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Created with Raphaël 2.2.010Jan17May132Nov5Oct27Sep18148whitespacedevelop-no-datadevelop-no-dataadd link to bug trackerheader taskbar adapts on mobile, added name, home link, font awesome iconsadd font-awesome css, fix redirect loop when no database is emptyMerge branch 'new-schema-plus-metadata' into 'develop-no-data'Updated README.mdcss improvementsReplaced cron.php with python implementation, matching new schema valuesUpdated database schema and queries/referencesAdded copyright and license headers to filesAdded ./images to .gitignoreAdd LICENSEupdated search algorithm, adding user language support, update db and cronfix search, display default localefix pagination on searchbasic search feature on title, translation on extension page fixedfix extension without description does not display (sql jointure)scraps extensions, only the ones with a free license, no eula, no privacy policy. Updated front end. Contains icons and databaseclean scraperbasic scraper working. Grabs all the extensions, with a different first run to get them allcurrent cron scraper and database, work in progressfix mergefixing extension page stylefixing category stylefirst commit, testInitial commitAdd LICENSEdevelopdevelopupdated search algorithm, adding user language support, update db and cronfix search, display default localefix pagination on searchbasic search feature on title, translation on extension page fixedfix extension without description does not display (sql jointure)Replace image.pngmainmainReplace image-2.pngReplace image-2.pngReplace image-1.pngscraps extensions, only the ones with a free license, no eula, no privacy policy. Updated front end. Contains icons and databaseclean scraperbasic scraper working. Grabs all the extensions, with a different first run to get them allcurrent cron scraper and database, work in progress