diff --git a/helpers/DATA/compton/compton-launcher b/helpers/DATA/compton/compton-launcher
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..59a9a0336f132551b3757228a17199218d70d8e8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/helpers/DATA/compton/compton-launcher
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+[ $DESKTOP_SESSION = "trisquel-session" ] || exit 0
+[ -f $HOME/.config/disable-compton ] && exit 0
+[ -f $HOME/.config/compton.conf ] && FILE="$HOME/.config/compton.conf"
+[ 0 != $(glxinfo |grep "renderer string:" |grep -v llvmpipe | wc -c) ]  && exec compton --config $FILE &
diff --git a/helpers/DATA/compton/trisquel-compton-switcher b/helpers/DATA/compton/trisquel-compton-switcher
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..107f9e69798b510036084b5a676af4737d9e9d54
--- /dev/null
+++ b/helpers/DATA/compton/trisquel-compton-switcher
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+#Check if compton is currently running.
+case "$(pgrep -u $USER compton | wc -w)" in
+    0)  COMPTON_RUNNING=false
+	;;
+    1)  COMPTON_RUNNING=true
+	;;
+    COMPTON=true
+    DISCOMPTON=false
+elif ! $COMPTON_RUNNING; then
+    COMPTON=false
+    DISCOMPTON=true
+#The text that will be showed to the user.
+TEXT="Use Compton compositor if 3d acceleration available"
+TITLE="Choose between enabling or disabling Compton"
+COMPTON_ENABLED="Compton enabled"
+COMPTON_DISABLED="Compton disabled"
+INFO="Compton is already running"
+#Checks the languange of the system (more can be added in the future) and displays the text corresponding to the language selected.
+if [ $LANG = es_ES.UTF-8 ]; then
+    TEXT="Usar el compositor Compton si el equipo soporta aceleración 3D"
+    TITLE="Seleccionar entre habilitar o deshabilitar los efectos de Compton"
+    COMPTON_ENABLED="Compton habilitado"
+    COMPTON_DISABLED="Compton deshabilitado"
+    INFO="Compton ya se encuentra en ejecución"
+#Zenity is summoned to interact with the user.
+ans=$(zenity --list --hide-header\
+    --title "$TITLE"\
+    --text "$TEXT"\
+    --radiolist\
+    --column "" --column ""\
+#The program reacts to the user's decision.
+if [[ $ans = "$COMPTON_ENABLED" ]] && ! $COMPTON_RUNNING; then
+    rm  $HOME/.config/disable-compton
+    compton-launcher
+#A message is displayed if the user decides to run a program that is already running
+elif [[ $ans = "$COMPTON_ENABLED" ]] && $COMPTON_RUNNING; then
+    zenity --info \
+	--text="$INFO"
+    killall compton
+    touch $HOME/.config/disable-compton
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/helpers/make-compton b/helpers/make-compton
index d0e2e20c4a5a960aa9a48ace52d26a0eb4feb1de..05f118deb10bb65680fc8191b8e84235fce5843d 100644
--- a/helpers/make-compton
+++ b/helpers/make-compton
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 #    Copyright (C) 2011  Rubén Rodríguez <ruben@trisquel.info>
-#    Copyright (C) 2015  Francisco Parra <franparpe@openmailbox.org>
+#    Copyright (C) 2015  Francisco Javier Parra <franparpe@openmailbox.org>
 #    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 #    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
 #    Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301 USA
 . ./config
@@ -28,9 +28,14 @@ cat << EOF >> debian/install
 compton.conf /etc
 compton-autostart.desktop /etc/xdg/autostart
 compton-launcher /usr/bin
+trisquel-compton-switcher /usr/bin
+trisquel-compton-switcher.desktop /usr/share/applications
 cp $DATA/compton.conf .
+cp $DATA/compton-launcher .
+cp $DATA/trisquel-compton-switcher .
 cat << EOF > compton-autostart.desktop
 [Desktop Entry]
@@ -43,21 +48,29 @@ X-GNOME-Autostart-Phase=Initialization
-cat << EOF > compton-launcher
-[ \$DESKTOP_SESSION = "trisquel-session" ] || exit 0
-[ -f \$HOME/.config/disable-compton ] && exit 0
-[ -f \$HOME/.config/compton.conf ] && FILE="\$HOME/.config/compton.conf"
+cat << EOF > trisquel-compton-switcher.desktop
+[Desktop Entry]
+Name=Compton compositor switcher
+Comment=Allows to enable or disable Compton
+Keywords=Compton;Compositing;Window manager;
-[ 0 != \$(glxinfo |grep "renderer string:" |grep -v llvmpipe | wc -c) ]  && exec compton --config \$FILE &
+Name[es]=Gestor del compositor Compton
+Comment[es]=Permite activar o desactivar Compton
 sed 's/^Depends:/Depends: mesa-utils, /' debian/control* -i
+sed 's/^Depends:/Depends: zenity, /' debian/control* -i
 chmod 755 compton-launcher
+chmod 755 trisquel-compton-switcher
 changelog "Backported into Toutatis"