#!/bin/bash # # Copyright (C) 2008-2016 Ruben Rodriguez <ruben@trisquel.info> # Copyright (C) 2015 Santiago Rodriguez <santi@trisquel.info> # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA # VERSION=46 . ./config rm debian/control # revert https://bug851702.bugzilla.mozilla.org/attachment.cgi?id=733785 patch -p1 < $DATA/enable-js-options.patch cp ./browser/components/preferences/advanced-scripts.xul ./browser/components/preferences/in-content/ # KDE integration patches from https://www.rosenauer.org/hg/mozilla # Use firefox$MAJORVERSION branch if available, otherwise use default MAJORVERSION=$(echo `pkgversion` | /bin/sed 's/\([0-9]\+\).*/\1/') BRANCH=firefox$MAJORVERSION if ! wget --spider https://rosenauer.org/hg/mozilla/log/$BRANCH; then BRANCH=default fi wget https://rosenauer.org/hg/mozilla/raw-file/$BRANCH/mozilla-kde.patch -O debian/patches/mozilla-kde.patch wget https://rosenauer.org/hg/mozilla/raw-file/$BRANCH/firefox-kde.patch -O debian/patches/abrowser-kde.patch # Add to series cat << EOF >> debian/patches/series mozilla-kde.patch abrowser-kde.patch EOF # Add kde.js file echo 'pref("browser.preferences.instantApply", false);' > debian/kde.js sed -i '/pre-build/r /dev/stdin' debian/rules << 'EOF' mkdir -p $(MOZ_DISTDIR)/bin/defaults/pref cp $(CURDIR)/debian/kde.js $(MOZ_DISTDIR)/bin/defaults/pref/kde.js EOF # A line is added to widget/gtk/moz.build by unity-menubar.patch, so we have to fix mozilla-kde.patch sed -i "/widget\/gtk\/moz\.build/,/widget\/gtk\/nsFilePicker\.cpp/{ /chromium/d; /generic/a\ \ \ \ \ '/layout/style', ; }" debian/patches/mozilla-kde.patch # js settings cat $DATA/settings.js >> debian/vendor-firefox.js # Replace ubufox recommendation sed 's/xul-ext-ubufox/xul-ext-youtube-html5-video-player/' -i debian/control.in # Disable healtreport cat << EOF > toolkit/components/telemetry/healthreport-prefs.js pref("datareporting.healthreport.uploadEnabled", false); pref("datareporting.healthreport.about.reportUrl", "https://trisquel.info/legal"); pref("datareporting.healthreport.infoURL", "https://trisquel.info/legal"); EOF cp toolkit/components/telemetry/healthreport-prefs.js mobile/android/chrome/content/healthreport-prefs.js sed 's%https://www.mozilla.org/legal/privacy/%https://trisquel.info/legal%' -i ./modules/libpref/init/all.js ./browser/app/profile/firefox.js ./toolkit/content/aboutRights.xhtml #sed 's%https://www.mozilla.org/firefox/central/%https://trisquel.info/browser%' -i browser/base/content/browser-appmenu.inc # Remove Google API key rm debian/ga debian/go sed '/Google API/,$ d' debian/config/mozconfig.in -i # Enable gst support [ $REVISION = "6.0" ] && apt-get install -y --force-yes libgstreamermm-0.10-dev [ $REVISION = "6.0" ] && echo "ac_add_options --enable-gstreamer=0.10" >> debian/config/mozconfig.in [ $REVISION = "7.0" ] && echo "ac_add_options --enable-gstreamer=1.0" >> debian/config/mozconfig.in sed 's/1204/60/g; s/1210/65/g; s/1404/70/g' -i debian/config/mozconfig.in debian/firefox-dev.install.in debian/firefox-dev.links.in sed 's/com.ubuntu/org.trisquel/' -i debian/config/mozconfig.in # Disable DRM support echo ac_add_options --disable-eme >> debian/config/mozconfig.in sed '/gmp-clearkey/d' -i ./debian/firefox.install.in # Locale packages should provide firefox-locale-$LANG sed "s/Provides.*/Provides: firefox-locale-@LANGCODE@/" -i debian/control.langpacks # Remove Ubuntu bookmarks sed -i /ubuntu-bookmarks/d debian/patches/series rm debian/patches/ubuntu-bookmarks* # Remove Ubuntu l10n search preferences sed -i /ubuntu-search-defaults/d debian/patches/series rm debian/patches/ubuntu-search-defaults* #Unbrand url codes for google and amazon find debian/searchplugins |grep google| xargs -i /bin/sed '/ubuntu/d; /channel/d' -i {} find debian/searchplugins |grep amazon| xargs -i /bin/sed '/canoniccom/d;' -i {} #Replace canonical referer with our own for duckduckgo find debian/searchplugins |grep duck| xargs -i /bin/sed 's/canonical/trisquel/' -i {} replace "mozilla.com/plugincheck" "trisquel.info/browser" . # contact link #sed 's_https://input.mozilla.org/feedback_https://trisquel.info/contact_' -i browser/base/content/utilityOverlay.js cat << EOF > debian/distribution.ini [Global] id=trisquel version=$REVISION about=Abrowser for Trisquel GNU/Linux [Preferences] app.distributor = "trisquel" app.distributor.channel = "trisquel" app.partner.ubuntu = "trisquel" EOF sed "s/^MOZ_APP_NAME\t.*/MOZ_APP_NAME\t\t:= abrowser/;" debian/build/config.mk -i sed "s/^MOZ_PKG_NAME\t.*/MOZ_PKG_NAME\t\t:= abrowser/;" debian/build/config.mk -i ############################################################################3 ############################################################################3 ############################################################################3 sed "s_^Maintainer.*_Maintainer: $DEBFULLNAME <$DEBEMAIL>_g" -i debian/control.in # Replace Firefox branding find -type d | grep firefox | xargs rename s/firefox/abrowser/ find -type d | grep firefox | xargs rename s/firefox/abrowser/ find -type f | grep firefox | xargs rename s/firefox/abrowser/ find -type f | grep Firefox | xargs rename s/Firefox/Abrowser/ replace "Mozilla Firefox" "Abrowser" . replace firefox abrowser . replace Firefox Abrowser . replace FIREFOX ABROWSER . replace " Mozilla " " Trisquel " . sed -i '2s/^Source:.*/Source: firefox/' debian/control.in replace PACKAGES/abrowser PACKAGES/firefox . sed s/Trisquel/Mozilla/ l10n/compare-locales/scripts/compare-locales -i sed s/Trisquel/Mozilla/ l10n/compare-locales/setup.py -i replace "iceweasel, abrowser" "iceweasel, firefox" . replace "Replaces: abrowser" "Replaces: firefox" . #sed s/Ubuntu/Trisquel/g debian/rules -i sed s/ubuntu/trisquel/g debian/distribution.ini -i sed 's/ubuntu_version/trisquel_version/; s/Ubuntu 10.10/Trisquel 4.0/; s/1010/40/' -i debian/abrowser.postinst.in replace "Adobe Flash" "Flash" . # abrowser should provide firefox sed '/Package: @MOZ_PKG_NAME@-dev/,/Description:/ s/Provides:/Provides: firefox-dev, /' debian/control.in -i sed '/Package: @MOZ_PKG_NAME@$/,/Description:/ s/Provides:/Provides: firefox, /' debian/control.in -i # Branding files rm browser/branding/* -rf cp -a $DATA/branding/ browser/branding/official cat << EOF > debian/config/branch.mk CHANNEL = release MOZ_WANT_UNIT_TESTS = 0 # MOZ_BUILD_OFFICIAL = 1 MOZ_ENABLE_BREAKPAD = 0 MOZILLA_REPO = http://hg.mozilla.org/releases/mozilla-release L10N_REPO = http://hg.mozilla.org/releases/l10n/mozilla-release EOF # Replace about:home rm browser/base/content/abouthome -rf cp $DATA/abouthome -a browser/base/content sed '/mozilla.*png/d' -i ./browser/base/jar.mn sed '/abouthome/s/*/ /' -i ./browser/base/jar.mn # Delete stuff we don't use and that may contain trademaked logos rm -rf ./browser/metro ./addon-sdk/source/doc/static-files/media ./browser/themes/windows ./browser/themes/osx ./b2g #Trisquel custom bookmarks cp $DATA/bookmarks.html.in browser/locales/generic/profile/bookmarks.html.in #Trisquel custom search engines cp $DATA/searchplugins/*.xml debian/searchplugins/en-US/ cp $DATA/searchplugins/searchplugins.conf debian/config/ # install aboutabrowser extension cp $DATA/aboutabrowser@trisquel.info -r debian echo "debian/aboutabrowser@trisquel.info @MOZ_ADDONDIR@/extensions/" >> debian/abrowser.install.in # Disable newtab "What is this" popup and config button cat << EOF >> browser/themes/linux/newtab/newTab.css #newtab-customize-button, #newtab-intro-what{ display:none } EOF # Disable search field at extensions panel #sed '/header-search/d; /search.placeholder/d' -i toolkit/mozapps/extensions/content/extensions.xul cat << EOF >> toolkit/mozapps/extensions/content/extensions.css #header-search { display:none; } EOF # Disable mobile promo sed '/fxaMobilePromo/,/label>$/d' -i browser/components/preferences/in-content/sync.xul find -wholename '*/brand.dtd' |xargs /bin/sed 's/trademarkInfo.part1.*/trademarkInfo.part1 "">/' -i for STRING in community.end3 community.exp.end community.start2 community.mozillaLink community.middle2 community.creditsLink community.end2 contribute.start contribute.getInvolvedLink contribute.end channel.description.start channel.description.end do find -name aboutDialog.dtd | xargs sed -i "s/ENTITY $STRING.*/ENTITY $STRING \"\">/" done for STRING in rights.intro-point3-unbranded rights.intro-point4a-unbranded rights.intro-point4b-unbranded rights.intro-point4c-unbranded do find -name aboutRights.dtd | xargs sed -i "s/ENTITY $STRING.*/ENTITY $STRING \"\">/" done replace www.mozilla.com/abrowser/central trisquel.info/browser replace www.mozilla.com/legal/privacy trisquel.info/legal sed -i 's/<a\ href\=\"http\:\/\/www.mozilla.org\/\">Mozilla\ Project<\/a>/<a\ href\=\"http\:\/\/www.trisquel.info\/\"\>Trisquel\ Project<\/a>/g' browser/base/content/overrides/app-license.html # We went too far... replace "Trisquel Public" "Mozilla Public" . replace "Trisquel Foundation" "Mozilla Foundation" . replace "Trisquel Corporation" "Mozilla Corporation" . replace "abrowser.com" "firefox.com" . #sed -i 's/iceweasel, abrowser, icecat,/iceweasel, firefox, icecat,/g' debian/control.in sed '/Provides/s/abrowser-locale/firefox-locale/' -i debian/control.langpacks # Restore useragent to Firefox sed '/MOZILLA_UAVERSION/ s:Abrowser/:Firefox/:' -i netwerk/protocol/http/nsHttpHandler.cpp # Set migrator scripts sed 's/Abrowser/Firefox/g; s/abrowser/firefox/g' -i browser/components/migration/AbrowserProfileMigrator.js sed s/ChromeProfileMigrator/_temp_/ -i browser/components/migration/moz.build sed s/AbrowserProfileMigrator/ChromeProfileMigrator/ -i browser/components/migration/moz.build sed s/_temp_/AbrowserProfileMigrator/ -i browser/components/migration/moz.build # Postinst script to manage profile migration and system links echo ' if [ "$1" = "configure" ] || [ "$1" = "abort-upgrade" ] ; then [ -f /usr/bin/firefox ] || ln -s /usr/bin/abrowser /usr/bin/firefox for HOMEDIR in $(grep :/home/ /etc/passwd |grep -v usbmux |grep -v syslog|cut -d : -f 6) do [ -d $HOMEDIR/.mozilla/abrowser ] && continue || true [ -d $HOMEDIR/.mozilla/firefox ] || continue echo Linking $HOMEDIR/.mozilla/firefox into $HOMEDIR/.mozilla/abrowser ln -s $HOMEDIR/.mozilla/firefox $HOMEDIR/.mozilla/abrowser done fi exit 0 ' >> debian/abrowser.postinst.in debian/rules debian/control touch -d "yesterday" debian/control debian/rules debian/control # Regenerate addon-sdk/moz.build ./mach generate-addon-sdk-moz-build #https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1047803 sed 's/--enable-optimize$/--enable-optimize="-O2"/' -i debian/config/mozconfig.in changelog "Rebranded for Trisquel" compile