previous')
++toolbar.insert(button, -1)
++separator = Gtk.SeparatorToolItem()
++button = ToolButton('go-next')
++toolbar.insert(button, -1)
++if __name__ == '__main__':
++    common.main(test)
+diff --git b/examples/toggletoolbutton.py a/examples/toggletoolbutton.py
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..bc37c17
+--- /dev/null
++++ a/examples/toggletoolbutton.py
+@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
++from gi.repository import Gtk
++from sugar3.graphics.toolbarbox import ToolbarBox
++from sugar3.graphics.toggletoolbutton import ToggleToolButton
++import common
++test = common.Test()
++box = Gtk.Box(orientation=Gtk.Orientation.VERTICAL)
++test.pack_start(box, True, True, 0)
++toolbar_box = ToolbarBox()
++box.pack_start(toolbar_box, False, False, 0)
++favorite_button = ToggleToolButton('emblem-favorite')
++toolbar_box.toolbar.insert(favorite_button, -1)
++favorite_button2 = ToggleToolButton('emblem-favorite')
++toolbar_box.toolbar.insert(favorite_button2, -1)
++if __name__ == '__main__':
++    common.main(test)
+diff --git b/examples/toolbar.py a/examples/toolbar.py
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..dc3cb41
+--- /dev/null
++++ a/examples/toolbar.py
+@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
++from gi.repository import Gtk
++from sugar3.graphics.toolbutton import ToolButton
++from sugar3.graphics.toolbarbox import ToolbarBox, ToolbarButton
++from common import set_theme
++window = Gtk.Window()
++box = Gtk.Box(orientation=Gtk.Orientation.VERTICAL)
++toolbar = ToolbarBox()
++box.pack_start(toolbar, False, False, 0)
++tollbarbutton_1 = ToolbarButton(
++    page=Gtk.Button('sub-widget #1'),
++    icon_name='computer-xo')
++toolbar.toolbar.insert(tollbarbutton_1, -1)
++tollbarbutton_2 = ToolbarButton(
++    page=Gtk.Button('sub-widget #2'),
++    icon_name='button_cancel',
++    tooltip='with custom palette instead of sub-widget')
++toolbar.toolbar.insert(tollbarbutton_2, -1)
++toolbar.toolbar.insert(Gtk.SeparatorToolItem(), -1)
++def del_cb(widget):
++    toolbar.toolbar.remove(tollbarbutton_3)
++del_b = Gtk.Button('delete sub-widget #3')
++del_b.connect('clicked', del_cb)
++tollbarbutton_3 = ToolbarButton(
++    page=del_b,
++    icon_name='activity-journal')
++toolbar.toolbar.insert(tollbarbutton_3, -1)
++subbar = Gtk.Toolbar()
++subbutton = ToolButton(
++    icon_name='document-send',
++    tooltip='document-send')
++subbar.insert(subbutton, -1)
++tollbarbutton_4 = ToolbarButton(
++    page=subbar,
++    icon_name='document-save')
++toolbar.toolbar.insert(tollbarbutton_4, -1)
++window.connect('delete-event', Gtk.main_quit)
+diff --git b/examples/toolbarpalettes.py a/examples/toolbarpalettes.py
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..5d9ee9a
+--- /dev/null
++++ a/examples/toolbarpalettes.py
+@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
++# Copyright (C) 2007, Red Hat, Inc.
++# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
++# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
++# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
++# version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
++# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++# Lesser General Public License for more details.
++# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
++# License along with this library; if not, write to the
++# Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
++# Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
++Test palette positioning for toolbar and tray.
++from gi.repository import Gtk
++from sugar3.graphics.tray import HTray, TrayButton
++from sugar3.graphics.toolbutton import ToolButton
++import common
++test = common.Test()
++box = Gtk.Box(orientation=Gtk.Orientation.VERTICAL)
++theme_icons = Gtk.IconTheme.get_default().list_icons()
++toolbar = Gtk.Toolbar()
++box.pack_start(toolbar, False, False, 0)
++for i in range(0, 5):
++    button = ToolButton(icon_name=theme_icons[i])
++    button.set_tooltip('Icon %d' % i)
++    toolbar.insert(button, -1)
++    button.show()
++content = Gtk.Label()
++box.pack_start(content, True, True, 0)
++tray = HTray()
++box.pack_start(tray, False, False, 0)
++for i in range(0, 30):
++    button = TrayButton(icon_name=theme_icons[i])
++    button.set_tooltip('Icon %d' % i)
++    tray.add_item(button)
++    button.show()
++test.pack_start(box, True, True, 0)
++if __name__ == '__main__':
++    common.main(test)
+diff --git b/examples/toolbutton.py a/examples/toolbutton.py
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..c4a2649
+--- /dev/null
++++ a/examples/toolbutton.py
+@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
++from gi.repository import Gtk
++from sugar3.graphics.toolbarbox import ToolbarBox
++from sugar3.graphics.toolbutton import ToolButton
++import common
++test = common.Test()
++box = Gtk.Box(orientation=Gtk.Orientation.VERTICAL)
++test.pack_start(box, True, True, 0)
++toolbar_box = ToolbarBox()
++box.pack_start(toolbar_box, False, False, 0)
++separator = Gtk.SeparatorToolItem()
++toolbar_box.toolbar.insert(separator, -1)
++def __clicked_cb(button):
++    n = int(button.get_tooltip())
++    button.set_tooltip(str(n + 1))
++    print("tool button click count %d" % n)
++tool_button = ToolButton(icon_name='view-radial', tooltip='0')
++tool_button.connect('clicked', __clicked_cb)
++toolbar_box.toolbar.insert(tool_button, -1)
++if __name__ == '__main__':
++    common.main(test)
+diff --git b/examples/toolbuttons.py a/examples/toolbuttons.py
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..75e9e49
+--- /dev/null
++++ a/examples/toolbuttons.py
+@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
++from gi.repository import Gtk
++from sugar3.graphics.toolbarbox import ToolbarBox
++from sugar3.graphics.colorbutton import ColorToolButton
++from sugar3.graphics.radiotoolbutton import RadioToolButton
++from sugar3.graphics.toggletoolbutton import ToggleToolButton
++import common
++test = common.Test()
++box = Gtk.Box(orientation=Gtk.Orientation.VERTICAL)
++test.pack_start(box, True, True, 0)
++toolbar_box = ToolbarBox()
++box.pack_start(toolbar_box, False, False, 0)
++radial_button = RadioToolButton(icon_name='view-radial')
++toolbar_box.toolbar.insert(radial_button, -1)
++list_button = RadioToolButton(icon_name='view-list')
++list_button.props.group = radial_button
++toolbar_box.toolbar.insert(list_button, -1)
++separator = Gtk.SeparatorToolItem()
++toolbar_box.toolbar.insert(separator, -1)
++color_button = ColorToolButton()
++toolbar_box.toolbar.insert(color_button, -1)
++favorite_button = ToggleToolButton('emblem-favorite')
++toolbar_box.toolbar.insert(favorite_button, -1)
++if __name__ == '__main__':
++    common.main(test)
+diff --git b/examples/tray.py a/examples/tray.py
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..b336a92
+--- /dev/null
++++ a/examples/tray.py
+@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
++# Copyright (C) 2007, Red Hat, Inc.
++# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
++# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
++# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
++# version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
++# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++# Lesser General Public License for more details.
++# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
++# License along with this library; if not, write to the
++# Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
++# Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
++Test the sugar3.graphics.icon.Icon widget.
++from gi.repository import Gtk
++from sugar3.graphics.tray import HTray, VTray
++from sugar3.graphics.tray import TrayButton, TrayIcon
++import common
++test = common.Test()
++vbox = Gtk.Box(orientation=Gtk.Orientation.VERTICAL)
++tray = HTray()
++vbox.pack_start(tray, False, False, 0)
++theme_icons = Gtk.IconTheme.get_default().list_icons(context=None)
++for i in range(0, 100):
++    button = TrayButton(icon_name=theme_icons[i])
++    tray.add_item(button)
++    button.show()
++tray = HTray()
++vbox.pack_start(tray, False, False, 0)
++for i in range(0, 10):
++    icon = TrayIcon(icon_name=theme_icons[i])
++    tray.add_item(icon)
++    icon.show()
++hbox = Gtk.Box(orientation=Gtk.Orientation.HORIZONTAL)
++tray = VTray()
++hbox.pack_start(tray, False, False, 0)
++for i in range(0, 100):
++    button = TrayButton(icon_name=theme_icons[i])
++    tray.add_item(button)
++    button.show()
++tray = VTray()
++hbox.pack_start(tray, False, False, 0)
++for i in range(0, 4):
++    button = TrayButton(icon_name=theme_icons[i])
++    tray.add_item(button)
++    button.show()
++vbox.pack_start(hbox, True, True, 0)
++test.pack_start(vbox, True, True, 0)
++if __name__ == '__main__':
++    common.main(test)
+diff --git b/m4/.gitignore a/m4/.gitignore
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..e08c7c8
+--- /dev/null
++++ a/m4/.gitignore
+@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+diff --git b/m4/python.m4 a/m4/python.m4
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..e1c5266
+--- /dev/null
++++ a/m4/python.m4
+@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
++## this one is commonly used with AM_PATH_PYTHONDIR ...
++dnl Check if a module containing a given symbol is visible to python.
++py_mod_var=`echo $1['_']$2 | sed 'y%./+-%__p_%'`
++AC_MSG_CHECKING(for ifelse([$2],[],,[$2 in ])python module $1)
++AC_CACHE_VAL(py_cv_mod_$py_mod_var, [
++ifelse([$2],[], [prog="
++import sys
++        import $1
++except ImportError:
++        sys.exit(1)
++        sys.exit(0)
++sys.exit(0)"], [prog="
++import $1
++if $PYTHON -c "$prog" 1>&AC_FD_CC 2>&AC_FD_CC
++  then
++    eval "py_cv_mod_$py_mod_var=yes"
++  else
++    eval "py_cv_mod_$py_mod_var=no"
++  fi
++py_val=`eval "echo \`echo '$py_cv_mod_'$py_mod_var\`"`
++if test "x$py_val" != xno; then
++  AC_MSG_RESULT(yes)
++  ifelse([$3], [],, [$3
++  ifelse([$4], [],, [$4
++dnl a macro to check for ability to create python extensions
++dnl function also defines PYTHON_INCLUDES
++AC_MSG_CHECKING(for headers required to compile python extensions)
++dnl deduce PYTHON_INCLUDES
++py_prefix=`$PYTHON -c "import sys; print sys.prefix"`
++py_exec_prefix=`$PYTHON -c "import sys; print sys.exec_prefix"`
++if test "$py_prefix" != "$py_exec_prefix"; then
++  PYTHON_INCLUDES="$PYTHON_INCLUDES -I${py_exec_prefix}/include/python${PYTHON_VERSION}"
++dnl check if the headers exist:
++AC_TRY_CPP([#include <Python.h>],dnl
++[AC_MSG_RESULT(not found)
+diff --git b/make-doc.sh a/make-doc.sh
+new file mode 100755
+index 0000000..d8721d9
+--- /dev/null
++++ a/make-doc.sh
+@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
++sphinx-apidoc --force --separate --output-dir=doc src
++make -C doc html
+diff --git b/po/.gitignore a/po/.gitignore
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..da9bbde
+--- /dev/null
++++ a/po/.gitignore
+@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+diff --git b/po/ast.po a/po/ast.po
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..983872f
+--- /dev/null
++++ a/po/ast.po
+@@ -0,0 +1,559 @@
++# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
++msgid ""
++msgstr ""
++"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
++"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
++"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-10-16 18:58+1100\n"
++"PO-Revision-Date: 2016-10-05 03:47+0000\n"
++"Last-Translator: Chris <cjl@sugarlabs.org>\n"
++"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <LL@li.org>\n"
++"Language: ast\n"
++"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
++"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
++"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
++"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
++"X-Generator: Pootle\n"
++"X-POOTLE-MTIME: 1475639246.000000\n"
++#: ../src/sugar3/activity/activity.py:416 src/sugar3/activity/activity.py:467
++#, python-format
++msgid "%s Activity"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/sugar3/activity/activity.py:967 src/sugar3/activity/activity.py:1127
++msgid "Keep error"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/sugar3/activity/activity.py:968 src/sugar3/activity/activity.py:1128
++msgid "Keep error: all changes will be lost"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/sugar3/activity/activity.py:971 src/sugar3/activity/activity.py:1131
++msgid "Don't stop"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/sugar3/activity/activity.py:975 src/sugar3/activity/activity.py:1135
++msgid "Stop anyway"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/sugar3/activity/widgets.py:86 src/sugar3/activity/activity.py:1169
++#: src/sugar3/activity/widgets.py:86
++msgid "Stop"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/sugar3/activity/widgets.py:98 src/sugar3/activity/widgets.py:99
++msgid "Undo"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/sugar3/activity/widgets.py:106 src/sugar3/activity/widgets.py:107
++msgid "Redo"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/sugar3/activity/widgets.py:113 src/sugar3/activity/widgets.py:114
++msgid "Copy"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/sugar3/activity/widgets.py:121 src/sugar3/activity/widgets.py:122
++msgid "Paste"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/sugar3/activity/widgets.py:132 src/sugar3/activity/widgets.py:133
++msgid "Private"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/sugar3/activity/widgets.py:139 src/sugar3/activity/widgets.py:140
++msgid "My Neighborhood"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/sugar3/activity/widgets.py:233 src/sugar3/activity/widgets.py:234
++msgid "Description"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/sugar3/graphics/alert.py:287 ../src/sugar3/graphics/alert.py:429
++#: src/sugar3/activity/activity.py:1189 src/sugar3/graphics/alert.py:301
++#: src/sugar3/graphics/alert.py:467
++msgid "Cancel"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/sugar3/graphics/alert.py:291 ../src/sugar3/graphics/alert.py:337
++#: ../src/sugar3/graphics/alert.py:479 src/sugar3/graphics/alert.py:305
++#: src/sugar3/graphics/alert.py:346 src/sugar3/graphics/alert.py:393
++#: src/sugar3/graphics/alert.py:512
++msgid "Ok"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/sugar3/graphics/alert.py:434 src/sugar3/graphics/alert.py:464
++msgid "Continue"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/sugar3/graphics/colorbutton.py:54
++#: src/sugar3/graphics/colorbutton.py:55
++msgid "Choose a color"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/sugar3/graphics/colorbutton.py:279
++#: src/sugar3/graphics/colorbutton.py:300
++msgid "Red"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/sugar3/graphics/colorbutton.py:281
++#: src/sugar3/graphics/colorbutton.py:302
++#, fuzzy
++msgid "Green"
++msgstr "griegu"
++#: ../src/sugar3/graphics/colorbutton.py:283
++#: src/sugar3/graphics/colorbutton.py:304
++msgid "Blue"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/sugar3/util.py:217 src/sugar3/util.py:217
++msgid " and "
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/sugar3/util.py:218 src/sugar3/util.py:218
++msgid ", "
++msgstr ""
++#. TRANS: Indicating something that just happened, eg. "just now", "moments ago"
++#: ../src/sugar3/util.py:221 src/sugar3/util.py:221
++msgid "Seconds ago"
++msgstr ""
++#. TRANS: Indicating time passed, eg. "[10 day, 5 hours] ago",
++#. "[2 minutes] in the past", or "[3 years, 1 month] earlier"
++#: ../src/sugar3/util.py:225 src/sugar3/util.py:225
++#, python-format
++msgid "%s ago"
++msgstr ""
++#. TRANS: Relative dates (eg. 1 month and 5 days).
++#: ../src/sugar3/util.py:240 src/sugar3/util.py:240
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d year"
++msgid_plural "%d years"
++msgstr[0] ""
++msgstr[1] ""
++#: ../src/sugar3/util.py:241 src/sugar3/util.py:241
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d month"
++msgid_plural "%d months"
++msgstr[0] ""
++msgstr[1] ""
++#: ../src/sugar3/util.py:242 src/sugar3/util.py:242
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d week"
++msgid_plural "%d weeks"
++msgstr[0] ""
++msgstr[1] ""
++#: ../src/sugar3/util.py:243 src/sugar3/util.py:243
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d day"
++msgid_plural "%d days"
++msgstr[0] ""
++msgstr[1] ""
++#: ../src/sugar3/util.py:244 src/sugar3/util.py:244
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d hour"
++msgid_plural "%d hours"
++msgstr[0] ""
++msgstr[1] ""
++#: ../src/sugar3/util.py:245 src/sugar3/util.py:245
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d minute"
++msgid_plural "%d minutes"
++msgstr[0] ""
++msgstr[1] ""
++#: ../src/sugar3/util.py:346 src/sugar3/util.py:346
++msgid "Empty"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/sugar3/util.py:348 src/sugar3/util.py:348
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d B"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/sugar3/util.py:350 src/sugar3/util.py:350
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d KB"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/sugar3/util.py:352 src/sugar3/util.py:352
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d MB"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/sugar3/util.py:354 src/sugar3/util.py:354
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d GB"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/sugar3/mime.py:56 src/sugar3/mime.py:59
++msgid "Text"
++msgstr "Testu"
++#: ../src/sugar3/mime.py:63 src/sugar3/mime.py:66
++msgid "Image"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/sugar3/mime.py:68 src/sugar3/mime.py:71
++msgid "Audio"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/sugar3/mime.py:75 src/sugar3/mime.py:78
++msgid "Video"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/sugar3/mime.py:86 src/sugar3/mime.py:89
++msgid "Link"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/sugar3/mime.py:91 src/sugar3/mime.py:94
++msgid "Bundle"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/sugar3/speech.py:48 src/sugar3/speech.py:56
++msgid "Afrikaans"
++msgstr "afrikaans"
++#: ../src/sugar3/speech.py:49 src/sugar3/speech.py:58
++msgid "Aragonese"
++msgstr "aragonés"
++#: ../src/sugar3/speech.py:50 src/sugar3/speech.py:60
++msgid "Bulgarian"
++msgstr "búlgaru"
++#: ../src/sugar3/speech.py:51 src/sugar3/speech.py:62
++msgid "Bosnian"
++msgstr "bosniu"
++#: ../src/sugar3/speech.py:52 src/sugar3/speech.py:64
++msgid "Catalan"
++msgstr "catalán"
++#: ../src/sugar3/speech.py:53 src/sugar3/speech.py:66
++msgid "Czech"
++msgstr "checu"
++#: ../src/sugar3/speech.py:54 src/sugar3/speech.py:68
++msgid "Welsh"
++msgstr "galés"
++#: ../src/sugar3/speech.py:55 src/sugar3/speech.py:70
++msgid "Danish"
++msgstr "danés"
++#: ../src/sugar3/speech.py:56 src/sugar3/speech.py:72
++msgid "German"
++msgstr "alemán"
++#: ../src/sugar3/speech.py:57 src/sugar3/speech.py:74
++msgid "Greek"
++msgstr "griegu"
++#: ../src/sugar3/speech.py:58
++msgid "Default"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/sugar3/speech.py:59 src/sugar3/speech.py:77
++msgid "English Britain"
++msgstr "inglés de Gran Bretaña"
++#: ../src/sugar3/speech.py:60 src/sugar3/speech.py:79
++#, fuzzy
++msgid "English scottish"
++msgstr "inglés"
++#: ../src/sugar3/speech.py:61 src/sugar3/speech.py:80
++#, fuzzy
++msgid "English-north"
++msgstr "inglés"
++#: ../src/sugar3/speech.py:62 src/sugar3/speech.py:82
++msgid "English_rp"
++msgstr "inglés"
++#: ../src/sugar3/speech.py:63 src/sugar3/speech.py:84
++#, fuzzy
++msgid "English_wmids"
++msgstr "inglés"
++#: ../src/sugar3/speech.py:64 src/sugar3/speech.py:86
++msgid "English USA"
++msgstr "Inglés (EE.XX.)"
++#: ../src/sugar3/speech.py:65
++#, fuzzy
++msgid "English west indies"
++msgstr "inglés"
++#: ../src/sugar3/speech.py:66 src/sugar3/speech.py:90
++msgid "Esperanto"
++msgstr "esperanto"
++#: ../src/sugar3/speech.py:67 src/sugar3/speech.py:92
++msgid "Spanish"
++msgstr "español"
++#: ../src/sugar3/speech.py:68 src/sugar3/speech.py:93
++#, fuzzy
++msgid "Spanish latin american"
++msgstr "español"
++#: ../src/sugar3/speech.py:69 src/sugar3/speech.py:95
++msgid "Estonian"
++msgstr "estoniu"
++#: ../src/sugar3/speech.py:70 src/sugar3/speech.py:97
++msgid "Farsi"
++msgstr "persa"
++#: ../src/sugar3/speech.py:71 src/sugar3/speech.py:99
++msgid "Farsi-pinglish"
++msgstr "persa-inglés"
++#: ../src/sugar3/speech.py:72 src/sugar3/speech.py:101
++msgid "Finnish"
++msgstr "finlandés"
++#: ../src/sugar3/speech.py:73 src/sugar3/speech.py:103
++msgid "French belgium"
++msgstr "Francés (Bélxica)"
++#: ../src/sugar3/speech.py:74 src/sugar3/speech.py:105
++msgid "French"
++msgstr "francés"
++#: ../src/sugar3/speech.py:75 src/sugar3/speech.py:107
++msgid "Irish-gaeilge"
++msgstr "irlandés"
++#: ../src/sugar3/speech.py:76 src/sugar3/speech.py:109
++msgid "Greek-ancient"
++msgstr "Griegu, Antiguu"
++#: ../src/sugar3/speech.py:77 src/sugar3/speech.py:111
++msgid "Hindi"
++msgstr "hindi"
++#: ../src/sugar3/speech.py:78 src/sugar3/speech.py:113
++msgid "Croatian"
++msgstr "croata"
++#: ../src/sugar3/speech.py:79 src/sugar3/speech.py:115
++msgid "Hungarian"
++msgstr "húngaru"
++#: ../src/sugar3/speech.py:80 src/sugar3/speech.py:117
++msgid "Armenian"
++msgstr "armeniu"
++#: ../src/sugar3/speech.py:81 src/sugar3/speech.py:119
++#, fuzzy
++msgid "Armenian (west)"
++msgstr "armeniu"
++#: ../src/sugar3/speech.py:82 src/sugar3/speech.py:121
++msgid "Indonesian"
++msgstr "indonesiu"
++#: ../src/sugar3/speech.py:83 src/sugar3/speech.py:123
++msgid "Icelandic"
++msgstr "islandés"
++#: ../src/sugar3/speech.py:84 src/sugar3/speech.py:125
++msgid "Italian"
++msgstr "italianu"
++#: ../src/sugar3/speech.py:85 src/sugar3/speech.py:127
++msgid "Lojban"
++msgstr "lojban"
++#: ../src/sugar3/speech.py:86 src/sugar3/speech.py:129
++msgid "Georgian"
++msgstr "xeorxanu"
++#: ../src/sugar3/speech.py:87 src/sugar3/speech.py:131
++msgid "Kannada"
++msgstr "canarés"
++#: ../src/sugar3/speech.py:88 src/sugar3/speech.py:133
++msgid "Kurdish"
++msgstr "curdu"
++#: ../src/sugar3/speech.py:89 src/sugar3/speech.py:135
++msgid "Latin"
++msgstr "llatín"
++#: ../src/sugar3/speech.py:90 src/sugar3/speech.py:137
++msgid "Lithuanian"
++msgstr "lituanu"
++#: ../src/sugar3/speech.py:91 src/sugar3/speech.py:139
++msgid "Latvian"
++msgstr "letón"
++#: ../src/sugar3/speech.py:92 src/sugar3/speech.py:141
++msgid "Macedonian"
++msgstr "macedoniu"
++#: ../src/sugar3/speech.py:93 src/sugar3/speech.py:143
++msgid "Malayalam"
++msgstr "malayalam"
++#: ../src/sugar3/speech.py:94 src/sugar3/speech.py:145
++msgid "Malay"
++msgstr "malayu"
++#: ../src/sugar3/speech.py:95 src/sugar3/speech.py:147
++msgid "Nepali"
++msgstr "nepalés"
++#: ../src/sugar3/speech.py:96 src/sugar3/speech.py:149
++msgid "Dutch"
++msgstr "neerlandés"
++#: ../src/sugar3/speech.py:97 src/sugar3/speech.py:151
++msgid "Norwegian"
++msgstr "noruegu"
++#: ../src/sugar3/speech.py:98 src/sugar3/speech.py:153
++msgid "Punjabi"
++msgstr "punyabí"
++#: ../src/sugar3/speech.py:99 src/sugar3/speech.py:155
++msgid "Polish"
++msgstr "polacu"
++#: ../src/sugar3/speech.py:100 src/sugar3/speech.py:157
++msgid "Portuguese (Brazil)"
++msgstr "Portugués (Brasil)"
++#: ../src/sugar3/speech.py:101 src/sugar3/speech.py:159
++msgid "Portuguese (Portugal)"
++msgstr "Portugués (Portugal)"
++#: ../src/sugar3/speech.py:102 src/sugar3/speech.py:161
++msgid "Romanian"
++msgstr "rumanu"
++#: ../src/sugar3/speech.py:103 src/sugar3/speech.py:163
++msgid "Russian"
++msgstr "rusu"
++#: ../src/sugar3/speech.py:104 src/sugar3/speech.py:165
++msgid "Slovak"
++msgstr "eslovacu"
++#: ../src/sugar3/speech.py:105 src/sugar3/speech.py:167
++msgid "Albanian"
++msgstr "albanu"
++#: ../src/sugar3/speech.py:106 src/sugar3/speech.py:169
++msgid "Serbian"
++msgstr "serbiu"
++#: ../src/sugar3/speech.py:107 src/sugar3/speech.py:171
++msgid "Swedish"
++msgstr "suecu"
++#: ../src/sugar3/speech.py:108
++msgid "Swahili-test"
++msgstr "suaḥili"
++#: ../src/sugar3/speech.py:109 src/sugar3/speech.py:175
++msgid "Tamil"
++msgstr "tamil"
++#: ../src/sugar3/speech.py:110 src/sugar3/speech.py:177
++msgid "Turkish"
++msgstr "turcu"
++#: ../src/sugar3/speech.py:111 src/sugar3/speech.py:179
++msgid "Vietnam"
++msgstr "vietnamín"
++#: ../src/sugar3/speech.py:112 src/sugar3/speech.py:180
++msgid "Vietnam_hue"
++msgstr "vietnamín_hue"
++#: ../src/sugar3/speech.py:113 src/sugar3/speech.py:181
++msgid "Vietnam_sgn"
++msgstr "vietnamín_sgn"
++#: ../src/sugar3/speech.py:114 src/sugar3/speech.py:183
++#, fuzzy
++msgid "Mandarin"
++msgstr "chinu"
++#: ../src/sugar3/speech.py:115 src/sugar3/speech.py:185
++#, fuzzy
++msgid "Cantonese"
++msgstr "chinu"
++#: src/sugar3/activity/activity.py:1170
++msgid "Stop: name your journal entry"
++msgstr ""
++#: src/sugar3/activity/activity.py:1193
++msgid "Cancel stop and continue the activity"
++msgstr ""
++#: src/sugar3/activity/activity.py:1230
++msgid "Save new"
++msgstr ""
++#: src/sugar3/activity/activity.py:1231
++msgid "Save a new journal entry"
++msgstr ""
++#: src/sugar3/activity/activity.py:1234
++msgid "Save"
++msgstr ""
++#: src/sugar3/activity/activity.py:1235
++msgid "Save into the old journal entry"
++msgstr ""
++#: src/sugar3/activity/activity.py:1241
++msgid "Erase changes"
++msgstr ""
++#: src/sugar3/activity/activity.py:1242
++msgid "Erase what you have done, and leave your old journal entry unchanged"
++msgstr ""
++#: src/sugar3/activity/activity.py:1245
++msgid "Erase"
++msgstr ""
++#: src/sugar3/activity/activity.py:1246
++msgid "Erase what you have done, and avoid making a journal entry"
++msgstr ""
++#: src/sugar3/graphics/popwindow.py:179
++msgid "Close"
++msgstr ""
++#: src/sugar3/speech.py:75
++msgid "English"
++msgstr ""
++#: src/sugar3/speech.py:88
++#, fuzzy
++msgid "English West Indies"
++msgstr "inglés"
++#: src/sugar3/speech.py:173
++msgid "Swahili"
++msgstr ""
+diff --git b/po/nah.po a/po/nah.po
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..17e8938
+--- /dev/null
++++ a/po/nah.po
+@@ -0,0 +1,552 @@
++# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
++msgid ""
++msgstr ""
++"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
++"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
++"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-10-16 18:58+1100\n"
++"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-08-30 17:49+0200\n"
++"Last-Translator: Chris <cjl@laptop.org>\n"
++"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <LL@li.org>\n"
++"Language: nah\n"
++"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
++"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
++"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
++"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
++"X-Generator: Pootle 2.0.5\n"
++#: ../src/sugar3/activity/activity.py:416 src/sugar3/activity/activity.py:467
++#, python-format
++#, python-format, fuzzy
++msgid "%s Activity"
++msgstr "tlen ti chiuas %s"
++#: ../src/sugar3/activity/activity.py:967 src/sugar3/activity/activity.py:1127
++#, fuzzy
++msgid "Keep error"
++msgstr "kuapolo"
++#: ../src/sugar3/activity/activity.py:968 src/sugar3/activity/activity.py:1128
++msgid "Keep error: all changes will be lost"
++msgstr "kuapolo kema ti ajukui katli ti chijki pulus"
++#: ../src/sugar3/activity/activity.py:971 src/sugar3/activity/activity.py:1131
++msgid "Don't stop"
++msgstr "inka moketsas"
++#: ../src/sugar3/activity/activity.py:975 src/sugar3/activity/activity.py:1135
++msgid "Stop anyway"
++msgstr "moketsas"
++#: ../src/sugar3/activity/widgets.py:86 src/sugar3/activity/activity.py:1169
++#: src/sugar3/activity/widgets.py:86
++#, fuzzy
++msgid "Stop"
++msgstr "Moketsas"
++#: ../src/sugar3/activity/widgets.py:98 src/sugar3/activity/widgets.py:99
++msgid "Undo"
++msgstr "patik"
++#: ../src/sugar3/activity/widgets.py:106 src/sugar3/activity/widgets.py:107
++msgid "Redo"
++msgstr "ompawi"
++#: ../src/sugar3/activity/widgets.py:113 src/sugar3/activity/widgets.py:114
++msgid "Copy"
++msgstr "ixcopina"
++#: ../src/sugar3/activity/widgets.py:121 src/sugar3/activity/widgets.py:122
++msgid "Paste"
++msgstr "tlatskis"
++#: ../src/sugar3/activity/widgets.py:132 src/sugar3/activity/widgets.py:133
++msgid "Private"
++msgstr "san iyaya"
++#: ../src/sugar3/activity/widgets.py:139 src/sugar3/activity/widgets.py:140
++msgid "My Neighborhood"
++msgstr "nechicokalime"
++#: ../src/sugar3/activity/widgets.py:233 src/sugar3/activity/widgets.py:234
++msgid "Description"
++msgstr "tlaixkuilolli"
++#: ../src/sugar3/graphics/alert.py:287 ../src/sugar3/graphics/alert.py:429
++#: src/sugar3/activity/activity.py:1189 src/sugar3/graphics/alert.py:301
++#: src/sugar3/graphics/alert.py:467
++#, fuzzy
++msgid "Cancel"
++msgstr "Tlamilti"
++#: ../src/sugar3/graphics/alert.py:291 ../src/sugar3/graphics/alert.py:337
++#: ../src/sugar3/graphics/alert.py:479 src/sugar3/graphics/alert.py:305
++#: src/sugar3/graphics/alert.py:346 src/sugar3/graphics/alert.py:393
++#: src/sugar3/graphics/alert.py:512
++msgid "Ok"
++msgstr "selis"
++#: ../src/sugar3/graphics/alert.py:434 src/sugar3/graphics/alert.py:464
++msgid "Continue"
++msgstr "mosentokilis"
++#: ../src/sugar3/graphics/colorbutton.py:54
++#: src/sugar3/graphics/colorbutton.py:55
++msgid "Choose a color"
++msgstr "xitlapejoeni se tlapalli"
++#: ../src/sugar3/graphics/colorbutton.py:279
++#: src/sugar3/graphics/colorbutton.py:300
++msgid "Red"
++msgstr "chichiltik"
++#: ../src/sugar3/graphics/colorbutton.py:281
++#: src/sugar3/graphics/colorbutton.py:302
++msgid "Green"
++msgstr "xoxowik"
++#: ../src/sugar3/graphics/colorbutton.py:283
++#: src/sugar3/graphics/colorbutton.py:304
++msgid "Blue"
++msgstr "axoxoltik"
++#: ../src/sugar3/util.py:217 src/sugar3/util.py:217
++msgid " and "
++msgstr " wan "
++#: ../src/sugar3/util.py:218 src/sugar3/util.py:218
++msgid ", "
++msgstr ", "
++#. TRANS: Indicating something that just happened, eg. "just now", "moments ago"
++#: ../src/sugar3/util.py:221 src/sugar3/util.py:221
++msgid "Seconds ago"
++msgstr "omekawiltsitsi ikatlaika"
++#. TRANS: Indicating time passed, eg. "[10 day, 5 hours] ago",
++#. "[2 minutes] in the past", or "[3 years, 1 month] earlier"
++#: ../src/sugar3/util.py:225 src/sugar3/util.py:225
++#, python-format
++msgid "%s ago"
++msgstr "%s katlaika"
++#. TRANS: Relative dates (eg. 1 month and 5 days).
++#: ../src/sugar3/util.py:240 src/sugar3/util.py:240
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d year"
++msgid_plural "%d years"
++msgstr[0] "%d xiwitl"
++msgstr[1] "%d xiwimej"
++#: ../src/sugar3/util.py:241 src/sugar3/util.py:241
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d month"
++msgid_plural "%d months"
++msgstr[0] "%d meestli"
++msgstr[1] "%d meestlimej"
++#: ../src/sugar3/util.py:242 src/sugar3/util.py:242
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d week"
++msgid_plural "%d weeks"
++msgstr[0] "%d chikontonal"
++msgstr[1] "%d chikontonalmej"
++#: ../src/sugar3/util.py:243 src/sugar3/util.py:243
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d day"
++msgid_plural "%d days"
++msgstr[0] "%d tonal"
++msgstr[1] "%d tonalmej"
++#: ../src/sugar3/util.py:244 src/sugar3/util.py:244
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d hour"
++msgid_plural "%d hours"
++msgstr[0] "%d kawitl"
++msgstr[1] "%d kawitlmej"
++#: ../src/sugar3/util.py:245 src/sugar3/util.py:245
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d minute"
++msgid_plural "%d minutes"
++msgstr[0] "%d kawiltsi"
++msgstr[1] "%d kawilmej"
++#: ../src/sugar3/util.py:346 src/sugar3/util.py:346
++msgid "Empty"
++msgstr "kaktok"
++#: ../src/sugar3/util.py:348 src/sugar3/util.py:348
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d B"
++msgstr "%d B"
++#: ../src/sugar3/util.py:350 src/sugar3/util.py:350
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d KB"
++msgstr "%de KB"
++#: ../src/sugar3/util.py:352 src/sugar3/util.py:352
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d MB"
++msgstr "%d MB"
++#: ../src/sugar3/util.py:354 src/sugar3/util.py:354
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d GB"
++msgstr "%d GB"
++#: ../src/sugar3/mime.py:56 src/sugar3/mime.py:59
++msgid "Text"
++msgstr "tlakuilolpa"
++#: ../src/sugar3/mime.py:63 src/sugar3/mime.py:66
++msgid "Image"
++msgstr "ixnextli"
++#: ../src/sugar3/mime.py:68 src/sugar3/mime.py:71
++msgid "Audio"
++msgstr "kakiilistli"
++#: ../src/sugar3/mime.py:75 src/sugar3/mime.py:78
++msgid "Video"
++msgstr "ixnextilli"
++#: ../src/sugar3/mime.py:86 src/sugar3/mime.py:89
++msgid "Link"
++msgstr "saloli"
++#: ../src/sugar3/mime.py:91 src/sugar3/mime.py:94
++msgid "Bundle"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/sugar3/speech.py:48 src/sugar3/speech.py:56
++msgid "Afrikaans"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/sugar3/speech.py:49 src/sugar3/speech.py:58
++msgid "Aragonese"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/sugar3/speech.py:50 src/sugar3/speech.py:60
++msgid "Bulgarian"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/sugar3/speech.py:51 src/sugar3/speech.py:62
++msgid "Bosnian"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/sugar3/speech.py:52 src/sugar3/speech.py:64
++msgid "Catalan"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/sugar3/speech.py:53 src/sugar3/speech.py:66
++msgid "Czech"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/sugar3/speech.py:54 src/sugar3/speech.py:68
++msgid "Welsh"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/sugar3/speech.py:55 src/sugar3/speech.py:70
++msgid "Danish"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/sugar3/speech.py:56 src/sugar3/speech.py:72
++msgid "German"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/sugar3/speech.py:57 src/sugar3/speech.py:74
++msgid "Greek"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/sugar3/speech.py:58
++msgid "Default"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/sugar3/speech.py:59 src/sugar3/speech.py:77
++msgid "English Britain"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/sugar3/speech.py:60 src/sugar3/speech.py:79
++msgid "English scottish"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/sugar3/speech.py:61 src/sugar3/speech.py:80
++msgid "English-north"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/sugar3/speech.py:62 src/sugar3/speech.py:82
++msgid "English_rp"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/sugar3/speech.py:63 src/sugar3/speech.py:84
++msgid "English_wmids"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/sugar3/speech.py:64 src/sugar3/speech.py:86
++msgid "English USA"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/sugar3/speech.py:65
++msgid "English west indies"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/sugar3/speech.py:66 src/sugar3/speech.py:90
++msgid "Esperanto"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/sugar3/speech.py:67 src/sugar3/speech.py:92
++msgid "Spanish"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/sugar3/speech.py:68 src/sugar3/speech.py:93
++msgid "Spanish latin american"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/sugar3/speech.py:69 src/sugar3/speech.py:95
++msgid "Estonian"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/sugar3/speech.py:70 src/sugar3/speech.py:97
++msgid "Farsi"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/sugar3/speech.py:71 src/sugar3/speech.py:99
++msgid "Farsi-pinglish"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/sugar3/speech.py:72 src/sugar3/speech.py:101
++msgid "Finnish"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/sugar3/speech.py:73 src/sugar3/speech.py:103
++msgid "French belgium"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/sugar3/speech.py:74 src/sugar3/speech.py:105
++msgid "French"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/sugar3/speech.py:75 src/sugar3/speech.py:107
++msgid "Irish-gaeilge"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/sugar3/speech.py:76 src/sugar3/speech.py:109
++msgid "Greek-ancient"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/sugar3/speech.py:77 src/sugar3/speech.py:111
++msgid "Hindi"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/sugar3/speech.py:78 src/sugar3/speech.py:113
++msgid "Croatian"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/sugar3/speech.py:79 src/sugar3/speech.py:115
++msgid "Hungarian"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/sugar3/speech.py:80 src/sugar3/speech.py:117
++msgid "Armenian"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/sugar3/speech.py:81 src/sugar3/speech.py:119
++msgid "Armenian (west)"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/sugar3/speech.py:82 src/sugar3/speech.py:121
++msgid "Indonesian"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/sugar3/speech.py:83 src/sugar3/speech.py:123
++msgid "Icelandic"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/sugar3/speech.py:84 src/sugar3/speech.py:125
++msgid "Italian"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/sugar3/speech.py:85 src/sugar3/speech.py:127
++msgid "Lojban"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/sugar3/speech.py:86 src/sugar3/speech.py:129
++msgid "Georgian"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/sugar3/speech.py:87 src/sugar3/speech.py:131
++msgid "Kannada"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/sugar3/speech.py:88 src/sugar3/speech.py:133
++msgid "Kurdish"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/sugar3/speech.py:89 src/sugar3/speech.py:135
++msgid "Latin"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/sugar3/speech.py:90 src/sugar3/speech.py:137
++msgid "Lithuanian"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/sugar3/speech.py:91 src/sugar3/speech.py:139
++msgid "Latvian"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/sugar3/speech.py:92 src/sugar3/speech.py:141
++msgid "Macedonian"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/sugar3/speech.py:93 src/sugar3/speech.py:143
++msgid "Malayalam"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/sugar3/speech.py:94 src/sugar3/speech.py:145
++msgid "Malay"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/sugar3/speech.py:95 src/sugar3/speech.py:147
++msgid "Nepali"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/sugar3/speech.py:96 src/sugar3/speech.py:149
++msgid "Dutch"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/sugar3/speech.py:97 src/sugar3/speech.py:151
++msgid "Norwegian"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/sugar3/speech.py:98 src/sugar3/speech.py:153
++msgid "Punjabi"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/sugar3/speech.py:99 src/sugar3/speech.py:155
++msgid "Polish"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/sugar3/speech.py:100 src/sugar3/speech.py:157
++msgid "Portuguese (Brazil)"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/sugar3/speech.py:101 src/sugar3/speech.py:159
++msgid "Portuguese (Portugal)"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/sugar3/speech.py:102 src/sugar3/speech.py:161
++msgid "Romanian"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/sugar3/speech.py:103 src/sugar3/speech.py:163
++msgid "Russian"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/sugar3/speech.py:104 src/sugar3/speech.py:165
++msgid "Slovak"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/sugar3/speech.py:105 src/sugar3/speech.py:167
++msgid "Albanian"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/sugar3/speech.py:106 src/sugar3/speech.py:169
++msgid "Serbian"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/sugar3/speech.py:107 src/sugar3/speech.py:171
++msgid "Swedish"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/sugar3/speech.py:108
++msgid "Swahili-test"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/sugar3/speech.py:109 src/sugar3/speech.py:175
++msgid "Tamil"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/sugar3/speech.py:110 src/sugar3/speech.py:177
++msgid "Turkish"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/sugar3/speech.py:111 src/sugar3/speech.py:179
++msgid "Vietnam"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/sugar3/speech.py:112 src/sugar3/speech.py:180
++msgid "Vietnam_hue"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/sugar3/speech.py:113 src/sugar3/speech.py:181
++msgid "Vietnam_sgn"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/sugar3/speech.py:114 src/sugar3/speech.py:183
++msgid "Mandarin"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/sugar3/speech.py:115 src/sugar3/speech.py:185
++msgid "Cantonese"
++msgstr ""
++#: src/sugar3/activity/activity.py:1170
++msgid "Stop: name your journal entry"
++msgstr ""
++#: src/sugar3/activity/activity.py:1193
++msgid "Cancel stop and continue the activity"
++msgstr ""
++#: src/sugar3/activity/activity.py:1230
++msgid "Save new"
++msgstr ""
++#: src/sugar3/activity/activity.py:1231
++msgid "Save a new journal entry"
++msgstr ""
++#: src/sugar3/activity/activity.py:1234
++msgid "Save"
++msgstr ""
++#: src/sugar3/activity/activity.py:1235
++msgid "Save into the old journal entry"
++msgstr ""
++#: src/sugar3/activity/activity.py:1241
++msgid "Erase changes"
++msgstr ""
++#: src/sugar3/activity/activity.py:1242
++msgid "Erase what you have done, and leave your old journal entry unchanged"
++msgstr ""
++#: src/sugar3/activity/activity.py:1245
++msgid "Erase"
++msgstr ""
++#: src/sugar3/activity/activity.py:1246
++msgid "Erase what you have done, and avoid making a journal entry"
++msgstr ""
++#: src/sugar3/graphics/popwindow.py:179
++msgid "Close"
++msgstr ""
++#: src/sugar3/speech.py:75
++msgid "English"
++msgstr ""
++#: src/sugar3/speech.py:88
++msgid "English West Indies"
++msgstr ""
++#: src/sugar3/speech.py:173
++msgid "Swahili"
++msgstr ""
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++"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
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++#: src/sugar3/activity/activity.py:1122
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++#: src/sugar3/activity/activity.py:1123
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++msgid "Aragonese"
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++#: ../src/sugar3/speech.py:50 src/sugar3/speech.py:60
++msgid "Bulgarian"
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++#: ../src/sugar3/speech.py:51 src/sugar3/speech.py:62
++msgid "Bosnian"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/sugar3/speech.py:52 src/sugar3/speech.py:64
++msgid "Catalan"
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++#: ../src/sugar3/speech.py:53 src/sugar3/speech.py:66
++msgid "Czech"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/sugar3/speech.py:54 src/sugar3/speech.py:68
++msgid "Welsh"
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++#: ../src/sugar3/speech.py:55 src/sugar3/speech.py:70
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++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/sugar3/speech.py:56 src/sugar3/speech.py:72
++msgid "German"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/sugar3/speech.py:57 src/sugar3/speech.py:74
++msgid "Greek"
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++#: ../src/sugar3/speech.py:58
++msgid "Default"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/sugar3/speech.py:59 src/sugar3/speech.py:77
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++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/sugar3/speech.py:60 src/sugar3/speech.py:79
++msgid "English scottish"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/sugar3/speech.py:61 src/sugar3/speech.py:80
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++#: ../src/sugar3/speech.py:62 src/sugar3/speech.py:82
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++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/sugar3/speech.py:63 src/sugar3/speech.py:84
++msgid "English_wmids"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/sugar3/speech.py:64 src/sugar3/speech.py:86
++msgid "English USA"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/sugar3/speech.py:65
++msgid "English west indies"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/sugar3/speech.py:66 src/sugar3/speech.py:90
++msgid "Esperanto"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/sugar3/speech.py:67 src/sugar3/speech.py:92
++msgid "Spanish"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/sugar3/speech.py:68 src/sugar3/speech.py:93
++msgid "Spanish latin american"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/sugar3/speech.py:69 src/sugar3/speech.py:95
++msgid "Estonian"
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++#: ../src/sugar3/speech.py:70 src/sugar3/speech.py:97
++msgid "Farsi"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/sugar3/speech.py:71 src/sugar3/speech.py:99
++msgid "Farsi-pinglish"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/sugar3/speech.py:72 src/sugar3/speech.py:101
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++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/sugar3/speech.py:73 src/sugar3/speech.py:103
++msgid "French belgium"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/sugar3/speech.py:74 src/sugar3/speech.py:105
++msgid "French"
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++#: ../src/sugar3/speech.py:75 src/sugar3/speech.py:107
++msgid "Irish-gaeilge"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/sugar3/speech.py:76 src/sugar3/speech.py:109
++msgid "Greek-ancient"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/sugar3/speech.py:77 src/sugar3/speech.py:111
++msgid "Hindi"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/sugar3/speech.py:78 src/sugar3/speech.py:113
++msgid "Croatian"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/sugar3/speech.py:79 src/sugar3/speech.py:115
++msgid "Hungarian"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/sugar3/speech.py:80 src/sugar3/speech.py:117
++msgid "Armenian"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/sugar3/speech.py:81 src/sugar3/speech.py:119
++msgid "Armenian (west)"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/sugar3/speech.py:82 src/sugar3/speech.py:121
++msgid "Indonesian"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/sugar3/speech.py:83 src/sugar3/speech.py:123
++msgid "Icelandic"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/sugar3/speech.py:84 src/sugar3/speech.py:125
++msgid "Italian"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/sugar3/speech.py:85 src/sugar3/speech.py:127
++msgid "Lojban"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/sugar3/speech.py:86 src/sugar3/speech.py:129
++msgid "Georgian"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/sugar3/speech.py:87 src/sugar3/speech.py:131
++msgid "Kannada"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/sugar3/speech.py:88 src/sugar3/speech.py:133
++msgid "Kurdish"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/sugar3/speech.py:89 src/sugar3/speech.py:135
++msgid "Latin"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/sugar3/speech.py:90 src/sugar3/speech.py:137
++msgid "Lithuanian"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/sugar3/speech.py:91 src/sugar3/speech.py:139
++msgid "Latvian"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/sugar3/speech.py:92 src/sugar3/speech.py:141
++msgid "Macedonian"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/sugar3/speech.py:93 src/sugar3/speech.py:143
++msgid "Malayalam"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/sugar3/speech.py:94 src/sugar3/speech.py:145
++msgid "Malay"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/sugar3/speech.py:95 src/sugar3/speech.py:147
++msgid "Nepali"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/sugar3/speech.py:96 src/sugar3/speech.py:149
++msgid "Dutch"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/sugar3/speech.py:97 src/sugar3/speech.py:151
++msgid "Norwegian"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/sugar3/speech.py:98 src/sugar3/speech.py:153
++msgid "Punjabi"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/sugar3/speech.py:99 src/sugar3/speech.py:155
++msgid "Polish"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/sugar3/speech.py:100 src/sugar3/speech.py:157
++msgid "Portuguese (Brazil)"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/sugar3/speech.py:101 src/sugar3/speech.py:159
++msgid "Portuguese (Portugal)"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/sugar3/speech.py:102 src/sugar3/speech.py:161
++msgid "Romanian"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/sugar3/speech.py:103 src/sugar3/speech.py:163
++msgid "Russian"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/sugar3/speech.py:104 src/sugar3/speech.py:165
++msgid "Slovak"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/sugar3/speech.py:105 src/sugar3/speech.py:167
++msgid "Albanian"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/sugar3/speech.py:106 src/sugar3/speech.py:169
++msgid "Serbian"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/sugar3/speech.py:107 src/sugar3/speech.py:171
++msgid "Swedish"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/sugar3/speech.py:108
++msgid "Swahili-test"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/sugar3/speech.py:109 src/sugar3/speech.py:175
++msgid "Tamil"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/sugar3/speech.py:110 src/sugar3/speech.py:177
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++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/sugar3/speech.py:111 src/sugar3/speech.py:179
++msgid "Vietnam"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/sugar3/speech.py:112 src/sugar3/speech.py:180
++msgid "Vietnam_hue"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/sugar3/speech.py:113 src/sugar3/speech.py:181
++msgid "Vietnam_sgn"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/sugar3/speech.py:114 src/sugar3/speech.py:183
++msgid "Mandarin"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/sugar3/speech.py:115 src/sugar3/speech.py:185
++msgid "Cantonese"
++msgstr ""
++#: src/sugar3/activity/activity.py:1170 src/sugar3/activity/activity.py:1165
++msgid "Stop: name your journal entry"
++msgstr ""
++#: src/sugar3/activity/activity.py:1193 src/sugar3/activity/activity.py:1188
++msgid "Cancel stop and continue the activity"
++msgstr ""
++#: src/sugar3/activity/activity.py:1230 src/sugar3/activity/activity.py:1225
++msgid "Save new"
++msgstr ""
++#: src/sugar3/activity/activity.py:1231 src/sugar3/activity/activity.py:1226
++msgid "Save a new journal entry"
++msgstr ""
++#: src/sugar3/activity/activity.py:1234 src/sugar3/activity/activity.py:1229
++msgid "Save"
++msgstr ""
++#: src/sugar3/activity/activity.py:1235 src/sugar3/activity/activity.py:1230
++msgid "Save into the old journal entry"
++msgstr ""
++#: src/sugar3/activity/activity.py:1241 src/sugar3/activity/activity.py:1236
++msgid "Erase changes"
++msgstr ""
++#: src/sugar3/activity/activity.py:1242 src/sugar3/activity/activity.py:1237
++msgid "Erase what you have done, and leave your old journal entry unchanged"
++msgstr ""
++#: src/sugar3/activity/activity.py:1245 src/sugar3/activity/activity.py:1240
++msgid "Erase"
++msgstr ""
++#: src/sugar3/activity/activity.py:1246 src/sugar3/activity/activity.py:1241
++msgid "Erase what you have done, and avoid making a journal entry"
++msgstr ""
++#: src/sugar3/graphics/popwindow.py:179
++msgid "Close"
++msgstr ""
++#: src/sugar3/speech.py:75
++msgid "English"
++msgstr ""
++#: src/sugar3/speech.py:88
++msgid "English West Indies"
++msgstr ""
++#: src/sugar3/speech.py:173
++msgid "Swahili"
++msgstr ""
+diff --git b/src/sugar3/.gitignore a/src/sugar3/.gitignore
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..de24e35
+--- /dev/null
++++ a/src/sugar3/.gitignore
+@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+diff --git b/src/sugar3/.license a/src/sugar3/.license
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..6989ebe
+--- /dev/null
++++ a/src/sugar3/.license
+@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+diff --git b/src/sugar3/activity/Makefile.am a/src/sugar3/activity/Makefile.am
+index e3cf05b..1f7a433 100644
+--- b/src/sugar3/activity/Makefile.am
++++ a/src/sugar3/activity/Makefile.am
+@@ -7,7 +7,6 @@ sugar_PYTHON =              \
+ 	activityhandle.py       \
+ 	activityservice.py      \
+ 	bundlebuilder.py        \
+-	webkit1.py				\
+ 	webactivity.py         \
+ 	i18n.py			\
+ 	widgets.py
+diff --git b/src/sugar3/activity/activity.py a/src/sugar3/activity/activity.py
+index a459d64..4f7c9a2 100644
+--- b/src/sugar3/activity/activity.py
++++ a/src/sugar3/activity/activity.py
+@@ -854,7 +854,7 @@ class Activity(Window, Gtk.Container):
+         is seeing at the time.
+         Returns:
+-            str: image data in PNG format
++            bytes: image data in PNG format
+         Activities may override this method, and return a string with
+         image data in PNG format with a width and height of
+diff --git b/src/sugar3/activity/bundlebuilder.py a/src/sugar3/activity/bundlebuilder.py
+index 9fd3839..cc32d60 100644
+--- b/src/sugar3/activity/bundlebuilder.py
++++ a/src/sugar3/activity/bundlebuilder.py
+@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ import logging
+ from glob import glob
+ from fnmatch import fnmatch
+ from six.moves.configparser import ConfigParser
+-import xml.etree.cElementTree as ET
++import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
+ from six.moves.html_parser import HTMLParser
+ from sugar3 import env
+@@ -629,9 +629,9 @@ def start():
+     source_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0]))
+     config = Config(source_dir)
+-    try:
+-        globals()['cmd_' + options.command](config, options)
+-    except (KeyError, IndexError):
++    if 'cmd_' + (options.command or '') in globals():
++        globals()['cmd_' + (options.command or '')](config, options)
++    else:
+         parser.print_help()
+diff --git b/src/sugar3/graphics/style.py a/src/sugar3/graphics/style.py
+index 8dafd5b..4b34351 100644
+--- b/src/sugar3/graphics/style.py
++++ a/src/sugar3/graphics/style.py
+@@ -155,7 +155,7 @@ def zoom(units):
+     Returns size of units pixels at current zoom level
+     Args:
+-        units (int): size of item at full size
++        units (int or float): size of item at full size
+     '''
+     return int(ZOOM_FACTOR * units)
+diff --git b/src/sugar3/presence/test_presence.txt a/src/sugar3/presence/test_presence.txt
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..d0736a9
+--- /dev/null
++++ a/src/sugar3/presence/test_presence.txt
+@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
++This is a test of presence.
++To test this service we will start up a mock dbus library:
++    >>> from sugar.testing import mockdbus
++    >>> import dbus
++    >>> pres_service = mockdbus.MockService(
++    ...     'org.laptop.Presence', '/org/laptop/Presence', name='pres')
++    >>> pres_service.install()
++    >>> pres_interface = dbus.Interface(pres_service, 'org.laptop.Presence')
++Then we import the library (second, to make sure it connects to our
++mocked system, though the lazy instantiation in get_instance() should
++handle it):
++    >>> from sugar.presence import PresenceService
++    >>> ps = PresenceService.get_instance()
++    >>> pres_interface.make_response('getServices', [])
++    >>> ps.get_services()
++    Called pres.org.laptop.Presence:getServices()
++    []
++    >>> pres_interface.make_response('getBuddies', [])
++    >>> ps.get_buddies()
++    Called pres.org.laptop.Presence:getBuddies()
++    []
+diff --git b/tests/data/mime.svg a/tests/data/mime.svg
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..d4e6db3
+--- /dev/null
++++ a/tests/data/mime.svg
+@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
++<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
++<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" version="2.0">
+diff --git b/tests/data/sample.activity/activity.py a/tests/data/sample.activity/activity.py
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..ea4e983
+--- /dev/null
++++ a/tests/data/sample.activity/activity.py
+@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
++from gettext import gettext as _
++from sugar3.activity import activity
++class SampleActivity(activity.Activity):
++    def __init__(self, handle):
++        activity.Activity.__init__(self, handle)
++        self._text = _("Text string")
+diff --git b/tests/data/sample.activity/activity/activity-sample.svg a/tests/data/sample.activity/activity/activity-sample.svg
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..8da7c63
+--- /dev/null
++++ a/tests/data/sample.activity/activity/activity-sample.svg
+@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
++<?xml version="1.0" ?><!DOCTYPE svg  PUBLIC '-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1//EN'  'http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/1.1/DTD/svg11.dtd' [
++	<!ENTITY stroke_color "#010101">
++	<!ENTITY fill_color "#FFFFFF">
++<svg enable-background="new 0 0 55 55" height="55px" version="1.1" viewBox="0 0 55 55" width="55px" x="0px" xml:space="preserve" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" y="0px">
++  <g display="block" id="activity-helloworld">
++    <path d="M9.263,48.396c0.682,1.152,6.027,0.059,8.246-1.463   c2.102-1.432,3.207-2.596,4.336-2.596c1.133,0,12.54,0.92,20.935-5.715c7.225-5.707,9.773-13.788,4.52-21.437   c-5.252-7.644-13.832-9.08-20.878-8.56C16.806,9.342,4.224,16.91,4.677,28.313c0.264,6.711,3.357,9.143,4.922,10.703   c1.562,1.566,4.545,1.566,2.992,5.588C11.981,46.183,8.753,47.522,9.263,48.396z" display="inline" fill="&fill_color;" stroke="&stroke_color;" stroke-width="3.5"/>
++  </g>
++  <circle cx="27.375" cy="27.5" r="19.903"
++     transform="matrix(0.6,0,0,0.6,10.95,11)"
++     id="circle4" fill="&fill_color;" stroke="&stroke_color;" stroke-width="3.5" display="inline" />
++  <g transform="matrix(0.6,0,0,0.6,10.95,11)" id="g6" style="display:inline">
++    <path d="m 27.376,7.598 c 0,0 -11.205,8.394 -11.205,19.976 0,11.583 11.205,19.829 11.205,19.829"
++       id="path8" fill="&fill_color;" stroke="&stroke_color;" stroke-width="3.5" />
++    <path d="m 27.376,7.598 c 0,0 11.066,9.141 11.066,19.976 0,10.839 -11.066,19.829 -11.066,19.829"
++       id="path10" fill="&fill_color;" stroke="&stroke_color;" stroke-width="3.5" />
++    <line x1="27.375999" x2="27.375999" y1="7.598" y2="47.402"
++       id="line12" fill="&fill_color;" stroke="&stroke_color;" stroke-width="3.5" />
++    <line x1="27.375999" x2="27.375999" y1="7.598" y2="47.402"
++       id="line14" fill="&fill_color;" stroke="&stroke_color;" stroke-width="3.5" />
++    <line x1="27.375999" x2="27.375999" y1="7.598" y2="47.402"
++       id="line16" fill="&fill_color;" stroke="&stroke_color;" stroke-width="3.5" />
++    <line x1="7.4720001" x2="47.278" y1="27.5" y2="27.5"
++       id="line18" fill="&fill_color;" stroke="&stroke_color;" stroke-width="3.5" />
++  </g>
+diff --git b/tests/data/sample.activity/activity/activity.info a/tests/data/sample.activity/activity/activity.info
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..820c07a
+--- /dev/null
++++ a/tests/data/sample.activity/activity/activity.info
+@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
++name = Sample
++activity_version = 1
++bundle_id = org.sugarlabs.Sample
++exec = sugar-activity3 activity.SampleActivity
++icon = activity-sample
++license = GPLv2+
+diff --git b/tests/data/sample.activity/po/Sample.pot a/tests/data/sample.activity/po/Sample.pot
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..0cee357
+--- /dev/null
++++ a/tests/data/sample.activity/po/Sample.pot
+@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
++# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
++#, fuzzy
++msgid ""
++msgstr ""
++"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
++"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
++"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-12-06 20:10+0100\n"
++"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
++"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
++"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <LL@li.org>\n"
++"Language: \n"
++"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
++"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=CHARSET\n"
++"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
++#: activity/activity.info:2
++msgid "Sample"
++msgstr ""
++#: activity.py:8
++msgid "Text string"
++msgstr ""
+diff --git b/tests/data/sample.activity/po/es.po a/tests/data/sample.activity/po/es.po
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..a1a6adb
+--- /dev/null
++++ a/tests/data/sample.activity/po/es.po
+@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
++# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
++#, fuzzy
++msgid ""
++msgstr ""
++"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
++"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
++"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-12-06 20:10+0100\n"
++"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
++"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
++"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <LL@li.org>\n"
++"Language: \n"
++"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
++"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
++"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
++#: activity/activity.info:2
++msgid "Sample"
++msgstr ""
++#: activity.py:8
++msgid "Text string"
++msgstr ""
+diff --git b/tests/data/sample.activity/setup.py a/tests/data/sample.activity/setup.py
+new file mode 100755
+index 0000000..191204b
+--- /dev/null
++++ a/tests/data/sample.activity/setup.py
+@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
++#!/usr/bin/env python3
++from sugar3.activity import bundlebuilder
+diff --git b/tests/data/sample.content/index.html a/tests/data/sample.content/index.html
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..e69de29
+diff --git b/tests/data/sample.content/library/library.info a/tests/data/sample.content/library/library.info
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..fb372df
+--- /dev/null
++++ a/tests/data/sample.content/library/library.info
+@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
++name = sample
++long_name = sample
++global_name = org.sugarlabs.samplecontent
++library_version = 1
++host_version = 1
++l10n = false
++locale = en
++license = CC-BY 2.0
++category = media
+diff --git b/tests/graphics/cellrendererprogress.py a/tests/graphics/cellrendererprogress.py
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..94c1b9a
+--- /dev/null
++++ a/tests/graphics/cellrendererprogress.py
+@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
++from gi.repository import Gtk
++from sugar3.graphics import style
++import common
++test = common.Test()
++model = Gtk.ListStore(str, int, int)
++for item in [('one', 72, -1),
++             ('two', 50, -1),
++             ('three', 35, -1),
++             ('four', 0, 5)]:
++    model.append(item)
++treeview = Gtk.TreeView()
++test.pack_start(treeview, True, True, 0)
++col = Gtk.TreeViewColumn()
++cell_text = Gtk.CellRendererText()
++cell_text.props.height = style.GRID_CELL_SIZE
++col.pack_start(cell_text, expand=False)
++col.add_attribute(cell_text, 'text', 0)
++cell_progress = Gtk.CellRendererProgress()
++cell_progress.props.ypad = style.GRID_CELL_SIZE / 4
++col.pack_start(cell_progress, expand=True)
++col.add_attribute(cell_progress, 'value', 1)
++col.add_attribute(cell_progress, 'pulse', 2)
++if __name__ == '__main__':
++    common.main(test)
+diff --git b/tests/graphics/combobox.py a/tests/graphics/combobox.py
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..0c329a0
+--- /dev/null
++++ a/tests/graphics/combobox.py
+@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
++from gi.repository import Gtk
++import common
++test = common.Test()
++# test Gtk.ComboBox:
++store = Gtk.ListStore(int, str)
++for i in range(100):
++    description = "combo test entry %d" % i
++    store.append([i, description])
++combobox = Gtk.ComboBox(model=store)
++cell = Gtk.CellRendererText()
++combobox.pack_start(cell, True)
++combobox.add_attribute(cell, 'text', 1)
++test.pack_start(combobox, True, True, 0)
++if __name__ == '__main__':
++    common.main(test)
+diff --git b/tests/graphics/progressicon.py a/tests/graphics/progressicon.py
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..b756d2f
+--- /dev/null
++++ a/tests/graphics/progressicon.py
+@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
++# Copyright (C) 2013, One Laptop Per Child
++# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
++# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
++# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
++# version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
++# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++# Lesser General Public License for more details.
++# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
++# License along with this library; if not, write to the
++# Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
++# Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
++Test the sugar3.graphics.progressicon.ProgressIcon widget.
++from gi.repository import GLib
++from sugar3.graphics.progressicon import ProgressIcon
++from sugar3.graphics import style
++import common
++test = common.Test()
++icon = ProgressIcon(
++    pixel_size=style.LARGE_ICON_SIZE,
++    icon_name='computer-xo',
++    stroke_color=style.COLOR_BUTTON_GREY.get_svg(),
++    fill_color=style.COLOR_WHITE.get_svg())
++test.pack_start(icon, True, True, 0)
++icon2 = ProgressIcon(
++    pixel_size=style.LARGE_ICON_SIZE,
++    icon_name='computer-xo',
++    stroke_color=style.COLOR_BUTTON_GREY.get_svg(),
++    fill_color=style.COLOR_WHITE.get_svg(),
++    direction='horizontal')
++test.pack_start(icon2, True, True, 0)
++progress = 0
++def timeout_cb():
++    global progress
++    progress += 0.05
++    icon.update(progress)
++    icon2.update(progress)
++    if progress >= 1:
++        return False
++    return True
++GLib.timeout_add(50, timeout_cb)
++if __name__ == '__main__':
++    common.main(test)
+diff --git b/tests/test_bundle.py a/tests/test_bundle.py
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..9d343d2
+--- /dev/null
++++ a/tests/test_bundle.py
+@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
++# Copyright (C) 2013, One Laptop per Child
++# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++# (at your option) any later version.
++# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++# GNU General Public License for more details.
++# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
++import os
++import unittest
++import subprocess
++from sugar3.bundle.helpers import bundle_from_dir, bundle_from_archive
++from sugar3.bundle.activitybundle import ActivityBundle
++from sugar3.bundle.contentbundle import ContentBundle
++tests_dir = os.path.dirname(__file__)
++data_dir = os.path.join(tests_dir, "data")
++SAMPLE_ACTIVITY_PATH = os.path.join(data_dir, 'sample.activity')
++SAMPLE_CONTENT_PATH = os.path.join(data_dir, 'sample.content')
++class TestBundle(unittest.TestCase):
++    def test_bundle_from_dir(self):
++        bundle = bundle_from_dir(SAMPLE_ACTIVITY_PATH)
++        self.assertIsInstance(bundle, ActivityBundle)
++        bundle = bundle_from_dir(SAMPLE_CONTENT_PATH)
++        self.assertIsInstance(bundle, ContentBundle)
++    def test_activity_bundle_from_archive(self):
++        os.chdir(SAMPLE_ACTIVITY_PATH)
++        subprocess.check_call(["./setup.py", "dist_xo"])
++        xo_path = os.path.join(".", "dist", "Sample-1.xo")
++        bundle = bundle_from_archive(xo_path)
++        self.assertIsInstance(bundle, ActivityBundle)
++    def test_content_bundle_from_archive(self):
++        os.chdir(data_dir)
++        subprocess.check_call(["zip", "-r", "sample-1.xol", "sample.content"])
++        bundle = bundle_from_archive("./sample-1.xol")
++        self.assertIsInstance(bundle, ContentBundle)
+diff --git b/tests/test_bundlebuilder.py a/tests/test_bundlebuilder.py
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..bda1af6
+--- /dev/null
++++ a/tests/test_bundlebuilder.py
+@@ -0,0 +1,245 @@
++# Copyright (C) 2012, Daniel Narvaez
++# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++# (at your option) any later version.
++# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++# GNU General Public License for more details.
++# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
++import os
++import unittest
++import shutil
++import subprocess
++import tempfile
++import tarfile
++import zipfile
++tests_dir = os.path.dirname(__file__)
++data_dir = os.path.join(tests_dir, "data")
++class TestGit(unittest.TestCase):
++    _source_files = ["activity.py",
++                     "setup.py",
++                     "po/Sample.pot",
++                     "po/es.po",
++                     "activity/activity.info",
++                     "activity/activity-sample.svg"]
++    _activity_locale_files = ["locale/es/activity.linfo"]
++    _share_locale_files = ["locale/es/LC_MESSAGES/org.sugarlabs.Sample.mo"]
++    def _get_all_locale_files(self):
++        expected = self._share_locale_files[:]
++        expected.extend(self._activity_locale_files)
++        return expected
++    def _create_repo(self):
++        cwd = os.getcwd()
++        path = tempfile.mkdtemp()
++        os.chdir(path)
++        subprocess.check_call(["git", "init"])
++        subprocess.check_call(["git", "config", "user.name", "Test Test"])
++        subprocess.check_call(["git", "config", "user.email", "test@test.org"])
++        for source in self._source_files:
++            source_path = os.path.join(data_dir, "sample.activity", source)
++            dest_path = os.path.join(path, source)
++            try:
++                os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(dest_path))
++            except OSError:
++                pass
++            shutil.copyfile(source_path, dest_path)
++            shutil.copymode(source_path, dest_path)
++            subprocess.check_call(["git", "add", source])
++        subprocess.check_call(["git", "commit", "-m", "Initial commit", "-a"])
++        os.chdir(cwd)
++        return path
++    def _strip_root_dir(self, paths):
++        return [path[path.find("/") + 1:] for path in paths]
++    def _test_dist_xo(self, source_path, build_path):
++        cwd = os.getcwd()
++        os.chdir(build_path)
++        setup_path = os.path.join(source_path, "setup.py")
++        subprocess.call([setup_path, "dist_xo"])
++        xo_path = os.path.join(build_path, "dist", "Sample-1.xo")
++        filenames = zipfile.ZipFile(xo_path).namelist()
++        stripped_filenames = self._strip_root_dir(filenames)
++        expected = self._source_files[:]
++        expected.extend(self._get_all_locale_files())
++        self.assertItemsEqual(stripped_filenames, expected)
++        os.chdir(cwd)
++    def _test_dist_source(self, source_path, build_path):
++        cwd = os.getcwd()
++        os.chdir(build_path)
++        setup_path = os.path.join(source_path, "setup.py")
++        subprocess.call([setup_path, "dist_source"])
++        xo_path = os.path.join(build_path, "dist", "Sample-1.tar.bz2")
++        filenames = tarfile.open(name=xo_path, mode="r:bz2").getnames()
++        stripped_filenames = self._strip_root_dir(filenames)
++        self.assertItemsEqual(stripped_filenames, self._source_files)
++        os.chdir(cwd)
++    def _test_build(self, source_path, build_path):
++        cwd = os.getcwd()
++        os.chdir(build_path)
++        setup_path = os.path.join(source_path, "setup.py")
++        subprocess.call([setup_path, "build"])
++        locale_path = os.path.join(build_path, "locale")
++        filenames = []
++        for root, dirs, files in os.walk(locale_path):
++            rel_root = root[len(build_path) + 1:]
++            filenames.extend([os.path.join(rel_root, name) for name in files])
++        self.assertItemsEqual(filenames, self._get_all_locale_files())
++        os.chdir(cwd)
++    def _test_dev(self, source_path, build_path):
++        activities_path = tempfile.mkdtemp()
++        cwd = os.getcwd()
++        os.chdir(build_path)
++        os.environ["SUGAR_ACTIVITIES_PATH"] = activities_path
++        setup_path = os.path.join(source_path, "setup.py")
++        subprocess.call([setup_path, "dev"])
++        activity_py_path = os.path.join(activities_path, "Sample.activity",
++                                        "activity.py")
++        self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(activity_py_path))
++        os.chdir(cwd)
++    def _test_genpot(self, source_path, build_path):
++        cwd = os.getcwd()
++        os.chdir(build_path)
++        pot_path = os.path.join(source_path, "po", "Sample.pot")
++        os.unlink(pot_path)
++        setup_path = os.path.join(source_path, "setup.py")
++        subprocess.call([setup_path, "genpot"])
++        self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(pot_path))
++        os.chdir(cwd)
++    def _test_install(self, source_path, build_path):
++        install_path = tempfile.mkdtemp()
++        cwd = os.getcwd()
++        os.chdir(build_path)
++        setup_path = os.path.join(source_path, "setup.py")
++        subprocess.call([setup_path, "install", "--prefix", install_path])
++        filenames = []
++        activity_dir = os.path.join(install_path, "share",
++                                    "sugar", "activities", "Sample.activity")
++        for root, dirs, files in os.walk(activity_dir):
++            rel_root = root[len(activity_dir) + 1:]
++            filenames.extend([os.path.join(rel_root, name) for name in files])
++        expected = self._source_files[:]
++        expected.extend(self._activity_locale_files)
++        self.assertItemsEqual(filenames, expected)
++        filenames = []
++        share_dir = os.path.join(install_path, "share")
++        locale_dir = os.path.join(share_dir, "locale")
++        for root, dirs, files in os.walk(locale_dir):
++            rel_root = root[len(share_dir) + 1:]
++            for name in files:
++                if "org.sugarlabs.Sample" in name:
++                    filenames.append(os.path.join(rel_root, name))
++        self.assertItemsEqual(filenames, self._share_locale_files)
++        os.chdir(cwd)
++    def test_dist_xo_in_source(self):
++        repo_path = self._create_repo()
++        self._test_dist_xo(repo_path, repo_path)
++    def test_dist_xo_out_of_source(self):
++        repo_path = self._create_repo()
++        build_path = tempfile.mkdtemp()
++        self._test_dist_xo(repo_path, build_path)
++    def test_dist_source_in_source(self):
++        repo_path = self._create_repo()
++        self._test_dist_source(repo_path, repo_path)
++    def test_dist_source_out_of_source(self):
++        repo_path = self._create_repo()
++        build_path = tempfile.mkdtemp()
++        self._test_dist_source(repo_path, build_path)
++    def test_install_in_source(self):
++        repo_path = self._create_repo()
++        self._test_install(repo_path, repo_path)
++    def test_install_out_of_source(self):
++        repo_path = self._create_repo()
++        build_path = tempfile.mkdtemp()
++        self._test_install(repo_path, build_path)
++    def test_build_in_source(self):
++        repo_path = self._create_repo()
++        self._test_build(repo_path, repo_path)
++    def test_build_out_of_source(self):
++        repo_path = self._create_repo()
++        build_path = tempfile.mkdtemp()
++        self._test_build(repo_path, build_path)
++    def test_dev_in_source(self):
++        repo_path = self._create_repo()
++        self._test_dev(repo_path, repo_path)
++    def test_dev_out_of_source(self):
++        repo_path = self._create_repo()
++        build_path = tempfile.mkdtemp()
++        self._test_dev(repo_path, build_path)
++    def test_genpot_in_source(self):
++        repo_path = self._create_repo()
++        self._test_genpot(repo_path, repo_path)
++    def test_genpot_out_of_source(self):
++        repo_path = self._create_repo()
++        build_path = tempfile.mkdtemp()
++        self._test_genpot(repo_path, build_path)
+diff --git b/tests/test_mime.py a/tests/test_mime.py
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..9e478de
+--- /dev/null
++++ a/tests/test_mime.py
+@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
++#!/usr/bin/env python3
++# Copyright (C) 2006, Red Hat, Inc.
++# Copyright (C) 2007, One Laptop Per Child
++# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++# (at your option) any later version.
++# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++# GNU General Public License for more details.
++# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
++import os
++import unittest
++from sugar3 import mime
++tests_dir = os.path.dirname(__file__)
++data_dir = os.path.join(tests_dir, "data")
++class TestMime(unittest.TestCase):
++    def test_split_uri_list(self):
++        self.assertSequenceEqual(mime.split_uri_list("http://one\nhttp://two"),
++                                 ("http://one", "http://two"))
++    def test_get_mime_parents(self):
++        self.assertListEqual(mime.get_mime_parents("image/svg+xml"),
++                             ["application/xml"])
++        # If the mime type don't have parents, should return a empty array
++        self.assertListEqual(mime.get_mime_parents("application/octet-stream"),
++                             [])
++    def test_get_for_file(self):
++        self.assertEqual(mime.get_for_file(os.path.join(data_dir, "mime.svg")),
++                         'image/svg+xml')
++    def test_from_file_name(self):
++        self.assertEqual(mime.get_from_file_name('test.pdf'),
++                         'application/pdf')
++    def test_choose_most_significant(self):
++        # Mozilla's text in dnd
++        mime_type = mime.choose_most_significant(
++            ['text/plain', 'text/_moz_htmlcontext', 'text/unicode',
++             'text/html', 'text/_moz_htmlinfo'])
++        self.assertEqual(mime_type, 'text/html')
++        # Mozilla's text in c&v
++        mime_type = mime.choose_most_significant(
++            ['text/_moz_htmlcontext',
++             'STRING',
++             'text/html',
++             'text/_moz_htmlinfo',
++             'text/x-moz-url-priv',
++             'UTF8_STRING',
++             'COMPOUND_TEXT'])
++        self.assertEqual(mime_type, 'text/html')
++        # Mozilla gif in dnd
++        mime_type = mime.choose_most_significant(
++            ['application/x-moz-file-promise-url',
++             'application/x-moz-file-promise-dest-filename',
++             'text/_moz_htmlinfo', 'text/x-moz-url-desc',
++             'text/_moz_htmlcontext', 'text/x-moz-url-data',
++             'text/uri-list'])
++        self.assertEqual(mime_type, 'text/uri-list')
++        # Mozilla url in dnd
++        mime_type = mime.choose_most_significant(
++            ['text/_moz_htmlcontext',
++             'text/html',
++             'text/_moz_htmlinfo',
++             '_NETSCAPE_URL',
++             'text/x-moz-url',
++             'text/x-moz-url-desc',
++             'text/x-moz-url-data',
++             'text/plain',
++             'text/unicode'])
++        self.assertEqual(mime_type, 'text/x-moz-url')
++        # Abiword text in dnd
++        mime_type = mime.choose_most_significant(
++            ['text/rtf', 'text/uri-list'])
++        self.assertEqual(mime_type, 'text/uri-list')
++        # Abiword text in c&v
++        mime_type = mime.choose_most_significant(
++            ['UTF8_STRING', 'STRING', 'text/html', 'TEXT', 'text/rtf',
++             'COMPOUND_TEXT', 'application/rtf', 'text/plain',
++             'application/xhtml+xml'])
++        self.assertEqual(mime_type, 'application/rtf')
++        # Abiword text in c&v
++        mime_type = mime.choose_most_significant(
++            ['GTK_TEXT_BUFFER_CONTENTS',
++             'application/x-gtk-text-buffer-rich-text',
++             'UTF8_STRING', 'COMPOUND_TEXT', 'TEXT', 'STRING',
++             'text/plain;charset=utf-8', 'text/plain;charset=UTF-8',
++             'text/plain'])
++        self.assertEqual(mime_type, 'text/plain')
+diff --git b/tests/test_uitree.py a/tests/test_uitree.py
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..b7c7da4
+--- /dev/null
++++ a/tests/test_uitree.py
+@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
++# Copyright (C) 2012, Daniel Narvaez
++# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++# (at your option) any later version.
++# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++# GNU General Public License for more details.
++# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
++import sys
++import subprocess
++import unittest
++from sugar3.test import uitree
++class TestUITree(unittest.TestCase):
++    def test_tree(self):
++        process = subprocess.Popen(["python3", __file__, "show_window1"])
++        try:
++            root = uitree.get_root()
++            window = root.find_child(name="window1", role_name="frame")
++            button = window.find_child(name="button1", role_name="push button")
++        finally:
++            process.terminate()
++        self.assertIsNotNone(button)
++def show_window1():
++    from gi.repository import Gtk
++    window = Gtk.Window()
++    window.set_title("window1")
++    button = Gtk.Button(label="button1")
++    window.add(button)
++    button.show()
++    window.show()
++    Gtk.main()
++if __name__ == '__main__':
++    globals()[sys.argv[1]]()
diff --git a/helpers/DATA/sugar/git-20201017.patch b/helpers/DATA/sugar/git-20201017.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..8eda104ab3c82034dc9b0822186dd10888ca0df4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/helpers/DATA/sugar/git-20201017.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,10097 @@
+diff --git b/.flake8 a/.flake8
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..0146a5f
+--- /dev/null
++++ a/.flake8
+@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
++# E402 module level import not at top of file
++# gi.require_version() is required before later imports
++ignore = E402
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..0f3a245
+--- /dev/null
+@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
++Current maintainers
++Aleksey Lim <alsroot@member.fsf.org> http://github.com/alsroot (Journal)
++Tomeu Vizoso <tomeu@sugarlabs.org> http://github.com/tomeuv
++Gonzalo Odiard http://github.com/godiard
++Martin Abente Lahaye <tch@sugarlabs.org>http://github.com/tchx84
++Sam <sam@sam.today> http://github.com/samdroid-apps
++Past maintainers
++Marco Pesenti Gritti <marcopg@sugarlabs.org>
+diff --git b/autogen.sh a/autogen.sh
+new file mode 100755
+index 0000000..739e7f8
+--- /dev/null
++++ a/autogen.sh
+@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
++test -n "${srcdir}" || srcdir=`dirname "$0"`
++test -n "${srcdir}" || srcdir="$(pwd)"
++cd "$srcdir"
++mkdir -p m4
++intltoolize --force
++autoreconf -i
++cd "$olddir"
++"$srcdir/configure" --enable-maintainer-mode "$@"
+diff --git b/data/.gitignore a/data/.gitignore
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..09d75cd
+--- /dev/null
++++ a/data/.gitignore
+@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+diff --git b/docs/debian.md a/docs/debian.md
+index 725b6a1..9183bb7 100644
+--- b/docs/debian.md
++++ a/docs/debian.md
+@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ sudo apt install sucrose lightdm
+ exec sudo reboot
+ ```
+--   in the graphical login screen, change from the default X session to Sugar,
++-   in the graphical login screen, [change from the default X session to Sugar](https://github.com/sugarlabs/sugar-docs/blob/master/src/sugar-logging-in.md),
+ -   log in as the non-root user, which you will have created during install.
+ Known bugs include;
+@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ sudo apt install sucrose lightdm
+ exec sudo reboot
+ ```
+--   in the graphical login screen, change from the default X session to Sugar,
++-   in the graphical login screen, [change from the default X session to Sugar](https://github.com/sugarlabs/sugar-docs/blob/master/src/sugar-logging-in.md),
+ -   log in as your non-root user, created during install.
+ Known bugs include;
+@@ -61,10 +61,9 @@ Packaging
+ Packaging of Sugar on Debian is done by a team:
+--   [pkg-sugar project](https://alioth.debian.org/projects/pkg-sugar/),
++-   [pkg-sugar-team project](https://salsa.debian.org/pkg-sugar-team),
+ -   [pkg-sugar-devel mailing list](https://lists.alioth.debian.org/mailman/listinfo/pkg-sugar-devel),
+--   [pkg-sugar-commit mailing list](https://lists.alioth.debian.org/mailman/listinfo/pkg-sugar-commit),
+--   [pkg-sugar git repositories](https://anonscm.debian.org/cgit/pkg-sugar/),
++-   [pkg-sugar git repositories](https://salsa.debian.org/pkg-sugar-team/sugar)
+ -   [package archive of Jonas Smedegaard](http://debian.jones.dk/pkg/sugar_/),
+ Sucrose packages are usually updated in the unstable release. These packages migrate to the testing release after a while. You can see the current package versions [here](http://packages.debian.org/search?keywords=sugar&searchon=names&suite=all&section=all).
+diff --git b/docs/development-environment.md a/docs/development-environment.md
+index eb1914d..7bd61a4 100644
+--- b/docs/development-environment.md
++++ a/docs/development-environment.md
+@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ See [downloads](http://people.sugarlabs.org/~quozl/sugar-live-build/) for the IS
+ Once installed, Sugar Live Build can be used to make changes to Sugar, the toolkits, the demonstration activities, or to write new activities.
+--   changes to Sugar or the toolkits can be done by editing files in the module source trees in `/usr/src`, followed by `sudo make install` for each changed module.
++-   changes to Sugar or the toolkits can be done by editing files in the module source trees in `/usr/src`, followed by per-module [install steps](https://github.com/sugarlabs/sugar-live-build/blob/master/src/config/hooks/normal/0900-sugar.hook.chroot#L42) for each changed module.  See [issue 442](https://github.com/sugarlabs/sugar-toolkit-gtk3/issues/442) for details.
+ -   changes to demonstration activities can be done in the activity source trees in `/usr/src/sugar-activities`, and are immediately effective; just start a new instance of the activity in Sugar.
+@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ Install the `sucrose` package;
+     sudo apt install sucrose
+-Log out, then log in with the Sugar desktop selected.
++Log out, then [log in with the Sugar desktop selected](https://github.com/sugarlabs/sugar-docs/blob/master/src/sugar-logging-in.md).
+ Once Sugar is installed, development of activities can begin.
+@@ -144,7 +144,7 @@ Clone the Browse and Terminal activities;
+     git clone https://github.com/sugarlabs/browse-activity.git Browse.activity
+     git clone https://github.com/sugarlabs/terminal-activity.git Terminal.activity
+-Log out and log in again with the Sugar desktop selected, or use the remote desktop feature described earlier on this page.
++Log out and [log in again with the Sugar desktop selected](https://github.com/sugarlabs/sugar-docs/blob/master/src/sugar-logging-in.md), or use the remote desktop feature described earlier on this page.
+ After making changes in a Sugar module, repeat the `sudo make install` step, and log in again.
+diff --git b/docs/fedora.md a/docs/fedora.md
+index 4b50b8b..af3c3e9 100644
+--- b/docs/fedora.md
++++ a/docs/fedora.md
+@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ Install Fedora. Then, in a Terminal, type:
+     sudo dnf groupinstall sugar-desktop
+-Then restart your computer. At the *Sign in* select the *Sugar* desktop.
++Then restart your computer. At the *Sign in* select the *Sugar* desktop (Fedora uses GDM by default, tutorial to login to Sugar using GDM can be viewed in [the Sugar Docs](https://github.com/sugarlabs/sugar-docs/blob/master/src/sugar-logging-in.md)).
+ Using Sugar with another Desktop Environment
+ --------------------------------------------
+diff --git b/docs/ubuntu.md a/docs/ubuntu.md
+index 34c5644..26661cd 100644
+--- b/docs/ubuntu.md
++++ a/docs/ubuntu.md
+@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ Sugar 0.112 can be installed with the following commands:
+     sudo apt install sucrose
+ -   log out,
+--   log in with the Sugar desktop selected,
++-   [log in with the Sugar desktop selected](https://github.com/sugarlabs/sugar-docs/blob/master/src/sugar-logging-in.md),
+ Known Problems:
+@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ Sugar 0.112 is in the universe repository, and can be installed with the followi
+     sudo apt install sucrose
+ -   log out,
+--   log in with the Sugar desktop selected,
++-   [log in with the Sugar desktop selected](https://github.com/sugarlabs/sugar-docs/blob/master/src/sugar-logging-in.md),
+ Ubuntu 18.04 (Bionic Beaver) and 18.10 (Cosmic Cuttlefish)
+ -------------------
+@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ Sugar 0.112 is in the universe repository, and can be installed with the followi
+     sudo apt install sucrose
+ -   log out,
+--   log in with the Sugar desktop selected,
++-   [log in with the Sugar desktop selected](https://github.com/sugarlabs/sugar-docs/blob/master/src/sugar-logging-in.md),
+ -   press the F3 key to switch to the home view, see below.
+ Known problems
+diff --git b/extensions/cpsection/language/view.py a/extensions/cpsection/language/view.py
+index 39beda7..b2bb51e 100644
+--- b/extensions/cpsection/language/view.py
++++ a/extensions/cpsection/language/view.py
+@@ -486,6 +486,7 @@ class BlackLabel(PaletteMenuItem):
+         self.set_label(text_label)
+     def set_label(self, text_label):
++        text_label = GLib.markup_escape_text(text_label)
+         text = '<span foreground="%s">' % style.COLOR_BLACK.get_html() + \
+             text_label + '</span>'
+         self.label.set_markup(text)
+diff --git b/extensions/cpsection/modemconfiguration/model.py a/extensions/cpsection/modemconfiguration/model.py
+index e2ba304..dfe0e20 100755
+--- b/extensions/cpsection/modemconfiguration/model.py
++++ a/extensions/cpsection/modemconfiguration/model.py
+@@ -318,8 +318,6 @@ class ServiceProviders(object):
+         provider_name = self._settings.get_string(CONF_SP_PROVIDER)
+         if not provider_name:
+             provider_name = ''
+-        else:
+-            provider_name = provider_name.decode('utf-8')
+         plan_idx = self._settings.get_int(CONF_SP_PLAN) or 0
+diff --git b/po/en_US.po a/po/en_US.po
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..06414dd
+--- /dev/null
++++ a/po/en_US.po
+@@ -0,0 +1,2016 @@
++# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
++msgid ""
++msgstr ""
++"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
++"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
++"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-07-31 00:33-0400\n"
++"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-08-01 05:05+0200\n"
++"Last-Translator: Chris <cjl@laptop.org>\n"
++"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <LL@li.org>\n"
++"Language: en_US\n"
++"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
++"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
++"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
++"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
++"X-Generator: Pootle 2.0.5\n"
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/aboutme/__init__.py:24
++msgid "About Me"
++msgstr "About Me"
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/aboutme/model.py:48
++msgid "You must enter a name."
++msgstr "You must enter a name."
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/aboutme/model.py:75
++#, python-format
++msgid "stroke:   color=%s hue=%s"
++msgstr "stroke:   color=%s hue=%s"
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/aboutme/model.py:78
++#, python-format
++msgid "stroke:   %s"
++msgstr "stroke:   %s"
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/aboutme/model.py:80
++#, python-format
++msgid "fill:     color=%s hue=%s"
++msgstr "fill:     color=%s hue=%s"
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/aboutme/model.py:82
++#, python-format
++msgid "fill:     %s"
++msgstr "fill:     %s"
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/aboutme/model.py:94
++msgid "Error in specified color modifiers."
++msgstr "Error in specified color modifiers."
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/aboutme/model.py:97
++msgid "Error in specified colors."
++msgstr "Error in specified colors."
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/aboutme/view.py:212
++msgid "Click to change your color:"
++msgstr "Click to change your color:"
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/aboutcomputer/__init__.py:21
++msgid "About my Computer"
++msgstr "About my Computer"
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/aboutcomputer/model.py:42
++msgid "Not available"
++msgstr "Not available"
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/aboutcomputer/view.py:60
++msgid "Identity"
++msgstr "Identity"
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/aboutcomputer/view.py:69
++msgid "Serial Number:"
++msgstr "Serial Number:"
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/aboutcomputer/view.py:91
++msgid "Software"
++msgstr "Software"
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/aboutcomputer/view.py:100
++msgid "Build:"
++msgstr "Build:"
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/aboutcomputer/view.py:115
++msgid "Sugar:"
++msgstr "Sugar:"
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/aboutcomputer/view.py:130
++msgid "Firmware:"
++msgstr "Firmware:"
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/aboutcomputer/view.py:145
++msgid "Wireless Firmware:"
++msgstr "Wireless Firmware:"
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/aboutcomputer/view.py:168
++msgid "Copyright and License"
++msgstr "Copyright and License"
++#. TRANS: The word "Sugar" should not be translated.
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/aboutcomputer/view.py:187
++msgid ""
++"Sugar is the graphical user interface that you are looking at. Sugar is free "
++"software, covered by the GNU General Public License, and you are welcome to "
++"change it and/or distribute copies of it under certain conditions described "
++msgstr ""
++"Sugar is the graphical user interface that you are looking at. Sugar is free "
++"software, covered by the GNU General Public License, and you are welcome to "
++"change it and/or distribute copies of it under certain conditions described "
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/aboutcomputer/view.py:199
++msgid "Full license:"
++msgstr "Full license:"
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/background/__init__.py:21
++msgid "Background"
++msgstr "Background"
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/background/view.py:39
++msgid "Select a background:"
++msgstr "Select a background:"
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/background/view.py:46
++msgid "Clear background"
++msgstr "Clear background"
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/datetime/__init__.py:21
++msgid "Date & Time"
++msgstr "Date & Time"
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/datetime/model.py:92
++msgid "Error timezone does not exist."
++msgstr "Error timezone does not exist."
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/datetime/view.py:66 ../data/sugar.schemas.in.h:61
++msgid "Timezone"
++msgstr "Timezone"
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/frame/__init__.py:21
++msgid "Frame"
++msgstr "Frame"
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/frame/model.py:41
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/frame/model.py:66
++msgid "Value must be an integer."
++msgstr "Value must be an integer."
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/frame/view.py:27
++msgid "never"
++msgstr "never"
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/frame/view.py:28
++msgid "instantaneous"
++msgstr "instantaneous"
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/frame/view.py:29
++#, python-format
++msgid "%s seconds"
++msgstr "%s seconds"
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/frame/view.py:54
++msgid "Activation Delay"
++msgstr "Activation Delay"
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/frame/view.py:78
++msgid "Corner"
++msgstr "Corner"
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/frame/view.py:114
++msgid "Edge"
++msgstr "Edge"
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/keyboard/__init__.py:21
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/keyboard/view.py:38
++msgid "Keyboard"
++msgstr "Keyboard"
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/keyboard/view.py:240
++msgid "Keyboard Model"
++msgstr "Keyboard Model"
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/keyboard/view.py:301
++msgid "Key(s) to change layout"
++msgstr "Key(s) to change layout"
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/keyboard/view.py:369
++msgid "Keyboard Layout(s)"
++msgstr "Keyboard Layout(s)"
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/language/__init__.py:21
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/language/view.py:33
++msgid "Language"
++msgstr "Language"
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/language/model.py:30
++msgid "Could not access ~/.i18n. Create standard settings."
++msgstr "Could not access ~/.i18n. Create standard settings."
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/language/model.py:129
++#, python-format
++msgid "Language for code=%s could not be determined."
++msgstr "Language for code=%s could not be determined."
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/language/model.py:152
++#, python-format
++msgid "Sorry I do not speak '%s'."
++msgstr "Sorry I do not speak '%s'."
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/language/view.py:57
++msgid ""
++"Add languages in the order you prefer. If a translation is not available, "
++"the next in the list will be used."
++msgstr ""
++"Add languages in the order you prefer. If a translation is not available, "
++"the next in the list will be used."
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/modemconfiguration/__init__.py:21
++msgid "Modem Configuration"
++msgstr "Modem Configuration"
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/modemconfiguration/view.py:94
++msgid ""
++"You will need to provide the following information to set up a mobile "
++"broadband connection to a cellular (3G) network."
++msgstr ""
++"You will need to provide the following information to set up a mobile "
++"broadband connection to a cellular (3G) network."
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/modemconfiguration/view.py:117
++msgid "Country:"
++msgstr "Country:"
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/modemconfiguration/view.py:118
++msgid "Provider:"
++msgstr "Provider:"
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/modemconfiguration/view.py:119
++msgid "Plan:"
++msgstr "Plan:"
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/modemconfiguration/view.py:160
++msgid "Username:"
++msgstr "Username:"
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/modemconfiguration/view.py:167
++msgid "Password:"
++msgstr "Password:"
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/modemconfiguration/view.py:174
++msgid "Number:"
++msgstr "Number:"
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/modemconfiguration/view.py:181
++msgid "Access Point Name (APN):"
++msgstr "Access Point Name (APN):"
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/modemconfiguration/view.py:188
++msgid "Personal Identity Number (PIN):"
++msgstr "Personal Identity Number (PIN):"
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/modemconfiguration/model.py:161
++#, python-format
++msgid "Plan #%s"
++msgstr "Plan #%s"
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/modemconfiguration/model.py:291
++#, python-format
++msgid "Provider %s"
++msgstr "Provider %s"
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/network/__init__.py:21
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/network/view.py:30
++msgid "Network"
++msgstr "Network"
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/network/model.py:73
++msgid "State is unknown."
++msgstr "State is unknown."
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/network/model.py:101
++msgid "Error in specified radio argument use on/off."
++msgstr "Error in specified radio argument use on/off."
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/network/model.py:152
++msgid "Error in specified argument use 0/1."
++msgstr "Error in specified argument use 0/1."
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/network/view.py:68
++msgid "Wireless"
++msgstr "Wireless"
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/network/view.py:77
++msgid "Turn off the wireless radio to save battery life"
++msgstr "Turn off the wireless radio to save battery life"
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/network/view.py:90
++msgid "Radio"
++msgstr "Radio"
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/network/view.py:106
++msgid "Discard network history if you have trouble connecting to the network"
++msgstr "Discard network history if you have trouble connecting to the network"
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/network/view.py:115
++msgid "Discard network history"
++msgstr "Discard network history"
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/network/view.py:131
++msgid "Collaboration"
++msgstr "Collaboration"
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/network/view.py:139
++msgid ""
++"The server is the equivalent of what room you are in; people on the same "
++"server will be able to see each other, even when they aren't on the same "
++msgstr ""
++"The server is the equivalent of what room you are in; people on the same "
++"server will be able to see each other, even when they aren't on the same "
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/network/view.py:149
++msgid "Server:"
++msgstr "Server:"
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/power/__init__.py:21
++msgid "Power"
++msgstr "Power"
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/power/model.py:90
++msgid "Error in automatic pm argument, use on/off."
++msgstr "Error in automatic pm argument, use on/off."
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/power/view.py:45
++msgid "Power management"
++msgstr "Power management"
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/power/view.py:55 ../data/sugar.schemas.in.h:5
++msgid "Automatic power management (increases battery life)"
++msgstr "Automatic power management (increases battery life)"
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/updater/__init__.py:21
++msgid "Software Update"
++msgstr "Software Update"
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/updater/view.py:65
++msgid ""
++"Software updates correct errors, eliminate security vulnerabilities, and "
++"provide new features."
++msgstr ""
++"Software updates correct errors, eliminate security vulnerabilities, and "
++"provide new features."
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/updater/view.py:79
++msgid "Update in progress..."
++msgstr "Update in progress..."
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/updater/view.py:106
++msgid "Checking for updates..."
++msgstr "Checking for updates..."
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/updater/view.py:108
++msgid "Installing updates..."
++msgstr "Installing updates..."
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/updater/view.py:137
++#, python-format
++msgid "Checking %s..."
++msgstr "Checking %s..."
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/updater/view.py:139
++msgid "Looking for updates..."
++msgstr "Looking for updates..."
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/updater/view.py:141
++#, python-format
++msgid "Downloading %s..."
++msgstr "Downloading %s..."
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/updater/view.py:143
++#, python-format
++msgid "Updating %s..."
++msgstr "Updating %s..."
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/updater/view.py:153
++msgid "Your software is up-to-date"
++msgstr "Your software is up-to-date"
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/updater/view.py:155
++#, python-format
++msgid "You can install %s update"
++msgid_plural "You can install %s updates"
++msgstr[0] "You can install %s update"
++msgstr[1] "You can install %s updates"
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/updater/view.py:184
++#, python-format
++msgid "%s update was installed"
++msgid_plural "%s updates were installed"
++msgstr[0] "%s update was installed"
++msgstr[1] "%s updates were installed"
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/updater/view.py:266
++msgid "Install selected"
++msgstr "Install selected"
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/updater/view.py:284
++#, python-format
++msgid "Download size: %s"
++msgstr "Download size: %s"
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/updater/view.py:373
++#, python-format
++msgid "From version %(current)s to %(new)s (Size: %(size)s)"
++msgstr "From version %(current)s to %(new)s (Size: %(size)s)"
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/updater/view.py:380
++#, python-format
++msgid "Version %(version)s (Size: %(size)s)"
++msgstr "Version %(version)s (Size: %(size)s)"
++#. TRANS: download size is 0
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/updater/view.py:397
++msgid "None"
++msgstr "None"
++#. TRANS: download size of very small updates
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/updater/view.py:400
++msgid "1 KB"
++msgstr "1 KB"
++#. TRANS: download size of small updates, e.g. '250 KB'
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/updater/view.py:403
++#, python-format
++msgid "%.0f KB"
++msgstr "%.0f KB"
++#. TRANS: download size of updates, e.g. '2.3 MB'
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/updater/view.py:406
++#, python-format
++msgid "%.1f MB"
++msgstr "%.1f MB"
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/webaccount/__init__.py:24
++msgid "Configure your Web Services"
++msgstr "Configure your Web Services"
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/webaccount/view.py:42
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++"No web services are installed.\n"
++"Please visit %s for more details."
++msgstr ""
++"No web services are installed.\n"
++"Please visit %s for more details."
++#: ../extensions/deviceicon/battery.py:71
++msgid "My Battery"
++msgstr "My Battery"
++#: ../extensions/deviceicon/battery.py:153
++msgid "Removed"
++msgstr "Removed"
++#: ../extensions/deviceicon/battery.py:156
++msgid "Charging"
++msgstr "Charging"
++#: ../extensions/deviceicon/battery.py:159
++msgid "Very little power remaining"
++msgstr "Very little power remaining"
++#. TRANS: do not translate %(hour)d:%(min).2d  it is a variable,
++#. only translate the word "remaining"
++#: ../extensions/deviceicon/battery.py:166
++#, python-format
++msgid "%(hour)d:%(min).2d remaining"
++msgstr "%(hour)d:%(min).2d remaining"
++#: ../extensions/deviceicon/battery.py:169
++msgid "Charged"
++msgstr "Charged"
++#: ../extensions/deviceicon/frame.py:56
++msgid "Show my keyboard"
++msgstr "Show my keyboard"
++#: ../extensions/deviceicon/network.py:50
++#, python-format
++msgid "IP address: %s"
++msgstr "IP address: %s"
++#: ../extensions/deviceicon/network.py:82
++#: ../extensions/deviceicon/network.py:298
++#: ../src/jarabe/desktop/networkviews.py:135
++#: ../src/jarabe/desktop/networkviews.py:509
++msgid "Disconnect"
++msgstr "Disconnect"
++#: ../extensions/deviceicon/network.py:107
++#: ../extensions/deviceicon/network.py:290
++#: ../src/jarabe/desktop/networkviews.py:251
++#: ../src/jarabe/desktop/networkviews.py:551
++#: ../src/jarabe/desktop/networkviews.py:693
++msgid "Connecting..."
++msgstr "Connecting..."
++#: ../extensions/deviceicon/network.py:112
++#: ../extensions/deviceicon/network.py:180
++#: ../src/jarabe/desktop/networkviews.py:258
++#: ../src/jarabe/desktop/networkviews.py:557
++#: ../src/jarabe/desktop/networkviews.py:699
++msgid "Connected"
++msgstr "Connected"
++#: ../extensions/deviceicon/network.py:125
++msgid "No wireless connection"
++msgstr "No wireless connection"
++#: ../extensions/deviceicon/network.py:139
++msgid "Channel"
++msgstr "Channel"
++#: ../extensions/deviceicon/network.py:154
++msgid "Wired Network"
++msgstr "Wired Network"
++#: ../extensions/deviceicon/network.py:183
++msgid "Speed"
++msgstr "Speed"
++#: ../extensions/deviceicon/network.py:208
++msgid "Wireless modem"
++msgstr "Wireless modem"
++#: ../extensions/deviceicon/network.py:276
++msgid "Please wait..."
++msgstr "Please wait..."
++#: ../extensions/deviceicon/network.py:281
++#: ../src/jarabe/desktop/networkviews.py:129
++#: ../src/jarabe/desktop/networkviews.py:503
++#: ../src/jarabe/desktop/networkviews.py:644
++msgid "Connect"
++msgstr "Connect"
++#: ../extensions/deviceicon/network.py:282
++msgid "Disconnected"
++msgstr "Disconnected"
++#: ../extensions/deviceicon/network.py:289
++#: ../src/jarabe/controlpanel/toolbar.py:121
++#: ../src/jarabe/desktop/keydialog.py:101
++#: ../src/jarabe/frame/activitiestray.py:625
++#: ../src/jarabe/frame/activitiestray.py:746
++#: ../src/jarabe/frame/activitiestray.py:778
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/expandedentry.py:159
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/journaltoolbox.py:480
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/palettes.py:159
++msgid "Cancel"
++msgstr "Cancel"
++#: ../extensions/deviceicon/network.py:328
++msgid "Try connection again"
++msgstr "Try connection again"
++#: ../extensions/deviceicon/network.py:331
++#, python-format
++msgid "Error: %s"
++msgstr "Error: %s"
++#: ../extensions/deviceicon/network.py:335
++#, python-format
++msgid "Suggestion: %s"
++msgstr "Suggestion: %s"
++#: ../extensions/deviceicon/network.py:344
++#, python-format
++msgid "Connected for %s"
++msgstr "Connected for %s"
++#: ../extensions/deviceicon/network.py:350
++#: ../extensions/deviceicon/network.py:351
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d KB"
++msgstr "%d KB"
++#: ../extensions/deviceicon/network.py:356
++msgid "Check your PIN/PUK configuration."
++msgstr "Check your PIN/PUK configuration."
++#: ../extensions/deviceicon/network.py:359
++msgid "Check your Access Point Name (APN) configuration"
++msgstr "Check your Access Point Name (APN) configuration"
++#: ../extensions/deviceicon/network.py:363
++msgid "Check the Number configuration."
++msgstr "Check the Number configuration."
++#: ../extensions/deviceicon/network.py:365
++msgid "Check your configuration."
++msgstr "Check your configuration."
++#: ../extensions/deviceicon/network.py:621
++msgid "Mesh Network"
++msgstr "Mesh Network"
++#: ../extensions/deviceicon/network.py:668
++#, python-format
++msgid "Mesh Network %s"
++msgstr "Mesh Network %s"
++#: ../extensions/deviceicon/network.py:788
++msgid "No GSM connection available."
++msgstr "No GSM connection available."
++#: ../extensions/deviceicon/network.py:789
++msgid "Create a connection in the control panel."
++msgstr "Create a connection in the control panel."
++#: ../extensions/deviceicon/speech.py:52
++msgid "Speech"
++msgstr "Speech"
++#: ../extensions/deviceicon/speech.py:76
++#: ../extensions/deviceicon/speech.py:150
++#: ../extensions/deviceicon/speech.py:155
++msgid "Say selected text"
++msgstr "Say selected text"
++#: ../extensions/deviceicon/speech.py:83
++msgid "Stop playback"
++msgstr "Stop playback"
++#: ../extensions/deviceicon/speech.py:92
++msgid "Pitch"
++msgstr "Pitch"
++#: ../extensions/deviceicon/speech.py:107
++msgid "Rate"
++msgstr "Rate"
++#: ../extensions/deviceicon/speech.py:145
++msgid "Pause playback"
++msgstr "Pause playback"
++#: ../extensions/deviceicon/speaker.py:61
++msgid "My Speakers"
++msgstr "My Speakers"
++#: ../extensions/deviceicon/speaker.py:136
++msgid "Unmute"
++msgstr "Unmute"
++#: ../extensions/deviceicon/speaker.py:139
++msgid "Mute"
++msgstr "Mute"
++#: ../extensions/deviceicon/touchpad.py:38
++msgid "finger"
++msgstr "finger"
++#: ../extensions/deviceicon/touchpad.py:38
++msgid "stylus"
++msgstr "stylus"
++#: ../extensions/deviceicon/touchpad.py:64
++msgid "My touchpad"
++msgstr "My touchpad"
++#: ../extensions/deviceicon/volume.py:72 ../src/jarabe/view/palettes.py:184
++msgid "Show contents"
++msgstr "Show contents"
++#: ../extensions/globalkey/screenshot.py:61
++msgid "Mesh"
++msgstr "Mesh"
++#: ../extensions/globalkey/screenshot.py:63
++#: ../src/jarabe/desktop/homewindow.py:221
++#: ../src/jarabe/frame/zoomtoolbar.py:53
++msgid "Group"
++msgstr "Group"
++#: ../extensions/globalkey/screenshot.py:65
++#: ../src/jarabe/desktop/homewindow.py:214
++#: ../src/jarabe/desktop/viewtoolbar.py:73
++#: ../src/jarabe/frame/zoomtoolbar.py:57
++msgid "Home"
++msgstr "Home"
++#: ../extensions/globalkey/screenshot.py:71
++#: ../src/jarabe/frame/zoomtoolbar.py:62
++msgid "Activity"
++msgstr "Activity"
++#: ../extensions/globalkey/screenshot.py:74
++msgid "Screenshot"
++msgstr "Screenshot"
++#: ../extensions/globalkey/screenshot.py:76
++#, python-format
++msgid "Screenshot of \"%s\""
++msgstr "Screenshot of \"%s\""
++#: ../data/sugar.schemas.in.h:1
++msgid ""
++"\"disabled\" to ask nick on initialization; \"system\" to reuse UNIX account "
++"long name."
++msgstr ""
++"\"disabled\" to ask nick on initialization; \"system\" to reuse UNIX account "
++"long name."
++#: ../data/sugar.schemas.in.h:2
++msgid ""
++"A unix timestamp (seconds since epoch) of the last successful activity "
++msgstr ""
++"A unix timestamp (seconds since epoch) of the last successful activity "
++#: ../data/sugar.schemas.in.h:3
++msgid ""
++"Activity update backend module, followed by a period, followed by the class "
++msgstr ""
++"Activity update backend module, followed by a period, followed by the class "
++#: ../data/sugar.schemas.in.h:4
++msgid "Activity update backend."
++msgstr "Activity update backend."
++#: ../data/sugar.schemas.in.h:6
++msgid "Automatic update frequency."
++msgstr "Automatic update frequency."
++#: ../data/sugar.schemas.in.h:7
++msgid "Backup URL"
++msgstr "Backup URL"
++#: ../data/sugar.schemas.in.h:8
++msgid "Bundle IDs of protected activities"
++msgstr "Bundle IDs of protected activities"
++#: ../data/sugar.schemas.in.h:9
++msgid ""
++"Color for the XO icon that is used throughout the desktop. The string is "
++"composed of the stroke color and fill color, format is that of rgb colors. "
++"Example: #AC32FF,#9A5200"
++msgstr ""
++"Color for the XO icon that is used throughout the desktop. The string is "
++"composed of the stroke color and fill color, format is that of rgb colors. "
++"Example: #AC32FF,#9A5200"
++#: ../data/sugar.schemas.in.h:10
++msgid "Corner Delay"
++msgstr "Corner Delay"
++#: ../data/sugar.schemas.in.h:11
++msgid "Default font face"
++msgstr "Default font face"
++#: ../data/sugar.schemas.in.h:12
++msgid "Default font size"
++msgstr "Default font size"
++#: ../data/sugar.schemas.in.h:13
++msgid "Default nick"
++msgstr "Default nick"
++#: ../data/sugar.schemas.in.h:14
++msgid "Delay for the activation of the frame using the corners."
++msgstr "Delay for the activation of the frame using the corners."
++#: ../data/sugar.schemas.in.h:15
++msgid "Delay for the activation of the frame using the edges."
++msgstr "Delay for the activation of the frame using the edges."
++#: ../data/sugar.schemas.in.h:16
++msgid "Edge Delay"
++msgstr "Edge Delay"
++#: ../data/sugar.schemas.in.h:17
++msgid ""
++"Extreme power management (disables wireless radio, increases battery life)"
++msgstr ""
++"Extreme power management (disables wireless radio, increases battery life)"
++#: ../data/sugar.schemas.in.h:18
++msgid "Favorites Layout"
++msgstr "Favorites Layout"
++#: ../data/sugar.schemas.in.h:19
++msgid "Favorites resume mode"
++msgstr "Favorites resume mode"
++#: ../data/sugar.schemas.in.h:20
++msgid "Font face that is used throughout the desktop."
++msgstr "Font face that is used throughout the desktop."
++#: ../data/sugar.schemas.in.h:21
++msgid "Font size that is used throughout the desktop."
++msgstr "Font size that is used throughout the desktop."
++#: ../data/sugar.schemas.in.h:22
++msgid ""
++"Frequency of automatic activity updates, measured in days. 0 means disabled."
++msgstr ""
++"Frequency of automatic activity updates, measured in days. 0 means disabled."
++#: ../data/sugar.schemas.in.h:23
++msgid "GSM network APN (DEPRECATED/UNUSED)"
++msgstr "GSM network APN (DEPRECATED/UNUSED)"
++#: ../data/sugar.schemas.in.h:24
++msgid "GSM network PIN (DEPRECATED/UNUSED)"
++msgstr "GSM network PIN (DEPRECATED/UNUSED)"
++#: ../data/sugar.schemas.in.h:25
++msgid "GSM network PUK (DEPRECATED/UNUSED)"
++msgstr "GSM network PUK (DEPRECATED/UNUSED)"
++#: ../data/sugar.schemas.in.h:26
++msgid "GSM network access point name configuration (DEPRECATED/UNUSED)"
++msgstr "GSM network access point name configuration (DEPRECATED/UNUSED)"
++#: ../data/sugar.schemas.in.h:27
++msgid "GSM network number (DEPRECATED/UNUSED)"
++msgstr "GSM network number (DEPRECATED/UNUSED)"
++#: ../data/sugar.schemas.in.h:28
++msgid "GSM network password (DEPRECATED/UNUSED)"
++msgstr "GSM network password (DEPRECATED/UNUSED)"
++#: ../data/sugar.schemas.in.h:29
++msgid "GSM network password configuration (DEPRECATED/UNUSED)"
++msgstr "GSM network password configuration (DEPRECATED/UNUSED)"
++#: ../data/sugar.schemas.in.h:30
++msgid ""
++"GSM network personal identification number configuration (DEPRECATED/UNUSED)"
++msgstr ""
++"GSM network personal identification number configuration (DEPRECATED/UNUSED)"
++#: ../data/sugar.schemas.in.h:31
++msgid "GSM network personal unlock key configuration (DEPRECATED/UNUSED)"
++msgstr "GSM network personal unlock key configuration (DEPRECATED/UNUSED)"
++#: ../data/sugar.schemas.in.h:32
++msgid "GSM network telephone number configuration (DEPRECATED/UNUSED)"
++msgstr "GSM network telephone number configuration (DEPRECATED/UNUSED)"
++#: ../data/sugar.schemas.in.h:33
++msgid "GSM network username (DEPRECATED/UNUSED)"
++msgstr "GSM network username (DEPRECATED/UNUSED)"
++#: ../data/sugar.schemas.in.h:34
++msgid "GSM network username configuration (DEPRECATED/UNUSED)"
++msgstr "GSM network username configuration (DEPRECATED/UNUSED)"
++#: ../data/sugar.schemas.in.h:35
++msgid ""
++"If TRUE, Sugar will make us searchable for the other users of the Jabber "
++msgstr ""
++"If TRUE, Sugar will make us searchable for the other users of the Jabber "
++#: ../data/sugar.schemas.in.h:36
++msgid "If TRUE, Sugar will show a \"Log out\" option."
++msgstr "If TRUE, Sugar will show a \"Log out\" option."
++#: ../data/sugar.schemas.in.h:37
++msgid "If TRUE, Sugar will show a \"Restart\" option."
++msgstr "If TRUE, Sugar will show a \"Restart\" option."
++#: ../data/sugar.schemas.in.h:38
++msgid ""
++"If TRUE, Sugar will show default Ad-hoc networks for channel 1,6 and 11. If "
++"Sugar sees no \"known\" network when it starts, it does autoconnect to an Ad-"
++"hoc network."
++msgstr ""
++"If TRUE, Sugar will show default Ad-hoc networks for channel 1,6 and 11. If "
++"Sugar sees no \"known\" network when it starts, it does autoconnect to an Ad-"
++"hoc network."
++#: ../data/sugar.schemas.in.h:39
++msgid "Jabber Server"
++msgstr "Jabber Server"
++#: ../data/sugar.schemas.in.h:40
++msgid "Keyboard layouts"
++msgstr "Keyboard layouts"
++#: ../data/sugar.schemas.in.h:41
++msgid "Keyboard model"
++msgstr "Keyboard model"
++#: ../data/sugar.schemas.in.h:42
++msgid "Keyboard options"
++msgstr "Keyboard options"
++#: ../data/sugar.schemas.in.h:43
++msgid "Layout of the favorites view."
++msgstr "Layout of the favorites view."
++#: ../data/sugar.schemas.in.h:44
++msgid ""
++"List of keyboard layouts. Each entry should be in the form layout(variant)"
++msgstr ""
++"List of keyboard layouts. Each entry should be in the form layout(variant)"
++#: ../data/sugar.schemas.in.h:45
++msgid "List of keyboard options."
++msgstr "List of keyboard options."
++#: ../data/sugar.schemas.in.h:46
++msgid "Microformat update URL."
++msgstr "Microformat update URL."
++#: ../data/sugar.schemas.in.h:47
++msgid "Pitch value for the speech sugar service"
++msgstr "Pitch value for the speech sugar service"
++#: ../data/sugar.schemas.in.h:48
++msgid "Pitch value used by the speech service in Sugar"
++msgstr "Pitch value used by the speech service in Sugar"
++#: ../data/sugar.schemas.in.h:49
++msgid "Power Automatic"
++msgstr "Power Automatic"
++#: ../data/sugar.schemas.in.h:50
++msgid "Power Extreme"
++msgstr "Power Extreme"
++#: ../data/sugar.schemas.in.h:51
++msgid "Publish to Gadget"
++msgstr "Publish to Gadget"
++#: ../data/sugar.schemas.in.h:52
++msgid "Rate value for the speech sugar service"
++msgstr "Rate value for the speech sugar service"
++#: ../data/sugar.schemas.in.h:53
++msgid "Rate value used by the speech service in Sugar"
++msgstr "Rate value used by the speech service in Sugar"
++#: ../data/sugar.schemas.in.h:54
++msgid "Setting for muting the sound device."
++msgstr "Setting for muting the sound device."
++#: ../data/sugar.schemas.in.h:55
++msgid "Show Log out"
++msgstr "Show Log out"
++#: ../data/sugar.schemas.in.h:56
++msgid "Show Restart"
++msgstr "Show Restart"
++#: ../data/sugar.schemas.in.h:57
++msgid "Show Sugar Ad-hoc networks"
++msgstr "Show Sugar Ad-hoc networks"
++#: ../data/sugar.schemas.in.h:58
++msgid "Sound Muted"
++msgstr "Sound Muted"
++#: ../data/sugar.schemas.in.h:59
++msgid "The keyboard model to be used"
++msgstr "The keyboard model to be used"
++#: ../data/sugar.schemas.in.h:60
++msgid "Timestamp of last activity update."
++msgstr "Timestamp of last activity update."
++#: ../data/sugar.schemas.in.h:62
++msgid "Timezone setting for the system."
++msgstr "Timezone setting for the system."
++#: ../data/sugar.schemas.in.h:63
++msgid "URL of the jabber server to use."
++msgstr "URL of the jabber server to use."
++#: ../data/sugar.schemas.in.h:64
++msgid ""
++"URL used by the microformat update backend for activity update information."
++msgstr ""
++"URL used by the microformat update backend for activity update information."
++#: ../data/sugar.schemas.in.h:65
++msgid "URL where the backup is saved to."
++msgstr "URL where the backup is saved to."
++#: ../data/sugar.schemas.in.h:66
++msgid "User Color"
++msgstr "User Color"
++#: ../data/sugar.schemas.in.h:67
++msgid "User Name"
++msgstr "User Name"
++#: ../data/sugar.schemas.in.h:68
++msgid "User name that is used throughout the desktop."
++msgstr "User name that is used throughout the desktop."
++#: ../data/sugar.schemas.in.h:69
++msgid ""
++"Users will not be allowed to erase these activities through the list view."
++msgstr ""
++"Users will not be allowed to erase these activities through the list view."
++#: ../data/sugar.schemas.in.h:70
++msgid "Volume Level"
++msgstr "Volume Level"
++#: ../data/sugar.schemas.in.h:71
++msgid "Volume level for the sound device."
++msgstr "Volume level for the sound device."
++#: ../data/sugar.schemas.in.h:72
++msgid ""
++"When in resume mode, clicking on a favorite icon will cause the last entry "
++"for that activity to be resumed."
++msgstr ""
++"When in resume mode, clicking on a favorite icon will cause the last entry "
++"for that activity to be resumed."
++#: ../src/jarabe/controlpanel/cmd.py:28
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++"sugar-control-panel: WARNING, found more than one option with the same name: "
++"%s module: %r"
++msgstr ""
++"sugar-control-panel: WARNING, found more than one option with the same name: "
++"%s module: %r"
++#: ../src/jarabe/controlpanel/cmd.py:30
++#, python-format
++msgid "sugar-control-panel: key=%s not an available option"
++msgstr "sugar-control-panel: key=%s not an available option"
++#: ../src/jarabe/controlpanel/cmd.py:31
++#, python-format
++msgid "sugar-control-panel: %s"
++msgstr "sugar-control-panel: %s"
++#. TRANS: Translators, there's a empty line at the end of this string,
++#. which must appear in the translated string (msgstr) as well.
++#: ../src/jarabe/controlpanel/cmd.py:38
++msgid ""
++"Usage: sugar-control-panel [ option ] key [ args ... ] \n"
++"    Control for the sugar environment. \n"
++"    Options: \n"
++"    -h           show this help message and exit \n"
++"    -l           list all the available options \n"
++"    -h key       show information about this key \n"
++"    -g key       get the current value of the key \n"
++"    -s key       set the current value for the key \n"
++"    -c key       clear the current value for the key \n"
++"    "
++msgstr ""
++"Usage: sugar-control-panel [ option ] key [ args ... ] \n"
++"    Control for the sugar environment. \n"
++"    Options: \n"
++"    -h           show this help message and exit \n"
++"    -l           list all the available options \n"
++"    -h key       show information about this key \n"
++"    -g key       get the current value of the key \n"
++"    -s key       set the current value for the key \n"
++"    -c key       clear the current value for the key \n"
++"    "
++#: ../src/jarabe/controlpanel/cmd.py:52
++msgid "To apply your changes you have to restart Sugar.\n"
++msgstr "To apply your changes you have to restart Sugar.\n"
++#: ../src/jarabe/controlpanel/gui.py:323 ../src/jarabe/journal/palettes.py:187
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/palettes.py:350 ../src/jarabe/journal/palettes.py:410
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/volumestoolbar.py:302
++msgid "Warning"
++msgstr "Warning"
++#: ../src/jarabe/controlpanel/gui.py:324
++#: ../src/jarabe/controlpanel/sectionview.py:41
++msgid "Changes require restart"
++msgstr "Changes require restart"
++#: ../src/jarabe/controlpanel/gui.py:328
++msgid "Cancel changes"
++msgstr "Cancel changes"
++#: ../src/jarabe/controlpanel/gui.py:333
++msgid "Later"
++msgstr "Later"
++#: ../src/jarabe/controlpanel/gui.py:337
++msgid "Restart now"
++msgstr "Restart now"
++#: ../src/jarabe/controlpanel/toolbar.py:56
++#: ../src/jarabe/desktop/viewtoolbar.py:129
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/journaltoolbox.py:89
++#, python-format
++msgid "Search in %s"
++msgstr "Search in %s"
++#: ../src/jarabe/controlpanel/toolbar.py:56
++msgid "Settings"
++msgstr "Settings"
++#: ../src/jarabe/controlpanel/toolbar.py:65 ../src/jarabe/intro/window.py:211
++msgid "Done"
++msgstr "Done"
++#: ../src/jarabe/controlpanel/toolbar.py:127
++#: ../src/jarabe/desktop/favoritesview.py:374
++#: ../src/jarabe/desktop/keydialog.py:105
++msgid "Ok"
++msgstr "Ok"
++#: ../src/jarabe/desktop/activitieslist.py:282
++#, python-format
++msgid "Version %s"
++msgstr "Version %s"
++#: ../src/jarabe/desktop/activitieslist.py:385
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/listview.py:475 ../src/jarabe/journal/iconview.py:299
++msgid "Clear search"
++msgstr "Clear search"
++#: ../src/jarabe/desktop/activitieslist.py:469
++msgid "No matching activities"
++msgstr "No matching activities"
++#: ../src/jarabe/desktop/activitieslist.py:505
++msgid "Confirm erase"
++msgstr "Confirm erase"
++#: ../src/jarabe/desktop/activitieslist.py:507
++#, python-format
++msgid "Confirm erase: Do you want to permanently erase %s?"
++msgstr "Confirm erase: Do you want to permanently erase %s?"
++#: ../src/jarabe/desktop/activitieslist.py:511
++#: ../src/jarabe/frame/clipboardmenu.py:65
++#: ../src/jarabe/view/viewsource.py:288
++msgid "Keep"
++msgstr "Keep"
++#: ../src/jarabe/desktop/activitieslist.py:514
++#: ../src/jarabe/desktop/activitieslist.py:578
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/expandedentry.py:153
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/journaltoolbox.py:443
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/journaltoolbox.py:475
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/journaltoolbox.py:689
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/journaltoolbox.py:695
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/palettes.py:132 ../src/jarabe/journal/palettes.py:154
++msgid "Erase"
++msgstr "Erase"
++#: ../src/jarabe/desktop/activitieslist.py:594
++msgid "Remove favorite"
++msgstr "Remove favorite"
++#: ../src/jarabe/desktop/activitieslist.py:598
++msgid "Make favorite"
++msgstr "Make favorite"
++#. TRANS: label for the freeform layout in the favorites view
++#: ../src/jarabe/desktop/favoriteslayout.py:199
++msgid "Freeform"
++msgstr "Freeform"
++#. TRANS: label for the ring layout in the favorites view
++#: ../src/jarabe/desktop/favoriteslayout.py:295
++msgid "Ring"
++msgstr "Ring"
++#. TRANS: label for the spiral layout in the favorites view
++#: ../src/jarabe/desktop/favoriteslayout.py:459
++msgid "Spiral"
++msgstr "Spiral"
++#. TRANS: label for the box layout in the favorites view
++#: ../src/jarabe/desktop/favoriteslayout.py:527
++msgid "Box"
++msgstr "Box"
++#. TRANS: label for the box layout in the favorites view
++#: ../src/jarabe/desktop/favoriteslayout.py:570
++msgid "Triangle"
++msgstr "Triangle"
++#: ../src/jarabe/desktop/favoritesview.py:365
++msgid "Registration Failed"
++msgstr "Registration Failed"
++#: ../src/jarabe/desktop/favoritesview.py:368
++msgid "Registration Successful"
++msgstr "Registration Successful"
++#: ../src/jarabe/desktop/favoritesview.py:369
++msgid "You are now registered with your school server."
++msgstr "You are now registered with your school server."
++#: ../src/jarabe/desktop/favoritesview.py:653
++msgid "Register"
++msgstr "Register"
++#: ../src/jarabe/desktop/favoritesview.py:656
++#: ../src/jarabe/desktop/favoritesview.py:672
++msgid "Register again"
++msgstr "Register again"
++#: ../src/jarabe/desktop/homewindow.py:228
++#: ../src/jarabe/frame/zoomtoolbar.py:49
++msgid "Neighborhood"
++msgstr "Neighborhood"
++#: ../src/jarabe/desktop/keydialog.py:94
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++"A wireless encryption key is required for\n"
++" the wireless network '%s'."
++msgstr ""
++"A wireless encryption key is required for\n"
++" the wireless network '%s'."
++#: ../src/jarabe/desktop/keydialog.py:150
++msgid "Key Type:"
++msgstr "Key Type:"
++#: ../src/jarabe/desktop/keydialog.py:170
++msgid "Authentication Type:"
++msgstr "Authentication Type:"
++#: ../src/jarabe/desktop/keydialog.py:233
++msgid "WPA & WPA2 Personal"
++msgstr "WPA & WPA2 Personal"
++#: ../src/jarabe/desktop/keydialog.py:242
++msgid "Wireless Security:"
++msgstr "Wireless Security:"
++#. TRANS: Action label for resuming an activity.
++#: ../src/jarabe/desktop/meshbox.py:82
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/journaltoolbox.py:548
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/palettes.py:77 ../src/jarabe/view/palettes.py:96
++msgid "Resume"
++msgstr "Resume"
++#: ../src/jarabe/desktop/meshbox.py:89
++#: ../src/jarabe/frame/activitiestray.py:190
++msgid "Join"
++msgstr "Join"
++#: ../src/jarabe/desktop/networkviews.py:497
++#, python-format
++msgid "Ad-hoc Network %d"
++msgstr "Ad-hoc Network %d"
++#: ../src/jarabe/desktop/networkviews.py:639
++#, python-format
++msgid "Mesh Network %d"
++msgstr "Mesh Network %d"
++#: ../src/jarabe/desktop/schoolserver.py:144
++msgid "Cannot connect to the server."
++msgstr "Cannot connect to the server."
++#: ../src/jarabe/desktop/schoolserver.py:151
++msgid "The server could not complete the request."
++msgstr "The server could not complete the request."
++#: ../src/jarabe/desktop/viewtoolbar.py:95
++msgid "List view"
++msgstr "List view"
++#: ../src/jarabe/desktop/viewtoolbar.py:97
++#: ../src/jarabe/desktop/viewtoolbar.py:195
++#: ../src/jarabe/desktop/viewtoolbar.py:209
++#, python-format
++#, python-format,
++msgid "<Ctrl>%d"
++msgstr "<Ctrl>%d"
++#: ../src/jarabe/desktop/viewtoolbar.py:208
++#, python-format
++#, python-format,
++msgid "Favorites view %d"
++msgstr "Favorites view %d"
++#: ../src/jarabe/frame/activitiestray.py:195
++#: ../src/jarabe/frame/activitiestray.py:593
++msgid "Decline"
++msgstr "Decline"
++#: ../src/jarabe/frame/activitiestray.py:534
++#, python-format
++msgid "%dB"
++msgstr "%dB"
++#: ../src/jarabe/frame/activitiestray.py:536
++#, python-format
++msgid "%dKB"
++msgstr "%dKB"
++#: ../src/jarabe/frame/activitiestray.py:538
++#, python-format
++msgid "%dMB"
++msgstr "%dMB"
++#. TRANS: file transfer, bytes transferred, e.g. 128 of 1024
++#: ../src/jarabe/frame/activitiestray.py:556
++#, python-format
++msgid "%s of %s"
++msgstr "%s of %s"
++#: ../src/jarabe/frame/activitiestray.py:570
++#, python-format
++#, python-format,
++msgid "Transfer from %s"
++msgstr "Transfer from %s"
++#: ../src/jarabe/frame/activitiestray.py:585
++msgid "Accept"
++msgstr "Accept"
++#: ../src/jarabe/frame/activitiestray.py:653
++#: ../src/jarabe/frame/activitiestray.py:666
++#: ../src/jarabe/frame/activitiestray.py:807
++msgid "Dismiss"
++msgstr "Dismiss"
++#: ../src/jarabe/frame/activitiestray.py:680
++msgid "The other participant canceled the file transfer"
++msgstr "The other participant canceled the file transfer"
++#: ../src/jarabe/frame/activitiestray.py:730
++#, python-format
++#, python-format,
++msgid "Transfer to %s"
++msgstr "Transfer to %s"
++#: ../src/jarabe/frame/clipboardmenu.py:54
++msgctxt "Clipboard"
++msgid "Remove"
++msgstr "Remove"
++#: ../src/jarabe/frame/clipboardmenu.py:60
++#: ../src/jarabe/frame/clipboardmenu.py:83
++msgid "Open"
++msgstr "Open"
++#: ../src/jarabe/frame/clipboardmenu.py:88
++msgid "Open with"
++msgstr "Open with"
++#: ../src/jarabe/frame/clipboardobject.py:50
++#, python-format
++msgid "%s clipping"
++msgstr "%s clipping"
++#: ../src/jarabe/frame/zoomtoolbar.py:50
++msgid "F1"
++msgstr "F1"
++#: ../src/jarabe/frame/zoomtoolbar.py:54
++msgid "F2"
++msgstr "F2"
++#: ../src/jarabe/frame/zoomtoolbar.py:58
++msgid "F3"
++msgstr "F3"
++#: ../src/jarabe/frame/zoomtoolbar.py:63
++msgid "F4"
++msgstr "F4"
++#: ../src/jarabe/intro/window.py:106
++msgid "Name:"
++msgstr "Name:"
++#: ../src/jarabe/intro/window.py:136
++msgid "Click to change color:"
++msgstr "Click to change color:"
++#: ../src/jarabe/intro/window.py:200 ../src/jarabe/journal/detailview.py:95
++msgid "Back"
++msgstr "Back"
++#: ../src/jarabe/intro/window.py:214
++msgid "Next"
++msgstr "Next"
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/expandedentry.py:155
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/journaltoolbox.py:477
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/palettes.py:156
++#, python-format
++msgid "Do you want to permanently erase \"%s\"?"
++msgstr "Do you want to permanently erase \"%s\"?"
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/expandedentry.py:296
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/listmodel.py:159 ../src/jarabe/journal/model.py:721
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/palettes.py:70 ../src/jarabe/journal/palettes.py:597
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/volumestoolbar.py:131
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/iconmodel.py:110
++msgid "Untitled"
++msgstr "Untitled"
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/expandedentry.py:367
++msgid "No preview"
++msgstr "No preview"
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/expandedentry.py:382
++#, python-format
++msgid "Kind: %s"
++msgstr "Kind: %s"
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/expandedentry.py:382
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/listmodel.py:165
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/listmodel.py:173
++msgid "Unknown"
++msgstr "Unknown"
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/expandedentry.py:383
++#, python-format
++msgid "Date: %s"
++msgstr "Date: %s"
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/expandedentry.py:384
++#, python-format
++msgid "Size: %s"
++msgstr "Size: %s"
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/expandedentry.py:411
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/misc.py:109
++msgid "No date"
++msgstr "No date"
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/expandedentry.py:420
++msgid "Participants:"
++msgstr "Participants:"
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/expandedentry.py:458
++msgid "Description:"
++msgstr "Description:"
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/expandedentry.py:464
++msgid "Tags:"
++msgstr "Tags:"
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/expandedentry.py:469
++msgid "Comments:"
++msgstr "Comments:"
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/journalactivity.py:140
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/journaltoolbox.py:89
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/palettes.py:248
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/volumestoolbar.py:363
++msgid "Journal"
++msgstr "Journal"
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/journaltoolbox.py:98
++msgid "Favorite entries"
++msgstr "Favorite entries"
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/journaltoolbox.py:134
++msgid "Anytime"
++msgstr "Anytime"
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/journaltoolbox.py:136
++msgid "Today"
++msgstr "Today"
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/journaltoolbox.py:138
++msgid "Since yesterday"
++msgstr "Since yesterday"
++#. TRANS: Filter entries modified during the last 7 days.
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/journaltoolbox.py:140
++msgid "Past week"
++msgstr "Past week"
++#. TRANS: Filter entries modified during the last 30 days.
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/journaltoolbox.py:142
++msgid "Past month"
++msgstr "Past month"
++#. TRANS: Filter entries modified during the last 356 days.
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/journaltoolbox.py:144
++msgid "Past year"
++msgstr "Past year"
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/journaltoolbox.py:151
++msgid "Anyone"
++msgstr "Anyone"
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/journaltoolbox.py:153
++msgid "My friends"
++msgstr "My friends"
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/journaltoolbox.py:154
++msgid "My class"
++msgstr "My class"
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/journaltoolbox.py:327
++msgid "Anything"
++msgstr "Anything"
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/journaltoolbox.py:419
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/palettes.py:99
++msgid "Copy to"
++msgstr "Copy to"
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/journaltoolbox.py:427
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/palettes.py:110 ../src/jarabe/view/viewsource.py:282
++msgid "Duplicate"
++msgstr "Duplicate"
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/journaltoolbox.py:433
++msgid "Refresh"
++msgstr "Refresh"
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/journaltoolbox.py:470
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/palettes.py:149 ../src/jarabe/journal/palettes.py:360
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/volumestoolbar.py:310
++#, python-format
++msgid "Error while copying the entry. %s"
++msgstr "Error while copying the entry. %s"
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/journaltoolbox.py:471
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/palettes.py:150 ../src/jarabe/journal/palettes.py:361
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/volumestoolbar.py:311
++msgid "Error"
++msgstr "Error"
++#. TRANS: Action label for starting an entry.
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/journaltoolbox.py:551
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/palettes.py:80
++msgid "Start"
++msgstr "Start"
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/journaltoolbox.py:579
++msgid "Sort by date modified"
++msgstr "Sort by date modified"
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/journaltoolbox.py:580
++msgid "Sort by date created"
++msgstr "Sort by date created"
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/journaltoolbox.py:581
++msgid "Sort by size"
++msgstr "Sort by size"
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/journaltoolbox.py:590
++msgid "Sort view"
++msgstr "Sort view"
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/journaltoolbox.py:661
++msgid "Deselect all"
++msgstr "Deselect all"
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/journaltoolbox.py:674
++msgid "Select all"
++msgstr "Select all"
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/journaltoolbox.py:700
++#, python-format
++msgid "Do you want to erase %d entry?"
++msgid_plural "Do you want to erase %d entries?"
++msgstr[0] "Do you want to erase %d entry?"
++msgstr[1] "Do you want to erase %d entries?"
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/journaltoolbox.py:714
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/palettes.py:364
++msgid "Copy"
++msgstr "Copy"
++#. TRANS: Do not translate %(selected)d and %(total)d.
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/journaltoolbox.py:759
++#, python-format
++msgid "Selected %(selected)d of %(total)d"
++msgstr "Selected %(selected)d of %(total)d"
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/listview.py:387 ../src/jarabe/journal/iconview.py:211
++msgid "Your Journal is empty"
++msgstr "Your Journal is empty"
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/listview.py:390 ../src/jarabe/journal/iconview.py:214
++msgid "Your documents folder is empty"
++msgstr "Your documents folder is empty"
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/listview.py:392 ../src/jarabe/journal/iconview.py:216
++msgid "The device is empty"
++msgstr "The device is empty"
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/listview.py:394 ../src/jarabe/journal/iconview.py:218
++msgid "No matching entries"
++msgstr "No matching entries"
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/misc.py:252
++#, python-format
++msgid "Older Version Of %s Activity"
++msgstr "Older Version Of %s Activity"
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/misc.py:253
++#, python-format
++msgid "Do you want to downgrade to version %s"
++msgstr "Do you want to downgrade to version %s"
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/modalalert.py:65
++msgid "Your Journal is full"
++msgstr "Your Journal is full"
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/modalalert.py:70
++msgid "Please delete some old Journal entries to make space for new ones."
++msgstr "Please delete some old Journal entries to make space for new ones."
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/modalalert.py:84
++msgid "Show Journal"
++msgstr "Show Journal"
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/objectchooser.py:170
++msgid "Choose an object"
++msgstr "Choose an object"
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/objectchooser.py:175
++#, python-format
++msgid "Choose an object to open with %s activity"
++msgstr "Choose an object to open with %s activity"
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/objectchooser.py:183
++#: ../src/jarabe/view/viewsource.py:418
++msgid "Close"
++msgstr "Close"
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/palettes.py:78
++msgid "Resume with"
++msgstr "Resume with"
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/palettes.py:81
++msgid "Start with"
++msgstr "Start with"
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/palettes.py:94 ../src/jarabe/journal/palettes.py:489
++msgid "No activity to start entry"
++msgstr "No activity to start entry"
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/palettes.py:118
++msgid "Send to"
++msgstr "Send to"
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/palettes.py:127
++msgid "View Details"
++msgstr "View Details"
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/palettes.py:186
++msgid "Entries without a file cannot be sent."
++msgstr "Entries without a file cannot be sent."
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/palettes.py:260
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/volumestoolbar.py:211
++msgid "Documents"
++msgstr "Documents"
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/palettes.py:349 ../src/jarabe/journal/palettes.py:409
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/volumestoolbar.py:301
++msgid "Entries without a file cannot be copied."
++msgstr "Entries without a file cannot be copied."
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/palettes.py:369
++#, python-format
++msgid "Do you want to copy %d entry?"
++msgid_plural "Do you want to copy %d entries?"
++msgstr[0] "Do you want to copy %d entry?"
++msgstr[1] "Do you want to copy %d entries?"
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/palettes.py:394
++msgid "Clipboard"
++msgstr "Clipboard"
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/palettes.py:454
++msgid "No friends present"
++msgstr "No friends present"
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/palettes.py:459
++msgid "No valid connection found"
++msgstr "No valid connection found"
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/palettes.py:487
++msgid "No activity to resume entry"
++msgstr "No activity to resume entry"
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/palettes.py:556 ../src/jarabe/view/palettes.py:110
++msgid "Stop"
++msgstr "Stop"
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/palettes.py:561
++msgid "Continue"
++msgstr "Continue"
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/palettes.py:598
++#, python-format
++msgid "%(index)d of %(total)d : %(object_title)s"
++msgstr "%(index)d of %(total)d : %(object_title)s"
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/volumestoolbar.py:386
++#: ../src/jarabe/view/palettes.py:225 ../src/jarabe/view/palettes.py:292
++#, python-format
++msgid "%(free_space)d MB Free"
++msgstr "%(free_space)d MB Free"
++#: ../src/jarabe/model/network.py:214
++msgid "The reason for the device state change is unknown."
++msgstr "The reason for the device state change is unknown."
++#: ../src/jarabe/model/network.py:216
++msgid "The state change is normal."
++msgstr "The state change is normal."
++#: ../src/jarabe/model/network.py:218
++msgid "The device is now managed."
++msgstr "The device is now managed."
++#: ../src/jarabe/model/network.py:220
++msgid "The device is no longer managed."
++msgstr "The device is no longer managed."
++#: ../src/jarabe/model/network.py:222
++msgid "The device could not be readied for configuration."
++msgstr "The device could not be readied for configuration."
++#: ../src/jarabe/model/network.py:224
++msgid ""
++"IP configuration could not be reserved (no available address, timeout, etc)."
++msgstr ""
++"IP configuration could not be reserved (no available address, timeout, etc)."
++#: ../src/jarabe/model/network.py:227
++msgid "The IP configuration is no longer valid."
++msgstr "The IP configuration is no longer valid."
++#: ../src/jarabe/model/network.py:229
++msgid "Secrets were required, but not provided."
++msgstr "Secrets were required, but not provided."
++#: ../src/jarabe/model/network.py:231
++msgid ""
++"The 802.1X supplicant disconnected from the access point or authentication "
++msgstr ""
++"The 802.1X supplicant disconnected from the access point or authentication "
++#: ../src/jarabe/model/network.py:234
++msgid "Configuration of the 802.1X supplicant failed."
++msgstr "Configuration of the 802.1X supplicant failed."
++#: ../src/jarabe/model/network.py:236
++msgid "The 802.1X supplicant quit or failed unexpectedly."
++msgstr "The 802.1X supplicant quit or failed unexpectedly."
++#: ../src/jarabe/model/network.py:238
++msgid "The 802.1X supplicant took too long to authenticate."
++msgstr "The 802.1X supplicant took too long to authenticate."
++#: ../src/jarabe/model/network.py:240
++msgid "The PPP service failed to start within the allowed time."
++msgstr "The PPP service failed to start within the allowed time."
++#: ../src/jarabe/model/network.py:242
++msgid "The PPP service disconnected unexpectedly."
++msgstr "The PPP service disconnected unexpectedly."
++#: ../src/jarabe/model/network.py:244
++msgid "The PPP service quit or failed unexpectedly."
++msgstr "The PPP service quit or failed unexpectedly."
++#: ../src/jarabe/model/network.py:246
++msgid "The DHCP service failed to start within the allowed time."
++msgstr "The DHCP service failed to start within the allowed time."
++#: ../src/jarabe/model/network.py:248
++msgid "The DHCP service reported an unexpected error."
++msgstr "The DHCP service reported an unexpected error."
++#: ../src/jarabe/model/network.py:250
++msgid "The DHCP service quit or failed unexpectedly."
++msgstr "The DHCP service quit or failed unexpectedly."
++#: ../src/jarabe/model/network.py:252
++msgid "The shared connection service failed to start."
++msgstr "The shared connection service failed to start."
++#: ../src/jarabe/model/network.py:254
++msgid "The shared connection service quit or failed unexpectedly."
++msgstr "The shared connection service quit or failed unexpectedly."
++#: ../src/jarabe/model/network.py:257
++msgid "The AutoIP service failed to start."
++msgstr "The AutoIP service failed to start."
++#: ../src/jarabe/model/network.py:259
++msgid "The AutoIP service reported an unexpected error."
++msgstr "The AutoIP service reported an unexpected error."
++#: ../src/jarabe/model/network.py:261
++msgid "The AutoIP service quit or failed unexpectedly."
++msgstr "The AutoIP service quit or failed unexpectedly."
++#: ../src/jarabe/model/network.py:263
++msgid "Dialing failed because the line was busy."
++msgstr "Dialing failed because the line was busy."
++#: ../src/jarabe/model/network.py:265
++msgid "Dialing failed because there was no dial tone."
++msgstr "Dialing failed because there was no dial tone."
++#: ../src/jarabe/model/network.py:267
++msgid "Dialing failed because there was no carrier."
++msgstr "Dialing failed because there was no carrier."
++#: ../src/jarabe/model/network.py:269
++msgid "Dialing timed out."
++msgstr "Dialing timed out."
++#: ../src/jarabe/model/network.py:271
++msgid "Dialing failed."
++msgstr "Dialing failed."
++#: ../src/jarabe/model/network.py:273
++msgid "Modem initialization failed."
++msgstr "Modem initialization failed."
++#: ../src/jarabe/model/network.py:275
++msgid "Failed to select the specified GSM APN"
++msgstr "Failed to select the specified GSM APN"
++#: ../src/jarabe/model/network.py:277
++msgid "Not searching for networks."
++msgstr "Not searching for networks."
++#: ../src/jarabe/model/network.py:279
++msgid "Network registration was denied."
++msgstr "Network registration was denied."
++#: ../src/jarabe/model/network.py:281
++msgid "Network registration timed out."
++msgstr "Network registration timed out."
++#: ../src/jarabe/model/network.py:283
++msgid "Failed to register with the requested GSM network."
++msgstr "Failed to register with the requested GSM network."
++#: ../src/jarabe/model/network.py:285
++msgid "PIN check failed."
++msgstr "PIN check failed."
++#: ../src/jarabe/model/network.py:287
++msgid "Necessary firmware for the device may be missing."
++msgstr "Necessary firmware for the device may be missing."
++#: ../src/jarabe/model/network.py:289
++msgid "The device was removed."
++msgstr "The device was removed."
++#: ../src/jarabe/model/network.py:291
++msgid "NetworkManager went to sleep."
++msgstr "NetworkManager went to sleep."
++#: ../src/jarabe/model/network.py:293
++msgid "The device's active connection was removed or disappeared."
++msgstr "The device's active connection was removed or disappeared."
++#: ../src/jarabe/model/network.py:296
++msgid "A user or client requested the disconnection."
++msgstr "A user or client requested the disconnection."
++#: ../src/jarabe/model/network.py:298
++msgid "The device's carrier/link changed."
++msgstr "The device's carrier/link changed."
++#: ../src/jarabe/model/network.py:300
++msgid "The device's existing connection was assumed."
++msgstr "The device's existing connection was assumed."
++#: ../src/jarabe/model/network.py:302
++msgid "The supplicant is now available."
++msgstr "The supplicant is now available."
++#: ../src/jarabe/model/network.py:304
++msgid "The modem could not be found."
++msgstr "The modem could not be found."
++#: ../src/jarabe/model/network.py:306
++msgid "The Bluetooth connection failed or timed out."
++msgstr "The Bluetooth connection failed or timed out."
++#: ../src/jarabe/model/network.py:308
++msgid "Unused."
++msgstr "Unused."
++#: ../src/jarabe/view/buddymenu.py:72
++msgid "Remove friend"
++msgstr "Remove friend"
++#: ../src/jarabe/view/buddymenu.py:75
++msgid "Make friend"
++msgstr "Make friend"
++#: ../src/jarabe/view/buddymenu.py:91
++msgid "Shutdown"
++msgstr "Shutdown"
++#: ../src/jarabe/view/buddymenu.py:98
++msgid "Restart"
++msgstr "Restart"
++#: ../src/jarabe/view/buddymenu.py:104
++msgid "Logout"
++msgstr "Logout"
++#: ../src/jarabe/view/buddymenu.py:109
++msgid "My Settings"
++msgstr "My Settings"
++#: ../src/jarabe/view/buddymenu.py:149
++#, python-format
++msgid "Invite to %s"
++msgstr "Invite to %s"
++#: ../src/jarabe/view/launcher.py:144
++#, python-format
++msgid "<b>%s</b> failed to start."
++msgstr "<b>%s</b> failed to start."
++#: ../src/jarabe/view/palettes.py:51
++msgid "Starting..."
++msgstr "Starting..."
++#: ../src/jarabe/view/palettes.py:61
++msgid "Activity failed to start"
++msgstr "Activity failed to start"
++#. TODO: share-with, keep
++#: ../src/jarabe/view/palettes.py:102
++msgid "View Source"
++msgstr "View Source"
++#: ../src/jarabe/view/palettes.py:153
++msgid "Start new"
++msgstr "Start new"
++#: ../src/jarabe/view/palettes.py:241
++msgctxt "Volume"
++msgid "Remove"
++msgstr "Remove"
++#: ../src/jarabe/view/viewsource.py:271
++msgid "Instance Source"
++msgstr "Instance Source"
++#: ../src/jarabe/view/viewsource.py:320
++msgid "Source"
++msgstr "Source"
++#: ../src/jarabe/view/viewsource.py:382
++msgid "Activity Bundle Source"
++msgstr "Activity Bundle Source"
++#: ../src/jarabe/view/viewsource.py:401
++msgid "Sugar Toolkit Source"
++msgstr "Sugar Toolkit Source"
++#: ../src/jarabe/view/viewsource.py:408
++#, python-format
++#, python-format,
++msgid "View source: %s"
++msgstr "View source: %s"
++#: ../src/jarabe/view/viewsource.py:409
++#, python-format
++msgid "View source: %r"
++msgstr "View source: %r"
++#~ msgid "<Ctrl>1"
++#~ msgstr "<Ctrl>1"
++#~ msgid "Update your activities to ensure compatibility with your new software"
++#~ msgstr "Update your activities to ensure compatibility with your new software"
++#~ msgid "Check now"
++#~ msgstr "Check now"
++#~ msgid "Sugar in a window"
++#~ msgstr "Sugar in a window"
++#~ msgid "Software update"
++#~ msgstr "Software update"
++#~ msgid "Search"
++#~ msgstr "Search"
++#~ msgid "Additional directories which can contain updated translations."
++#~ msgstr "Additional directories which can contain updated translations."
++#~ msgid "Directory to search for translations"
++#~ msgstr "Directory to search for translations"
++#~ msgid "Error in extreme pm argument, use on/off."
++#~ msgstr "Error in extreme pm argument, use on/off."
+diff --git b/po/kab.po a/po/kab.po
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..66c4bee
+--- /dev/null
++++ a/po/kab.po
+@@ -0,0 +1,2414 @@
++# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
++msgid ""
++msgstr ""
++"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
++"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
++"POT-Creation-Date: 2016-01-30 14:24+0000\n"
++"PO-Revision-Date: 2017-10-15 20:28+0000\n"
++"Last-Translator: Yacine-Bouklif <yacine_tizi2003@yahoo.fr>\n"
++"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <LL@li.org>\n"
++"Language: kab\n"
++"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
++"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
++"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
++"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
++"X-Generator: Pootle\n"
++"X-POOTLE-MTIME: 1508099328.000000\n"
++#: ../data/org.sugarlabs.gschema.xml.h:1
++msgid "Migrated to GSettings"
++msgstr "Yuneg ar GSettings"
++#: ../data/org.sugarlabs.gschema.xml.h:2
++msgid "This key shows whether or not GConf values were migrated to GSettings"
++msgstr ""
++"Tasarutt-agi teskan-d ma yella neɣ ala azalen n GConf unagen ar GSettings"
++#: ../data/org.sugarlabs.gschema.xml.h:3 ../data/sugar.schemas.in.h:11
++msgid "Backup URL"
++msgstr "Asekles n URL"
++#: ../data/org.sugarlabs.gschema.xml.h:4 ../data/sugar.schemas.in.h:12
++msgid "URL where the backup is saved to."
++msgstr "Tansa URL n usekles n uḥraz."
++#: ../data/org.sugarlabs.gschema.xml.h:5 ../data/sugar.schemas.in.h:31
++msgid "Show Log out"
++msgstr "Sken tuffɣa"
++#: ../data/org.sugarlabs.gschema.xml.h:6 ../data/sugar.schemas.in.h:32
++msgid "If TRUE, Sugar will show a \"Log out\" option."
++msgstr "Ma IH, Sugar ad d-yesken asefran \"Ffeɣ\"."
++#: ../data/org.sugarlabs.gschema.xml.h:7 ../data/sugar.schemas.in.h:33
++msgid "Show Restart"
++msgstr "Sken Ales Asenker"
++#: ../data/org.sugarlabs.gschema.xml.h:8 ../data/sugar.schemas.in.h:34
++msgid "If TRUE, Sugar will show a \"Restart\" option."
++msgstr "Ma IH, Sugar ad d-yesken asefran \"Ales Asenker\"."
++#: ../data/org.sugarlabs.gschema.xml.h:9 ../data/sugar.schemas.in.h:35
++msgid "Show Shutdown"
++msgstr "Sken Sens"
++#: ../data/org.sugarlabs.gschema.xml.h:10 ../data/sugar.schemas.in.h:36
++msgid "If TRUE, Sugar will show a \"Shutdown\" option."
++msgstr "Ma IH, Sugar ad d-yesken asefran \"Sens\"."
++#: ../data/org.sugarlabs.gschema.xml.h:11 ../data/sugar.schemas.in.h:37
++msgid "Show Register"
++msgstr "Sken ajerred"
++#: ../data/org.sugarlabs.gschema.xml.h:12 ../data/sugar.schemas.in.h:38
++msgid "If TRUE, Sugar will show a \"Register\" option in the buddy palette."
++msgstr "Ma IH, Sugar ad d-yesken asefran \"Ajerred\"."
++#: ../data/org.sugarlabs.gschema.xml.h:13 ../data/sugar.schemas.in.h:63
++msgid "Bundle IDs of protected activities"
++msgstr "Isulayen n iukemmes n irmuden yettwammestnen"
++#: ../data/org.sugarlabs.gschema.xml.h:14 ../data/sugar.schemas.in.h:64
++msgid ""
++"Users will not be allowed to erase these activities through the list view."
++msgstr "Iseqdacen ur ttwasirgen ara ad kksen irmuden-agi seg tmeẓri tabdart."
++#: ../data/org.sugarlabs.gschema.xml.h:15 ../data/sugar.schemas.in.h:79
++msgid "A limit to the number of simultaneously open activities."
++msgstr "Talast n umḍan n urmud yeldin akken."
++#: ../data/org.sugarlabs.gschema.xml.h:16 ../data/sugar.schemas.in.h:80
++msgid ""
++"This int is used to set a limit to the number of open activities. By default "
++"(0), there is no limit."
++msgstr ""
++"Umḍan-agi ummid yettwaseqdec i usbadu n talast n umḍan n irmuden yeldin. "
++"Azal amezwer d (0), ulac talast."
++#: ../data/org.sugarlabs.gschema.xml.h:17 ../data/sugar.schemas.in.h:1
++msgid "User Name"
++msgstr "Isem n useqdac"
++#: ../data/org.sugarlabs.gschema.xml.h:18 ../data/sugar.schemas.in.h:2
++msgid "User name that is used throughout the desktop."
++msgstr "Isem n useqdac yettwaseqdacen deg tnarit."
++#: ../data/org.sugarlabs.gschema.xml.h:19 ../data/sugar.schemas.in.h:3
++msgid "Default nick"
++msgstr "Meffer isem amezwer"
++#: ../data/org.sugarlabs.gschema.xml.h:20 ../data/sugar.schemas.in.h:4
++msgid ""
++"\"disabled\" to ask nick on initialization; \"system\" to reuse UNIX account "
++"long name."
++msgstr ""
++"\"yensa\" i usuter deg uwennez; \"anagraw\" i useqdec n yisem aɣezfan n "
++"umiḍan UNIX."
++#: ../data/org.sugarlabs.gschema.xml.h:21 ../data/sugar.schemas.in.h:5
++msgid "User Color"
++msgstr "Ini n useqdac"
++#: ../data/org.sugarlabs.gschema.xml.h:22 ../data/sugar.schemas.in.h:6
++msgid ""
++"Color for the XO icon that is used throughout the desktop. The string is "
++"composed of the stroke color and fill color, format is that of rgb colors. "
++"Example: #AC32FF,#9A5200"
++msgstr ""
++"Ini n tignit XO yettwaseqdacen deg tnarit. Azrir n isekkilen yegber initen n "
++"ujerriḍ akked tačcart. Amasal icudd ar yiniten rgb, Amedya: #AC32FF,#9A5200"
++#: ../data/org.sugarlabs.gschema.xml.h:23
++msgid "User Gender"
++msgstr "Tuzuft n useqdac"
++#: ../data/org.sugarlabs.gschema.xml.h:24
++msgid "Gender of the Sugar user, either male, female, or unassigned"
++msgstr "Tuzuft n useqdac n Sugar, amalay, unti, neɣ ulac"
++#: ../data/org.sugarlabs.gschema.xml.h:25
++msgid "User Birth Timestamp"
++msgstr "Azemzakudn tlalit n useqdac"
++#: ../data/org.sugarlabs.gschema.xml.h:26
++msgid "Birth timestamp (seconds since the epoch)"
++msgstr "Azemzakud n tlalit (tasinin deg epoch n unagraw)"
++#: ../data/org.sugarlabs.gschema.xml.h:27
++msgid "Group Label"
++msgstr "Tacreá¹­ n ugraw"
++#: ../data/org.sugarlabs.gschema.xml.h:28
++msgid "Label associated with age, e.g., '2nd Grade'"
++msgstr "Tacreṭ icudden ar tneɣrit n tɣuri, amedya 'Aseggas wis 2'"
++#: ../data/org.sugarlabs.gschema.xml.h:29
++msgid "Background image path"
++msgstr "Abrid n unekcum ar tugna n tugna n ugilal"
++#: ../data/org.sugarlabs.gschema.xml.h:30
++msgid "Path to the image to be used as a background."
++msgstr "Abrid n unekcum n tugna yettwaseqdacen d agilal."
++#: ../data/org.sugarlabs.gschema.xml.h:31
++msgid "Background alpha level"
++msgstr "Aswir n tefrawant n ubadu alpha i tugna n ugilal"
++#: ../data/org.sugarlabs.gschema.xml.h:32
++msgid "The opacity of the background image."
++msgstr "Aswir n tebrek n tugna n ugilal."
++#: ../data/org.sugarlabs.gschema.xml.h:33
++msgid "Mimetype registry"
++msgstr "Anaw MIME (azmam IANA)"
++#: ../data/org.sugarlabs.gschema.xml.h:34
++msgid "Consists of key-value pairs mimetypes and their corresponding activity"
++msgstr ""
++"Yettwammel s tyugiwin tasarutt-azalen n wanawen MIME akked irmuden-nsen "
++#: ../data/org.sugarlabs.gschema.xml.h:35 ../data/sugar.schemas.in.h:7
++msgid "Volume Level"
++msgstr "Aswir n ubleɣ"
++#: ../data/org.sugarlabs.gschema.xml.h:36 ../data/sugar.schemas.in.h:8
++msgid "Volume level for the sound device."
++msgstr "Aswir n ubleɣ n yibenk ameslaw."
++#: ../data/org.sugarlabs.gschema.xml.h:37 ../data/sugar.schemas.in.h:9
++msgid "Sound Muted"
++msgstr "Ameslaw yensa"
++#: ../data/org.sugarlabs.gschema.xml.h:38 ../data/sugar.schemas.in.h:10
++msgid "Setting for muting the sound device."
++msgstr "Aseggem n usexsi n yibenk ameslaw."
++#: ../data/org.sugarlabs.gschema.xml.h:39
++msgid "Brightness Level"
++msgstr "Aswir n ubruá¹›eq"
++#: ../data/org.sugarlabs.gschema.xml.h:40
++msgid "Brightness level for the computer screen."
++msgstr "Aswir n tafat n ugdil n uselkim."
++#: ../data/org.sugarlabs.gschema.xml.h:41
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/datetime/view.py:66 ../data/sugar.schemas.in.h:13
++msgid "Timezone"
++msgstr "Izdi usrig"
++#: ../data/org.sugarlabs.gschema.xml.h:42 ../data/sugar.schemas.in.h:14
++msgid "Timezone setting for the system."
++msgstr "Tawila n izḍi usrig n unagraw."
++#: ../data/org.sugarlabs.gschema.xml.h:43
++msgid "Home views"
++msgstr "Timeẓriyin tigejdanin"
++#: ../data/org.sugarlabs.gschema.xml.h:44
++msgid ""
++"List of home views, including the view icon, the favorite icon and the layout"
++msgstr ""
++"Tubdarin n tmeẓriyin tigejdanin, igebren timeẓri tabdart, timeẓri tanurift "
++"akked d tmeẓri anarag"
++#: ../data/org.sugarlabs.gschema.xml.h:45
++msgid "Launcher animation interval"
++msgstr "Azilal n umray n umsenker"
++#: ../data/org.sugarlabs.gschema.xml.h:46
++msgid ""
++"Delay in milliseconds between animation updates for launcher pulsing icon."
++msgstr "Tansagt s tmilisinin gar usmiren n imrayen i yiwen n umseker. "
++#: ../data/org.sugarlabs.gschema.xml.h:47 ../data/sugar.schemas.in.h:19
++msgid "Edge Delay"
++msgstr "Tanzagt n rrif"
++#: ../data/org.sugarlabs.gschema.xml.h:48 ../data/sugar.schemas.in.h:20
++msgid "Delay for the activation of the frame using the edges."
++msgstr "Tanzagt n tilmi iseqdacen lerryuf n tmeẓri."
++#: ../data/org.sugarlabs.gschema.xml.h:49 ../data/sugar.schemas.in.h:21
++msgid "Corner Delay"
++msgstr "Tanzagt n tiɣmert"
++#: ../data/org.sugarlabs.gschema.xml.h:50 ../data/sugar.schemas.in.h:22
++msgid "Delay for the activation of the frame using the corners."
++msgstr "Tanzagt n urmad n tilmi iseqdacen tiɣmar n tmeẓri"
++#: ../data/org.sugarlabs.gschema.xml.h:51
++msgid "Trigger Size"
++msgstr "Teɣzi n temnaḍt n urmad"
++#: ../data/org.sugarlabs.gschema.xml.h:52
++msgid "Size of the frame trigger area, in px from the corner/edge."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../data/org.sugarlabs.gschema.xml.h:53 ../data/sugar.schemas.in.h:23
++msgid "Jabber Server"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../data/org.sugarlabs.gschema.xml.h:54 ../data/sugar.schemas.in.h:24
++msgid "URL of the jabber server to use."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../data/org.sugarlabs.gschema.xml.h:55 ../data/sugar.schemas.in.h:29
++msgid "Publish to Gadget"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../data/org.sugarlabs.gschema.xml.h:56 ../data/sugar.schemas.in.h:30
++msgid ""
++"If TRUE, Sugar will make us searchable for the other users of the Jabber "
++msgstr ""
++#: ../data/org.sugarlabs.gschema.xml.h:57
++msgid "Social Help Server"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../data/org.sugarlabs.gschema.xml.h:58
++msgid "URL of the social help server to use with protocol."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../data/org.sugarlabs.gschema.xml.h:59 ../data/sugar.schemas.in.h:25
++msgid "Power Automatic"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../data/org.sugarlabs.gschema.xml.h:60
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/power/view.py:55 ../data/sugar.schemas.in.h:26
++msgid "Automatic power management (increases battery life)"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../data/org.sugarlabs.gschema.xml.h:61 ../data/sugar.schemas.in.h:27
++msgid "Power Extreme"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../data/org.sugarlabs.gschema.xml.h:62 ../data/sugar.schemas.in.h:28
++msgid ""
++"Extreme power management (disables wireless radio, increases battery life)"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../data/org.sugarlabs.gschema.xml.h:63 ../data/sugar.schemas.in.h:39
++msgid "Keyboard layouts"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../data/org.sugarlabs.gschema.xml.h:64 ../data/sugar.schemas.in.h:40
++msgid ""
++"List of keyboard layouts. Each entry should be in the form layout(variant)"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../data/org.sugarlabs.gschema.xml.h:65 ../data/sugar.schemas.in.h:41
++msgid "Keyboard options"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../data/org.sugarlabs.gschema.xml.h:66 ../data/sugar.schemas.in.h:42
++msgid "List of keyboard options."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../data/org.sugarlabs.gschema.xml.h:67 ../data/sugar.schemas.in.h:43
++msgid "Keyboard model"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../data/org.sugarlabs.gschema.xml.h:68 ../data/sugar.schemas.in.h:44
++msgid "The keyboard model to be used"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../data/org.sugarlabs.gschema.xml.h:69 ../data/sugar.schemas.in.h:45
++msgid "Default font face"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../data/org.sugarlabs.gschema.xml.h:70 ../data/sugar.schemas.in.h:46
++msgid "Font face that is used throughout the desktop."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../data/org.sugarlabs.gschema.xml.h:71 ../data/sugar.schemas.in.h:47
++msgid "Default font size"
++msgstr "Tiddi n lexá¹£as"
++#: ../data/org.sugarlabs.gschema.xml.h:72 ../data/sugar.schemas.in.h:48
++msgid "Font size that is used throughout the desktop."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../data/org.sugarlabs.gschema.xml.h:73 ../data/sugar.schemas.in.h:61
++msgid "Show Sugar Ad-hoc networks"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../data/org.sugarlabs.gschema.xml.h:74 ../data/sugar.schemas.in.h:62
++msgid ""
++"If TRUE, Sugar will show default Ad-hoc networks for channel 1,6 and 11. If "
++"Sugar sees no \"known\" network when it starts, it does autoconnect to an Ad-"
++"hoc network."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../data/org.sugarlabs.gschema.xml.h:75
++msgid "Enable Ad-hoc autoconnect"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../data/org.sugarlabs.gschema.xml.h:76
++msgid "If TRUE, Sugar will autoconnect to Ad-hoc networks."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../data/org.sugarlabs.gschema.xml.h:77 ../data/sugar.schemas.in.h:49
++msgid "GSM network username (DEPRECATED/UNUSED)"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../data/org.sugarlabs.gschema.xml.h:78 ../data/sugar.schemas.in.h:50
++msgid "GSM network username configuration (DEPRECATED/UNUSED)"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../data/org.sugarlabs.gschema.xml.h:79 ../data/sugar.schemas.in.h:51
++msgid "GSM network password (DEPRECATED/UNUSED)"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../data/org.sugarlabs.gschema.xml.h:80 ../data/sugar.schemas.in.h:52
++msgid "GSM network password configuration (DEPRECATED/UNUSED)"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../data/org.sugarlabs.gschema.xml.h:81 ../data/sugar.schemas.in.h:53
++msgid "GSM network number (DEPRECATED/UNUSED)"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../data/org.sugarlabs.gschema.xml.h:82 ../data/sugar.schemas.in.h:54
++msgid "GSM network telephone number configuration (DEPRECATED/UNUSED)"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../data/org.sugarlabs.gschema.xml.h:83 ../data/sugar.schemas.in.h:55
++msgid "GSM network APN (DEPRECATED/UNUSED)"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../data/org.sugarlabs.gschema.xml.h:84 ../data/sugar.schemas.in.h:56
++msgid "GSM network access point name configuration (DEPRECATED/UNUSED)"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../data/org.sugarlabs.gschema.xml.h:85 ../data/sugar.schemas.in.h:57
++msgid "GSM network PIN (DEPRECATED/UNUSED)"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../data/org.sugarlabs.gschema.xml.h:86 ../data/sugar.schemas.in.h:58
++msgid ""
++"GSM network personal identification number configuration (DEPRECATED/UNUSED)"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../data/org.sugarlabs.gschema.xml.h:87 ../data/sugar.schemas.in.h:59
++msgid "GSM network PUK (DEPRECATED/UNUSED)"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../data/org.sugarlabs.gschema.xml.h:88 ../data/sugar.schemas.in.h:60
++msgid "GSM network personal unlock key configuration (DEPRECATED/UNUSED)"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../data/org.sugarlabs.gschema.xml.h:89
++msgid "TODO: add summary"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../data/org.sugarlabs.gschema.xml.h:90
++msgid "TODO: add description"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../data/org.sugarlabs.gschema.xml.h:91 ../data/sugar.schemas.in.h:65
++msgid "Pitch value for the speech sugar service"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../data/org.sugarlabs.gschema.xml.h:92 ../data/sugar.schemas.in.h:66
++msgid "Pitch value used by the speech service in Sugar"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../data/org.sugarlabs.gschema.xml.h:93 ../data/sugar.schemas.in.h:67
++msgid "Rate value for the speech sugar service"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../data/org.sugarlabs.gschema.xml.h:94 ../data/sugar.schemas.in.h:68
++msgid "Rate value used by the speech service in Sugar"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../data/org.sugarlabs.gschema.xml.h:95 ../data/sugar.schemas.in.h:69
++msgid "Activity update backend."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../data/org.sugarlabs.gschema.xml.h:96 ../data/sugar.schemas.in.h:70
++msgid ""
++"Activity update backend module, followed by a period, followed by the class "
++msgstr ""
++#: ../data/org.sugarlabs.gschema.xml.h:97 ../data/sugar.schemas.in.h:71
++msgid "Microformat update URL."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../data/org.sugarlabs.gschema.xml.h:98 ../data/sugar.schemas.in.h:72
++msgid ""
++"URL used by the microformat update backend for activity update information."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../data/org.sugarlabs.gschema.xml.h:99 ../data/sugar.schemas.in.h:73
++msgid "Automatic update frequency."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../data/org.sugarlabs.gschema.xml.h:100 ../data/sugar.schemas.in.h:74
++msgid ""
++"Frequency of automatic activity updates, measured in days. 0 means disabled."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../data/org.sugarlabs.gschema.xml.h:101 ../data/sugar.schemas.in.h:75
++msgid "Timestamp of last activity update."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../data/org.sugarlabs.gschema.xml.h:102 ../data/sugar.schemas.in.h:76
++msgid ""
++"A unix timestamp (seconds since epoch) of the last successful activity "
++msgstr ""
++#: ../data/org.sugarlabs.gschema.xml.h:103
++msgid "New ASLO update.json URL."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../data/org.sugarlabs.gschema.xml.h:104
++msgid "URL used by the new ASLO updater to download activity data."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../data/org.sugarlabs.gschema.xml.h:105 ../data/sugar.schemas.in.h:77
++msgid "A description of the hardware available to the user."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../data/org.sugarlabs.gschema.xml.h:106 ../data/sugar.schemas.in.h:78
++msgid "This string is displayed in the control panel, about computer section."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/aboutme/__init__.py:23
++msgid "About Me"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/aboutme/model.py:51
++msgid "You must enter a name."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/aboutme/model.py:83
++#, python-format
++msgid "stroke:   color=%s hue=%s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/aboutme/model.py:86
++#, python-format
++msgid "stroke:   %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/aboutme/model.py:88
++#, python-format
++msgid "fill:     color=%s hue=%s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/aboutme/model.py:90
++#, python-format
++msgid "fill:     %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/aboutme/model.py:102
++msgid "Error in specified color modifiers."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/aboutme/model.py:105
++msgid "Error in specified colors."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/aboutme/view.py:243
++msgid "Click to change your color:"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/aboutme/view.py:294
++#: ../src/jarabe/intro/window.py:203
++msgid "Select gender:"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/aboutcomputer/__init__.py:21
++msgid "About my Computer"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/aboutcomputer/model.py:37
++msgid "Not available"
++msgstr "Ulac"
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/aboutcomputer/view.py:76
++msgid "Identity"
++msgstr "Tamagit"
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/aboutcomputer/view.py:87
++msgid "Model:"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/aboutcomputer/view.py:91
++msgid "Serial Number:"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/aboutcomputer/view.py:103
++msgid "Software"
++msgstr "Aseɣẓan"
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/aboutcomputer/view.py:112
++msgid "Build:"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/aboutcomputer/view.py:117
++msgid "Sugar:"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/aboutcomputer/view.py:122
++msgid "Firmware:"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/aboutcomputer/view.py:127
++msgid "Wireless Firmware:"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/aboutcomputer/view.py:134
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d days ago"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/aboutcomputer/view.py:136
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/journaltoolbox.py:169
++msgid "Today"
++msgstr "Ass-a"
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/aboutcomputer/view.py:139
++msgid "Last system update:"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/aboutcomputer/view.py:150
++msgid "Copyright and License"
++msgstr "Izerfan n umeskar d turagt"
++#. TRANS: The word "Sugar" should not be translated.
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/aboutcomputer/view.py:169
++msgid ""
++"Sugar is the graphical user interface that you are looking at. Sugar is free "
++"software, covered by the GNU General Public License, and you are welcome to "
++"change it and/or distribute copies of it under certain conditions described "
++msgstr ""
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/aboutcomputer/view.py:181
++msgid "Full license:"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/background/__init__.py:21
++msgid "Background"
++msgstr "Agilal"
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/background/view.py:48
++msgid "Select a background:"
++msgstr "Fren agilal:"
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/background/view.py:57
++msgid "Clear background"
++msgstr "Sfeḍ agilal"
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/datetime/__init__.py:21
++msgid "Date & Time"
++msgstr "Azemz akked usrag"
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/datetime/model.py:100
++msgid "Error: timezone does not exist."
++msgstr "Tuccḍa: tamnaḍt tasragant ulac-itt."
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/frame/__init__.py:21
++msgid "Frame"
++msgstr "Akatar"
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/frame/view.py:26
++msgid "never"
++msgstr "werǧin"
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/frame/view.py:27
++msgid "instantaneous"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/frame/view.py:28
++#, python-format
++msgid "%s seconds"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/frame/view.py:52
++msgid "Activation Delay"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/frame/view.py:68
++msgid "Activation Area"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/frame/view.py:85
++msgid "Corner"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/frame/view.py:104
++msgid "Edge"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/frame/view.py:123
++msgid "Size"
++msgstr "Tiddi (bytes/octets)"
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/frame/view.py:221
++msgid "toolbar size"
++msgstr "Tiddi n tfeggagt n ifecka"
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/frame/view.py:226
++msgid "exact corner or edge"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/frame/view.py:228
++msgid "exact corner"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/frame/view.py:230
++msgid "exact edge"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/frame/view.py:232
++msgid "ignored"
++msgstr "yettwanef"
++#. TRANS: px as in pixels
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/frame/view.py:235
++msgid "{}px"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/keyboard/__init__.py:21
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/keyboard/view.py:38
++msgid "Keyboard"
++msgstr "Anasiw"
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/keyboard/view.py:240
++msgid "Keyboard Model"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/keyboard/view.py:301
++msgid "Key(s) to change layout"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/keyboard/view.py:369
++msgid "Keyboard Layout(s)"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/language/__init__.py:21
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/language/view.py:39
++msgid "Language"
++msgstr "Tutlayt"
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/language/model.py:29
++msgid "Could not access ~/.i18n. Create standard settings."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/language/model.py:156
++#, python-format
++msgid "Language for code=%s could not be determined."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/language/model.py:179
++#, python-format
++msgid "Sorry I do not speak '%s'."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/language/view.py:75
++msgid ""
++"Add languages in the order you prefer. If a translation is not available, "
++"the next in the list will be used."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/language/view.py:383
++#, python-format
++msgid "Error writting language configuration (%s)"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/modemconfiguration/__init__.py:21
++msgid "Modem"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/modemconfiguration/view.py:94
++msgid ""
++"You will need to provide the following information to set up a mobile "
++"broadband connection to a cellular (3G) network."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/modemconfiguration/view.py:117
++msgid "Country:"
++msgstr "Tamurt:"
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/modemconfiguration/view.py:118
++msgid "Provider:"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/modemconfiguration/view.py:119
++msgid "Plan:"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/modemconfiguration/view.py:160
++msgid "Username:"
++msgstr "Isem n wemseqdac:"
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/modemconfiguration/view.py:167
++msgid "Password:"
++msgstr "Awal n tbaḍnit:"
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/modemconfiguration/view.py:174
++msgid "Number:"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/modemconfiguration/view.py:181
++msgid "Access Point Name (APN):"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/modemconfiguration/view.py:188
++msgid "Personal Identity Number (PIN):"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/modemconfiguration/model.py:162
++#, python-format
++msgid "Plan #%s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/modemconfiguration/model.py:292
++#, python-format
++msgid "Provider %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/network/__init__.py:21
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/network/view.py:30
++msgid "Network"
++msgstr "Azeá¹­á¹­a"
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/network/model.py:88
++msgid "State is unknown."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/network/model.py:104
++msgid "Error in specified radio argument use on/off."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/network/model.py:197
++msgid "Error in specified argument use 0/1."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/network/view.py:65
++msgid "Wireless"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/network/view.py:73
++msgid "The wireless radio may be turned off to save battery life."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/network/view.py:86
++msgid "Radio"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/network/view.py:103
++msgid ""
++"Discard wireless connections if you have trouble connecting to the network"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/network/view.py:113
++msgid "Discard wireless connections"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/network/view.py:129
++msgid "Collaboration"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/network/view.py:137
++msgid ""
++"The server is the equivalent of what room you are in; people on the same "
++"server will be able to see each other, even when they aren't on the same "
++msgstr ""
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/network/view.py:147
++msgid "Server:"
++msgstr "Aqeddac:"
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/network/view.py:163
++msgid ""
++"Social Help is a forum that lets you connect with developers and discuss "
++"Sugar Activities.  Changing servers means discussions will happen in a "
++"different place with different people."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/network/view.py:173
++msgid "Social Help Server:"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/power/__init__.py:24
++msgid "Power"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/power/model.py:90
++msgid "Error in automatic pm argument, use on/off."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/power/view.py:45
++msgid "Power management"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/updater/__init__.py:21
++msgid "Software Update"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/updater/view.py:70
++msgid ""
++"Software updates correct errors, eliminate security vulnerabilities, and "
++"provide new features."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/updater/view.py:84
++msgid "Update in progress..."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/updater/view.py:119
++msgid "Checking for updates..."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/updater/view.py:121
++msgid "Installing updates..."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/updater/view.py:150
++#, python-format
++msgid "Checking %s..."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/updater/view.py:152
++msgid "Looking for updates..."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/updater/view.py:154
++#, python-format
++msgid "Downloading %s..."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/updater/view.py:156
++#, python-format
++msgid "Updating %s..."
++msgstr "Amucceḍ %s..."
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/updater/view.py:166
++msgid "Your software is up-to-date"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/updater/view.py:168
++#, python-format
++msgid "You can install %s update"
++msgid_plural "You can install %s updates"
++msgstr[0] ""
++msgstr[1] ""
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/updater/view.py:183
++msgid "Can't connect to the activity server"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/updater/view.py:186
++msgid "Verify your connection to internet and try again, or try again later"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/updater/view.py:206
++#, python-format
++msgid "%s update was installed"
++msgid_plural "%s updates were installed"
++msgstr[0] ""
++msgstr[1] ""
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/updater/view.py:288
++msgid "Install selected"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/updater/view.py:307
++#, python-format
++msgid "Download size: %s"
++msgstr "Tiddi n usider: %s"
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/updater/view.py:399
++#, python-format
++msgid "From version %(current)s to %(new)s (Size: %(size)s)"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/updater/view.py:406
++#, python-format
++msgid "Version %(version)s (Size: %(size)s)"
++msgstr ""
++#. TRANS: download size is 0
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/updater/view.py:423
++msgid "None"
++msgstr "Aucun"
++#. TRANS: download size of very small updates
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/updater/view.py:426
++msgid "1 KB"
++msgstr ""
++#. TRANS: download size of small updates, e.g. '250 KB'
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/updater/view.py:429
++#, python-format
++msgid "%.0f KB"
++msgstr ""
++#. TRANS: download size of updates, e.g. '2.3 MB'
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/updater/view.py:432
++#, python-format
++msgid "%.1f MB"
++msgstr "%.1f MAṬ"
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/webaccount/__init__.py:24
++msgid "Web Services"
++msgstr "Imeẓla Web"
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/webaccount/view.py:65
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++"No web services are installed.\n"
++"Please visit %s for more details."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../extensions/deviceicon/audio.py:69
++msgid "My Audio"
++msgstr "Ameslaw-iw"
++#: ../extensions/deviceicon/audio.py:330
++msgid "Speaker"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../extensions/deviceicon/audio.py:331
++msgid "Microphone"
++msgstr "Asawaḍ"
++#: ../extensions/deviceicon/battery.py:69
++msgid "My Battery"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../extensions/deviceicon/battery.py:151
++msgid "Removed"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../extensions/deviceicon/battery.py:154
++msgid "Charging"
++msgstr "Asali"
++#: ../extensions/deviceicon/battery.py:157
++msgid "Very little power remaining"
++msgstr ""
++#. TRANS: do not translate %(hour)d:%(min).2d  it is a variable,
++#. only translate the word "remaining"
++#: ../extensions/deviceicon/battery.py:164
++#, python-format
++msgid "%(hour)d:%(min).2d remaining"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../extensions/deviceicon/battery.py:167
++msgid "Charged"
++msgstr "Yuli"
++#: ../extensions/deviceicon/display.py:187
++msgid "My Display"
++msgstr "Agdil-iw"
++#: ../extensions/deviceicon/display.py:189
++msgid "Take a screenshot"
++msgstr "Ṭṭef agdil"
++#: ../extensions/deviceicon/display.py:211
++msgid "Brightness"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../extensions/deviceicon/display.py:239
++msgid "Display"
++msgstr "Sken"
++#: ../extensions/deviceicon/frame.py:53
++msgid "Show my keyboard"
++msgstr "Sken anasiw-iw"
++#: ../extensions/deviceicon/network.py:48
++#, python-format
++msgid "IP address: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../extensions/deviceicon/network.py:80
++#: ../extensions/deviceicon/network.py:297
++#: ../src/jarabe/desktop/networkviews.py:134
++#: ../src/jarabe/desktop/networkviews.py:510
++msgid "Disconnect"
++msgstr "Ffeɣ"
++#: ../extensions/deviceicon/network.py:106
++#: ../extensions/deviceicon/network.py:290
++#: ../src/jarabe/desktop/networkviews.py:250
++#: ../src/jarabe/desktop/networkviews.py:552
++#: ../src/jarabe/desktop/networkviews.py:696
++msgid "Connecting..."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../extensions/deviceicon/network.py:110
++#: ../extensions/deviceicon/network.py:181
++#: ../src/jarabe/desktop/networkviews.py:257
++#: ../src/jarabe/desktop/networkviews.py:558
++#: ../src/jarabe/desktop/networkviews.py:702
++msgid "Connected"
++msgstr "Iqqen"
++#: ../extensions/deviceicon/network.py:123
++msgid "No wireless connection"
++msgstr "Tuqqna war tinelli"
++#: ../extensions/deviceicon/network.py:137
++#: ../extensions/deviceicon/network.py:140
++msgid "Channel"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../extensions/deviceicon/network.py:138
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/expandedentry.py:386
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/listmodel.py:191
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/listmodel.py:199
++msgid "Unknown"
++msgstr "Arussin"
++#: ../extensions/deviceicon/network.py:156
++msgid "Wired Network"
++msgstr "Aẓeṭṭa n tnelli"
++#: ../extensions/deviceicon/network.py:184
++msgid "Speed"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../extensions/deviceicon/network.py:209
++msgid "Wireless modem"
++msgstr "Atrar war tinelli"
++#: ../extensions/deviceicon/network.py:278
++msgid "Please wait..."
++msgstr "Ttxil-k arǧu..."
++#: ../extensions/deviceicon/network.py:282
++#: ../src/jarabe/desktop/networkviews.py:128
++#: ../src/jarabe/desktop/networkviews.py:504
++#: ../src/jarabe/desktop/networkviews.py:647
++msgid "Connect"
++msgstr "Qqen"
++#: ../extensions/deviceicon/network.py:283
++#, fuzzy
++msgid "Disconnected"
++msgstr "Yenser"
++#: ../extensions/deviceicon/network.py:289
++#: ../src/jarabe/controlpanel/toolbar.py:121
++#: ../src/jarabe/frame/activitiestray.py:693
++#: ../src/jarabe/frame/activitiestray.py:815
++#: ../src/jarabe/frame/activitiestray.py:848
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/expandedentry.py:157
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/journaltoolbox.py:587
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/palettes.py:166
++msgid "Cancel"
++msgstr "Sesfex"
++#: ../extensions/deviceicon/network.py:327
++msgid "Try connection again"
++msgstr "Ɛreḍ tikelt nniḍen tuqqna"
++#: ../extensions/deviceicon/network.py:330
++#, python-format
++msgid "Error: %s"
++msgstr "Tuccḍa: %s"
++#: ../extensions/deviceicon/network.py:334
++#, python-format
++msgid "Suggestion: %s"
++msgstr "Asumer: %s"
++#: ../extensions/deviceicon/network.py:344
++#, python-format
++msgid "Connected for %s"
++msgstr "Iqqen ɣer %s"
++#: ../extensions/deviceicon/network.py:349
++#: ../extensions/deviceicon/network.py:350
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d KB"
++msgstr "%d KAṬ"
++#: ../extensions/deviceicon/network.py:355
++msgid "Check your PIN/PUK configuration."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../extensions/deviceicon/network.py:358
++msgid "Check your Access Point Name (APN) configuration"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../extensions/deviceicon/network.py:362
++msgid "Check the Number configuration."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../extensions/deviceicon/network.py:364
++msgid "Check your configuration."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../extensions/deviceicon/network.py:619
++msgid "Mesh Network"
++msgstr "Azeá¹­á¹­a Mesh"
++#: ../extensions/deviceicon/network.py:665
++#, python-format
++msgid "Mesh Network %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../extensions/deviceicon/network.py:782
++msgid "No GSM connection available."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../extensions/deviceicon/network.py:783
++msgid "Create a connection in My Settings."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../extensions/deviceicon/speech.py:49
++msgid "Speech"
++msgstr "Ameslay"
++#: ../extensions/deviceicon/speech.py:72
++#: ../extensions/deviceicon/speech.py:147
++#: ../extensions/deviceicon/speech.py:152
++msgid "Say selected text"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../extensions/deviceicon/speech.py:80
++msgid "Stop playback"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../extensions/deviceicon/speech.py:89
++msgid "Pitch"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../extensions/deviceicon/speech.py:104
++msgid "Rate"
++msgstr "Afmiḍi"
++#: ../extensions/deviceicon/speech.py:142
++msgid "Pause playback"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../extensions/deviceicon/touchpad.py:36
++msgid "finger"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../extensions/deviceicon/touchpad.py:36
++msgid "stylus"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../extensions/deviceicon/touchpad.py:61
++msgid "My touchpad"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../extensions/deviceicon/volume.py:62 ../src/jarabe/view/palettes.py:210
++msgid "Show contents"
++msgstr "Sken Igburen"
++#: ../data/sugar.schemas.in.h:15
++msgid "Favorites Layout"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../data/sugar.schemas.in.h:16
++msgid "Layout of the favorites view."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../data/sugar.schemas.in.h:17
++msgid "Favorites resume mode"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../data/sugar.schemas.in.h:18
++msgid ""
++"When in resume mode, clicking on a favorite icon will cause the last entry "
++"for that activity to be resumed."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/controlpanel/cmd.py:28
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++"sugar-control-panel: WARNING, found more than one option with the same name: "
++"%s module: %r"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/controlpanel/cmd.py:30
++#, python-format
++msgid "sugar-control-panel: key=%s not an available option"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/controlpanel/cmd.py:31
++#, python-format
++msgid "sugar-control-panel: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#. TRANS: Translators, there's a empty line at the end of this string,
++#. which must appear in the translated string (msgstr) as well.
++#: ../src/jarabe/controlpanel/cmd.py:38
++msgid ""
++"Usage: sugar-control-panel [ option ] key [ args ... ] \n"
++"    Control for the sugar environment. \n"
++"    Options: \n"
++"    -h           show this help message and exit \n"
++"    -l           list all the available options \n"
++"    -h key       show information about this key \n"
++"    -g key       get the current value of the key \n"
++"    -s key       set the current value for the key \n"
++"    -c key       clear the current value for the key \n"
++"    "
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/controlpanel/cmd.py:52
++msgid ""
++"To apply your changes you have to restart Sugar.\n"
++"Hit ctrl+alt+erase on the keyboard to trigger a restart."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/controlpanel/gui.py:373 ../src/jarabe/journal/palettes.py:194
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/palettes.py:364 ../src/jarabe/journal/palettes.py:424
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/volumestoolbar.py:304
++msgid "Warning"
++msgstr "Ɣur-k"
++#: ../src/jarabe/controlpanel/gui.py:374
++#: ../src/jarabe/controlpanel/sectionview.py:45
++msgid "Changes require restart"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/controlpanel/gui.py:379
++msgid "Cancel changes"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/controlpanel/gui.py:384
++msgid "Later"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/controlpanel/gui.py:388
++msgid "Restart now"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/controlpanel/gui.py:419 ../src/jarabe/view/buddymenu.py:137
++msgid "An activity is not responding."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/controlpanel/gui.py:420 ../src/jarabe/view/buddymenu.py:138
++msgid "You may lose unsaved work if you continue."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/controlpanel/toolbar.py:56
++#: ../src/jarabe/desktop/viewtoolbar.py:129
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/journaltoolbox.py:94
++#, python-format
++msgid "Search in %s"
++msgstr "Nadi di %s"
++#: ../src/jarabe/controlpanel/toolbar.py:56
++msgid "Settings"
++msgstr "Iγewwaṛen"
++#: ../src/jarabe/controlpanel/toolbar.py:65 ../src/jarabe/intro/window.py:349
++msgid "Done"
++msgstr "Immed"
++#: ../src/jarabe/controlpanel/toolbar.py:127
++msgid "Ok"
++msgstr "Ih"
++#: ../src/jarabe/desktop/activitieslist.py:340
++#, python-format
++msgid "Version %s"
++msgstr "Lqem %s"
++#: ../src/jarabe/desktop/activitieslist.py:424
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/listview.py:566 ../src/jarabe/journal/iconview.py:301
++msgid "Clear search"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/desktop/activitieslist.py:510
++msgid "No matching activities"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/desktop/activitieslist.py:546
++msgid "Confirm erase"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/desktop/activitieslist.py:548
++#, python-format
++msgid "Confirm erase: Do you want to permanently erase %s?"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/desktop/activitieslist.py:552
++#: ../src/jarabe/frame/clipboardmenu.py:65
++#: ../src/jarabe/view/viewsource.py:383
++msgid "Keep"
++msgstr "Eǧǧ"
++#: ../src/jarabe/desktop/activitieslist.py:555
++#: ../src/jarabe/desktop/activitieslist.py:625
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/expandedentry.py:151
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/journaltoolbox.py:545
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/journaltoolbox.py:582
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/journaltoolbox.py:806
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/journaltoolbox.py:812
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/palettes.py:138 ../src/jarabe/journal/palettes.py:161
++msgid "Erase"
++msgstr "Sfeḍ"
++#: ../src/jarabe/desktop/activitieslist.py:641
++msgid "Remove favorite"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/desktop/activitieslist.py:645
++msgid "Make favorite"
++msgstr ""
++#. TRANS: label for the freeform layout in the favorites view
++#: ../src/jarabe/desktop/favoriteslayout.py:209
++msgid "Freeform"
++msgstr ""
++#. TRANS: label for the ring layout in the favorites view
++#: ../src/jarabe/desktop/favoriteslayout.py:305
++msgid "Ring"
++msgstr ""
++#. TRANS: label for the spiral layout in the favorites view
++#: ../src/jarabe/desktop/favoriteslayout.py:469
++msgid "Spiral"
++msgstr ""
++#. TRANS: label for the box layout in the favorites view
++#: ../src/jarabe/desktop/favoriteslayout.py:537
++msgid "Box"
++msgstr ""
++#. TRANS: label for the box layout in the favorites view
++#: ../src/jarabe/desktop/favoriteslayout.py:580
++msgid "Triangle"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/desktop/favoritesview.py:376
++msgid "Registration"
++msgstr "Ajerred"
++#: ../src/jarabe/desktop/favoritesview.py:377
++msgid "Please wait, searching for your school server."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/desktop/favoritesview.py:387
++msgid "Registration Failed"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/desktop/favoritesview.py:390
++msgid "Registration Successful"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/desktop/favoritesview.py:391
++msgid "You are now registered with your school server."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/desktop/favoritesview.py:680
++msgid "Register"
++msgstr "Sekles"
++#: ../src/jarabe/desktop/favoritesview.py:682
++msgid "Register again"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/desktop/homewindow.py:255
++#: ../src/jarabe/desktop/viewtoolbar.py:73
++#: ../src/jarabe/frame/zoomtoolbar.py:57 ../src/jarabe/model/screenshot.py:63
++#: ../src/jarabe/view/viewhelp.py:76
++msgid "Home"
++msgstr "Agejdan"
++#: ../src/jarabe/desktop/homewindow.py:262
++#: ../src/jarabe/frame/zoomtoolbar.py:53 ../src/jarabe/model/screenshot.py:61
++#: ../src/jarabe/view/viewhelp.py:73
++msgid "Group"
++msgstr "Agraw"
++#: ../src/jarabe/desktop/homewindow.py:269
++#: ../src/jarabe/frame/zoomtoolbar.py:49
++msgid "Neighborhood"
++msgstr "Anarag-iw"
++#: ../src/jarabe/desktop/keydialog.py:92
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++"A wireless encryption key is required for\n"
++" the wireless network '%s'."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/desktop/keydialog.py:141
++msgid "Key Type:"
++msgstr "Anaw n tsarutt:"
++#: ../src/jarabe/desktop/keydialog.py:161
++msgid "Authentication Type:"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/desktop/keydialog.py:224
++msgid "WPA & WPA2 Personal"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/desktop/keydialog.py:233
++msgid "Wireless Security:"
++msgstr ""
++#. TRANS: Action label for resuming an activity.
++#: ../src/jarabe/desktop/meshbox.py:82
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/journaltoolbox.py:659
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/palettes.py:83 ../src/jarabe/view/palettes.py:98
++msgid "Resume"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/desktop/meshbox.py:89
++#: ../src/jarabe/frame/activitiestray.py:208
++msgid "Join"
++msgstr "Asemlil"
++#: ../src/jarabe/desktop/networkviews.py:499
++#, python-format
++msgid "Ad-hoc Network %d"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/desktop/networkviews.py:643
++#, python-format
++msgid "Mesh Network %d"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/desktop/schoolserver.py:144
++msgid "Cannot connect to the server."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/desktop/schoolserver.py:151
++msgid "The server could not complete the request."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/desktop/viewtoolbar.py:95
++msgid "List view"
++msgstr "Timeẓri n tebdart"
++#: ../src/jarabe/desktop/viewtoolbar.py:97
++#: ../src/jarabe/desktop/viewtoolbar.py:196
++#: ../src/jarabe/desktop/viewtoolbar.py:210
++#, python-format
++msgid "<Ctrl>%d"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/frame/activitiestray.py:213
++#: ../src/jarabe/frame/activitiestray.py:657
++msgid "Decline"
++msgstr "Agwi"
++#: ../src/jarabe/frame/activitiestray.py:598
++#, python-format
++msgid "%dB"
++msgstr "%dAṬ"
++#: ../src/jarabe/frame/activitiestray.py:600
++#, python-format
++msgid "%dKB"
++msgstr "%dKAṬ"
++#: ../src/jarabe/frame/activitiestray.py:602
++#, python-format
++msgid "%dMB"
++msgstr "%dMAṬ"
++#. TRANS: file transfer, bytes transferred, e.g. 128 of 1024
++#: ../src/jarabe/frame/activitiestray.py:620
++#, python-format
++msgid "%s of %s"
++msgstr "%s, si  %s"
++#: ../src/jarabe/frame/activitiestray.py:634
++#, python-format
++msgid "Transfer from %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/frame/activitiestray.py:648
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/backup/view.py:324
++msgid "Accept"
++msgstr "Qbel"
++#: ../src/jarabe/frame/activitiestray.py:722
++#: ../src/jarabe/frame/activitiestray.py:736
++#: ../src/jarabe/frame/activitiestray.py:878
++msgid "Dismiss"
++msgstr "Kkes"
++#: ../src/jarabe/frame/activitiestray.py:750
++msgid "The other participant canceled the file transfer"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/frame/activitiestray.py:800
++#, python-format
++msgid "Transfer to %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/frame/clipboardmenu.py:54
++msgctxt "Clipboard"
++msgid "Remove"
++msgstr "Kkes"
++#: ../src/jarabe/frame/clipboardmenu.py:60
++#: ../src/jarabe/frame/clipboardmenu.py:83
++msgid "Open"
++msgstr "Ldi"
++#: ../src/jarabe/frame/clipboardmenu.py:88
++msgid "Open with"
++msgstr "Ldi s"
++#: ../src/jarabe/frame/clipboardobject.py:50
++#, python-format
++msgid "%s clipping"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/frame/zoomtoolbar.py:50
++msgid "F1"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/frame/zoomtoolbar.py:54
++msgid "F2"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/frame/zoomtoolbar.py:58
++msgid "F3"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/frame/zoomtoolbar.py:62 ../src/jarabe/model/screenshot.py:69
++msgid "Activity"
++msgstr "Armud"
++#: ../src/jarabe/frame/zoomtoolbar.py:63
++msgid "F4"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/intro/window.py:135
++msgid "Name:"
++msgstr "Isem :"
++#: ../src/jarabe/intro/window.py:174
++msgid "Click to change color:"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/intro/window.py:337 ../src/jarabe/journal/detailview.py:95
++msgid "Back"
++msgstr "UÉ£al"
++#: ../src/jarabe/intro/window.py:352
++msgid "Next"
++msgstr "Ar zdat"
++#: ../src/jarabe/intro/agepicker.py:38
++msgid "Select grade:"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/intro/agepicker.py:39
++msgid "Preschool"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/intro/agepicker.py:39
++msgid "Kindergarten"
++msgstr "AÉ£erbaz n warrac"
++#: ../src/jarabe/intro/agepicker.py:39
++msgid "1st Grade"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/intro/agepicker.py:40
++msgid "2nd Grade"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/intro/agepicker.py:40
++msgid "3rd Grade"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/intro/agepicker.py:40
++msgid "4th Grade"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/intro/agepicker.py:41
++msgid "5th Grade"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/intro/agepicker.py:41
++msgid "6th Grade"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/intro/agepicker.py:41
++msgid "7th Grade"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/intro/agepicker.py:42
++msgid "High School"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/intro/agepicker.py:42
++msgid "Adult"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/expandedentry.py:153
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/journaltoolbox.py:584
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/palettes.py:163
++#, python-format
++msgid "Do you want to permanently erase \"%s\"?"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/expandedentry.py:296
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/listmodel.py:185 ../src/jarabe/journal/model.py:794
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/palettes.py:72 ../src/jarabe/journal/palettes.py:621
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/volumestoolbar.py:134
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/iconmodel.py:110
++msgid "Untitled"
++msgstr "War azwel"
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/expandedentry.py:366
++msgid "No preview"
++msgstr "Ulac taskant"
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/expandedentry.py:386
++#, python-format
++msgid "Kind: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/expandedentry.py:387
++#, python-format
++msgid "Date: %s"
++msgstr "Azmez: %s"
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/expandedentry.py:388
++#, python-format
++msgid "Size: %s"
++msgstr "Taɣzi : %s."
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/expandedentry.py:412
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/misc.py:131
++msgid "No date"
++msgstr "Ulac azemz"
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/expandedentry.py:421
++msgid "Participants:"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/expandedentry.py:459
++msgid "Description:"
++msgstr "Aglam"
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/expandedentry.py:465
++msgid "Tags:"
++msgstr "Ticraḍ:"
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/expandedentry.py:470
++msgid "Comments:"
++msgstr "Iwenniten:"
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/journalactivity.py:182
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/journaltoolbox.py:94
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/palettes.py:260
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/volumestoolbar.py:349
++#: ../src/jarabe/view/viewhelp.py:79
++msgid "Journal"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/journaltoolbox.py:103
++msgid "Favorite entries"
++msgstr ""
++#. TRANS: Item on a palette that filters by entry type.
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/journaltoolbox.py:112
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/journaltoolbox.py:403
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/journaltoolbox.py:479
++msgid "Anything"
++msgstr "Yal taɣawsa"
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/journaltoolbox.py:118
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/journaltoolbox.py:165
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/journaltoolbox.py:483
++msgid "Anytime"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/journaltoolbox.py:172
++msgid "Since yesterday"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/journaltoolbox.py:175
++msgid "Past week"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/journaltoolbox.py:178
++msgid "Past month"
++msgstr "Aggur yezrin"
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/journaltoolbox.py:181
++msgid "Past year"
++msgstr "Aseggas yezrin"
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/journaltoolbox.py:521
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/palettes.py:105
++msgid "Copy to"
++msgstr "NÉ£el ar"
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/journaltoolbox.py:529
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/palettes.py:116 ../src/jarabe/view/viewsource.py:379
++msgid "Duplicate"
++msgstr "Sleg"
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/journaltoolbox.py:535
++msgid "Refresh"
++msgstr "Sismeḍ"
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/journaltoolbox.py:577
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/palettes.py:156 ../src/jarabe/journal/palettes.py:374
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/volumestoolbar.py:312
++#, python-format
++msgid "Error while copying the entry. %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/journaltoolbox.py:578
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/palettes.py:157 ../src/jarabe/journal/palettes.py:375
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/volumestoolbar.py:313
++msgid "Error"
++msgstr "Tuccḍa"
++#. TRANS: Action label for starting an entry.
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/journaltoolbox.py:662
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/palettes.py:86
++msgid "Start"
++msgstr "Exécuté le"
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/journaltoolbox.py:682
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/palettes.py:100 ../src/jarabe/journal/palettes.py:513
++msgid "No activity to start entry"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/journaltoolbox.py:700
++msgid "Sort view"
++msgstr "Smizzwer timeẓri"
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/journaltoolbox.py:711
++msgid "Sort by date modified"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/journaltoolbox.py:712
++msgid "Sort by date created"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/journaltoolbox.py:713
++msgid "Sort by size"
++msgstr "Smizzwer s"
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/journaltoolbox.py:778
++msgid "Deselect all"
++msgstr "Kkes afran i meṛṛa"
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/journaltoolbox.py:791
++msgid "Select all"
++msgstr "Fren kulec"
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/journaltoolbox.py:817
++#, python-format
++msgid "Do you want to erase %d entry?"
++msgid_plural "Do you want to erase %d entries?"
++msgstr[0] ""
++msgstr[1] ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/journaltoolbox.py:831
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/palettes.py:378
++msgid "Copy"
++msgstr "NÉ£el"
++#. TRANS: Do not translate %(selected)d and %(total)d.
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/journaltoolbox.py:882
++#, python-format
++msgid "Selected %(selected)d of %(total)d"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/journaltoolbox.py:917
++msgid "Select filter"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/listview.py:473 ../src/jarabe/journal/iconview.py:212
++msgid "Your Journal is empty"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/listview.py:476 ../src/jarabe/journal/iconview.py:215
++msgid "Your documents folder is empty"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/listview.py:478 ../src/jarabe/journal/iconview.py:217
++msgid "The device is empty"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/listview.py:480 ../src/jarabe/journal/iconview.py:220
++msgid "No matching entries"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/misc.py:313
++#, python-format
++msgid "Older Version Of %s Activity"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/misc.py:314
++#, python-format
++msgid "Do you want to downgrade to version %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/modalalert.py:63
++msgid "Your Journal is full"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/modalalert.py:68
++msgid "Please delete some old Journal entries to make space for new ones."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/modalalert.py:82
++msgid "Show Journal"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/objectchooser.py:171
++msgid "Choose an object"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/objectchooser.py:176
++#, python-format
++msgid "Choose an object to open with %s activity"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/objectchooser.py:184
++#: ../src/jarabe/view/viewhelp.py:335 ../src/jarabe/view/viewsource.py:579
++msgid "Close"
++msgstr "Mdel"
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/palettes.py:84
++msgid "Resume with"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/palettes.py:87
++msgid "Start with"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/palettes.py:124
++msgid "Send to"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/palettes.py:133
++msgid "View Details"
++msgstr "Wali talqayt"
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/palettes.py:193
++msgid "Entries without a file cannot be sent."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/palettes.py:272
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/volumestoolbar.py:214
++msgid "Documents"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/palettes.py:363 ../src/jarabe/journal/palettes.py:423
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/volumestoolbar.py:303
++msgid "Entries without a file cannot be copied."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/palettes.py:383
++#, python-format
++msgid "Do you want to copy %d entry?"
++msgid_plural "Do you want to copy %d entries?"
++msgstr[0] ""
++msgstr[1] ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/palettes.py:408
++msgid "Clipboard"
++msgstr "Ɣef afus"
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/palettes.py:478
++msgid "No friends present"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/palettes.py:483
++msgid "No valid connection found"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/palettes.py:511
++msgid "No activity to resume entry"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/palettes.py:580 ../src/jarabe/view/palettes.py:133
++msgid "Stop"
++msgstr "Seḥbes"
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/palettes.py:585
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/backup/view.py:212
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/backup/view.py:265
++msgid "Continue"
++msgstr "Kemmel"
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/palettes.py:622
++#, python-format
++msgid "%(index)d of %(total)d : %(object_title)s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/volumestoolbar.py:375
++#: ../src/jarabe/view/palettes.py:251 ../src/jarabe/view/palettes.py:317
++#, python-format
++msgid "%(free_space)d MB Free"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/model/desktop.py:85
++#, python-format
++msgid "Favorites view %d"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/model/network.py:217
++msgid "The reason for the device state change is unknown."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/model/network.py:219
++msgid "The state change is normal."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/model/network.py:221
++msgid "The device is now managed."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/model/network.py:223
++msgid "The device is no longer managed."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/model/network.py:225
++msgid "The device could not be readied for configuration."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/model/network.py:227
++msgid ""
++"IP configuration could not be reserved (no available address, timeout, etc)."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/model/network.py:230
++msgid "The IP configuration is no longer valid."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/model/network.py:232
++msgid "Secrets were required, but not provided."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/model/network.py:234
++msgid ""
++"The 802.1X supplicant disconnected from the access point or authentication "
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/model/network.py:237
++msgid "Configuration of the 802.1X supplicant failed."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/model/network.py:239
++msgid "The 802.1X supplicant quit or failed unexpectedly."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/model/network.py:241
++msgid "The 802.1X supplicant took too long to authenticate."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/model/network.py:243
++msgid "The PPP service failed to start within the allowed time."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/model/network.py:245
++msgid "The PPP service disconnected unexpectedly."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/model/network.py:247
++msgid "The PPP service quit or failed unexpectedly."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/model/network.py:249
++msgid "The DHCP service failed to start within the allowed time."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/model/network.py:251
++msgid "The DHCP service reported an unexpected error."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/model/network.py:253
++msgid "The DHCP service quit or failed unexpectedly."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/model/network.py:255
++msgid "The shared connection service failed to start."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/model/network.py:257
++msgid "The shared connection service quit or failed unexpectedly."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/model/network.py:260
++msgid "The AutoIP service failed to start."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/model/network.py:262
++msgid "The AutoIP service reported an unexpected error."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/model/network.py:264
++msgid "The AutoIP service quit or failed unexpectedly."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/model/network.py:266
++msgid "Dialing failed because the line was busy."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/model/network.py:268
++msgid "Dialing failed because there was no dial tone."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/model/network.py:270
++msgid "Dialing failed because there was no carrier."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/model/network.py:272
++msgid "Dialing timed out."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/model/network.py:274
++msgid "Dialing failed."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/model/network.py:276
++msgid "Modem initialization failed."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/model/network.py:278
++msgid "Failed to select the specified GSM APN"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/model/network.py:280
++msgid "Not searching for networks."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/model/network.py:282
++msgid "Network registration was denied."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/model/network.py:284
++msgid "Network registration timed out."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/model/network.py:286
++msgid "Failed to register with the requested GSM network."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/model/network.py:288
++msgid "PIN check failed."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/model/network.py:290
++msgid "Necessary firmware for the device may be missing."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/model/network.py:292
++msgid "The device was removed."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/model/network.py:294
++msgid "NetworkManager went to sleep."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/model/network.py:296
++msgid "The device's active connection was removed or disappeared."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/model/network.py:299
++msgid "A user or client requested the disconnection."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/model/network.py:301
++msgid "The device's carrier/link changed."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/model/network.py:303
++msgid "The device's existing connection was assumed."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/model/network.py:305
++msgid "The supplicant is now available."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/model/network.py:307
++msgid "The modem could not be found."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/model/network.py:309
++msgid "The Bluetooth connection failed or timed out."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/model/network.py:311
++msgid "Unused."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/model/screenshot.py:59 ../src/jarabe/view/viewhelp.py:70
++msgid "Mesh"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/model/screenshot.py:72
++msgid "Screenshot"
++msgstr "Tuá¹­á¹­fa n ugdil"
++#: ../src/jarabe/model/screenshot.py:74
++#, python-format
++msgid "Screenshot of \"%s\""
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/view/alerts.py:38 ../src/jarabe/view/alerts.py:48
++msgid "Activity launcher"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/view/alerts.py:39
++#, python-format
++msgid "%s is already running. Please stop %s before launching it again."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/view/alerts.py:49
++msgid ""
++"The maximum number of open activities has been reached. Please close an "
++"activity before launching a new one."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/view/buddymenu.py:73
++msgid "Remove friend"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/view/buddymenu.py:76
++msgid "Make friend"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/view/buddymenu.py:108
++msgid "Shutdown"
++msgstr "Sexsi"
++#: ../src/jarabe/view/buddymenu.py:113
++msgid "Restart"
++msgstr "Ales tanekra"
++#: ../src/jarabe/view/buddymenu.py:119
++msgid "Logout"
++msgstr "Tuffɣa"
++#: ../src/jarabe/view/buddymenu.py:124
++msgid "My Settings"
++msgstr "IÉ£ewwaá¹›en-iw"
++#: ../src/jarabe/view/buddymenu.py:183
++#, python-format
++msgid "Invite to %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/view/launcher.py:159
++#, python-format
++msgid "<b>%s</b> failed to start."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/view/palettes.py:53
++msgid "Starting..."
++msgstr "Tanekra..."
++#: ../src/jarabe/view/palettes.py:63
++msgid "Activity failed to start"
++msgstr ""
++#. TODO: share-with, keep
++#: ../src/jarabe/view/palettes.py:105
++msgid "View Source"
++msgstr "Sken aɣbalu"
++#: ../src/jarabe/view/palettes.py:112
++msgid "View Help"
++msgstr "Wali asebter n tallelt"
++#: ../src/jarabe/view/palettes.py:179
++msgid "Start new"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/view/palettes.py:266
++msgctxt "Volume"
++msgid "Remove"
++msgstr "Kkes"
++#: ../src/jarabe/view/viewhelp.py:304
++msgid "Help Manual"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/view/viewhelp.py:318
++msgid "Social Help"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/view/viewhelp.py:326
++#, python-format
++msgid "Help: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/view/viewsource.py:364
++msgid "Instance Source"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/view/viewsource.py:392
++#, python-format
++msgid "Do you want to duplicate %s Activity?"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/view/viewsource.py:394
++msgid "This may take a few minutes"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/view/viewsource.py:408
++msgid "Duplicating activity..."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/view/viewsource.py:447
++msgid "Duplicated"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/view/viewsource.py:448
++msgid "The activity has been duplicated"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/view/viewsource.py:462
++msgid "Duplicated activity already exists"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/view/viewsource.py:463
++msgid "Delete your copy before trying to duplicate the activity again"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/view/viewsource.py:478
++msgid "Source"
++msgstr "Aqbalu"
++#: ../src/jarabe/view/viewsource.py:542
++msgid "Activity Bundle Source"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/view/viewsource.py:561
++msgid "Sugar Toolkit Source"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/view/viewsource.py:568
++#, python-format
++msgid "View source: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/view/viewsource.py:569
++#, python-format
++msgid "View source: %r"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/view/viewsource.py:809
++msgid "Please select a file in the left panel."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/backup/__init__.py:22
++msgid "Backup"
++msgstr "Sekles"
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/backup/backends/volume.py:61
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/backup/backends/volume.py:171
++msgid "Please connect a device to continue"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/backup/backends/volume.py:69
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/backup/backends/volume.py:178
++msgid "Select your volume"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/backup/backends/volume.py:78
++msgid "Not enough space in volume"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/backup/backends/volume.py:122
++#, python-format
++msgid "Backup from user %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/backup/backends/volume.py:191
++msgid "No checkpoints found in the device"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/backup/backends/volume.py:199
++msgid "Select your checkpoint"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/backup/backends/volume.py:210
++msgid "Not enough space in disk"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/backup/backends/volume.py:329
++msgid "Local Device Backup"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/backup/view.py:133
++msgid "Save the contents of your Journal"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/backup/view.py:141
++msgid "Restore the contents of your Journal"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/backup/view.py:223
++msgid "Please close all the activities, and start again"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/backup/view.py:229
++msgid "Select where you want create your backup"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/backup/view.py:231
++msgid "Select where you want retrieve your restore"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/backup/view.py:271
++msgid "Retry"
++msgstr "Ɛref̣ tikelt-nniḍen"
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/backup/view.py:290
++msgid "Starting backup..."
++msgstr "Asenker n uḥraz..."
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/backup/view.py:294
++msgid "Starting restore..."
++msgstr "Asenker n tririt..."
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/backup/view.py:321
++msgid ""
++"I want to restore the content of my Journal. In order to do this, my Journal "
++"will first be emptied of all its content; then the restored content will be "
++msgstr ""
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/backup/view.py:327
++msgid "Confirm"
++msgstr "Sentem"
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/backup/view.py:365
++msgid "Operation started"
++msgstr "Tamhelt tebda"
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/backup/view.py:377
++msgid "Backup finished successfully"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/backup/view.py:379
++msgid "Restore realized successfully."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/frame/notification.py:62
++msgid "Clear notifications"
++msgstr "Sfeḍ ilɣa"
+diff --git b/po/sr@latin.po a/po/sr@latin.po
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..669d03d
+--- /dev/null
++++ a/po/sr@latin.po
+@@ -0,0 +1,1935 @@
++# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
++msgid ""
++msgstr ""
++"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
++"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
++"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-07-31 00:33-0400\n"
++"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-06-18 20:00+0200\n"
++"Last-Translator: Chris <cjl@laptop.org>\n"
++"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <LL@li.org>\n"
++"Language: sr@latin\n"
++"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
++"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
++"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
++"Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=(n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n%"
++"10<=4 && (n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2);\n"
++"X-Generator: Pootle 2.0.5\n"
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/aboutme/__init__.py:24
++msgid "About Me"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/aboutme/model.py:48
++msgid "You must enter a name."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/aboutme/model.py:75
++#, python-format
++msgid "stroke:   color=%s hue=%s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/aboutme/model.py:78
++#, python-format
++msgid "stroke:   %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/aboutme/model.py:80
++#, python-format
++msgid "fill:     color=%s hue=%s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/aboutme/model.py:82
++#, python-format
++msgid "fill:     %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/aboutme/model.py:94
++msgid "Error in specified color modifiers."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/aboutme/model.py:97
++msgid "Error in specified colors."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/aboutme/view.py:212
++msgid "Click to change your color:"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/aboutcomputer/__init__.py:21
++msgid "About my Computer"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/aboutcomputer/model.py:42
++msgid "Not available"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/aboutcomputer/view.py:60
++msgid "Identity"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/aboutcomputer/view.py:69
++msgid "Serial Number:"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/aboutcomputer/view.py:91
++msgid "Software"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/aboutcomputer/view.py:100
++msgid "Build:"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/aboutcomputer/view.py:115
++msgid "Sugar:"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/aboutcomputer/view.py:130
++msgid "Firmware:"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/aboutcomputer/view.py:145
++msgid "Wireless Firmware:"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/aboutcomputer/view.py:168
++msgid "Copyright and License"
++msgstr ""
++#. TRANS: The word "Sugar" should not be translated.
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/aboutcomputer/view.py:187
++msgid ""
++"Sugar is the graphical user interface that you are looking at. Sugar is free "
++"software, covered by the GNU General Public License, and you are welcome to "
++"change it and/or distribute copies of it under certain conditions described "
++msgstr ""
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/aboutcomputer/view.py:199
++msgid "Full license:"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/background/__init__.py:21
++msgid "Background"
++msgstr "Pozadina"
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/background/view.py:39
++msgid "Select a background:"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/background/view.py:46
++msgid "Clear background"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/datetime/__init__.py:21
++msgid "Date & Time"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/datetime/model.py:92
++msgid "Error timezone does not exist."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/datetime/view.py:66 ../data/sugar.schemas.in.h:61
++msgid "Timezone"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/frame/__init__.py:21
++msgid "Frame"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/frame/model.py:41
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/frame/model.py:66
++msgid "Value must be an integer."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/frame/view.py:27
++msgid "never"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/frame/view.py:28
++msgid "instantaneous"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/frame/view.py:29
++#, python-format
++msgid "%s seconds"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/frame/view.py:54
++msgid "Activation Delay"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/frame/view.py:78
++msgid "Corner"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/frame/view.py:114
++msgid "Edge"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/keyboard/__init__.py:21
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/keyboard/view.py:38
++msgid "Keyboard"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/keyboard/view.py:240
++msgid "Keyboard Model"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/keyboard/view.py:301
++msgid "Key(s) to change layout"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/keyboard/view.py:369
++msgid "Keyboard Layout(s)"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/language/__init__.py:21
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/language/view.py:33
++msgid "Language"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/language/model.py:30
++msgid "Could not access ~/.i18n. Create standard settings."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/language/model.py:129
++#, python-format
++msgid "Language for code=%s could not be determined."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/language/model.py:152
++#, python-format
++msgid "Sorry I do not speak '%s'."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/language/view.py:57
++msgid ""
++"Add languages in the order you prefer. If a translation is not available, "
++"the next in the list will be used."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/modemconfiguration/__init__.py:21
++msgid "Modem Configuration"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/modemconfiguration/view.py:94
++msgid ""
++"You will need to provide the following information to set up a mobile "
++"broadband connection to a cellular (3G) network."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/modemconfiguration/view.py:117
++msgid "Country:"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/modemconfiguration/view.py:118
++msgid "Provider:"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/modemconfiguration/view.py:119
++msgid "Plan:"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/modemconfiguration/view.py:160
++msgid "Username:"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/modemconfiguration/view.py:167
++msgid "Password:"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/modemconfiguration/view.py:174
++msgid "Number:"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/modemconfiguration/view.py:181
++msgid "Access Point Name (APN):"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/modemconfiguration/view.py:188
++msgid "Personal Identity Number (PIN):"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/modemconfiguration/model.py:161
++#, python-format
++msgid "Plan #%s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/modemconfiguration/model.py:291
++#, python-format
++msgid "Provider %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/network/__init__.py:21
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/network/view.py:30
++msgid "Network"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/network/model.py:73
++msgid "State is unknown."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/network/model.py:101
++msgid "Error in specified radio argument use on/off."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/network/model.py:152
++msgid "Error in specified argument use 0/1."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/network/view.py:68
++msgid "Wireless"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/network/view.py:77
++msgid "Turn off the wireless radio to save battery life"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/network/view.py:90
++msgid "Radio"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/network/view.py:106
++msgid "Discard network history if you have trouble connecting to the network"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/network/view.py:115
++msgid "Discard network history"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/network/view.py:131
++msgid "Collaboration"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/network/view.py:139
++msgid ""
++"The server is the equivalent of what room you are in; people on the same "
++"server will be able to see each other, even when they aren't on the same "
++msgstr ""
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/network/view.py:149
++msgid "Server:"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/power/__init__.py:21
++msgid "Power"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/power/model.py:90
++msgid "Error in automatic pm argument, use on/off."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/power/view.py:45
++msgid "Power management"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/power/view.py:55 ../data/sugar.schemas.in.h:5
++msgid "Automatic power management (increases battery life)"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/updater/__init__.py:21
++msgid "Software Update"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/updater/view.py:65
++msgid ""
++"Software updates correct errors, eliminate security vulnerabilities, and "
++"provide new features."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/updater/view.py:79
++msgid "Update in progress..."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/updater/view.py:106
++msgid "Checking for updates..."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/updater/view.py:108
++msgid "Installing updates..."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/updater/view.py:137
++#, python-format
++msgid "Checking %s..."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/updater/view.py:139
++msgid "Looking for updates..."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/updater/view.py:141
++#, python-format
++msgid "Downloading %s..."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/updater/view.py:143
++#, python-format
++msgid "Updating %s..."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/updater/view.py:153
++msgid "Your software is up-to-date"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/updater/view.py:155
++#, python-format
++msgid "You can install %s update"
++msgid_plural "You can install %s updates"
++msgstr[0] ""
++msgstr[1] ""
++msgstr[2] ""
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/updater/view.py:184
++#, python-format
++msgid "%s update was installed"
++msgid_plural "%s updates were installed"
++msgstr[0] ""
++msgstr[1] ""
++msgstr[2] ""
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/updater/view.py:266
++msgid "Install selected"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/updater/view.py:284
++#, python-format
++msgid "Download size: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/updater/view.py:373
++#, python-format
++msgid "From version %(current)s to %(new)s (Size: %(size)s)"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/updater/view.py:380
++#, python-format
++msgid "Version %(version)s (Size: %(size)s)"
++msgstr ""
++#. TRANS: download size is 0
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/updater/view.py:397
++msgid "None"
++msgstr ""
++#. TRANS: download size of very small updates
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/updater/view.py:400
++msgid "1 KB"
++msgstr ""
++#. TRANS: download size of small updates, e.g. '250 KB'
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/updater/view.py:403
++#, python-format
++msgid "%.0f KB"
++msgstr ""
++#. TRANS: download size of updates, e.g. '2.3 MB'
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/updater/view.py:406
++#, python-format
++msgid "%.1f MB"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/webaccount/__init__.py:24
++msgid "Configure your Web Services"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../extensions/cpsection/webaccount/view.py:42
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++"No web services are installed.\n"
++"Please visit %s for more details."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../extensions/deviceicon/battery.py:71
++msgid "My Battery"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../extensions/deviceicon/battery.py:153
++msgid "Removed"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../extensions/deviceicon/battery.py:156
++msgid "Charging"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../extensions/deviceicon/battery.py:159
++msgid "Very little power remaining"
++msgstr ""
++#. TRANS: do not translate %(hour)d:%(min).2d  it is a variable,
++#. only translate the word "remaining"
++#: ../extensions/deviceicon/battery.py:166
++#, python-format
++msgid "%(hour)d:%(min).2d remaining"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../extensions/deviceicon/battery.py:169
++msgid "Charged"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../extensions/deviceicon/frame.py:56
++msgid "Show my keyboard"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../extensions/deviceicon/network.py:50
++#, python-format
++msgid "IP address: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../extensions/deviceicon/network.py:82
++#: ../extensions/deviceicon/network.py:298
++#: ../src/jarabe/desktop/networkviews.py:135
++#: ../src/jarabe/desktop/networkviews.py:509
++msgid "Disconnect"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../extensions/deviceicon/network.py:107
++#: ../extensions/deviceicon/network.py:290
++#: ../src/jarabe/desktop/networkviews.py:251
++#: ../src/jarabe/desktop/networkviews.py:551
++#: ../src/jarabe/desktop/networkviews.py:693
++msgid "Connecting..."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../extensions/deviceicon/network.py:112
++#: ../extensions/deviceicon/network.py:180
++#: ../src/jarabe/desktop/networkviews.py:258
++#: ../src/jarabe/desktop/networkviews.py:557
++#: ../src/jarabe/desktop/networkviews.py:699
++msgid "Connected"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../extensions/deviceicon/network.py:125
++msgid "No wireless connection"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../extensions/deviceicon/network.py:139
++msgid "Channel"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../extensions/deviceicon/network.py:154
++msgid "Wired Network"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../extensions/deviceicon/network.py:183
++msgid "Speed"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../extensions/deviceicon/network.py:208
++msgid "Wireless modem"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../extensions/deviceicon/network.py:276
++msgid "Please wait..."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../extensions/deviceicon/network.py:281
++#: ../src/jarabe/desktop/networkviews.py:129
++#: ../src/jarabe/desktop/networkviews.py:503
++#: ../src/jarabe/desktop/networkviews.py:644
++msgid "Connect"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../extensions/deviceicon/network.py:282
++msgid "Disconnected"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../extensions/deviceicon/network.py:289
++#: ../src/jarabe/controlpanel/toolbar.py:121
++#: ../src/jarabe/desktop/keydialog.py:101
++#: ../src/jarabe/frame/activitiestray.py:625
++#: ../src/jarabe/frame/activitiestray.py:746
++#: ../src/jarabe/frame/activitiestray.py:778
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/expandedentry.py:159
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/journaltoolbox.py:480
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/palettes.py:159
++msgid "Cancel"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../extensions/deviceicon/network.py:328
++msgid "Try connection again"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../extensions/deviceicon/network.py:331
++#, python-format
++msgid "Error: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../extensions/deviceicon/network.py:335
++#, python-format
++msgid "Suggestion: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../extensions/deviceicon/network.py:344
++#, python-format
++msgid "Connected for %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../extensions/deviceicon/network.py:350
++#: ../extensions/deviceicon/network.py:351
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d KB"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../extensions/deviceicon/network.py:356
++msgid "Check your PIN/PUK configuration."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../extensions/deviceicon/network.py:359
++msgid "Check your Access Point Name (APN) configuration"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../extensions/deviceicon/network.py:363
++msgid "Check the Number configuration."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../extensions/deviceicon/network.py:365
++msgid "Check your configuration."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../extensions/deviceicon/network.py:621
++msgid "Mesh Network"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../extensions/deviceicon/network.py:668
++#, python-format
++msgid "Mesh Network %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../extensions/deviceicon/network.py:788
++msgid "No GSM connection available."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../extensions/deviceicon/network.py:789
++msgid "Create a connection in the control panel."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../extensions/deviceicon/speech.py:52
++msgid "Speech"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../extensions/deviceicon/speech.py:76
++#: ../extensions/deviceicon/speech.py:150
++#: ../extensions/deviceicon/speech.py:155
++msgid "Say selected text"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../extensions/deviceicon/speech.py:83
++msgid "Stop playback"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../extensions/deviceicon/speech.py:92
++msgid "Pitch"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../extensions/deviceicon/speech.py:107
++msgid "Rate"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../extensions/deviceicon/speech.py:145
++msgid "Pause playback"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../extensions/deviceicon/speaker.py:61
++msgid "My Speakers"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../extensions/deviceicon/speaker.py:136
++msgid "Unmute"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../extensions/deviceicon/speaker.py:139
++msgid "Mute"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../extensions/deviceicon/touchpad.py:38
++msgid "finger"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../extensions/deviceicon/touchpad.py:38
++msgid "stylus"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../extensions/deviceicon/touchpad.py:64
++msgid "My touchpad"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../extensions/deviceicon/volume.py:72 ../src/jarabe/view/palettes.py:184
++msgid "Show contents"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../extensions/globalkey/screenshot.py:61
++msgid "Mesh"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../extensions/globalkey/screenshot.py:63
++#: ../src/jarabe/desktop/homewindow.py:221
++#: ../src/jarabe/frame/zoomtoolbar.py:53
++msgid "Group"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../extensions/globalkey/screenshot.py:65
++#: ../src/jarabe/desktop/homewindow.py:214
++#: ../src/jarabe/desktop/viewtoolbar.py:73
++#: ../src/jarabe/frame/zoomtoolbar.py:57
++msgid "Home"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../extensions/globalkey/screenshot.py:71
++#: ../src/jarabe/frame/zoomtoolbar.py:62
++msgid "Activity"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../extensions/globalkey/screenshot.py:74
++msgid "Screenshot"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../extensions/globalkey/screenshot.py:76
++#, python-format
++msgid "Screenshot of \"%s\""
++msgstr ""
++#: ../data/sugar.schemas.in.h:1
++msgid ""
++"\"disabled\" to ask nick on initialization; \"system\" to reuse UNIX account "
++"long name."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../data/sugar.schemas.in.h:2
++msgid ""
++"A unix timestamp (seconds since epoch) of the last successful activity "
++msgstr ""
++#: ../data/sugar.schemas.in.h:3
++msgid ""
++"Activity update backend module, followed by a period, followed by the class "
++msgstr ""
++#: ../data/sugar.schemas.in.h:4
++msgid "Activity update backend."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../data/sugar.schemas.in.h:6
++msgid "Automatic update frequency."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../data/sugar.schemas.in.h:7
++msgid "Backup URL"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../data/sugar.schemas.in.h:8
++msgid "Bundle IDs of protected activities"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../data/sugar.schemas.in.h:9
++msgid ""
++"Color for the XO icon that is used throughout the desktop. The string is "
++"composed of the stroke color and fill color, format is that of rgb colors. "
++"Example: #AC32FF,#9A5200"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../data/sugar.schemas.in.h:10
++msgid "Corner Delay"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../data/sugar.schemas.in.h:11
++msgid "Default font face"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../data/sugar.schemas.in.h:12
++msgid "Default font size"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../data/sugar.schemas.in.h:13
++msgid "Default nick"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../data/sugar.schemas.in.h:14
++msgid "Delay for the activation of the frame using the corners."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../data/sugar.schemas.in.h:15
++msgid "Delay for the activation of the frame using the edges."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../data/sugar.schemas.in.h:16
++msgid "Edge Delay"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../data/sugar.schemas.in.h:17
++msgid ""
++"Extreme power management (disables wireless radio, increases battery life)"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../data/sugar.schemas.in.h:18
++msgid "Favorites Layout"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../data/sugar.schemas.in.h:19
++msgid "Favorites resume mode"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../data/sugar.schemas.in.h:20
++msgid "Font face that is used throughout the desktop."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../data/sugar.schemas.in.h:21
++msgid "Font size that is used throughout the desktop."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../data/sugar.schemas.in.h:22
++msgid ""
++"Frequency of automatic activity updates, measured in days. 0 means disabled."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../data/sugar.schemas.in.h:23
++msgid "GSM network APN (DEPRECATED/UNUSED)"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../data/sugar.schemas.in.h:24
++msgid "GSM network PIN (DEPRECATED/UNUSED)"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../data/sugar.schemas.in.h:25
++msgid "GSM network PUK (DEPRECATED/UNUSED)"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../data/sugar.schemas.in.h:26
++msgid "GSM network access point name configuration (DEPRECATED/UNUSED)"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../data/sugar.schemas.in.h:27
++msgid "GSM network number (DEPRECATED/UNUSED)"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../data/sugar.schemas.in.h:28
++msgid "GSM network password (DEPRECATED/UNUSED)"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../data/sugar.schemas.in.h:29
++msgid "GSM network password configuration (DEPRECATED/UNUSED)"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../data/sugar.schemas.in.h:30
++msgid ""
++"GSM network personal identification number configuration (DEPRECATED/UNUSED)"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../data/sugar.schemas.in.h:31
++msgid "GSM network personal unlock key configuration (DEPRECATED/UNUSED)"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../data/sugar.schemas.in.h:32
++msgid "GSM network telephone number configuration (DEPRECATED/UNUSED)"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../data/sugar.schemas.in.h:33
++msgid "GSM network username (DEPRECATED/UNUSED)"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../data/sugar.schemas.in.h:34
++msgid "GSM network username configuration (DEPRECATED/UNUSED)"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../data/sugar.schemas.in.h:35
++msgid ""
++"If TRUE, Sugar will make us searchable for the other users of the Jabber "
++msgstr ""
++#: ../data/sugar.schemas.in.h:36
++msgid "If TRUE, Sugar will show a \"Log out\" option."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../data/sugar.schemas.in.h:37
++msgid "If TRUE, Sugar will show a \"Restart\" option."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../data/sugar.schemas.in.h:38
++msgid ""
++"If TRUE, Sugar will show default Ad-hoc networks for channel 1,6 and 11. If "
++"Sugar sees no \"known\" network when it starts, it does autoconnect to an Ad-"
++"hoc network."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../data/sugar.schemas.in.h:39
++msgid "Jabber Server"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../data/sugar.schemas.in.h:40
++msgid "Keyboard layouts"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../data/sugar.schemas.in.h:41
++msgid "Keyboard model"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../data/sugar.schemas.in.h:42
++msgid "Keyboard options"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../data/sugar.schemas.in.h:43
++msgid "Layout of the favorites view."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../data/sugar.schemas.in.h:44
++msgid ""
++"List of keyboard layouts. Each entry should be in the form layout(variant)"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../data/sugar.schemas.in.h:45
++msgid "List of keyboard options."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../data/sugar.schemas.in.h:46
++msgid "Microformat update URL."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../data/sugar.schemas.in.h:47
++msgid "Pitch value for the speech sugar service"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../data/sugar.schemas.in.h:48
++msgid "Pitch value used by the speech service in Sugar"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../data/sugar.schemas.in.h:49
++msgid "Power Automatic"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../data/sugar.schemas.in.h:50
++msgid "Power Extreme"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../data/sugar.schemas.in.h:51
++msgid "Publish to Gadget"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../data/sugar.schemas.in.h:52
++msgid "Rate value for the speech sugar service"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../data/sugar.schemas.in.h:53
++msgid "Rate value used by the speech service in Sugar"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../data/sugar.schemas.in.h:54
++msgid "Setting for muting the sound device."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../data/sugar.schemas.in.h:55
++msgid "Show Log out"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../data/sugar.schemas.in.h:56
++msgid "Show Restart"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../data/sugar.schemas.in.h:57
++msgid "Show Sugar Ad-hoc networks"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../data/sugar.schemas.in.h:58
++msgid "Sound Muted"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../data/sugar.schemas.in.h:59
++msgid "The keyboard model to be used"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../data/sugar.schemas.in.h:60
++msgid "Timestamp of last activity update."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../data/sugar.schemas.in.h:62
++msgid "Timezone setting for the system."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../data/sugar.schemas.in.h:63
++msgid "URL of the jabber server to use."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../data/sugar.schemas.in.h:64
++msgid ""
++"URL used by the microformat update backend for activity update information."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../data/sugar.schemas.in.h:65
++msgid "URL where the backup is saved to."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../data/sugar.schemas.in.h:66
++msgid "User Color"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../data/sugar.schemas.in.h:67
++msgid "User Name"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../data/sugar.schemas.in.h:68
++msgid "User name that is used throughout the desktop."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../data/sugar.schemas.in.h:69
++msgid ""
++"Users will not be allowed to erase these activities through the list view."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../data/sugar.schemas.in.h:70
++msgid "Volume Level"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../data/sugar.schemas.in.h:71
++msgid "Volume level for the sound device."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../data/sugar.schemas.in.h:72
++msgid ""
++"When in resume mode, clicking on a favorite icon will cause the last entry "
++"for that activity to be resumed."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/controlpanel/cmd.py:28
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++"sugar-control-panel: WARNING, found more than one option with the same name: "
++"%s module: %r"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/controlpanel/cmd.py:30
++#, python-format
++msgid "sugar-control-panel: key=%s not an available option"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/controlpanel/cmd.py:31
++#, python-format
++msgid "sugar-control-panel: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#. TRANS: Translators, there's a empty line at the end of this string,
++#. which must appear in the translated string (msgstr) as well.
++#: ../src/jarabe/controlpanel/cmd.py:38
++msgid ""
++"Usage: sugar-control-panel [ option ] key [ args ... ] \n"
++"    Control for the sugar environment. \n"
++"    Options: \n"
++"    -h           show this help message and exit \n"
++"    -l           list all the available options \n"
++"    -h key       show information about this key \n"
++"    -g key       get the current value of the key \n"
++"    -s key       set the current value for the key \n"
++"    -c key       clear the current value for the key \n"
++"    "
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/controlpanel/cmd.py:52
++msgid "To apply your changes you have to restart Sugar.\n"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/controlpanel/gui.py:323 ../src/jarabe/journal/palettes.py:187
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/palettes.py:350 ../src/jarabe/journal/palettes.py:410
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/volumestoolbar.py:302
++msgid "Warning"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/controlpanel/gui.py:324
++#: ../src/jarabe/controlpanel/sectionview.py:41
++msgid "Changes require restart"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/controlpanel/gui.py:328
++msgid "Cancel changes"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/controlpanel/gui.py:333
++msgid "Later"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/controlpanel/gui.py:337
++msgid "Restart now"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/controlpanel/toolbar.py:56
++#: ../src/jarabe/desktop/viewtoolbar.py:129
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/journaltoolbox.py:89
++#, python-format
++msgid "Search in %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/controlpanel/toolbar.py:56
++msgid "Settings"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/controlpanel/toolbar.py:65 ../src/jarabe/intro/window.py:211
++msgid "Done"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/controlpanel/toolbar.py:127
++#: ../src/jarabe/desktop/favoritesview.py:374
++#: ../src/jarabe/desktop/keydialog.py:105
++msgid "Ok"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/desktop/activitieslist.py:282
++#, python-format
++msgid "Version %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/desktop/activitieslist.py:385
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/listview.py:475 ../src/jarabe/journal/iconview.py:299
++msgid "Clear search"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/desktop/activitieslist.py:469
++msgid "No matching activities"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/desktop/activitieslist.py:505
++msgid "Confirm erase"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/desktop/activitieslist.py:507
++#, python-format
++msgid "Confirm erase: Do you want to permanently erase %s?"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/desktop/activitieslist.py:511
++#: ../src/jarabe/frame/clipboardmenu.py:65
++#: ../src/jarabe/view/viewsource.py:288
++msgid "Keep"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/desktop/activitieslist.py:514
++#: ../src/jarabe/desktop/activitieslist.py:578
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/expandedentry.py:153
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/journaltoolbox.py:443
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/journaltoolbox.py:475
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/journaltoolbox.py:689
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/journaltoolbox.py:695
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/palettes.py:132 ../src/jarabe/journal/palettes.py:154
++msgid "Erase"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/desktop/activitieslist.py:594
++msgid "Remove favorite"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/desktop/activitieslist.py:598
++msgid "Make favorite"
++msgstr ""
++#. TRANS: label for the freeform layout in the favorites view
++#: ../src/jarabe/desktop/favoriteslayout.py:199
++msgid "Freeform"
++msgstr ""
++#. TRANS: label for the ring layout in the favorites view
++#: ../src/jarabe/desktop/favoriteslayout.py:295
++msgid "Ring"
++msgstr ""
++#. TRANS: label for the spiral layout in the favorites view
++#: ../src/jarabe/desktop/favoriteslayout.py:459
++msgid "Spiral"
++msgstr ""
++#. TRANS: label for the box layout in the favorites view
++#: ../src/jarabe/desktop/favoriteslayout.py:527
++msgid "Box"
++msgstr ""
++#. TRANS: label for the box layout in the favorites view
++#: ../src/jarabe/desktop/favoriteslayout.py:570
++msgid "Triangle"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/desktop/favoritesview.py:365
++msgid "Registration Failed"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/desktop/favoritesview.py:368
++msgid "Registration Successful"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/desktop/favoritesview.py:369
++msgid "You are now registered with your school server."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/desktop/favoritesview.py:653
++msgid "Register"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/desktop/favoritesview.py:656
++#: ../src/jarabe/desktop/favoritesview.py:672
++msgid "Register again"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/desktop/homewindow.py:228
++#: ../src/jarabe/frame/zoomtoolbar.py:49
++msgid "Neighborhood"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/desktop/keydialog.py:94
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++"A wireless encryption key is required for\n"
++" the wireless network '%s'."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/desktop/keydialog.py:150
++msgid "Key Type:"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/desktop/keydialog.py:170
++msgid "Authentication Type:"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/desktop/keydialog.py:233
++msgid "WPA & WPA2 Personal"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/desktop/keydialog.py:242
++msgid "Wireless Security:"
++msgstr ""
++#. TRANS: Action label for resuming an activity.
++#: ../src/jarabe/desktop/meshbox.py:82
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/journaltoolbox.py:548
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/palettes.py:77 ../src/jarabe/view/palettes.py:96
++msgid "Resume"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/desktop/meshbox.py:89
++#: ../src/jarabe/frame/activitiestray.py:190
++msgid "Join"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/desktop/networkviews.py:497
++#, python-format
++msgid "Ad-hoc Network %d"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/desktop/networkviews.py:639
++#, python-format
++msgid "Mesh Network %d"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/desktop/schoolserver.py:144
++msgid "Cannot connect to the server."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/desktop/schoolserver.py:151
++msgid "The server could not complete the request."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/desktop/viewtoolbar.py:95
++msgid "List view"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/desktop/viewtoolbar.py:97
++#: ../src/jarabe/desktop/viewtoolbar.py:195
++#: ../src/jarabe/desktop/viewtoolbar.py:209
++#, python-format
++msgid "<Ctrl>%d"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/desktop/viewtoolbar.py:208
++#, python-format
++msgid "Favorites view %d"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/frame/activitiestray.py:195
++#: ../src/jarabe/frame/activitiestray.py:593
++msgid "Decline"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/frame/activitiestray.py:534
++#, python-format
++msgid "%dB"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/frame/activitiestray.py:536
++#, python-format
++msgid "%dKB"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/frame/activitiestray.py:538
++#, python-format
++msgid "%dMB"
++msgstr ""
++#. TRANS: file transfer, bytes transferred, e.g. 128 of 1024
++#: ../src/jarabe/frame/activitiestray.py:556
++#, python-format
++msgid "%s of %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/frame/activitiestray.py:570
++#, python-format
++msgid "Transfer from %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/frame/activitiestray.py:585
++msgid "Accept"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/frame/activitiestray.py:653
++#: ../src/jarabe/frame/activitiestray.py:666
++#: ../src/jarabe/frame/activitiestray.py:807
++msgid "Dismiss"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/frame/activitiestray.py:680
++msgid "The other participant canceled the file transfer"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/frame/activitiestray.py:730
++#, python-format
++msgid "Transfer to %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/frame/clipboardmenu.py:54
++msgctxt "Clipboard"
++msgid "Remove"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/frame/clipboardmenu.py:60
++#: ../src/jarabe/frame/clipboardmenu.py:83
++msgid "Open"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/frame/clipboardmenu.py:88
++msgid "Open with"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/frame/clipboardobject.py:50
++#, python-format
++msgid "%s clipping"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/frame/zoomtoolbar.py:50
++msgid "F1"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/frame/zoomtoolbar.py:54
++msgid "F2"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/frame/zoomtoolbar.py:58
++msgid "F3"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/frame/zoomtoolbar.py:63
++msgid "F4"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/intro/window.py:106
++msgid "Name:"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/intro/window.py:136
++msgid "Click to change color:"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/intro/window.py:200 ../src/jarabe/journal/detailview.py:95
++msgid "Back"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/intro/window.py:214
++msgid "Next"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/expandedentry.py:155
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/journaltoolbox.py:477
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/palettes.py:156
++#, python-format
++msgid "Do you want to permanently erase \"%s\"?"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/expandedentry.py:296
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/listmodel.py:159 ../src/jarabe/journal/model.py:721
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/palettes.py:70 ../src/jarabe/journal/palettes.py:597
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/volumestoolbar.py:131
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/iconmodel.py:110
++msgid "Untitled"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/expandedentry.py:367
++msgid "No preview"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/expandedentry.py:382
++#, python-format
++msgid "Kind: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/expandedentry.py:382
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/listmodel.py:165
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/listmodel.py:173
++msgid "Unknown"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/expandedentry.py:383
++#, python-format
++msgid "Date: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/expandedentry.py:384
++#, python-format
++msgid "Size: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/expandedentry.py:411
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/misc.py:109
++msgid "No date"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/expandedentry.py:420
++msgid "Participants:"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/expandedentry.py:458
++msgid "Description:"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/expandedentry.py:464
++msgid "Tags:"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/expandedentry.py:469
++msgid "Comments:"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/journalactivity.py:140
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/journaltoolbox.py:89
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/palettes.py:248
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/volumestoolbar.py:363
++msgid "Journal"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/journaltoolbox.py:98
++msgid "Favorite entries"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/journaltoolbox.py:134
++msgid "Anytime"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/journaltoolbox.py:136
++msgid "Today"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/journaltoolbox.py:138
++msgid "Since yesterday"
++msgstr ""
++#. TRANS: Filter entries modified during the last 7 days.
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/journaltoolbox.py:140
++msgid "Past week"
++msgstr ""
++#. TRANS: Filter entries modified during the last 30 days.
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/journaltoolbox.py:142
++msgid "Past month"
++msgstr ""
++#. TRANS: Filter entries modified during the last 356 days.
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/journaltoolbox.py:144
++msgid "Past year"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/journaltoolbox.py:151
++msgid "Anyone"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/journaltoolbox.py:153
++msgid "My friends"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/journaltoolbox.py:154
++msgid "My class"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/journaltoolbox.py:327
++msgid "Anything"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/journaltoolbox.py:419
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/palettes.py:99
++msgid "Copy to"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/journaltoolbox.py:427
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/palettes.py:110 ../src/jarabe/view/viewsource.py:282
++msgid "Duplicate"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/journaltoolbox.py:433
++msgid "Refresh"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/journaltoolbox.py:470
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/palettes.py:149 ../src/jarabe/journal/palettes.py:360
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/volumestoolbar.py:310
++#, python-format
++msgid "Error while copying the entry. %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/journaltoolbox.py:471
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/palettes.py:150 ../src/jarabe/journal/palettes.py:361
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/volumestoolbar.py:311
++msgid "Error"
++msgstr ""
++#. TRANS: Action label for starting an entry.
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/journaltoolbox.py:551
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/palettes.py:80
++msgid "Start"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/journaltoolbox.py:579
++msgid "Sort by date modified"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/journaltoolbox.py:580
++msgid "Sort by date created"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/journaltoolbox.py:581
++msgid "Sort by size"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/journaltoolbox.py:590
++msgid "Sort view"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/journaltoolbox.py:661
++msgid "Deselect all"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/journaltoolbox.py:674
++msgid "Select all"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/journaltoolbox.py:700
++#, python-format
++msgid "Do you want to erase %d entry?"
++msgid_plural "Do you want to erase %d entries?"
++msgstr[0] ""
++msgstr[1] ""
++msgstr[2] ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/journaltoolbox.py:714
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/palettes.py:364
++msgid "Copy"
++msgstr ""
++#. TRANS: Do not translate %(selected)d and %(total)d.
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/journaltoolbox.py:759
++#, python-format
++msgid "Selected %(selected)d of %(total)d"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/listview.py:387 ../src/jarabe/journal/iconview.py:211
++msgid "Your Journal is empty"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/listview.py:390 ../src/jarabe/journal/iconview.py:214
++msgid "Your documents folder is empty"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/listview.py:392 ../src/jarabe/journal/iconview.py:216
++msgid "The device is empty"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/listview.py:394 ../src/jarabe/journal/iconview.py:218
++msgid "No matching entries"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/misc.py:252
++#, python-format
++msgid "Older Version Of %s Activity"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/misc.py:253
++#, python-format
++msgid "Do you want to downgrade to version %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/modalalert.py:65
++msgid "Your Journal is full"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/modalalert.py:70
++msgid "Please delete some old Journal entries to make space for new ones."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/modalalert.py:84
++msgid "Show Journal"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/objectchooser.py:170
++msgid "Choose an object"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/objectchooser.py:175
++#, python-format
++msgid "Choose an object to open with %s activity"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/objectchooser.py:183
++#: ../src/jarabe/view/viewsource.py:418
++msgid "Close"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/palettes.py:78
++msgid "Resume with"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/palettes.py:81
++msgid "Start with"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/palettes.py:94 ../src/jarabe/journal/palettes.py:489
++msgid "No activity to start entry"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/palettes.py:118
++msgid "Send to"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/palettes.py:127
++msgid "View Details"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/palettes.py:186
++msgid "Entries without a file cannot be sent."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/palettes.py:260
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/volumestoolbar.py:211
++msgid "Documents"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/palettes.py:349 ../src/jarabe/journal/palettes.py:409
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/volumestoolbar.py:301
++msgid "Entries without a file cannot be copied."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/palettes.py:369
++#, python-format
++msgid "Do you want to copy %d entry?"
++msgid_plural "Do you want to copy %d entries?"
++msgstr[0] ""
++msgstr[1] ""
++msgstr[2] ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/palettes.py:394
++msgid "Clipboard"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/palettes.py:454
++msgid "No friends present"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/palettes.py:459
++msgid "No valid connection found"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/palettes.py:487
++msgid "No activity to resume entry"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/palettes.py:556 ../src/jarabe/view/palettes.py:110
++msgid "Stop"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/palettes.py:561
++msgid "Continue"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/palettes.py:598
++#, python-format
++msgid "%(index)d of %(total)d : %(object_title)s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/journal/volumestoolbar.py:386
++#: ../src/jarabe/view/palettes.py:225 ../src/jarabe/view/palettes.py:292
++#, python-format
++msgid "%(free_space)d MB Free"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/model/network.py:214
++msgid "The reason for the device state change is unknown."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/model/network.py:216
++msgid "The state change is normal."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/model/network.py:218
++msgid "The device is now managed."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/model/network.py:220
++msgid "The device is no longer managed."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/model/network.py:222
++msgid "The device could not be readied for configuration."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/model/network.py:224
++msgid ""
++"IP configuration could not be reserved (no available address, timeout, etc)."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/model/network.py:227
++msgid "The IP configuration is no longer valid."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/model/network.py:229
++msgid "Secrets were required, but not provided."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/model/network.py:231
++msgid ""
++"The 802.1X supplicant disconnected from the access point or authentication "
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/model/network.py:234
++msgid "Configuration of the 802.1X supplicant failed."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/model/network.py:236
++msgid "The 802.1X supplicant quit or failed unexpectedly."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/model/network.py:238
++msgid "The 802.1X supplicant took too long to authenticate."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/model/network.py:240
++msgid "The PPP service failed to start within the allowed time."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/model/network.py:242
++msgid "The PPP service disconnected unexpectedly."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/model/network.py:244
++msgid "The PPP service quit or failed unexpectedly."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/model/network.py:246
++msgid "The DHCP service failed to start within the allowed time."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/model/network.py:248
++msgid "The DHCP service reported an unexpected error."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/model/network.py:250
++msgid "The DHCP service quit or failed unexpectedly."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/model/network.py:252
++msgid "The shared connection service failed to start."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/model/network.py:254
++msgid "The shared connection service quit or failed unexpectedly."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/model/network.py:257
++msgid "The AutoIP service failed to start."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/model/network.py:259
++msgid "The AutoIP service reported an unexpected error."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/model/network.py:261
++msgid "The AutoIP service quit or failed unexpectedly."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/model/network.py:263
++msgid "Dialing failed because the line was busy."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/model/network.py:265
++msgid "Dialing failed because there was no dial tone."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/model/network.py:267
++msgid "Dialing failed because there was no carrier."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/model/network.py:269
++msgid "Dialing timed out."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/model/network.py:271
++msgid "Dialing failed."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/model/network.py:273
++msgid "Modem initialization failed."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/model/network.py:275
++msgid "Failed to select the specified GSM APN"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/model/network.py:277
++msgid "Not searching for networks."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/model/network.py:279
++msgid "Network registration was denied."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/model/network.py:281
++msgid "Network registration timed out."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/model/network.py:283
++msgid "Failed to register with the requested GSM network."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/model/network.py:285
++msgid "PIN check failed."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/model/network.py:287
++msgid "Necessary firmware for the device may be missing."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/model/network.py:289
++msgid "The device was removed."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/model/network.py:291
++msgid "NetworkManager went to sleep."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/model/network.py:293
++msgid "The device's active connection was removed or disappeared."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/model/network.py:296
++msgid "A user or client requested the disconnection."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/model/network.py:298
++msgid "The device's carrier/link changed."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/model/network.py:300
++msgid "The device's existing connection was assumed."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/model/network.py:302
++msgid "The supplicant is now available."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/model/network.py:304
++msgid "The modem could not be found."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/model/network.py:306
++msgid "The Bluetooth connection failed or timed out."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/model/network.py:308
++msgid "Unused."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/view/buddymenu.py:72
++msgid "Remove friend"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/view/buddymenu.py:75
++msgid "Make friend"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/view/buddymenu.py:91
++msgid "Shutdown"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/view/buddymenu.py:98
++msgid "Restart"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/view/buddymenu.py:104
++msgid "Logout"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/view/buddymenu.py:109
++msgid "My Settings"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/view/buddymenu.py:149
++#, python-format
++msgid "Invite to %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/view/launcher.py:144
++#, python-format
++msgid "<b>%s</b> failed to start."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/view/palettes.py:51
++msgid "Starting..."
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/view/palettes.py:61
++msgid "Activity failed to start"
++msgstr ""
++#. TODO: share-with, keep
++#: ../src/jarabe/view/palettes.py:102
++msgid "View Source"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/view/palettes.py:153
++msgid "Start new"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/view/palettes.py:241
++msgctxt "Volume"
++msgid "Remove"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/view/viewsource.py:271
++msgid "Instance Source"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/view/viewsource.py:320
++msgid "Source"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/view/viewsource.py:382
++msgid "Activity Bundle Source"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/view/viewsource.py:401
++msgid "Sugar Toolkit Source"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/view/viewsource.py:408
++#, python-format
++msgid "View source: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: ../src/jarabe/view/viewsource.py:409
++#, python-format
++msgid "View source: %r"
++msgstr ""
+diff --git b/po/sugar.pot a/po/sugar.pot
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..3b96607
+--- /dev/null
++++ a/po/sugar.pot
+@@ -0,0 +1,1998 @@
++# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
++#, fuzzy
++msgid ""
++msgstr ""
++"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
++"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
++"POT-Creation-Date: 2019-03-13 14:29+1100\n"
++"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
++"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
++"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <LL@li.org>\n"
++"Language: \n"
++"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
++"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=CHARSET\n"
++"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
++"Plural-Forms: nplurals=INTEGER; plural=EXPRESSION;\n"
++#: extensions/cpsection/aboutcomputer/__init__.py:20
++msgid "About my Computer"
++msgstr ""
++#: extensions/cpsection/aboutcomputer/model.py:36
++msgid "Not available"
++msgstr ""
++#: extensions/cpsection/aboutcomputer/view.py:76
++msgid "Identity"
++msgstr ""
++#: extensions/cpsection/aboutcomputer/view.py:87
++msgid "Model:"
++msgstr ""
++#: extensions/cpsection/aboutcomputer/view.py:91
++msgid "Serial Number:"
++msgstr ""
++#: extensions/cpsection/aboutcomputer/view.py:103
++msgid "Software"
++msgstr ""
++#: extensions/cpsection/aboutcomputer/view.py:112
++msgid "Build:"
++msgstr ""
++#: extensions/cpsection/aboutcomputer/view.py:117
++msgid "Sugar:"
++msgstr ""
++#: extensions/cpsection/aboutcomputer/view.py:122
++msgid "Firmware:"
++msgstr ""
++#: extensions/cpsection/aboutcomputer/view.py:127
++msgid "Wireless Firmware:"
++msgstr ""
++#: extensions/cpsection/aboutcomputer/view.py:134
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d days ago"
++msgstr ""
++#: extensions/cpsection/aboutcomputer/view.py:136
++#: src/jarabe/journal/journaltoolbox.py:178
++msgid "Today"
++msgstr ""
++#: extensions/cpsection/aboutcomputer/view.py:139
++msgid "Last system update:"
++msgstr ""
++#: extensions/cpsection/aboutcomputer/view.py:150
++msgid "Copyright and License"
++msgstr ""
++#. TRANS: The word "Sugar" should not be translated.
++#: extensions/cpsection/aboutcomputer/view.py:169
++msgid ""
++"Sugar is the graphical user interface that you are looking at. Sugar is free "
++"software, covered by the GNU General Public License, and you are welcome to "
++"change it and/or distribute copies of it under certain conditions described "
++msgstr ""
++#: extensions/cpsection/aboutcomputer/view.py:182
++msgid "Full license:"
++msgstr ""
++#: extensions/cpsection/aboutme/__init__.py:23
++msgid "About Me"
++msgstr ""
++#: extensions/cpsection/aboutme/model.py:50
++msgid "You must enter a name."
++msgstr ""
++#: extensions/cpsection/aboutme/model.py:96
++msgid "Error in specified color modifiers."
++msgstr ""
++#: extensions/cpsection/aboutme/model.py:99
++msgid "Error in specified colors."
++msgstr ""
++#: extensions/cpsection/aboutme/view.py:244
++msgid "Click to change your color:"
++msgstr ""
++#: extensions/cpsection/aboutme/view.py:295 src/jarabe/intro/window.py:195
++msgid "Select gender:"
++msgstr ""
++#: extensions/cpsection/background/__init__.py:21
++msgid "Background"
++msgstr ""
++#: extensions/cpsection/background/view.py:48
++msgid "Select a background:"
++msgstr ""
++#: extensions/cpsection/background/view.py:57
++msgid "Clear background"
++msgstr ""
++#: extensions/cpsection/backup/backends/volume.py:60
++#: extensions/cpsection/backup/backends/volume.py:170
++msgid "Please connect a device to continue"
++msgstr ""
++#: extensions/cpsection/backup/backends/volume.py:68
++#: extensions/cpsection/backup/backends/volume.py:177
++msgid "Select your volume"
++msgstr ""
++#: extensions/cpsection/backup/backends/volume.py:77
++msgid "Not enough space in volume"
++msgstr ""
++#: extensions/cpsection/backup/backends/volume.py:121
++#, python-format
++msgid "Backup from user %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: extensions/cpsection/backup/backends/volume.py:190
++msgid "No checkpoints found in the device"
++msgstr ""
++#: extensions/cpsection/backup/backends/volume.py:198
++msgid "Select your checkpoint"
++msgstr ""
++#: extensions/cpsection/backup/backends/volume.py:209
++msgid "Not enough space in disk"
++msgstr ""
++#: extensions/cpsection/backup/backends/volume.py:328
++msgid "Local Device Backup"
++msgstr ""
++#: extensions/cpsection/backup/__init__.py:21
++msgid "Backup"
++msgstr ""
++#: extensions/cpsection/backup/view.py:132
++msgid "Save the contents of your Journal"
++msgstr ""
++#: extensions/cpsection/backup/view.py:140
++msgid "Restore the contents of your Journal"
++msgstr ""
++#: extensions/cpsection/backup/view.py:211
++#: extensions/cpsection/backup/view.py:264 src/jarabe/journal/palettes.py:615
++msgid "Continue"
++msgstr ""
++#: extensions/cpsection/backup/view.py:222
++msgid "Please close all the activities, and start again"
++msgstr ""
++#: extensions/cpsection/backup/view.py:228
++msgid "Select where you want create your backup"
++msgstr ""
++#: extensions/cpsection/backup/view.py:230
++msgid "Select where you want retrieve your restore"
++msgstr ""
++#: extensions/cpsection/backup/view.py:270
++msgid "Retry"
++msgstr ""
++#: extensions/cpsection/backup/view.py:289
++msgid "Starting backup..."
++msgstr ""
++#: extensions/cpsection/backup/view.py:293
++msgid "Starting restore..."
++msgstr ""
++#: extensions/cpsection/backup/view.py:320
++msgid ""
++"I want to restore the content of my Journal. In order to do this, my Journal "
++"will first be emptied of all its content; then the restored content will be "
++msgstr ""
++#: extensions/cpsection/backup/view.py:323
++#: src/jarabe/frame/activitiestray.py:657
++msgid "Accept"
++msgstr ""
++#: extensions/cpsection/backup/view.py:326
++msgid "Confirm"
++msgstr ""
++#: extensions/cpsection/backup/view.py:364
++msgid "Operation started"
++msgstr ""
++#: extensions/cpsection/backup/view.py:376
++msgid "Backup finished successfully"
++msgstr ""
++#: extensions/cpsection/backup/view.py:378
++msgid "Restore realized successfully."
++msgstr ""
++#: extensions/cpsection/datetime/__init__.py:21
++msgid "Date & Time"
++msgstr ""
++#: extensions/cpsection/datetime/model.py:99
++msgid "Error: timezone does not exist."
++msgstr ""
++#: extensions/cpsection/datetime/view.py:67
++msgid "Timezone"
++msgstr ""
++#: extensions/cpsection/frame/__init__.py:21
++msgid "Frame"
++msgstr ""
++#: extensions/cpsection/frame/view.py:26
++msgid "never"
++msgstr ""
++#: extensions/cpsection/frame/view.py:27
++msgid "instantaneous"
++msgstr ""
++#: extensions/cpsection/frame/view.py:28
++#, python-format
++msgid "%s seconds"
++msgstr ""
++#: extensions/cpsection/frame/view.py:52
++msgid "Activation Delay"
++msgstr ""
++#: extensions/cpsection/frame/view.py:68
++msgid "Activation Area"
++msgstr ""
++#: extensions/cpsection/frame/view.py:85
++msgid "Corner"
++msgstr ""
++#: extensions/cpsection/frame/view.py:104
++msgid "Edge"
++msgstr ""
++#: extensions/cpsection/frame/view.py:123
++msgid "Size"
++msgstr ""
++#: extensions/cpsection/frame/view.py:221
++msgid "toolbar size"
++msgstr ""
++#: extensions/cpsection/frame/view.py:226
++msgid "exact corner or edge"
++msgstr ""
++#: extensions/cpsection/frame/view.py:228
++msgid "exact corner"
++msgstr ""
++#: extensions/cpsection/frame/view.py:230
++msgid "exact edge"
++msgstr ""
++#: extensions/cpsection/frame/view.py:232
++msgid "ignored"
++msgstr ""
++#. TRANS: px as in pixels
++#: extensions/cpsection/frame/view.py:235
++msgid "{}px"
++msgstr ""
++#: extensions/cpsection/keyboard/__init__.py:21
++#: extensions/cpsection/keyboard/view.py:39
++msgid "Keyboard"
++msgstr ""
++#: extensions/cpsection/keyboard/view.py:241
++msgid "Keyboard Model"
++msgstr ""
++#: extensions/cpsection/keyboard/view.py:302
++msgid "Key(s) to change layout"
++msgstr ""
++#: extensions/cpsection/keyboard/view.py:370
++msgid "Keyboard Layout(s)"
++msgstr ""
++#: extensions/cpsection/language/__init__.py:21
++#: extensions/cpsection/language/view.py:44
++msgid "Language"
++msgstr ""
++#: extensions/cpsection/language/model.py:28
++msgid "Could not access ~/.i18n. Create standard settings."
++msgstr ""
++#: extensions/cpsection/language/model.py:150
++#, python-format
++msgid "Language for code=%s could not be determined."
++msgstr ""
++#: extensions/cpsection/language/model.py:173
++#, python-format
++msgid "Sorry I do not speak '%s'."
++msgstr ""
++#: extensions/cpsection/language/view.py:81
++msgid ""
++"Add languages in the order you prefer. If a translation is not available, "
++"the next in the list will be used."
++msgstr ""
++#: extensions/cpsection/language/view.py:400
++#, python-format
++msgid "Error writing language configuration (%s)"
++msgstr ""
++#: extensions/cpsection/modemconfiguration/__init__.py:20
++msgid "Modem"
++msgstr ""
++#: extensions/cpsection/modemconfiguration/model.py:161
++#, python-format
++msgid "Plan #%s"
++msgstr ""
++#: extensions/cpsection/modemconfiguration/model.py:291
++#, python-format
++msgid "Provider %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: extensions/cpsection/modemconfiguration/view.py:93
++msgid ""
++"You will need to provide the following information to set up a mobile "
++"broadband connection to a cellular (3G) network."
++msgstr ""
++#: extensions/cpsection/modemconfiguration/view.py:116
++msgid "Country:"
++msgstr ""
++#: extensions/cpsection/modemconfiguration/view.py:117
++msgid "Provider:"
++msgstr ""
++#: extensions/cpsection/modemconfiguration/view.py:118
++msgid "Plan:"
++msgstr ""
++#: extensions/cpsection/modemconfiguration/view.py:159
++#: extensions/cpsection/network/view.py:548
++msgid "Username:"
++msgstr ""
++#: extensions/cpsection/modemconfiguration/view.py:166
++#: extensions/cpsection/network/view.py:554
++msgid "Password:"
++msgstr ""
++#: extensions/cpsection/modemconfiguration/view.py:173
++msgid "Number:"
++msgstr ""
++#: extensions/cpsection/modemconfiguration/view.py:180
++msgid "Access Point Name (APN):"
++msgstr ""
++#: extensions/cpsection/modemconfiguration/view.py:187
++msgid "Personal Identity Number (PIN):"
++msgstr ""
++#: extensions/cpsection/network/__init__.py:20
++#: extensions/cpsection/network/view.py:36
++msgid "Network"
++msgstr ""
++#: extensions/cpsection/network/model.py:81
++msgid "State is unknown."
++msgstr ""
++#: extensions/cpsection/network/model.py:96
++msgid "Error in specified radio argument. Use on/off."
++msgstr ""
++#: extensions/cpsection/network/model.py:133
++msgid "Error in specified argument. Use 0/1."
++msgstr ""
++#: extensions/cpsection/network/view.py:321
++msgid "Wireless"
++msgstr ""
++#: extensions/cpsection/network/view.py:329
++msgid "The wireless radio may be turned off to save battery life."
++msgstr ""
++#: extensions/cpsection/network/view.py:342
++msgid "Radio"
++msgstr ""
++#: extensions/cpsection/network/view.py:359
++msgid ""
++"Discard wireless connections if you have trouble connecting to the network"
++msgstr ""
++#: extensions/cpsection/network/view.py:369
++msgid "Discard wireless connections"
++msgstr ""
++#: extensions/cpsection/network/view.py:385
++msgid "Collaboration"
++msgstr ""
++#: extensions/cpsection/network/view.py:393
++msgid ""
++"The server is the equivalent of what room you are in; people on the same "
++"server will be able to see each other, even when they aren't on the same "
++msgstr ""
++#: extensions/cpsection/network/view.py:403
++msgid "Server:"
++msgstr ""
++#: extensions/cpsection/network/view.py:419
++msgid ""
++"Social Help is a forum that lets you connect with developers and discuss "
++"Sugar Activities.  Changing servers means discussions will happen in a "
++"different place with different people."
++msgstr ""
++#: extensions/cpsection/network/view.py:429
++msgid "Social Help Server:"
++msgstr ""
++#: extensions/cpsection/network/view.py:458
++msgid "Proxy"
++msgstr ""
++#: extensions/cpsection/network/view.py:470
++#: src/jarabe/journal/journaltoolbox.py:604 src/jarabe/journal/palettes.py:183
++#: src/jarabe/journal/palettes.py:404 src/jarabe/journal/volumestoolbar.py:312
++msgid "Error"
++msgstr ""
++#: extensions/cpsection/network/view.py:471
++msgid "Proxy settings cannot be verified"
++msgstr ""
++#: extensions/cpsection/network/view.py:507
++msgid "Method:"
++msgstr ""
++#: extensions/cpsection/network/view.py:514
++msgid "Configuration URL:"
++msgstr ""
++#: extensions/cpsection/network/view.py:522
++msgid ""
++"Web Proxy Autodiscovery is used when a Configuration URL is not provided. "
++"This is not recommended for untrusted public networks."
++msgstr ""
++#: extensions/cpsection/network/view.py:534
++msgid "HTTP Proxy:"
++msgstr ""
++#: extensions/cpsection/network/view.py:540
++msgid "Use authentication"
++msgstr ""
++#: extensions/cpsection/network/view.py:563
++msgid "HTTPS Proxy:"
++msgstr ""
++#: extensions/cpsection/network/view.py:572
++msgid "FTP Proxy:"
++msgstr ""
++#: extensions/cpsection/network/view.py:581
++msgid "SOCKS Proxy:"
++msgstr ""
++#: extensions/cpsection/network/view.py:588
++msgid "Ignore Hosts:"
++msgstr ""
++#: extensions/cpsection/network/view.py:645
++msgid "Please Wait!"
++msgstr ""
++#: extensions/cpsection/network/view.py:646
++msgid "Proxy settings are being verified."
++msgstr ""
++#: extensions/cpsection/network/view.py:663
++msgid "Error!"
++msgstr ""
++#: extensions/cpsection/network/view.py:664
++msgid ""
++"The following setting(s) seems to be incorrect and may break your internet "
++msgstr ""
++#: extensions/cpsection/network/view.py:670
++msgid "Break my internet"
++msgstr ""
++#: extensions/cpsection/network/view.py:674
++msgid "Reset"
++msgstr ""
++#: extensions/cpsection/network/view.py:692
++msgid "Proxy changes require restart"
++msgstr ""
++#: extensions/cpsection/power/__init__.py:24
++msgid "Power"
++msgstr ""
++#: extensions/cpsection/power/model.py:89
++msgid "Error in automatic pm argument, use on/off."
++msgstr ""
++#: extensions/cpsection/power/view.py:45
++msgid "Power management"
++msgstr ""
++#: extensions/cpsection/power/view.py:55
++msgid "Automatic power management (increases battery life)"
++msgstr ""
++#: extensions/cpsection/updater/__init__.py:21
++msgid "Software Update"
++msgstr ""
++#: extensions/cpsection/updater/view.py:70
++msgid ""
++"Software updates correct errors, eliminate security vulnerabilities, and "
++"provide new features."
++msgstr ""
++#: extensions/cpsection/updater/view.py:84
++msgid "Update in progress..."
++msgstr ""
++#: extensions/cpsection/updater/view.py:119
++msgid "Checking for updates..."
++msgstr ""
++#: extensions/cpsection/updater/view.py:121
++msgid "Installing updates..."
++msgstr ""
++#: extensions/cpsection/updater/view.py:150
++#, python-format
++msgid "Checking %s..."
++msgstr ""
++#: extensions/cpsection/updater/view.py:152
++msgid "Looking for updates..."
++msgstr ""
++#: extensions/cpsection/updater/view.py:154
++#, python-format
++msgid "Downloading %s..."
++msgstr ""
++#: extensions/cpsection/updater/view.py:156
++#, python-format
++msgid "Updating %s..."
++msgstr ""
++#: extensions/cpsection/updater/view.py:166
++msgid "Your software is up-to-date"
++msgstr ""
++#: extensions/cpsection/updater/view.py:168
++#, python-format
++msgid "You can install %s update"
++msgid_plural "You can install %s updates"
++msgstr[0] ""
++msgstr[1] ""
++#: extensions/cpsection/updater/view.py:183
++msgid "Can't connect to the activity server"
++msgstr ""
++#: extensions/cpsection/updater/view.py:186
++msgid "Verify your connection to internet and try again, or try again later"
++msgstr ""
++#: extensions/cpsection/updater/view.py:206
++#, python-format
++msgid "%s update was installed"
++msgid_plural "%s updates were installed"
++msgstr[0] ""
++msgstr[1] ""
++#: extensions/cpsection/updater/view.py:288
++msgid "Install selected"
++msgstr ""
++#: extensions/cpsection/updater/view.py:307
++#, python-format
++msgid "Download size: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: extensions/cpsection/updater/view.py:399
++#, python-format
++msgid "From version %(current)s to %(new)s (Size: %(size)s)"
++msgstr ""
++#: extensions/cpsection/updater/view.py:406
++#, python-format
++msgid "Version %(version)s (Size: %(size)s)"
++msgstr ""
++#. TRANS: download size is 0
++#: extensions/cpsection/updater/view.py:423
++msgid "None"
++msgstr ""
++#. TRANS: download size of very small updates
++#: extensions/cpsection/updater/view.py:426
++msgid "1 KiB"
++msgstr ""
++#. TRANS: download size of small updates, e.g. '250 KiB'
++#: extensions/cpsection/updater/view.py:429
++#, python-format
++msgid "%.0f KiB"
++msgstr ""
++#. TRANS: download size of updates, e.g. '2.3 MiB'
++#: extensions/cpsection/updater/view.py:432
++#, python-format
++msgid "%.1f MiB"
++msgstr ""
++#: extensions/cpsection/webaccount/__init__.py:24
++msgid "Web Services"
++msgstr ""
++#: extensions/cpsection/webaccount/view.py:65
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++"No web services are installed.\n"
++"Please visit %s for more details."
++msgstr ""
++#: extensions/deviceicon/audio.py:68
++msgid "My Audio"
++msgstr ""
++#: extensions/deviceicon/audio.py:330
++msgid "Speaker"
++msgstr ""
++#: extensions/deviceicon/audio.py:331
++msgid "Microphone"
++msgstr ""
++#: extensions/deviceicon/battery.py:78
++msgid "My Battery"
++msgstr ""
++#: extensions/deviceicon/battery.py:161
++msgid "Removed"
++msgstr ""
++#: extensions/deviceicon/battery.py:164
++msgid "Charging"
++msgstr ""
++#: extensions/deviceicon/battery.py:167
++msgid "Very little power remaining"
++msgstr ""
++#. TRANS: do not translate %(hour)d:%(min).2d  it is a variable,
++#. only translate the word "remaining"
++#: extensions/deviceicon/battery.py:174
++#, python-format
++msgid "%(hour)d:%(min).2d remaining"
++msgstr ""
++#: extensions/deviceicon/battery.py:177
++msgid "Charged"
++msgstr ""
++#: extensions/deviceicon/display.py:185
++msgid "My Display"
++msgstr ""
++#: extensions/deviceicon/display.py:187
++msgid "Take a screenshot"
++msgstr ""
++#: extensions/deviceicon/display.py:209
++msgid "Brightness"
++msgstr ""
++#: extensions/deviceicon/display.py:237
++msgid "Display"
++msgstr ""
++#: extensions/deviceicon/frame.py:53
++msgid "Show my keyboard"
++msgstr ""
++#: extensions/deviceicon/network.py:47
++#, python-format
++msgid "IP address: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: extensions/deviceicon/network.py:96 extensions/deviceicon/network.py:311
++#: src/jarabe/desktop/networkviews.py:135
++#: src/jarabe/desktop/networkviews.py:538
++msgid "Disconnect"
++msgstr ""
++#: extensions/deviceicon/network.py:122 extensions/deviceicon/network.py:304
++#: src/jarabe/desktop/networkviews.py:275
++#: src/jarabe/desktop/networkviews.py:580
++#: src/jarabe/desktop/networkviews.py:725
++msgid "Connecting..."
++msgstr ""
++#: extensions/deviceicon/network.py:126 extensions/deviceicon/network.py:196
++#: src/jarabe/desktop/networkviews.py:282
++#: src/jarabe/desktop/networkviews.py:586
++#: src/jarabe/desktop/networkviews.py:731
++msgid "Connected"
++msgstr ""
++#: extensions/deviceicon/network.py:139
++msgid "No wireless connection"
++msgstr ""
++#: extensions/deviceicon/network.py:153 extensions/deviceicon/network.py:156
++msgid "Channel"
++msgstr ""
++#: extensions/deviceicon/network.py:154 src/jarabe/journal/expandedentry.py:408
++#: src/jarabe/journal/listmodel.py:189 src/jarabe/journal/listmodel.py:197
++msgid "Unknown"
++msgstr ""
++#: extensions/deviceicon/network.py:171
++msgid "Wired Network"
++msgstr ""
++#: extensions/deviceicon/network.py:199
++msgid "Speed"
++msgstr ""
++#: extensions/deviceicon/network.py:223
++msgid "Wireless modem"
++msgstr ""
++#: extensions/deviceicon/network.py:292
++msgid "Please wait..."
++msgstr ""
++#: extensions/deviceicon/network.py:296 src/jarabe/desktop/networkviews.py:129
++#: src/jarabe/desktop/networkviews.py:532
++#: src/jarabe/desktop/networkviews.py:676
++msgid "Connect"
++msgstr ""
++#: extensions/deviceicon/network.py:297
++msgid "Disconnected"
++msgstr ""
++#: extensions/deviceicon/network.py:303 src/jarabe/controlpanel/toolbar.py:122
++#: src/jarabe/frame/activitiestray.py:702
++#: src/jarabe/frame/activitiestray.py:824
++#: src/jarabe/frame/activitiestray.py:857
++#: src/jarabe/journal/expandedentry.py:160
++#: src/jarabe/journal/journaltoolbox.py:613 src/jarabe/journal/palettes.py:192
++msgid "Cancel"
++msgstr ""
++#: extensions/deviceicon/network.py:341
++msgid "Try connection again"
++msgstr ""
++#: extensions/deviceicon/network.py:344
++#, python-format
++msgid "Error: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: extensions/deviceicon/network.py:348
++#, python-format
++msgid "Suggestion: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: extensions/deviceicon/network.py:358
++#, python-format
++msgid "Connected for %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: extensions/deviceicon/network.py:361 extensions/deviceicon/network.py:362
++#: src/jarabe/frame/activitiestray.py:607
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d KiB"
++msgstr ""
++#: extensions/deviceicon/network.py:367
++msgid "Check your PIN/PUK configuration."
++msgstr ""
++#: extensions/deviceicon/network.py:370
++msgid "Check your Access Point Name (APN) configuration"
++msgstr ""
++#: extensions/deviceicon/network.py:374
++msgid "Check the Number configuration."
++msgstr ""
++#: extensions/deviceicon/network.py:376
++msgid "Check your configuration."
++msgstr ""
++#: extensions/deviceicon/network.py:633
++msgid "Mesh Network"
++msgstr ""
++#: extensions/deviceicon/network.py:679
++#, python-format
++msgid "Mesh Network %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: extensions/deviceicon/network.py:799
++msgid "No GSM connection available."
++msgstr ""
++#: extensions/deviceicon/network.py:800
++msgid "Create a connection in My Settings."
++msgstr ""
++#: extensions/deviceicon/speech.py:48
++msgid "Speech"
++msgstr ""
++#: extensions/deviceicon/speech.py:71 extensions/deviceicon/speech.py:146
++#: extensions/deviceicon/speech.py:151
++msgid "Say selected text"
++msgstr ""
++#: extensions/deviceicon/speech.py:79
++msgid "Stop playback"
++msgstr ""
++#: extensions/deviceicon/speech.py:88
++msgid "Pitch"
++msgstr ""
++#: extensions/deviceicon/speech.py:103
++msgid "Rate"
++msgstr ""
++#: extensions/deviceicon/speech.py:141
++msgid "Pause playback"
++msgstr ""
++#: extensions/deviceicon/touchpad.py:35
++msgid "finger"
++msgstr ""
++#: extensions/deviceicon/touchpad.py:35
++msgid "stylus"
++msgstr ""
++#: extensions/deviceicon/touchpad.py:60
++msgid "My touchpad"
++msgstr ""
++#: extensions/deviceicon/volume.py:61 src/jarabe/view/palettes.py:222
++msgid "Show contents"
++msgstr ""
++#: src/jarabe/controlpanel/cmd.py:27
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++"sugar-control-panel: WARNING, found more than one option with the same name: "
++"%(key)s module: %(module)r"
++msgstr ""
++#: src/jarabe/controlpanel/cmd.py:30
++#, python-format
++msgid "sugar-control-panel: key=%s not an available option"
++msgstr ""
++#. TRANS: Translators, there's a empty line at the end of this string,
++#. which must appear in the translated string (msgstr) as well.
++#: src/jarabe/controlpanel/cmd.py:38
++msgid ""
++"Usage: sugar-control-panel [ option ] key [ args ... ] \n"
++"    Control for the sugar environment. \n"
++"    Options: \n"
++"    -h           show this help message and exit \n"
++"    -l           list all the available options \n"
++"    -h key       show information about this key \n"
++"    -g key       get the current value of the key \n"
++"    -s key       set the current value for the key \n"
++"    -c key       clear the current value for the key \n"
++"    "
++msgstr ""
++#: src/jarabe/controlpanel/cmd.py:52
++msgid ""
++"To apply your changes you have to restart Sugar.\n"
++"Hit ctrl+alt+erase on the keyboard to trigger a restart."
++msgstr ""
++#: src/jarabe/controlpanel/gui.py:397 src/jarabe/journal/palettes.py:224
++#: src/jarabe/journal/palettes.py:393 src/jarabe/journal/palettes.py:453
++#: src/jarabe/journal/volumestoolbar.py:303
++msgid "Warning"
++msgstr ""
++#: src/jarabe/controlpanel/gui.py:403
++msgid "Cancel changes"
++msgstr ""
++#: src/jarabe/controlpanel/gui.py:408
++msgid "Later"
++msgstr ""
++#: src/jarabe/controlpanel/gui.py:412
++msgid "Restart now"
++msgstr ""
++#: src/jarabe/controlpanel/gui.py:441 src/jarabe/view/buddymenu.py:138
++msgid "An activity is not responding."
++msgstr ""
++#: src/jarabe/controlpanel/gui.py:442 src/jarabe/view/buddymenu.py:139
++msgid "You may lose unsaved work if you continue."
++msgstr ""
++#: src/jarabe/controlpanel/sectionview.py:50
++msgid "Changes require restart"
++msgstr ""
++#: src/jarabe/controlpanel/toolbar.py:57 src/jarabe/desktop/viewtoolbar.py:129
++#: src/jarabe/journal/journaltoolbox.py:95
++#, python-format
++msgid "Search in %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: src/jarabe/controlpanel/toolbar.py:57
++msgid "Settings"
++msgstr ""
++#: src/jarabe/controlpanel/toolbar.py:66 src/jarabe/intro/window.py:349
++msgid "Done"
++msgstr ""
++#: src/jarabe/controlpanel/toolbar.py:128
++msgid "Ok"
++msgstr ""
++#: src/jarabe/desktop/activitieslist.py:413
++#, python-format
++msgid "Version %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: src/jarabe/desktop/activitieslist.py:498 src/jarabe/journal/iconview.py:300
++#: src/jarabe/journal/listview.py:610
++msgid "Clear search"
++msgstr ""
++#: src/jarabe/desktop/activitieslist.py:585
++msgid "No matching activities"
++msgstr ""
++#: src/jarabe/desktop/activitieslist.py:621
++msgid "Confirm erase"
++msgstr ""
++#: src/jarabe/desktop/activitieslist.py:623
++#, python-format
++msgid "Confirm erase: Do you want to permanently erase %s?"
++msgstr ""
++#: src/jarabe/desktop/activitieslist.py:627
++#: src/jarabe/frame/clipboardmenu.py:64 src/jarabe/view/viewsource.py:386
++msgid "Keep"
++msgstr ""
++#: src/jarabe/desktop/activitieslist.py:630
++#: src/jarabe/desktop/activitieslist.py:700
++#: src/jarabe/journal/expandedentry.py:154
++#: src/jarabe/journal/journaltoolbox.py:571
++#: src/jarabe/journal/journaltoolbox.py:608
++#: src/jarabe/journal/journaltoolbox.py:838
++#: src/jarabe/journal/journaltoolbox.py:844 src/jarabe/journal/palettes.py:155
++#: src/jarabe/journal/palettes.py:187
++msgid "Erase"
++msgstr ""
++#: src/jarabe/desktop/activitieslist.py:716
++msgid "Remove favorite"
++msgstr ""
++#: src/jarabe/desktop/activitieslist.py:720
++msgid "Make favorite"
++msgstr ""
++#. TRANS: label for the freeform layout in the favorites view
++#: src/jarabe/desktop/favoriteslayout.py:211
++msgid "Freeform"
++msgstr ""
++#. TRANS: label for the ring layout in the favorites view
++#: src/jarabe/desktop/favoriteslayout.py:305
++msgid "Ring"
++msgstr ""
++#. TRANS: label for the spiral layout in the favorites view
++#: src/jarabe/desktop/favoriteslayout.py:471
++msgid "Spiral"
++msgstr ""
++#. TRANS: label for the box layout in the favorites view
++#: src/jarabe/desktop/favoriteslayout.py:539
++msgid "Box"
++msgstr ""
++#. TRANS: label for the box layout in the favorites view
++#: src/jarabe/desktop/favoriteslayout.py:585
++msgid "Triangle"
++msgstr ""
++#: src/jarabe/desktop/favoritesview.py:381
++msgid "Registration"
++msgstr ""
++#: src/jarabe/desktop/favoritesview.py:382
++msgid "Please wait, searching for your school server."
++msgstr ""
++#: src/jarabe/desktop/favoritesview.py:392
++msgid "Registration Failed"
++msgstr ""
++#: src/jarabe/desktop/favoritesview.py:395
++msgid "Registration Successful"
++msgstr ""
++#: src/jarabe/desktop/favoritesview.py:396
++msgid "You are now registered with your school server."
++msgstr ""
++#: src/jarabe/desktop/favoritesview.py:688
++msgid "Register"
++msgstr ""
++#: src/jarabe/desktop/favoritesview.py:690
++msgid "Register again"
++msgstr ""
++#: src/jarabe/desktop/homewindow.py:277 src/jarabe/desktop/viewtoolbar.py:73
++#: src/jarabe/frame/zoomtoolbar.py:56 src/jarabe/model/screenshot.py:62
++#: src/jarabe/view/viewhelp.py:89
++msgid "Home"
++msgstr ""
++#: src/jarabe/desktop/homewindow.py:283 src/jarabe/frame/zoomtoolbar.py:52
++#: src/jarabe/model/screenshot.py:60 src/jarabe/view/viewhelp.py:86
++msgid "Group"
++msgstr ""
++#: src/jarabe/desktop/homewindow.py:289 src/jarabe/frame/zoomtoolbar.py:48
++msgid "Neighborhood"
++msgstr ""
++#: src/jarabe/desktop/keydialog.py:93
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++"A wireless encryption key is required for\n"
++" the wireless network '%s'."
++msgstr ""
++#: src/jarabe/desktop/keydialog.py:109
++msgid "Show Password"
++msgstr ""
++#: src/jarabe/desktop/keydialog.py:153
++msgid "Key Type:"
++msgstr ""
++#: src/jarabe/desktop/keydialog.py:173
++msgid "Authentication Type:"
++msgstr ""
++#: src/jarabe/desktop/keydialog.py:237
++msgid "WPA & WPA2 Personal"
++msgstr ""
++#: src/jarabe/desktop/keydialog.py:246
++msgid "Wireless Security:"
++msgstr ""
++#. TRANS: Action label for resuming an activity.
++#: src/jarabe/desktop/meshbox.py:82 src/jarabe/journal/journaltoolbox.py:685
++#: src/jarabe/journal/palettes.py:87 src/jarabe/view/palettes.py:100
++msgid "Resume"
++msgstr ""
++#: src/jarabe/desktop/meshbox.py:89 src/jarabe/frame/activitiestray.py:208
++msgid "Join"
++msgstr ""
++#: src/jarabe/desktop/networkviews.py:142
++msgid "Forget"
++msgstr ""
++#: src/jarabe/desktop/networkviews.py:527
++#, python-format
++msgid "Ad-hoc Network %d"
++msgstr ""
++#: src/jarabe/desktop/networkviews.py:672
++#, python-format
++msgid "Mesh Network %d"
++msgstr ""
++#: src/jarabe/desktop/schoolserver.py:143
++msgid "Cannot connect to the server."
++msgstr ""
++#: src/jarabe/desktop/schoolserver.py:150
++msgid "The server could not complete the request."
++msgstr ""
++#: src/jarabe/desktop/viewtoolbar.py:95
++msgid "List view"
++msgstr ""
++#: src/jarabe/desktop/viewtoolbar.py:97 src/jarabe/desktop/viewtoolbar.py:196
++#: src/jarabe/desktop/viewtoolbar.py:210
++#, python-format
++msgid "<Ctrl>%d"
++msgstr ""
++#: src/jarabe/frame/activitiestray.py:213
++#: src/jarabe/frame/activitiestray.py:666
++msgid "Decline"
++msgstr ""
++#: src/jarabe/frame/activitiestray.py:605
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d B"
++msgstr ""
++#: src/jarabe/frame/activitiestray.py:609
++#, python-format
++msgid "%d MiB"
++msgstr ""
++#. TRANS: file transfer, bytes transferred, e.g. 128 of 1024
++#: src/jarabe/frame/activitiestray.py:628
++#, python-format
++msgid "%(transferred)s of %(total)s"
++msgstr ""
++#: src/jarabe/frame/activitiestray.py:643
++#, python-format
++msgid "Transfer from %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: src/jarabe/frame/activitiestray.py:731
++#: src/jarabe/frame/activitiestray.py:745
++#: src/jarabe/frame/activitiestray.py:887
++msgid "Dismiss"
++msgstr ""
++#: src/jarabe/frame/activitiestray.py:759
++msgid "The other participant canceled the file transfer"
++msgstr ""
++#: src/jarabe/frame/activitiestray.py:809
++#, python-format
++msgid "Transfer to %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: src/jarabe/frame/clipboardmenu.py:59 src/jarabe/frame/clipboardmenu.py:82
++#: src/jarabe/journal/palettes.py:104
++msgid "Open"
++msgstr ""
++#: src/jarabe/frame/clipboardmenu.py:87
++msgid "Open with"
++msgstr ""
++#: src/jarabe/frame/clipboardobject.py:49
++#, python-format
++msgid "%s clipping"
++msgstr ""
++#: src/jarabe/frame/notification.py:62
++msgid "Clear notifications"
++msgstr ""
++#: src/jarabe/frame/zoomtoolbar.py:49
++msgid "F1"
++msgstr ""
++#: src/jarabe/frame/zoomtoolbar.py:53
++msgid "F2"
++msgstr ""
++#: src/jarabe/frame/zoomtoolbar.py:57
++msgid "F3"
++msgstr ""
++#: src/jarabe/frame/zoomtoolbar.py:61 src/jarabe/model/screenshot.py:68
++msgid "Activity"
++msgstr ""
++#: src/jarabe/frame/zoomtoolbar.py:62
++msgid "F4"
++msgstr ""
++#: src/jarabe/intro/agepicker.py:38
++msgid "Select grade:"
++msgstr ""
++#: src/jarabe/intro/agepicker.py:39
++msgid "Preschool"
++msgstr ""
++#: src/jarabe/intro/agepicker.py:39
++msgid "Kindergarten"
++msgstr ""
++#: src/jarabe/intro/agepicker.py:39
++msgid "1st Grade"
++msgstr ""
++#: src/jarabe/intro/agepicker.py:40
++msgid "2nd Grade"
++msgstr ""
++#: src/jarabe/intro/agepicker.py:40
++msgid "3rd Grade"
++msgstr ""
++#: src/jarabe/intro/agepicker.py:40
++msgid "4th Grade"
++msgstr ""
++#: src/jarabe/intro/agepicker.py:41
++msgid "5th Grade"
++msgstr ""
++#: src/jarabe/intro/agepicker.py:41
++msgid "6th Grade"
++msgstr ""
++#: src/jarabe/intro/agepicker.py:41
++msgid "7th Grade"
++msgstr ""
++#: src/jarabe/intro/agepicker.py:42
++msgid "High School"
++msgstr ""
++#: src/jarabe/intro/agepicker.py:42
++msgid "Adult"
++msgstr ""
++#: src/jarabe/intro/window.py:125
++msgid "Name:"
++msgstr ""
++#: src/jarabe/intro/window.py:165
++msgid "Click to change color:"
++msgstr ""
++#: src/jarabe/intro/window.py:337 src/jarabe/journal/detailview.py:95
++#: src/jarabe/view/viewhelp.py:305
++msgid "Back"
++msgstr ""
++#: src/jarabe/intro/window.py:352
++msgid "Next"
++msgstr ""
++#: src/jarabe/journal/expandedentry.py:156
++#: src/jarabe/journal/journaltoolbox.py:610 src/jarabe/journal/palettes.py:189
++#, python-format
++msgid "Do you want to permanently erase \"%s\"?"
++msgstr ""
++#: src/jarabe/journal/expandedentry.py:332 src/jarabe/journal/iconmodel.py:109
++#: src/jarabe/journal/listmodel.py:183 src/jarabe/journal/model.py:797
++#: src/jarabe/journal/palettes.py:76 src/jarabe/journal/palettes.py:644
++#: src/jarabe/journal/volumestoolbar.py:133
++msgid "Untitled"
++msgstr ""
++#: src/jarabe/journal/expandedentry.py:388
++msgid "No preview"
++msgstr ""
++#: src/jarabe/journal/expandedentry.py:408
++#, python-format
++msgid "Kind: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: src/jarabe/journal/expandedentry.py:409
++#, python-format
++msgid "Date: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: src/jarabe/journal/expandedentry.py:410
++#, python-format
++msgid "Size: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: src/jarabe/journal/expandedentry.py:434 src/jarabe/journal/misc.py:139
++msgid "No date"
++msgstr ""
++#: src/jarabe/journal/expandedentry.py:443
++msgid "Participants:"
++msgstr ""
++#: src/jarabe/journal/expandedentry.py:481
++#: src/jarabe/journal/projectview.py:110
++msgid "Description:"
++msgstr ""
++#: src/jarabe/journal/expandedentry.py:487
++msgid "Tags:"
++msgstr ""
++#: src/jarabe/journal/expandedentry.py:492
++msgid "Comments:"
++msgstr ""
++#: src/jarabe/journal/iconview.py:211 src/jarabe/journal/listview.py:512
++msgid "Your Journal is empty"
++msgstr ""
++#: src/jarabe/journal/iconview.py:214 src/jarabe/journal/listview.py:515
++msgid "Your documents folder is empty"
++msgstr ""
++#: src/jarabe/journal/iconview.py:216 src/jarabe/journal/listview.py:517
++msgid "The device is empty"
++msgstr ""
++#: src/jarabe/journal/iconview.py:219 src/jarabe/journal/listview.py:519
++msgid "No matching entries"
++msgstr ""
++#: src/jarabe/journal/journalactivity.py:197
++#: src/jarabe/journal/journaltoolbox.py:95
++#: src/jarabe/journal/journalwindow.py:32 src/jarabe/journal/palettes.py:289
++#: src/jarabe/journal/volumestoolbar.py:350 src/jarabe/view/viewhelp.py:92
++msgid "Journal"
++msgstr ""
++#: src/jarabe/journal/journalactivity.py:285
++msgid "Add new project"
++msgstr ""
++#: src/jarabe/journal/journalactivity.py:364
++#, python-format
++msgid "Choose an activity to start '%s' with"
++msgstr ""
++#: src/jarabe/journal/journaltoolbox.py:104
++msgid "Favorite entries"
++msgstr ""
++#: src/jarabe/journal/journaltoolbox.py:111
++msgid "Projects"
++msgstr ""
++#. TRANS: Item on a palette that filters by entry type.
++#: src/jarabe/journal/journaltoolbox.py:121
++#: src/jarabe/journal/journaltoolbox.py:415
++#: src/jarabe/journal/journaltoolbox.py:500
++msgid "Anything"
++msgstr ""
++#: src/jarabe/journal/journaltoolbox.py:127
++#: src/jarabe/journal/journaltoolbox.py:174
++#: src/jarabe/journal/journaltoolbox.py:504
++msgid "Anytime"
++msgstr ""
++#: src/jarabe/journal/journaltoolbox.py:181
++msgid "Since yesterday"
++msgstr ""
++#: src/jarabe/journal/journaltoolbox.py:184
++msgid "Past week"
++msgstr ""
++#: src/jarabe/journal/journaltoolbox.py:187
++msgid "Past month"
++msgstr ""
++#: src/jarabe/journal/journaltoolbox.py:190
++msgid "Past year"
++msgstr ""
++#: src/jarabe/journal/journaltoolbox.py:547 src/jarabe/journal/palettes.py:116
++msgid "Copy to"
++msgstr ""
++#: src/jarabe/journal/journaltoolbox.py:555 src/jarabe/journal/palettes.py:133
++#: src/jarabe/view/viewsource.py:382
++msgid "Duplicate"
++msgstr ""
++#: src/jarabe/journal/journaltoolbox.py:561
++msgid "Refresh"
++msgstr ""
++#: src/jarabe/journal/journaltoolbox.py:603 src/jarabe/journal/palettes.py:182
++#: src/jarabe/journal/palettes.py:403 src/jarabe/journal/volumestoolbar.py:311
++#, python-format
++msgid "Error while copying the entry. %s"
++msgstr ""
++#. TRANS: Action label for starting an entry.
++#: src/jarabe/journal/journaltoolbox.py:688 src/jarabe/journal/palettes.py:90
++msgid "Start"
++msgstr ""
++#: src/jarabe/journal/journaltoolbox.py:708 src/jarabe/journal/palettes.py:111
++#: src/jarabe/journal/palettes.py:542
++msgid "No activity to start entry"
++msgstr ""
++#: src/jarabe/journal/journaltoolbox.py:726
++msgid "Sort view"
++msgstr ""
++#: src/jarabe/journal/journaltoolbox.py:737
++msgid "Sort by date modified"
++msgstr ""
++#: src/jarabe/journal/journaltoolbox.py:738
++msgid "Sort by date created"
++msgstr ""
++#: src/jarabe/journal/journaltoolbox.py:739
++msgid "Sort by size"
++msgstr ""
++#: src/jarabe/journal/journaltoolbox.py:810
++msgid "Deselect all"
++msgstr ""
++#: src/jarabe/journal/journaltoolbox.py:823
++msgid "Select all"
++msgstr ""
++#: src/jarabe/journal/journaltoolbox.py:849
++#, python-format
++msgid "Do you want to erase %d entry?"
++msgid_plural "Do you want to erase %d entries?"
++msgstr[0] ""
++msgstr[1] ""
++#: src/jarabe/journal/journaltoolbox.py:863 src/jarabe/journal/palettes.py:407
++msgid "Copy"
++msgstr ""
++#. TRANS: Do not translate %(selected)d and %(total)d.
++#: src/jarabe/journal/journaltoolbox.py:914
++#, python-format
++msgid "Selected %(selected)d of %(total)d"
++msgstr ""
++#: src/jarabe/journal/journaltoolbox.py:949
++msgid "Select filter"
++msgstr ""
++#: src/jarabe/journal/journaltoolbox.py:1105
++msgid "Add New"
++msgstr ""
++#: src/jarabe/journal/journaltoolbox.py:1112
++msgid "Add new entry"
++msgstr ""
++#: src/jarabe/journal/listview.py:507
++msgid "Your project is empty"
++msgstr ""
++#: src/jarabe/journal/listview.py:521
++msgid "No Projects"
++msgstr ""
++#: src/jarabe/journal/misc.py:321
++#, python-format
++msgid "Older Version Of %s Activity"
++msgstr ""
++#: src/jarabe/journal/misc.py:322
++#, python-format
++msgid "Do you want to downgrade to version %s?"
++msgstr ""
++#: src/jarabe/journal/modalalert.py:62
++msgid "Your Journal is full"
++msgstr ""
++#: src/jarabe/journal/modalalert.py:67
++msgid "Please delete some old Journal entries to make space for new ones."
++msgstr ""
++#: src/jarabe/journal/modalalert.py:81
++msgid "Show Journal"
++msgstr ""
++#: src/jarabe/journal/objectchooser.py:170
++msgid "Choose an object"
++msgstr ""
++#: src/jarabe/journal/objectchooser.py:175
++#, python-format
++msgid "Choose an object to open with %s activity"
++msgstr ""
++#: src/jarabe/journal/objectchooser.py:183 src/jarabe/view/viewhelp.py:324
++#: src/jarabe/view/viewsource.py:582
++msgid "Close"
++msgstr ""
++#: src/jarabe/journal/palettes.py:88
++msgid "Resume with"
++msgstr ""
++#: src/jarabe/journal/palettes.py:91
++msgid "Start with"
++msgstr ""
++#: src/jarabe/journal/palettes.py:127
++msgid "Send to project..."
++msgstr ""
++#: src/jarabe/journal/palettes.py:141
++msgid "Send to"
++msgstr ""
++#: src/jarabe/journal/palettes.py:150
++msgid "View Details"
++msgstr ""
++#: src/jarabe/journal/palettes.py:223
++msgid "Entries without a file cannot be sent."
++msgstr ""
++#: src/jarabe/journal/palettes.py:301 src/jarabe/journal/volumestoolbar.py:213
++msgid "Documents"
++msgstr ""
++#: src/jarabe/journal/palettes.py:392 src/jarabe/journal/palettes.py:452
++#: src/jarabe/journal/volumestoolbar.py:302
++msgid "Entries without a file cannot be copied."
++msgstr ""
++#: src/jarabe/journal/palettes.py:412
++#, python-format
++msgid "Do you want to copy %d entry?"
++msgid_plural "Do you want to copy %d entries?"
++msgstr[0] ""
++msgstr[1] ""
++#: src/jarabe/journal/palettes.py:437
++msgid "Clipboard"
++msgstr ""
++#: src/jarabe/journal/palettes.py:507
++msgid "No friends present"
++msgstr ""
++#: src/jarabe/journal/palettes.py:512
++msgid "No valid connection found"
++msgstr ""
++#: src/jarabe/journal/palettes.py:540
++msgid "No activity to resume entry"
++msgstr ""
++#: src/jarabe/journal/palettes.py:610 src/jarabe/view/palettes.py:135
++msgid "Stop"
++msgstr ""
++#: src/jarabe/journal/palettes.py:645
++#, python-format
++msgid "%(index)d of %(total)d : %(object_title)s"
++msgstr ""
++#: src/jarabe/journal/volumestoolbar.py:376 src/jarabe/view/palettes.py:263
++#: src/jarabe/view/palettes.py:330
++#, python-format
++msgid "%(free_space)d MiB Free"
++msgstr ""
++#: src/jarabe/model/desktop.py:84
++#, python-format
++msgid "Favorites view %d"
++msgstr ""
++#: src/jarabe/model/network.py:216
++msgid "The reason for the device state change is unknown."
++msgstr ""
++#: src/jarabe/model/network.py:218
++msgid "The state change is normal."
++msgstr ""
++#: src/jarabe/model/network.py:220
++msgid "The device is now managed."
++msgstr ""
++#: src/jarabe/model/network.py:222
++msgid "The device is no longer managed."
++msgstr ""
++#: src/jarabe/model/network.py:224
++msgid "The device could not be readied for configuration."
++msgstr ""
++#: src/jarabe/model/network.py:226
++msgid ""
++"IP configuration could not be reserved (no available address, timeout, etc)."
++msgstr ""
++#: src/jarabe/model/network.py:229
++msgid "The IP configuration is no longer valid."
++msgstr ""
++#: src/jarabe/model/network.py:231
++msgid "Secrets were required, but not provided."
++msgstr ""
++#: src/jarabe/model/network.py:233
++msgid ""
++"The 802.1X supplicant disconnected from the access point or authentication "
++msgstr ""
++#: src/jarabe/model/network.py:236
++msgid "Configuration of the 802.1X supplicant failed."
++msgstr ""
++#: src/jarabe/model/network.py:238
++msgid "The 802.1X supplicant quit or failed unexpectedly."
++msgstr ""
++#: src/jarabe/model/network.py:240
++msgid "The 802.1X supplicant took too long to authenticate."
++msgstr ""
++#: src/jarabe/model/network.py:242
++msgid "The PPP service failed to start within the allowed time."
++msgstr ""
++#: src/jarabe/model/network.py:244
++msgid "The PPP service disconnected unexpectedly."
++msgstr ""
++#: src/jarabe/model/network.py:246
++msgid "The PPP service quit or failed unexpectedly."
++msgstr ""
++#: src/jarabe/model/network.py:248
++msgid "The DHCP service failed to start within the allowed time."
++msgstr ""
++#: src/jarabe/model/network.py:250
++msgid "The DHCP service reported an unexpected error."
++msgstr ""
++#: src/jarabe/model/network.py:252
++msgid "The DHCP service quit or failed unexpectedly."
++msgstr ""
++#: src/jarabe/model/network.py:254
++msgid "The shared connection service failed to start."
++msgstr ""
++#: src/jarabe/model/network.py:256
++msgid "The shared connection service quit or failed unexpectedly."
++msgstr ""
++#: src/jarabe/model/network.py:259
++msgid "The AutoIP service failed to start."
++msgstr ""
++#: src/jarabe/model/network.py:261
++msgid "The AutoIP service reported an unexpected error."
++msgstr ""
++#: src/jarabe/model/network.py:263
++msgid "The AutoIP service quit or failed unexpectedly."
++msgstr ""
++#: src/jarabe/model/network.py:265
++msgid "Dialing failed because the line was busy."
++msgstr ""
++#: src/jarabe/model/network.py:267
++msgid "Dialing failed because there was no dial tone."
++msgstr ""
++#: src/jarabe/model/network.py:269
++msgid "Dialing failed because there was no carrier."
++msgstr ""
++#: src/jarabe/model/network.py:271
++msgid "Dialing timed out."
++msgstr ""
++#: src/jarabe/model/network.py:273
++msgid "Dialing failed."
++msgstr ""
++#: src/jarabe/model/network.py:275
++msgid "Modem initialization failed."
++msgstr ""
++#: src/jarabe/model/network.py:277
++msgid "Failed to select the specified GSM APN"
++msgstr ""
++#: src/jarabe/model/network.py:279
++msgid "Not searching for networks."
++msgstr ""
++#: src/jarabe/model/network.py:281
++msgid "Network registration was denied."
++msgstr ""
++#: src/jarabe/model/network.py:283
++msgid "Network registration timed out."
++msgstr ""
++#: src/jarabe/model/network.py:285
++msgid "Failed to register with the requested GSM network."
++msgstr ""
++#: src/jarabe/model/network.py:287
++msgid "PIN check failed."
++msgstr ""
++#: src/jarabe/model/network.py:289
++msgid "Necessary firmware for the device may be missing."
++msgstr ""
++#: src/jarabe/model/network.py:291
++msgid "The device was removed."
++msgstr ""
++#: src/jarabe/model/network.py:293
++msgid "NetworkManager went to sleep."
++msgstr ""
++#: src/jarabe/model/network.py:295
++msgid "The device's active connection was removed or disappeared."
++msgstr ""
++#: src/jarabe/model/network.py:298
++msgid "A user or client requested the disconnection."
++msgstr ""
++#: src/jarabe/model/network.py:300
++msgid "The device's carrier/link changed."
++msgstr ""
++#: src/jarabe/model/network.py:302
++msgid "The device's existing connection was assumed."
++msgstr ""
++#: src/jarabe/model/network.py:304
++msgid "The supplicant is now available."
++msgstr ""
++#: src/jarabe/model/network.py:306
++msgid "The modem could not be found."
++msgstr ""
++#: src/jarabe/model/network.py:308
++msgid "The Bluetooth connection failed or timed out."
++msgstr ""
++#: src/jarabe/model/network.py:310
++msgid "Unused."
++msgstr ""
++#: src/jarabe/model/screenshot.py:58 src/jarabe/view/viewhelp.py:83
++msgid "Mesh"
++msgstr ""
++#: src/jarabe/model/screenshot.py:71
++msgid "Screenshot"
++msgstr ""
++#: src/jarabe/model/screenshot.py:73
++#, python-format
++msgid "Screenshot of \"%s\""
++msgstr ""
++#: src/jarabe/view/alerts.py:37 src/jarabe/view/alerts.py:47
++msgid "Activity launcher"
++msgstr ""
++#: src/jarabe/view/alerts.py:38
++#, python-format
++msgid ""
++"%(activity)s is already running. Please stop %(activity)s before launching "
++"it again."
++msgstr ""
++#: src/jarabe/view/alerts.py:48
++msgid ""
++"The maximum number of open activities has been reached. Please close an "
++"activity before launching a new one."
++msgstr ""
++#: src/jarabe/view/buddymenu.py:74
++msgid "Remove friend"
++msgstr ""
++#: src/jarabe/view/buddymenu.py:77
++msgid "Make friend"
++msgstr ""
++#: src/jarabe/view/buddymenu.py:109
++msgid "Shutdown"
++msgstr ""
++#: src/jarabe/view/buddymenu.py:114
++msgid "Restart"
++msgstr ""
++#: src/jarabe/view/buddymenu.py:120
++msgid "Logout"
++msgstr ""
++#: src/jarabe/view/buddymenu.py:125
++msgid "My Settings"
++msgstr ""
++#: src/jarabe/view/buddymenu.py:188
++#, python-format
++msgid "Invite to %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: src/jarabe/view/launcher.py:158
++#, python-format
++msgid "<b>%s</b> failed to start."
++msgstr ""
++#: src/jarabe/view/palettes.py:55
++msgid "Starting..."
++msgstr ""
++#: src/jarabe/view/palettes.py:65
++msgid "Activity failed to start"
++msgstr ""
++#: src/jarabe/view/palettes.py:107
++msgid "View Source"
++msgstr ""
++#: src/jarabe/view/palettes.py:114
++msgid "View Help"
++msgstr ""
++#: src/jarabe/view/palettes.py:190
++msgid "Start new"
++msgstr ""
++#: src/jarabe/view/viewhelp.py:282
++msgid "Help Manual"
++msgstr ""
++#: src/jarabe/view/viewhelp.py:296
++msgid "Social Help"
++msgstr ""
++#: src/jarabe/view/viewhelp.py:310
++msgid "Forward"
++msgstr ""
++#: src/jarabe/view/viewhelp.py:315
++#, python-format
++msgid "Help: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: src/jarabe/view/viewsource.py:367
++msgid "Instance Source"
++msgstr ""
++#: src/jarabe/view/viewsource.py:395
++#, python-format
++msgid "Do you want to duplicate %s Activity?"
++msgstr ""
++#: src/jarabe/view/viewsource.py:397
++msgid "This may take a few minutes"
++msgstr ""
++#: src/jarabe/view/viewsource.py:411
++msgid "Duplicating activity..."
++msgstr ""
++#: src/jarabe/view/viewsource.py:450
++msgid "Duplicated"
++msgstr ""
++#: src/jarabe/view/viewsource.py:451
++msgid "The activity has been duplicated"
++msgstr ""
++#: src/jarabe/view/viewsource.py:465
++msgid "Duplicated activity already exists"
++msgstr ""
++#: src/jarabe/view/viewsource.py:466
++msgid "Delete your copy before trying to duplicate the activity again"
++msgstr ""
++#: src/jarabe/view/viewsource.py:481
++msgid "Source"
++msgstr ""
++#: src/jarabe/view/viewsource.py:545
++msgid "Activity Bundle Source"
++msgstr ""
++#: src/jarabe/view/viewsource.py:564
++msgid "Sugar Toolkit Source"
++msgstr ""
++#: src/jarabe/view/viewsource.py:571
++#, python-format
++msgid "View source: %s"
++msgstr ""
++#: src/jarabe/view/viewsource.py:572
++#, python-format
++msgid "View source: %r"
++msgstr ""
++#: src/jarabe/view/viewsource.py:813
++msgid "Please select a file in the left panel."
++msgstr ""
+diff --git b/src/jarabe/.gitignore a/src/jarabe/.gitignore
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..4acd06b
+--- /dev/null
++++ a/src/jarabe/.gitignore
+@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+diff --git b/src/jarabe/desktop/favoriteslayout.py a/src/jarabe/desktop/favoriteslayout.py
+index 2d3e998..aaaf513 100644
+--- b/src/jarabe/desktop/favoriteslayout.py
++++ a/src/jarabe/desktop/favoriteslayout.py
+@@ -247,7 +247,7 @@ class RandomLayout(SpreadLayout):
+                     x = min(x, allocation.width - child_requisition.width)
+                     y = min(y, allocation.height - child_requisition.height)
+                 elif hasattr(child, 'get_bundle_id'):
+-                    name_hash = hashlib.md5(child.get_bundle_id().decode())
++                    name_hash = hashlib.md5(child.get_bundle_id().encode('utf-8'))
+                     x = int(name_hash.hexdigest()[:5], 16) % \
+                         (allocation.width - child_requisition.width)
+                     y = int(name_hash.hexdigest()[-5:], 16) % \
+diff --git b/src/jarabe/desktop/meshbox.py a/src/jarabe/desktop/meshbox.py
+index da0a775..0127492 100644
+--- b/src/jarabe/desktop/meshbox.py
++++ a/src/jarabe/desktop/meshbox.py
+@@ -486,7 +486,7 @@ class MeshBox(ViewContainer):
+         # if we have mesh hardware, ignore OLPC mesh networks that appear as
+         # normal wifi networks
+         if len(self._mesh) > 0 and ap.mode == network.NM_802_11_MODE_ADHOC \
+-                and ap.ssid == 'olpc-mesh':
++                and ap.ssid == b'olpc-mesh':
+             logging.debug('ignoring OLPC mesh IBSS')
+             ap.disconnect()
+             return
+diff --git b/src/jarabe/desktop/networkviews.py a/src/jarabe/desktop/networkviews.py
+index d63cf01..1bf6cc3 100644
+--- b/src/jarabe/desktop/networkviews.py
++++ a/src/jarabe/desktop/networkviews.py
+@@ -454,7 +454,7 @@ class WirelessNetworkView(EventPulsingIcon):
+     def is_olpc_mesh(self):
+         return self._mode == network.NM_802_11_MODE_ADHOC \
+-            and self._ssid == 'olpc-mesh'
++            and self._ssid == b'olpc-mesh'
+     def remove_all_aps(self):
+         for ap in list(self._access_points.values()):
+diff --git b/src/jarabe/journal/journalentrybundle.py a/src/jarabe/journal/journalentrybundle.py
+index 0656b6a..233c899 100644
+--- b/src/jarabe/journal/journalentrybundle.py
++++ a/src/jarabe/journal/journalentrybundle.py
+@@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ class JournalEntryBundle(Bundle):
+         preview_path = os.path.join(bundle_dir, 'preview', uid)
+         if not os.path.exists(preview_path):
+             return ''
+-        f = open(preview_path, 'r')
++        f = open(preview_path, 'rb')
+         try:
+             preview_data = f.read()
+         finally:
+diff --git b/src/jarabe/model/buddy.py a/src/jarabe/model/buddy.py
+index 6683a52..179d67e 100644
+--- b/src/jarabe/model/buddy.py
++++ a/src/jarabe/model/buddy.py
+@@ -57,6 +57,9 @@ class BaseBuddyModel(GObject.GObject):
+         return self._key
+     def set_key(self, key):
++        if isinstance(key, bytes):
++            key = key.decode('utf-8')
+         self._key = key
+     key = GObject.Property(type=object, getter=get_key, setter=set_key)
+@@ -160,9 +163,8 @@ class OwnerBuddyModel(BaseBuddyModel):
+         if CONNECTION_INTERFACE_BUDDY_INFO in connection:
+             properties = {}
+             if self.props.key is not None:
+-                if isinstance(self.props.key, str):
+-                    self.props.key = self.props.key.encode()
+-                properties['key'] = dbus.ByteArray(self.props.key)
++                properties['key'] = dbus.ByteArray(
++                    self.props.key.encode('utf-8'))
+             if self.props.color is not None:
+                 properties['color'] = self.props.color.to_string()
+diff --git b/src/jarabe/model/network.py a/src/jarabe/model/network.py
+index a26b62d..edb6758 100644
+--- b/src/jarabe/model/network.py
++++ a/src/jarabe/model/network.py
+@@ -429,7 +429,7 @@ class OlpcMesh(object):
+     def get_dict(self):
+         ret = {
+-            'ssid': dbus.ByteArray('olpc-mesh'),
++            'ssid': dbus.ByteArray(b'olpc-mesh'),
+             'channel': self.channel,
+         }
+@@ -647,7 +647,7 @@ class AccessPoint(GObject.GObject):
+         self._initialized = False
+         self._bus = dbus.SystemBus()
+-        self.ssid = ''
++        self.ssid = b''
+         self.strength = 0
+         self.flags = 0
+         self.wpa_flags = 0
+@@ -970,7 +970,7 @@ def _migrate_old_wifi_connections():
+         try:
+             settings = Settings()
+             settings.connection.id = section
+-            ssid = config.get(section, 'ssid')
++            ssid = config.get(section, 'ssid').encode()
+             settings.wireless.ssid = dbus.ByteArray(ssid)
+             config_uuid = config.get(section, 'uuid')
+             settings.connection.uuid = config_uuid
+diff --git b/src/jarabe/view/Makefile.am a/src/jarabe/view/Makefile.am
+index da7fe1d..3aea66f 100644
+--- b/src/jarabe/view/Makefile.am
++++ a/src/jarabe/view/Makefile.am
+@@ -15,5 +15,4 @@ sugar_PYTHON =				\
+ 	tabbinghandler.py		\
+ 	viewsource.py			\
+ 	viewhelp.py			\
+-	viewhelp_webkit1.py		\
+ 	viewhelp_webkit2.py
+diff --git b/src/jarabe/view/viewhelp.py a/src/jarabe/view/viewhelp.py
+index baf8af0..0cd9498 100644
+--- b/src/jarabe/view/viewhelp.py
++++ a/src/jarabe/view/viewhelp.py
+@@ -33,17 +33,7 @@ from sugar3.graphics.toolbutton import ToolButton
+ from sugar3.graphics.radiotoolbutton import RadioToolButton
+ from sugar3.bundle.activitybundle import get_bundle_instance
+ from jarabe.model import shell
+-    olpc_build = open('/boot/olpc_build', 'r').readline()
+-    olpc_build = ''
+-if olpc_build.startswith('13'):
+-    from jarabe.view.viewhelp_webkit1 import Browser
+-    from jarabe.view.viewhelp_webkit2 import Browser
++from jarabe.view.viewhelp_webkit2 import Browser
+ _logger = logging.getLogger('ViewHelp')
+diff --git b/tests/data/activity-1.xo a/tests/data/activity-1.xo
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..f7ae005
+Binary files /dev/null and a/tests/data/activity-1.xo differ
+diff --git b/tests/data/activity.svg a/tests/data/activity.svg
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..8da7c63
+--- /dev/null
++++ a/tests/data/activity.svg
+@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
++<?xml version="1.0" ?><!DOCTYPE svg  PUBLIC '-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1//EN'  'http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/1.1/DTD/svg11.dtd' [
++	<!ENTITY stroke_color "#010101">
++	<!ENTITY fill_color "#FFFFFF">
++<svg enable-background="new 0 0 55 55" height="55px" version="1.1" viewBox="0 0 55 55" width="55px" x="0px" xml:space="preserve" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" y="0px">
++  <g display="block" id="activity-helloworld">
++    <path d="M9.263,48.396c0.682,1.152,6.027,0.059,8.246-1.463   c2.102-1.432,3.207-2.596,4.336-2.596c1.133,0,12.54,0.92,20.935-5.715c7.225-5.707,9.773-13.788,4.52-21.437   c-5.252-7.644-13.832-9.08-20.878-8.56C16.806,9.342,4.224,16.91,4.677,28.313c0.264,6.711,3.357,9.143,4.922,10.703   c1.562,1.566,4.545,1.566,2.992,5.588C11.981,46.183,8.753,47.522,9.263,48.396z" display="inline" fill="&fill_color;" stroke="&stroke_color;" stroke-width="3.5"/>
++  </g>
++  <circle cx="27.375" cy="27.5" r="19.903"
++     transform="matrix(0.6,0,0,0.6,10.95,11)"
++     id="circle4" fill="&fill_color;" stroke="&stroke_color;" stroke-width="3.5" display="inline" />
++  <g transform="matrix(0.6,0,0,0.6,10.95,11)" id="g6" style="display:inline">
++    <path d="m 27.376,7.598 c 0,0 -11.205,8.394 -11.205,19.976 0,11.583 11.205,19.829 11.205,19.829"
++       id="path8" fill="&fill_color;" stroke="&stroke_color;" stroke-width="3.5" />
++    <path d="m 27.376,7.598 c 0,0 11.066,9.141 11.066,19.976 0,10.839 -11.066,19.829 -11.066,19.829"
++       id="path10" fill="&fill_color;" stroke="&stroke_color;" stroke-width="3.5" />
++    <line x1="27.375999" x2="27.375999" y1="7.598" y2="47.402"
++       id="line12" fill="&fill_color;" stroke="&stroke_color;" stroke-width="3.5" />
++    <line x1="27.375999" x2="27.375999" y1="7.598" y2="47.402"
++       id="line14" fill="&fill_color;" stroke="&stroke_color;" stroke-width="3.5" />
++    <line x1="27.375999" x2="27.375999" y1="7.598" y2="47.402"
++       id="line16" fill="&fill_color;" stroke="&stroke_color;" stroke-width="3.5" />
++    <line x1="7.4720001" x2="47.278" y1="27.5" y2="27.5"
++       id="line18" fill="&fill_color;" stroke="&stroke_color;" stroke-width="3.5" />
++  </g>
+diff --git b/tests/data/microformat.html a/tests/data/microformat.html
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..6fea175
+--- /dev/null
++++ a/tests/data/microformat.html
+@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
++<span id="olpc-activity-group-name">activities</span>
++<div class="olpc-activity-info">
++<span class="olpc-activity-id" style="display:none;">org.sugarlabs.AbacusActivity</span>
++<span class="olpc-activity-url"><a href="http://download.sugarlabs.org/abacus-43.xo">Abacus</a></span>
++<span class="olpc-activity-version">43</span>
++<div class="olpc-activity-info">
++<span class="olpc-activity-id" style="display:none;">org.sugarlabs.AbacusActivity</span>
++<span class="olpc-activity-url"><a href="http://download.sugarlabs.org/activities/4293/abacus-41.1.xo">Abacus</a></span>
++<span class="olpc-activity-version">41.1</span>
++<div class="olpc-activity-info">
++<span class="olpc-activity-id" style="display:none;">org.laptop.WebActivity</span>
++<span class="olpc-activity-url"><a href="browse-149.xo">Browse</a></span>
++<span class="olpc-activity-version">149</span>
+diff --git b/tests/data/sample-1.xol a/tests/data/sample-1.xol
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..52f384d
+Binary files /dev/null and a/tests/data/sample-1.xol differ
+diff --git b/tests/data/test.txt a/tests/data/test.txt
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..ce01362
+--- /dev/null
++++ a/tests/data/test.txt
+@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+diff --git b/tests/extensions/cpsection/__init__.py a/tests/extensions/cpsection/__init__.py
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..3ad9513
+--- /dev/null
++++ a/tests/extensions/cpsection/__init__.py
+@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
++from pkgutil import extend_path
++__path__ = extend_path(__path__, __name__)
+diff --git b/tests/extensions/cpsection/webaccount/__init__.py a/tests/extensions/cpsection/webaccount/__init__.py
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..3ad9513
+--- /dev/null
++++ a/tests/extensions/cpsection/webaccount/__init__.py
+@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
++from pkgutil import extend_path
++__path__ = extend_path(__path__, __name__)
+diff --git b/tests/extensions/cpsection/webaccount/services/__init__.py a/tests/extensions/cpsection/webaccount/services/__init__.py
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..3ad9513
+--- /dev/null
++++ a/tests/extensions/cpsection/webaccount/services/__init__.py
+@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
++from pkgutil import extend_path
++__path__ = extend_path(__path__, __name__)
+diff --git b/tests/extensions/cpsection/webaccount/services/mock/__init__.py a/tests/extensions/cpsection/webaccount/services/mock/__init__.py
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..3ad9513
+--- /dev/null
++++ a/tests/extensions/cpsection/webaccount/services/mock/__init__.py
+@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
++from pkgutil import extend_path
++__path__ = extend_path(__path__, __name__)
+diff --git b/tests/extensions/cpsection/webaccount/services/mock/service.py a/tests/extensions/cpsection/webaccount/services/mock/service.py
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..bd29dab
+--- /dev/null
++++ a/tests/extensions/cpsection/webaccount/services/mock/service.py
+@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
++# Copyright (C) 2013, Walter Bender - Raul Gutierrez Segales
++# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
++# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
++# (at your option) any later version.
++# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++# GNU General Public License for more details.
++# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++# along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
++from gi.repository import Gtk
++from jarabe.webservice import accountsmanager
++from cpsection.webaccount.web_service import WebService
++_SERVICE_NAME = 'mock'
++class WebService(WebService):
++    def __init__(self):
++        self._account = accountsmanager.get_account(_SERVICE_NAME)
++    def get_icon_name(self):
++        return _SERVICE_NAME
++    def config_service_cb(self, widget, event, container):
++        label = Gtk.Label(_SERVICE_NAME)
++        for c in container.get_children():
++            container.remove(c)
++        container.add(label)
++        container.show_all()
++def get_service():
++    return WebService()
+diff --git b/tests/extensions/cpsection/webaccount/web_service.py a/tests/extensions/cpsection/webaccount/web_service.py
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..998acb1
+--- /dev/null
++++ a/tests/extensions/cpsection/webaccount/web_service.py
+@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
++# Copyright (C) 2013, Walter Bender - Raul Gutierrez Segales
++# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
++# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
++# (at your option) any later version.
++# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++# GNU General Public License for more details.
++# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++# along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
++class WebService():
++    def get_icon_name(self):
++        raise "Not implemented"
++    def config_service_cb(self, widget, event, container):
++        raise "Not implemented"
+diff --git b/tests/extensions/webservice/__init__.py a/tests/extensions/webservice/__init__.py
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..3ad9513
+--- /dev/null
++++ a/tests/extensions/webservice/__init__.py
+@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
++from pkgutil import extend_path
++__path__ = extend_path(__path__, __name__)
+diff --git b/tests/extensions/webservice/mock/__init__.py a/tests/extensions/webservice/mock/__init__.py
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..3ad9513
+--- /dev/null
++++ a/tests/extensions/webservice/mock/__init__.py
+@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
++from pkgutil import extend_path
++__path__ = extend_path(__path__, __name__)
+diff --git b/tests/extensions/webservice/mock/account.py a/tests/extensions/webservice/mock/account.py
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..3f4520d
+--- /dev/null
++++ a/tests/extensions/webservice/mock/account.py
+@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
++# Copyright (c) 2013 Walter Bender
++# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
++# of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
++# in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
++# to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
++# copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
++# furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
++# The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
++# all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
++import os
++from sugar3.graphics.menuitem import MenuItem
++from jarabe.webservice import account
++ACCOUNT_NAME = 'mock'
++class MockAccount(account.Account):
++    def __init__(self):
++        return
++    def get_description(self):
++        return ACCOUNT_NAME
++    def get_shared_journal_entry(self):
++        return MockSharedJournalEntry()
++    def get_token_state(self):
++        return int(os.environ["MOCK_ACCOUNT_STATE"])
++class MockSharedJournalEntry(account.SharedJournalEntry):
++    def __init__(self):
++        return
++    def get_share_menu(self, metadata):
++        share_menu = ShareMenu(metadata)
++        return share_menu
++    def get_refresh_menu(self):
++        refresh_menu = RefreshMenu()
++        return refresh_menu
++class ShareMenu(MenuItem):
++    def __init__(self, metadata):
++        MenuItem.__init__(self, text_label=ACCOUNT_NAME)
++        self.show()
++class RefreshMenu(MenuItem):
++    def __init__(self):
++        MenuItem.__init__(self, text_label=ACCOUNT_NAME)
++        self.show()
++    def set_metadata(self, metadata):
++        return
++def get_account():
++    return MockAccount()
+diff --git b/tests/extensions/webservice/mock/icons/mock.svg a/tests/extensions/webservice/mock/icons/mock.svg
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..7a9434c
+--- /dev/null
++++ a/tests/extensions/webservice/mock/icons/mock.svg
+@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
++<?xml version="1.0" ?><!-- Generator: Adobe Illustrator 13.0.2, SVG Export Plug-In . SVG Version: 6.00 Build 14948)  --><!DOCTYPE svg  PUBLIC '-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1//EN'  'http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/1.1/DTD/svg11.dtd' [
++	<!ENTITY stroke_color "#A0A0A0">
++	<!ENTITY fill_color "#282828">
++]><svg enable-background="new 0 0 55.125 55" height="55px" id="Layer_1" version="1.1" viewBox="0 0 55 55" width="55px" x="0px" xml:space="preserve" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" y="0px">
++  <rect
++     width="54"
++     height="54"
++     ry="3.5"
++     x="0.5"
++     y="0.5"
++     style="fill:&fill_color;;fill-opacity:1;fill-rule:nonzero;stroke:#FFFFFF;stroke-width:1.0;stroke-opacity:1" />
++  <rect
++     width="46.25"
++     height="7.75"
++     ry="0"
++     x="4.5"
++     y="42"
++     style="fill:&stroke_color;;fill-opacity:1;fill-rule:nonzero;stroke:none" />
++  <tspan
++     x="6"
++     y="45"
++     id="tspan2839"
++     style="font-size:44px;font-style:normal;font-variant:normal;font-weight:bold;fill:#ffffff;font-family:DejaVu Sans;">M</tspan></text>
+diff --git b/tests/extensions/webservice/mock/mock/__init__.py a/tests/extensions/webservice/mock/mock/__init__.py
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..3ad9513
+--- /dev/null
++++ a/tests/extensions/webservice/mock/mock/__init__.py
+@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
++from pkgutil import extend_path
++__path__ = extend_path(__path__, __name__)
+diff --git b/tests/extensions/webservice/mock/mock/mock.py a/tests/extensions/webservice/mock/mock/mock.py
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..e69de29
+diff --git b/tests/test_activitieslist.py a/tests/test_activitieslist.py
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..722424f
+--- /dev/null
++++ a/tests/test_activitieslist.py
+@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
++# Copyright (C) 2013, Daniel Narvaez
++# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
++# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
++# (at your option) any later version.
++# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++# GNU General Public License for more details.
++# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++# along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
++from sugar3.test import unittest
++from sugar3.test import uitree
++class TestActivitiesList(unittest.UITestCase):
++    def test_activity_list_palette(self):
++        with self.run_view("activitieslist"):
++            root = uitree.get_root()
++            for name in ["Make favorite", "Erase", "Start new"]:
++                node = root.find_child(name=name, role_name="label")
++                self.assertIsNotNone(node)
+diff --git b/tests/test_backup.py a/tests/test_backup.py
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..0fe832c
+--- /dev/null
++++ a/tests/test_backup.py
+@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
++# Copyright (C) 2014, Gonzalo Odiard
++# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
++# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
++# (at your option) any later version.
++# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++# GNU General Public License for more details.
++# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++# along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
++import unittest
++import sys
++from jarabe import config
++# we need import from the extensions path
++from cpsection.backup.backupmanager import BackupManager
++from cpsection.backup.backends.backend_tools import Backend
++class TestBackup(unittest.TestCase):
++    def setUp(self):
++        self.manager = BackupManager()
++        self._backends = self.manager.get_backends()
++    def test_get_backend(self):
++        self.assertTrue(len(self._backends) > 0)
++    def test_backend_backup_restore(self):
++        for backend in self._backends:
++            # verify the backend have the methods needed
++            self.assertIsInstance(backend.get_name(), str)
++            self.assertIsInstance(backend.get_backup(), Backend)
++            self.assertIsInstance(backend.get_restore(), Backend)
++    def test_need_stop_activities(self):
++        self.assertFalse(self.manager.need_stop_activities())
+diff --git b/tests/test_bundleregistry.py a/tests/test_bundleregistry.py
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..743d40c
+--- /dev/null
++++ a/tests/test_bundleregistry.py
+@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
++# Copyright (C) 2013, One Laptop per Child
++# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
++# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
++# (at your option) any later version.
++# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++# GNU General Public License for more details.
++# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++# along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
++import shutil
++import tempfile
++import unittest
++import os
++from jarabe.model import bundleregistry
++from sugar3.bundle.helpers import bundle_from_archive
++tests_dir = os.getcwd()
++data_dir = os.path.join(tests_dir, "data")
++base_dir = os.path.dirname(tests_dir)
++os.environ["SUGAR_MIME_DEFAULTS"] = \
++    os.path.join(base_dir, "data", "mime.defaults")
++class TestBundleRegistry(unittest.TestCase):
++    def setUp(self):
++        activities_path = tempfile.mkdtemp()
++        library_path = tempfile.mkdtemp()
++        os.environ['SUGAR_ACTIVITIES_PATH'] = activities_path
++        os.environ['SUGAR_LIBRARY_PATH'] = library_path
++    def tearDown(self):
++        activities_path = os.environ.pop('SUGAR_ACTIVITIES_PATH', None)
++        if activities_path:
++            shutil.rmtree(activities_path)
++        library_path = os.environ.pop('SUGAR_LIBRARY_PATH', None)
++        if library_path:
++            shutil.rmtree(library_path)
++    def test_install_content(self):
++        registry = bundleregistry.get_registry()
++        bundle = bundle_from_archive(os.path.join(data_dir, 'sample-1.xol'))
++        registry.install(bundle)
++        installed_bundle = registry.get_bundle("org.sugarlabs.samplecontent")
++        self.assertIsNotNone(installed_bundle)
++    def test_install_activity(self):
++        registry = bundleregistry.get_registry()
++        bundle = bundle_from_archive(os.path.join(data_dir, 'activity-1.xo'))
++        registry.install(bundle)
++        installed_bundle = registry.get_bundle("org.sugarlabs.MyActivity")
++        self.assertIsNotNone(installed_bundle)
+diff --git b/tests/test_desktop_config.py a/tests/test_desktop_config.py
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..d561262
+--- /dev/null
++++ a/tests/test_desktop_config.py
+@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
++# Copyright (C) 2013, Walter Bender
++# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
++# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
++# (at your option) any later version.
++# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++# GNU General Public License for more details.
++# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++# along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
++from sugar3.test import unittest
++from gi.repository import Gio
++from gi.repository import GLib
++from jarabe.model import desktop
++_DESKTOP_CONF_DIR = 'org.sugarlabs.desktop'
++_HOMEVIEWS_KEY = 'homeviews'
++_VIEW_ICONS = [{'layout': 'box-layout', 'view-icon': 'view-radial',
++                'favorite-icon': 'emblem-locked'}]
++_MOCK_LIST = [{'layout': 'box-layout', 'view-icon': 'view-radial',
++               'favorite-icon': 'emblem-locked'},
++              {'layout': 'ring-layout', 'view-icon': 'view-box',
++               'favorite-icon': 'emblem-favorite'}]
++class TestDesktopConfig(unittest.UITestCase):
++    def setUp(self):
++        self.target = []
++        settings = Gio.Settings.new(_DESKTOP_CONF_DIR)
++        self._save_homeviews = settings.get_value(_HOMEVIEWS_KEY)
++        self.model = desktop.get_model()
++        self.model.connect('desktop-view-icons-changed',
++                           self.__desktop_view_icons_changed_cb)
++    def __desktop_view_icons_changed_cb(self, model):
++        number_of_views = desktop.get_number_of_views()
++        self.assertTrue(number_of_views == len(self.target))
++        view_icons = desktop.get_view_icons()
++        self.assertTrue(len(view_icons) == len(self.target))
++        right_view_icons = [view['view-icon'] for view in self.target]
++        for i in range(len(view_icons)):
++            self.assertTrue(view_icons[i] in right_view_icons)
++        favorite_icons = desktop.get_favorite_icons()
++        self.assertTrue(len(favorite_icons) >= len(self.target))
++    def test_unset_views(self):
++        self.target = _VIEW_ICONS
++        with self.run_view("gtk_main"):
++            settings = Gio.Settings.new(_DESKTOP_CONF_DIR)
++            variant = GLib.Variant('aa{ss}', self.target)
++            settings.set_value(_HOMEVIEWS_KEY, variant)
++    def test_set_views(self):
++        self.target = _MOCK_LIST
++        with self.run_view("gtk_main"):
++            settings = Gio.Settings.new(_DESKTOP_CONF_DIR)
++            variant = GLib.Variant('aa{ss}', self.target)
++            settings.set_value(_HOMEVIEWS_KEY, variant)
++    def tearDown(self):
++        self.target = self._save_homeviews.unpack()
++        settings = Gio.Settings.new(_DESKTOP_CONF_DIR)
++        settings.set_value(_HOMEVIEWS_KEY, self._save_homeviews)
+diff --git b/tests/test_downloader.py a/tests/test_downloader.py
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..7e661ce
+--- /dev/null
++++ a/tests/test_downloader.py
+@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
++# Copyright (C) 2013, One Laptop per Child
++# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
++# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
++# (at your option) any later version.
++# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++# GNU General Public License for more details.
++# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++# along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
++import os
++import unittest
++import threading
++import http.server
++import socketserver
++from gi.repository import Gtk
++from sugar3 import env
++from jarabe.util.downloader import Downloader
++profile_data_dir = os.path.join(env.get_profile_path(), 'data')
++if not os.path.isdir(profile_data_dir):
++    os.makedirs(profile_data_dir)
++tests_dir = os.getcwd()
++data_dir = os.path.join(tests_dir, "data")
++class TestDownloader(unittest.TestCase):
++    def setUp(self):
++        handler = http.server.SimpleHTTPRequestHandler
++        self._server = socketserver.TCPServer(("", 0), handler)
++        self._port = self._server.server_address[1]
++        self._server_thread = threading.Thread(target=self._run_http_server)
++        self._server_thread.daemon = True
++        self._server_thread.start()
++    def tearDown(self):
++        self._server.shutdown()
++        self._server_thread.join()
++    def _run_http_server(self):
++        self._server.serve_forever()
++    def download_complete_cb(self, downloader, result):
++        self._complete = True
++        self._result = result
++    def test_download_to_temp(self):
++        downloader = Downloader("" % self._port)
++        self._complete = False
++        downloader.connect('complete', self.download_complete_cb)
++        downloader.download_to_temp()
++        while not self._complete:
++            Gtk.main_iteration()
++        self.assertIsNone(self._result)
++        path = downloader.get_local_file_path()
++        text = open(path, "r").read()
++        self.assertEqual("hello\n", text)
++    def test_download(self):
++        downloader = Downloader("" % self._port)
++        self._complete = False
++        downloader.connect('complete', self.download_complete_cb)
++        downloader.download()
++        while not self._complete:
++            Gtk.main_iteration()
++        self.assertEqual("hello\n", self._result.get_data())
++    def test_get_size(self):
++        downloader = Downloader("" % self._port)
++        self._complete = False
++        downloader.connect('complete', self.download_complete_cb)
++        downloader.get_size()
++        while not self._complete:
++            Gtk.main_iteration()
++        self.assertEqual(6, self._result)
+diff --git b/tests/test_journaltoolbox.py a/tests/test_journaltoolbox.py
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..3631638
+--- /dev/null
++++ a/tests/test_journaltoolbox.py
+@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
++# Copyright (C) 2012, Daniel Narvaez
++# Copyright (C) 2013, Walter Bender
++# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
++# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
++# (at your option) any later version.
++# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++# GNU General Public License for more details.
++# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++# along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
++from sugar3.test import unittest
++from sugar3.test import uitree
++ACCOUNT_NAME = 'mock'
++class TestDetailToolBox(unittest.UITestCase):
++    def test_detail_toolbox(self):
++        with self.run_view("journal_detailstoolbox"):
++            root = uitree.get_root()
++            for name in ['Clipboard', ACCOUNT_NAME]:
++                node = root.find_child(name=name, role_name='menu item')
++                self.assertIsNotNone(node)
+diff --git b/tests/test_microformat.py a/tests/test_microformat.py
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..4ce3ebe
+--- /dev/null
++++ a/tests/test_microformat.py
+@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
++# Copyright (C) 2013, One Laptop per Child
++# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
++# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
++# (at your option) any later version.
++# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++# GNU General Public License for more details.
++# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++# along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
++import unittest
++import os
++from sugar3.bundle.bundleversion import NormalizedVersion
++from jarabe.model.update.microformat import _UpdateHTMLParser
++from jarabe.model.update.microformat import MetadataLookup
++tests_dir = os.getcwd()
++data_dir = os.path.join(tests_dir, "data")
++class TestMicroformat(unittest.TestCase):
++    def test_html_parser(self):
++        parser = _UpdateHTMLParser("http://www.sugarlabs.org")
++        fd = open(os.path.join(data_dir, "microformat.html"), "r")
++        parser.feed(fd.read())
++        parser.close()
++        results = parser.results
++        self.assertIn('org.sugarlabs.AbacusActivity', list(results.keys()))
++        self.assertIn('org.laptop.WebActivity', list(results.keys()))
++        # test that we picked the newest version
++        version, url = results['org.sugarlabs.AbacusActivity']
++        self.assertEqual(NormalizedVersion("43"), version)
++        self.assertEqual("http://download.sugarlabs.org/abacus-43.xo", url)
++        # test resolve relative url
++        version, url = results['org.laptop.WebActivity']
++        self.assertEqual("http://www.sugarlabs.org/browse-149.xo", url)
++    def test_zip_name_lookup(self):
++        fd = open(os.path.join(data_dir, "activity-1.xo"))
++        lookup = MetadataLookup(None)
++        name = lookup._name_from_fd(fd)
++        self.assertEqual("My Activity", name)
+diff --git b/tests/test_modemconfiguration.py a/tests/test_modemconfiguration.py
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..b8b61e5
+--- /dev/null
++++ a/tests/test_modemconfiguration.py
+@@ -0,0 +1,188 @@
++# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-
++# Copyright (C) 2013, Miguel González
++# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
++# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
++# (at your option) any later version.
++# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++# GNU General Public License for more details.
++# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++# along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
++import unittest
++from xml.etree.cElementTree import ElementTree
++from mock import patch
++from cpsection.modemconfiguration.model import CountryCodeParser, \
++    ServiceProvidersParser, ServiceProviders, PROVIDERS_PATH
++from cpsection.modemconfiguration.model import CONF_SP_COUNTRY, \
++class CountryCodeParserTest(unittest.TestCase):
++    def test_get_country(self):
++        self.assertEqual(CountryCodeParser().get('ad'), 'Andorra')
++        self.assertEqual(CountryCodeParser().get('es'), 'Spain')
++        self.assertEqual(CountryCodeParser().get('zw'), 'Zimbabwe')
++    def test_raise_if_not_found(self):
++        with self.assertRaises(KeyError):
++            CountryCodeParser().get('xx')
++class ServiceProvidersParserTest(unittest.TestCase):
++    def setUp(self):
++        self.tree = ElementTree(file=PROVIDERS_PATH)
++        self.countries_from_xml = self.tree.findall('country')
++        self.db = ServiceProvidersParser()
++        self.countries_from_class = self.db.get_countries()
++    def test_get_countries(self):
++        for country in self.countries_from_class:
++            self.assertEqual(country.tag, 'country')
++    def test_get_country_idx_by_code(self):
++        for idx, country in enumerate(self.countries_from_class):
++            country_code = country.attrib['code']
++            country_idx = self.db.get_country_idx_by_code(country_code)
++            self.assertEqual(idx, country_idx)
++    def test_get_country_name_by_idx(self):
++        for idx, country in enumerate(self.countries_from_class):
++            country_code = country.attrib['code']
++            self.assertEqual(
++                CountryCodeParser().get(country_code),
++                self.db.get_country_name_by_idx(idx)
++            )
++    def test_get_providers(self):
++        for country_idx, country in enumerate(self.countries_from_class):
++            providers = self.db.get_providers(country_idx)
++            for provider in providers:
++                self.assertEqual(provider.tag, 'provider')
++                self.assertIsNotNone(provider.find('.//gsm'))
++    def test_get_plans(self):
++        for country_idx, country in enumerate(self.countries_from_class):
++            providers = self.db.get_providers(country_idx)
++            for provider_idx, provider in enumerate(providers):
++                plans = self.db.get_plans(country_idx, provider_idx)
++                for plan in plans:
++                    self.assertEqual(plan.tag, 'apn')
++    def get_providers(self, country_xml):
++        """Given a country element find all provider with a gsm tag."""
++        idx = 0
++        for provider in country_xml.findall('provider'):
++            if provider.find('.//gsm'):
++                yield idx, provider
++                idx = idx + 1
++    def get_plans(self, provider_xml):
++        """Given a provider element find all apn elements."""
++        for idx, plan in enumerate(provider_xml.findall('.//apn')):
++            yield idx, plan
++    def test_get_some_specific_values(self):
++        for country in self.countries_from_xml:
++            country_code = country.attrib['code']
++            country_idx = self.db.get_country_idx_by_code(country_code)
++            for provider_idx, provider in self.get_providers(country):
++                plans_from_class = self.db.get_plans(country_idx,
++                                                     provider_idx)
++                for plan_idx, plan in self.get_plans(provider):
++                    plan_from_class = plans_from_class[plan_idx]
++                    self.assertEqual(plan.attrib['value'],
++                                     plan_from_class.attrib['value'])
++class ServiceProvidersTest(unittest.TestCase):
++    def setUp(self):
++        self.db = ServiceProviders()
++        self.countries = self.db.get_countries()
++    def test_go_trough_all_combo_options(self):
++        # Traverse countries
++        for country in self.countries:
++            # Check if country is stored
++            self.db.set_country(country.idx)
++            new_country = self.db.get_country()
++            self.assertEqual(country.code, new_country.code)
++            # Traverse providers for country
++            providers = self.db.get_providers()
++            for provider in providers:
++                # Check if provider is stored
++                self.db.set_provider(provider.idx)
++                new_provider = self.db.get_provider()
++                self.assertEqual(provider.name, new_provider.name)
++                # Traverse plans for provider
++                plans = self.db.get_plans()
++                for plan in plans:
++                    # Check if plan is stored
++                    self.db.set_plan(plan.idx)
++                    new_plan = self.db.get_plan()
++                    self.assertEqual(plan.name, new_plan.name)
++                    # Check if selection is permanently stored
++                    db2 = ServiceProviders()
++                    country2 = db2.get_country()
++                    provider2 = db2.get_provider()
++                    plan2 = db2.get_plan()
++                    self.assertEqual(country2.idx, country.idx)
++                    self.assertEqual(provider2.idx, provider.idx)
++                    self.assertEqual(plan2.idx, plan.idx)
++class FakeConfClient(object):
++    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
++        self.store = {
++            CONF_SP_COUNTRY: None,
++            CONF_SP_PROVIDER: None,
++            CONF_SP_PLAN: None,
++        }
++        self.store.update(kwargs)
++    def get_string(self, key):
++        return self.store[key]
++    def set_string(self, key, value):
++        self.store[key] = value
++        return
++    def get_int(self, key):
++        return self.store[key]
++    def set_int(self, key, value):
++        self.store[key] = value
++        return
++class ServiceProvidersGuessCountryTest(unittest.TestCase):
++    def setUp(self):
++        # patch Gio.Settings to use a fake client
++        conf_patcher = patch('gi.repository.Gio.Settings')
++        conf_mock = conf_patcher.start()
++        conf_mock.return_value = FakeConfClient(CONF_SP_COUNTRY=None)
++        self.addCleanup(conf_patcher.stop)
++    def test_guess_country(self):
++        LOCALE = ('hi_IN', 'UTF-8')
++        default_country_code = LOCALE[0][3:5].lower()
++        with patch('locale.getdefaultlocale') as locale_mock:
++            locale_mock.return_value = LOCALE
++            db = ServiceProviders()
++            country = db.get_country()
++            self.assertEqual(country.code, default_country_code)
+diff --git b/tests/test_user_profile.py a/tests/test_user_profile.py
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..f9950de
+--- /dev/null
++++ a/tests/test_user_profile.py
+@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
++# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
++# Copyright (C) 2014, Ignacio Rodriguez
++# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
++# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
++# (at your option) any later version.
++# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++# GNU General Public License for more details.
++# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++# along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
++import unittest
++from cpsection.aboutme import model
++from jarabe.intro.agepicker import AGES
++from jarabe.intro.genderpicker import GENDERS
++TEST_NICKS = ['Ajay Garg', 'Aleksey Lim',
++              'Bernie H. Innocenti', 'Daniel Narvaez',
++              'Emil Dudev', 'Gonzalo Odiard',
++              'Ignacio Rodríguez', 'Jorge Alberto Gómez López',
++              'Sai Vineet', 'Sam Parkinson',
++              'Sascha Silbe', 'Walter Bender']
++TEST_COLORS = [['#FF8F00', '#FF2B34'],
++               ['#00A0FF', '#008009'],
++               ['#BCCEFF', '#F8E800'],
++               ['#FF2B34', '#7F00BF'],
++               ['#FF2B34', '#5E008C'],
++               ['#BCCDFF', '#AC32FF'],
++               ['#00EA11', '#9A5200'],
++               ['#A700FF', '#FF8F00'],
++               ['#00EA11', '#7F00BF'],
++               ['#8BFF7A', '#F8E800'],
++               ['#00A0FF', '#5E008C'],
++               ['#7F00BF', '#AC32FF']]
++class TestUserProfile(unittest.TestCase):
++    def test_user_gender_age(self):
++        for gender in GENDERS:
++            for age in AGES:
++                model.set_gender(gender)
++                model.set_age(age)
++                self.assertEqual(model.get_age(), age)
++                self.assertEqual(model.get_gender(), gender)
++    def test_user_nick(self):
++        for nick in TEST_NICKS:
++            model.set_nick(nick)
++            self.assertEqual(model.get_nick(), nick)
++    def test_user_color(self):
++        for new_color in TEST_COLORS:
++            new_color = "%s,%s" % (new_color[0], new_color[1])
++            model.set_color_xo(new_color)
++            self.assertEqual(model.get_color(), new_color)
+diff --git b/tests/test_webaccount.py a/tests/test_webaccount.py
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..7c4681a
+--- /dev/null
++++ a/tests/test_webaccount.py
+@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
++# Copyright (C) 2012, Daniel Narvaez
++# Copyright (C) 2013, Walter Bender
++# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
++# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
++# (at your option) any later version.
++# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++# GNU General Public License for more details.
++# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++# along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
++from sugar3.test import unittest
++from sugar3.test import uitree
++ACCOUNT_NAME = 'mock'
++class TestWebAccount(unittest.UITestCase):
++    def test_webaccount(self):
++        with self.run_view("webaccount"):
++            root = uitree.get_root()
++            for name in [ACCOUNT_NAME]:
++                node = root.find_child(name=name, role_name='label')
++                self.assertIsNotNone(node)
+diff --git b/tests/test_webservice.py a/tests/test_webservice.py
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..56de599
+--- /dev/null
++++ a/tests/test_webservice.py
+@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
++# Copyright (C) 2013, Walter Bender
++# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
++# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
++# (at your option) any later version.
++# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++# GNU General Public License for more details.
++# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++# along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
++import os
++import sys
++import unittest
++from gi.repository import Gtk
++from jarabe import config
++from jarabe.webservice.account import Account
++from jarabe.webservice import accountsmanager
++ACCOUNT_NAME = 'mock'
++tests_dir = os.getcwd()
++extension_dir = os.path.join(tests_dir, 'extensions')
++web_extension_dir = os.path.join(extension_dir, 'webservice')
++class TestWebAccounts(unittest.TestCase):
++    def setUp(self):
++        os.environ["MOCK_ACCOUNT_STATE"] = str(Account.STATE_NONE)
++        self.save_ext_path = config.ext_path
++        config.ext_path = extension_dir
++        sys.path.append(config.ext_path)
++    def test_get_description(self):
++        accounts = accountsmanager.get_all_accounts()
++        found_mock_account = False
++        for account in accounts:
++            if account.get_description() == ACCOUNT_NAME:
++                found_mock_account = True
++                break
++        self.assertTrue(found_mock_account)
++    def test_icon_theme(self):
++        icon_theme = Gtk.IconTheme.get_default()
++        icon_search_path = icon_theme.get_search_path()
++        icon_path = os.path.join(web_extension_dir, ACCOUNT_NAME, 'icons')
++        self.assertTrue(icon_path in icon_search_path)
++    def test_get_webaccount_services(self):
++        services = accountsmanager.get_webaccount_services()
++        self.assertTrue(len(services) > 0)
++    def test_get_all_accounts(self):
++        accounts = accountsmanager.get_all_accounts()
++        self.assertTrue(len(accounts) > 0)
++    def test_get_account(self):
++        account = accountsmanager.get_account('mock')
++        self.assertIsNotNone(account)
++    def test_get_service(self):
++        account = accountsmanager.get_service('mock')
++        self.assertIsNotNone(account)
++    def test_get_configured_accounts(self):
++        os.environ["MOCK_ACCOUNT_STATE"] = str(Account.STATE_VALID)
++        accounts = accountsmanager.get_configured_accounts()
++        count = len(accounts)
++        self.assertTrue(count > 0)
++        self.assertTrue(accountsmanager.has_configured_accounts())
++        os.environ["MOCK_ACCOUNT_STATE"] = str(Account.STATE_NONE)
++        accounts = accountsmanager.get_configured_accounts()
++        self.assertTrue(len(accounts) == count - 1)
++        os.environ["MOCK_ACCOUNT_STATE"] = str(Account.STATE_EXPIRED)
++        accounts = accountsmanager.get_configured_accounts()
++        self.assertTrue(len(accounts) == count)
++    def test_get_active_accounts(self):
++        os.environ["MOCK_ACCOUNT_STATE"] = str(Account.STATE_VALID)
++        accounts = accountsmanager.get_active_accounts()
++        count = len(accounts)
++        self.assertTrue(count > 0)
++        os.environ["MOCK_ACCOUNT_STATE"] = str(Account.STATE_EXPIRED)
++        accounts = accountsmanager.get_active_accounts()
++        self.assertTrue(len(accounts) == count - 1)
++    def test_share_menu(self):
++        accounts = accountsmanager.get_all_accounts()
++        for account in accounts:
++            shared_journal_entry = account.get_shared_journal_entry()
++            share_menu = shared_journal_entry.get_share_menu(
++                {'account': 'mock'})
++            self.assertIsNotNone(share_menu)
++    def test_refresh_menu(self):
++        accounts = accountsmanager.get_all_accounts()
++        for account in accounts:
++            shared_journal_entry = account.get_shared_journal_entry()
++            refresh_menu = shared_journal_entry.get_refresh_menu()
++            self.assertIsNotNone(refresh_menu)
++    def tearDown(self):
++        sys.path.remove(config.ext_path)
++        config.ext_path = self.save_ext_path
+diff --git b/tests/views/activitieslist.py a/tests/views/activitieslist.py
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..e954b47
+--- /dev/null
++++ a/tests/views/activitieslist.py
+@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
++# Copyright (C) 2013, Daniel Narvaez
++# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
++# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
++# (at your option) any later version.
++# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++# GNU General Public License for more details.
++# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++# along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
++import os
++from gi.repository import Gtk
++from dbus.mainloop.glib import DBusGMainLoop
++from jarabe.desktop.activitieslist import ActivityListPalette
++tests_dir = os.getcwd()
++base_dir = os.path.dirname(tests_dir)
++data_dir = os.path.join(tests_dir, "data")
++class MockActivityInfo:
++    def get_bundle_id(self):
++        return "mock"
++    def get_activity_version(self):
++        return 1
++    def get_is_favorite(self):
++        return False
++    def get_icon(self):
++        return os.path.join(data_dir, "activity.svg")
++    def get_name(self):
++        return "mock"
++    def get_path(self):
++        return "mock"
++    def is_user_activity(self):
++        return True
++os.environ["SUGAR_MIME_DEFAULTS"] = \
++    os.path.join(base_dir, "data", "mime.defaults")
++palette = ActivityListPalette(MockActivityInfo())
+diff --git b/tests/views/gtk_main.py a/tests/views/gtk_main.py
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..2dc088d
+--- /dev/null
++++ a/tests/views/gtk_main.py
+@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
++# Copyright (C) 2013, Walter Bender
++# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
++# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
++# (at your option) any later version.
++# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++# GNU General Public License for more details.
++# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++# along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
++from gi.repository import Gtk
+diff --git b/tests/views/journal_detailstoolbox.py a/tests/views/journal_detailstoolbox.py
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..77e4fee
+--- /dev/null
++++ a/tests/views/journal_detailstoolbox.py
+@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
++# Copyright (C) 2013, Walter Bender
++# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
++# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
++# (at your option) any later version.
++# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++# GNU General Public License for more details.
++# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++# along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
++import os
++import sys
++from gi.repository import Gtk
++from dbus.mainloop.glib import DBusGMainLoop
++from jarabe import config
++from jarabe.journal.journaltoolbox import DetailToolbox
++from jarabe.journal.journalwindow import JournalWindow
++from jarabe.webservice.account import Account
++ACCOUNT_NAME = 'mock'
++class JournalMock(JournalWindow):
++    def get_mount_point(self):
++        return '/'
++tests_dir = os.getcwd()
++extension_dir = os.path.join(tests_dir, 'extensions')
++os.environ["MOCK_ACCOUNT_STATE"] = str(Account.STATE_VALID)
++config.ext_path = extension_dir
++window = Gtk.Window()
++toolbox = DetailToolbox(JournalMock())
++toolbox.set_metadata({'mountpoint': '/', 'uid': '', 'title': 'mock'})
+diff --git b/tests/views/webaccount.py a/tests/views/webaccount.py
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..f40ebb6
+--- /dev/null
++++ a/tests/views/webaccount.py
+@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
++# Copyright (C) 2013, Walter Bender
++# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
++# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
++# (at your option) any later version.
++# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++# GNU General Public License for more details.
++# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++# along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
++import os
++import sys
++from gi.repository import Gtk
++from jarabe import config
++from jarabe.webservice.account import Account
++from jarabe.webservice import accountsmanager
++ACCOUNT_NAME = 'mock'
++tests_dir = os.getcwd()
++extension_dir = os.path.join(tests_dir, 'extensions')
++os.environ["MOCK_ACCOUNT_STATE"] = str(Account.STATE_VALID)
++config.ext_path = extension_dir
++window = Gtk.Window()
++box = Gtk.HBox()
++services = accountsmanager.get_webaccount_services()
++for service in services:
++    if service.get_icon_name() == ACCOUNT_NAME:
++        service.config_service_cb(None, None, box)