# remove references to the non-GNU FSDG contrib and non-free repos
sed's/ contrib non-free//;s/ and no dependency to `non-free`//;/non-free/d;s/ contrib//'-i asciidoc/02_package.txt
sed's/(non-free)//'-i asciidoc/04_auth.txt
sed'/non-free/d'-i asciidoc/05_network.txt
sed's/Debian also offers helper programs to install non-free browser plugin packages as contrib or non-free archive area.//;/contrib/d'-i asciidoc/06_netapp.txt
sed's/previously non-free,//;/non-free/d;/sharing some commercial/,/contaminating/d'-i asciidoc/07_xwindow.txt
sed's/, and `non-free` for binary-only drivers supported by the vendor//;/non-free/d;/Softmodem/d'-i asciidoc/09_systips.txt
sed's/ You may need to include the `contrib` and `non-free` archives in addition to the `main` archive since some GFDL documentations are not considered to be DFSG compliant.//'-i asciidoc/12_program.txt
sed-i's/Debian also offers helper programs to install non-free browser plugin packages as contrib or non-free archive area.//' rawxml/06_network_applications.rawxml
sed-i's| You may need to include the <literal>contrib</literal> and <literal>non-free</literal> archives in addition to the <literal>main</literal> archive since some GFDL documentations are not considered to be DFSG compliant.||' rawxml/12_programming.rawxml