#!/bin/bash # # Copyright (C) 2015 Andrew M. Lindley <andrew@andrewlindley.co.uk> # Copyright (C) 2019 Mason Hock <mason@masonhock.com> # Copyright (C) 2022 Luis Guzman <ark@switnet.org> # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA # # One release to rule them all :) VERSION=4 #. ./config QUILT=skip . ./config # Drop languages Trisquel modifications haven't been translated for yet sed "s|^LANGPO.*|LANGPO :=\t|" -i debian/rules sed -i 's|"LANGPO=$(LANGPO)"||' debian/rules sed '/^\Package: debian-reference-de/,$ d' debian/control -i sed '/debian-reference-fr/,/Description: metapackage/{//p;d;}' debian/control -i sed '/debian-reference-fr/d' debian/control -i # English ASCIIDOC source # remove references to the non-GNU FSDG contrib and non-free repos sed -i 's/ contrib non-free//' rawxml/02_debian_package_management.rawxml sed -i 's| and no dependency to <literal>non-free</literal> ||' rawxml/02_debian_package_management.rawxml #Be carefull to avoid break items or xml structure deleting complete lines. sed -i 's|We will be guided by the needs.*such uses of the system.||' rawxml/02_debian_package_management.rawxml sed -i 's|We acknowledge that some of our .*system and mailing lists).||' rawxml/02_debian_package_management.rawxml sed -i 's|Users should be aware.*areas:||' rawxml/02_debian_package_management.rawxml sed -i 's|Please note that the number of.*system as free as you wish.||' rawxml/02_debian_package_management.rawxml sed -i '/non-free/d' rawxml/02_debian_package_management.rawxml sed -i 's/ contrib//' rawxml/02_debian_package_management.rawxml sed -i 's/(non-free)//' rawxml/04_authentication.rawxml #Be carefull to avoid break items or xml structure deleting complete lines. sed -i 's|Although most hardware devices.*and_firmware"\/>.||' rawxml/05_network_setup.rawxml #sed -i '/non-free/d' rawxml/05_network_setup.rawxml sed -i 's/Debian also offers helper programs to install non-free browser plugin packages as contrib or non-free archive area.//' rawxml/06_network_applications.rawxml sed -i '/contrib/d' -i rawxml/06_network_applications.rawxml #sed -i 's/previously non-free,//' rawxml/07_gui_system.rawxml sed -i '/non-free/d' rawxml/07_gui_system.rawxml #sed -i '/sharing some commercial/,/contaminating/d' rawxml/07_gui_system.rawxml #Be carefull to avoid break items or xml structure deleting complete lines. sed -i 's|<ulink url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Softmodem">Softmodem</ulink> driver ||' rawxml/09_system_tips.rawxml sed -i 's| martian-modem and sl-modem-dkms packages (<literal>non-free</literal>) ||' rawxml/09_system_tips.rawxml sed -i 's|Please note that.*100_free_software"/>.||' rawxml/09_system_tips.rawxml sed -i 's|Please also note.*-free</literal>.||' rawxml/09_system_tips.rawxml sed -i 's|, and <literal>non-free</literal> for binary-only drivers supported by the vendor||' rawxml/09_system_tips.rawxml sed -i '/non-free/d' rawxml/09_system_tips.rawxml #sed -i '/Softmodem/d' -i rawxml/09_system_tips.rawxml sed -i 's| You may need to include the <literal>contrib</literal> and <literal>non-free</literal> archives in addition to the <literal>main</literal> archive since some GFDL documentations are not considered to be DFSG compliant.||' rawxml/12_programming.rawxml changelog 'Remove references to non-free repos #5950, remove already applied patch' package